生物多样性 ›› 2014, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (6): 685-695. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2014.14203
所属专题: 野生动物的红外相机监测
李晟1,,A;*(), 王大军1, 肖治术2, 李欣海2, 王天明3, 冯利民3, 王云4
Sheng Li1,*(), Dajun Wang1, Zhishu Xiao2, Xinhai Li2, Tianming Wang3, Limin Feng3, Yun Wang4
Li Sheng
20年来, 红外相机技术在国内外野生动物研究、监测与保护中得到了广泛应用。基于红外相机技术, 我国在野生动物生态学研究、动物行为学研究、稀有物种的探测与记录、动物本底资源调查、生物多样性监测及保护地管理与保护评价等领域取得了众多成果。目前, 数学模型、统计分析方法和新的概念正在促进红外相机技术在野生动物监测研究与保护管理中的发展和推广应用。同时, 随着红外相机技术的成熟、成本降低和应用普及, 这一技术也将会被更多的野生动物研究人员、管理人员和自然保护区管理者所采用, 并成为全国各级保护地和区域生物多样性监测研究的关键技术和方法。今后, 建立并完善系统化的监测网络和数据共享平台、开发新一代的数据分析方法与模型, 将是此项技术进一步发展和应用的主要方向。
李晟, 王大军, 肖治术, 李欣海, 王天明, 冯利民, 王云 (2014) 红外相机技术在我国野生动物研究与保护中的应用与前景. 生物多样性, 22, 685-695. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2014.14203.
Sheng Li, Dajun Wang, Zhishu Xiao, Xinhai Li, Tianming Wang, Limin Feng, Yun Wang (2014) Camera-trapping in wildlife research and conservation in China: review and outlook. Biodiversity Science, 22, 685-695. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2014.14203.
图2 20世纪90年代中期以来全球(A)和国内(B)应用红外相机技术的野生动物研究文献篇数。(A)全球英文学术论文数量。数据来源为Web of ScienceTM期刊论文数据库。我们以“camera trap”和“camera trapping”为主题检索词, 统计每年发表的英文科学论文数量。检索的学科领域包括: 生态学, 动物学, 生物多样性保护, 环境科学, 生物学, 鸟类学, 林学, 行为学和进化生物学。非野生动物相关的文献已被剔除。(B)国内研究发表的学术论文数量(英文为灰色, 中文为黑色)。数据来源包括中国知网CNKI中文期刊数据库、中国期刊网全文数据库、Web of ScienceTM期刊论文数据库和作者的收集(以上数量统计均只计数发表在学术刊物上的研究论文, 不包括与红外相机技术和数据相关的研究报告、会议摘要、学术专著、新闻报道、科普著作等)。
Fig. 2 Annual publication of peer-reviewed articles on wildlife research involving camera-trapping since mid-1990s. (A) Number of articles published in English globally. Data source: Web of ScienceTM database. Searching key words: “camera trap” and “camera trapping”. Searched area: Ecology, Zoology, Biodiversity Conservation, Environment Science, Biology, Ornithology, Forestry, Ethology and Evolution. Articles that are not related to wildlife are excluded. (B) Number of articles of research conducted in China (grey for articles published in English, black for that in Chinese). Data source: CNKI database, Web of ScienceTM database, and the authors’ collection. (Only include articles published on peer-reviewed academic journals, not include the project reports, conference abstracts, monographs, news reports, educational articles etc. that involving camera trapping)
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[19] | Fu P (付鹏), Zhang Y (张宇), Wu XM (吴晓民), Wang GL (王光磊) (2011) Validity analysis on animal passages along Qinghai-Tibet Railway.Environmental Science and Management(环境科学与管理), 36, 98-106. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[20] | Gopalaswamy AM, Royle JA, Delampady M, Nichols JD, Karanth KU, Macdonald DW (2012) Density estimation in tiger populations: combining information for strong inference.Ecology, 93, 1741-1751. |
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[22] | Hines JE, Boulinier T, Nichols JD, Sauer JR, Pollock KH (1999) COMDYN: software to study the dynamics of animal communities using a capture-recapture approach.Bird Study, 46, 209-217. |
[23] | Huang Z, Qi X, Garber PA, Jin T, Guo S, Li S, Li B (2014) The use of camera traps to identify the set of scavengers preying on the carcass of a golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana).PLoS ONE, 9, e87318. |
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[27] | Karanth KU (1988) Analysis of predator-prey balance in Bandipur Tiger Reserve with reference to census reports.Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 85, 1-8. |
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[40] | Li S (李晟), Zhang XF (张晓峰), Chen P (陈鹏), Wang J (王军), Xiang DQ (向定乾), Dong W (董伟), Zhang XM (张希明), He BS (何百锁), Sun RQ (孙瑞谦), Zhao NX (赵纳勋), Wang DJ (王大军) (2014) The community structure and evelva- tional patterns of forest ungulates at the southern slope of the Qinling Mountains, China.Chinese Journal of Zoology(动物学杂志), 49, 633-643. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[41] | Li XY, Buzzard P, Jiang XL (2014) Habitat associations of four ungulates in mountain forests of southwest China, based on camera trapping and dung counts data.Population Ecology, 56, 251-256. |
[42] | Li YZ (李耀增), Zhou TJ (周铁军), Jiang HB (姜海波) (2008) Utilization effect of wildlife passages in Golmud-Lhasa Section of Qinghai-Tibet railway.China Railway Science(中国铁道科学), 29, 127-131. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[43] | Liu F (刘芳), Li DQ (李迪强), Wu JG (吴记贵) (2012) Using infra-red cameras to survey wildlife in Beijing Songshan National Nature Reserve.Acta Ecologica Sinica(生态学报), 32, 730-739. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[44] | Lu J, Hu DF, Yang LL (2010) Legal status and conservation of cat species in China. Cat News, Special Issue 5, 5-6. |
[45] | Lu XL (卢学理), Jiang ZG (蒋志刚), Tang JR (唐继荣), Wang XJ (王学杰), Xiang DQ (向定乾), Zhang JP (张建平) (2005) Auto-trigger camera traps for studying giant panda and its sympatric wildlife species.Acta Zoologica Sinica(动物学报), 51, 495-500. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
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[64] | Song DZ (宋大昭), Wang BP (王卜平), Jiang JY (蒋进原), Wan SP (万绍平), Cui SM (崔士明), Wang TM (王天明), Feng LM (冯利民) (2014) Using camera trap to monitor a population of North Chinese leopard (Panthera pardus japonesis) and their main ungulate prey.Biodiversity Science(生物多样性), 22, 733-736. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
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[70] | Wang DJ, Li S, McShea WJ, Li MF (2006) Use of remote-trip cameras for wildlife surveys and evaluating the effectiveness of conservation activities at a nature reserve in Sichuan Province, China.Environmental Management, 38, 942-951. |
[71] | Wang DJ, Li S, Jin T, Shao LK (2012) How important is meat in the diet of giant pandas, the most herbivorous bear?International Bear News, 21, 7-9. |
[72] | Wang F, McShea WJ, Wang D, Li S, Zhao Q, Wang H, Lu Z (2014) Evaluating landscape options for corridor restoration between giant panda reserves.PLoS ONE, 9, e105086. |
[73] | Wang JJ (王佳佳), Yu ZG (余志刚), Li ZM (李筑眉), Jiang H (蒋鸿), Liang W (梁伟) (2014) Identifying predators of ground nests of birds in Kuankuoshui Nature Reserve, Guizhou, southwestern China.Chinese Journal of Ecology(生态学杂志), 33, 352-357. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[74] | Wang T, Yang H, Xiao W, Feng L, Mou P, Ge J (2014) Camera traps reveal Amur tiger breeding in NE China.Cat News, 61, 18-19. |
[75] | Wang Y (王云), Piao ZJ (朴正吉), Guan L (关磊), Kong YP (孔亚平) (2013) Influence of Ring Changbai Mountain Scenic Highway on wildlife.Chinese Journal of Ecology(生态学杂志), 32, 425-435. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[76] | Wang Y, Wang YD, Tao SC, Chen XP, Kong YP, Asif S, Ye CY, Pang M (2014) Using infra-red camera trapping technology to monitor mammals along Karakorum Highway in Khunjerab National Park, Pakistan.Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 46, 725-731. |
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[78] | Wu PF (武鹏峰), Liu XH (刘雪华), Cai Q (蔡琼), He XB (何祥博), Songer M, Zhu Y (朱云), Shao XM (邵小明) (2012) The application of infrared camera in mammal research in Guany- inshan Nature Reserve, Shaanxi.Acta Theriologica Sinica(兽类学报), 32, 67-71. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[79] | Xia L, Yang QS, Li ZC, Wu YH, Feng ZJ (2007) The effect of the Qinghai-Tibet railway on the migration of Tibetan antelope Pantholops hodgsonii in Hoh-xil National Nature Reserve, China.Oryx, 41, 352-357. |
[80] | Xiao WH (肖文宏) (2014) Amur Tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) and Its Prey in Hunchun Nature Reserve, Jilin, China: Their Population Size, Distribution and Occupancy (东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)与猎物的种群分布、数量和占据研究). PhD dissertation, Beijing Normal University, Beijing. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[81] | Xiao ZS (肖治术), Hu L (胡力), Wang X (王翔), Shang T (尚涛), Zhu DH (朱大海), Zhao ZL (赵志龙), Huang XQ (黄小群) (2014a) Wildlife diversity after Wenchuan Earthquake: a case from Guangguangshan Valley of Longxi- Hongkou National Nature Reserve, Southwest China.Biodiversity Science(生物多样性), 22, 794-797. (in Chinese) |
[82] | Xiao ZS (肖治术), Wang XZ (王学志), Li XH (李欣海) (2014b) An introduction to CameraData: an online database of wildlife camera trap data.Biodiversity Science(生物多样性), 22, 712-716. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[83] | Xiao ZS (肖治术), Li XH (李欣海), Wang XZ (王学志), Zhou QH (周岐海), Quan RC (权锐昌), Shen XL (申小莉), Li S (李晟) (2014c) Developing camera-trapping protocols for wildlife monitoring in Chinese forests.Biodiversity Science(生物多样性), 22, 704-711. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[84] | Xue YD (薛亚东), Liu F (刘芳), Guo TZ (郭铁征), Yuan L (袁磊), Li DQ (李迪强) (2014) Using camera traps to survey wildlife at water sources on the northern slope of the Altun Mountains, China.Acta Theriologica Sinica(兽类学报), 34, 164-171. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[85] | Yin YF, Drubgyal, Achu, Lu Z, Sanderson J (2007) First photographs in nature of the Chinese mountain cat.Cat News, 47, 6-7. |
[86] | Yu LG (余梁哥), Chen MJ (陈敏杰), Yang SJ (杨士剑), Li XY (李学友), Shi L (师蕾) (2013) Camera trapping survey of Nyticebus pygmaeus, Nyticebus coucang and other sympatric mammals at Dawei Mountain, Yunnan.Sichuan Journal of Zoology(四川动物), 32, 814-818. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[87] | Zhang HF (张洪峰), Feng T (封托), Ji MZ (姬明周), Kong F (孔飞), Wu XM (吴晓民) (2009) Monitor wildlife using small bridges along Qinghai-Tibet railway.Bulletin of Biology(生物学通报), 44(10), 8-10. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[88] | Zhang SS (章书声), Bao YX (鲍毅新), Wang YN (王艳妮), Fang PF (方平福), Ye B (叶彬) (2012) Activity rhythms of black muntjac (Muntiacus crinifron) revealed with infrared camera.Acta Theriologica Sinica(兽类学报), 32, 368-372. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[89] | Zhang SS (章书声), Bao YX (鲍毅新), Wang YN (王艳妮), Fang PF (方平福), Ye B (叶彬) (2013) Estimating rodent density using infrared-triggered camera technology.Acta Ecologica Sinica(生态学报), 33, 3241-3247. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[90] | Zhao YZ (赵玉泽), Wang ZC (王志臣), Xu JL (徐基良), Luo X (罗旭), An LD (安丽丹) (2013) Activity rhythm and behavioral time budgets of wild Reeves’s Pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii) using infrared camera.Acta Ecologica Sinica(生态学报), 33, 6021-6027. (in Chinese with English abstract) |
[1] | 张明军, 王合升, 颜文博, 符运南, 王琦, 曾治高. 海南大田国家级自然保护区小灵猫的活动节律与栖息地选择[J]. 生物多样性, 2024, 32(6): 23420-. |
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