生物多样性 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 22491.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022491

所属专题: 青藏高原生物多样性与生态安全

• 研究报告: 动物多样性 • 上一篇    下一篇


史湘莹1,2, 李雪阳3, 魏春玥1, 孙戈4, 刘震5, 赵翔1, 周嘉鼎1, 樊简1, 李成6,*(), 吕植1,3,*()   

  1. 1.山水自然保护中心, 北京 100871
    2.北京大学国家发展研究院, 北京 100871
    3.北京大学生命科学学院, 北京 100871
    4.中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与自然保护研究所, 北京 100091
    5.西藏自治区林芝市墨脱县林业和草原局, 西藏林芝 860700
    6.西子江生态保育中心, 广东深圳 518112
  • 收稿日期:2022-08-25 接受日期:2022-11-24 出版日期:2023-02-20 发布日期:2023-02-19
  • 通讯作者: *李成, E-mail: 326516420@qq.com;吕植 luzhi@pku.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Avian and mammal diversities and their altitudinal and seasonal distribution patterns in Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon, China

Xiangying Shi1,2, Xueyang Li3, Chunyue Wei1, Ge Sun4, Zhen Liu5, Xiang Zhao1, Jiading Zhou1, Jian Fan1, Cheng Li6,*(), Zhi Lü1,3,*()   

  1. 1. Shan Shui Conservation Center, Beijing 100871
    2. National School of Development, Peking University, Beijing 100871
    3. School of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871
    4. Ecology and Nature Conservation Institute, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091
    5. Forestry and Grassland Bureau of Medog County, Linzhi, Tibet 860700
    6. Xizijiang Conservation Center, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518112


雅鲁藏布大峡谷地区海拔高差大, 开发程度较低, 生物多样性高, 生态系统保存相对完整, 近年来不断有新的物种和记录发现。2020年10月至2021年11月, 我们在西藏墨脱县、波密县和米林县雅鲁藏布大峡谷区域内布设红外相机进行生物多样性本底调查, 选择了7个不同海拔样区, 累计设置116个红外相机位点(海拔范围646-4,360 m), 监测24,741个相机工作日, 获得独立有效视频12,010段。近一年的调查共记录到物种136种, 其中可确定物种的兽类37种, 分属4目14科, 此外还记录到难以定种的鼠兔、鼠类和蝙蝠; 鸟类99种, 分属9目28科; 记录到国家I级重点保护野生动物共14种, 国家II级重点保护野生动物37种。本次拍摄到10个之前红外相机监测未拍摄到的兽类和雉类物种, 包括林麝(Moschus berezovskii)、马麝(M. chrysogaster)、棕熊(Ursus arctos)、亚洲狗獾(Meles leucurus)、黄鼬(Mustela sibirica)、灰头小鼯鼠(Petaurista caniceps)、黑白飞鼠(Hylopetes alboniger)、灰鼯鼠(Petaurista xanthotis)、白尾梢虹雉(Lophophorus sclateri)和灰腹角雉(Tragopan blythii)。通过比较不同海拔段和季节物种相对多度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pianka指数, 本研究发现本区域物种多样性丰富, 各个海拔段食肉动物、有蹄类动物分布存在差异。与雨季(4-9月)相比, 豺(Cuon alpinus)、云豹(Neofelis nebulosa)、金猫(Catopuma temminckii)、野猪(Sus scrofa)等物种旱季(10月至翌年3月)相对多度更高。本研究为雅鲁藏布大峡谷区域生物多样性研究补充了更全面的基础数据, 建议成立雅鲁藏布大峡谷国家公园以进一步加强对该区域生态系统和物种的保护和管理。

关键词: 雅鲁藏布大峡谷, 红外相机, 生物多样性


Aims: Due to its altitude and limited human development, the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon area boasts high degree of biodiversity and intact ecosystems. These conditions, have been favorable to the study and discovery of new species in recent years. In this study, we present the results of a comprehensive camera trap survey method implemented throughout the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon area that shows the distribution patterns of the surveyed species.

Methods: From October 2020 to November 2021, infrared remote cameras were set in the Medog County, Bomi County, and Milin County of Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon area to determine degree of biodiversity. Camera traps were placed in 116 sites in seven monitoring areas with different altitudes ranging from 646 m to 4,360 m. With a total survey effort of 24,741 camera days, 12,010 independent detections were obtained and relative abundance index (RAI) were calculated. Shannon-Wiener diversity index in different altitude bins and Pianka index were used to analyze the species altitudinal distribution. Seasonal distribution patterns of dry season (October 2020 to March 2021) and rainy season (April 2021 to September 2021) were also compared using seasonal RAI at different camera trap sites.

Results: In total, 37 mammal species, which belong to 4 orders and 14 families, and 99 bird species, which belong to 9 orders and 28 families, were identified. Of these, 51 of the identified species were classified as State Key Protected Species. Ten species were documented with the use of camera for the first time in Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon area. These species were the forest musk deer (Moschus berezovskii), alpine musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster), brown bear (Ursus arctos), Asian badger (Meles leucurus), Siberian weasel (Mustela sibirica), grey-headed flying squirrel (Petaurista caniceps), particolored flying squirrel (Hylopetes alboniger), Chinese giant flying squirrel (Petaurista xanthotis), Sclater’s monal (Lophophorus sclateri) and Blyth’s tragopan (Tragopan blythii). Species like the dhole (Cuon alpinus), clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), Asian golden cat (Catopuma temminckii) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) had higher RAI during the dry season than in the rainy season.

Conclusion: This study reveals high degree of biodiversity in the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon area, with high heterogeneity of the altitudinal and seasonal distribution pattern of carnivore and ungulates. The result of this survey provides a biodiversity baseline and a scientific basis for the protection and management of the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon area.

Key words: Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon, camera trap, biodiversity