生物多样性 ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (8): 940-949. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019342
所属专题: 昆虫多样性与生态功能
向颖1, 刘素群2, 黄兴龙1, 刘志霄1, 张佑祥1,*(), 马方舟3,*()
Ying Xiang1, Suqun Liu2, Xinglong Huang1, Zhixiao Liu1, Youxiang Zhang1,*(), Fangzhou Ma3,*()
Youxiang Zhang,Fangzhou Ma
为了解湖南高望界国家级自然保护区蝶类多样性本底及其影响因素, 2016年5月至2018年10月, 我们采用样线法对保护区内外的6种生境(保护区内4种, 区外2种)开展了20次蝶类多样性调查。共记录蝴蝶个体13,956只, 依照五科分类系统, 隶属5科113属239种, 其中湖南省蝶类新记录17种。区系成分以东洋种为主(139种, 占58.1%), 广布种次之(97种, 占40.6%), 古北种最少(3种, 占1.3%)。对不同生境的蝶类群落多样性指数进行分析后发现, 人为干扰程度和生境异质性共同影响蝶类多样性。不同生境相似性分析结果表明, 蝶类群落的相似度与人为干扰程度和植被类型差异密切相关。3年间, 蝶类多样性指数月度变化基本一致, 蝶类物种数、多样性指数与月均温间呈显著正相关, 与月降水量无相关性。综上, 蝶类多样性受到人为干扰程度和气象因子的影响。为保护蝶类资源, 建议保护好蝶类栖息地, 减少人为干扰。
向颖, 刘素群, 黄兴龙, 刘志霄, 张佑祥, 马方舟 (2020) 湖南高望界国家级自然保护区及其周边蝶类多样性与影响因素. 生物多样性, 28, 940-949. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019342.
Ying Xiang, Suqun Liu, Xinglong Huang, Zhixiao Liu, Youxiang Zhang, Fangzhou Ma (2020) Butterfly diversity and its influencing factors in the Hunan Gaowangjie National Nature Reserve and its surrounding area. Biodiversity Science, 28, 940-949. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019342.
科名 Family | 个体数 No. of individuals (%) | 种数 No. of species (%) | 属数 No. of genera (%) | 属种比值 Ratio of genus/species |
凤蝶科 Papilionidae | 2,112 (15.1) | 18 (7.5) | 6 (5.3) | 0.330 |
粉蝶科 Pieridae | 3,271 (23.4) | 23 (9.6) | 9 (8.0) | 0.390 |
蛱蝶科 Nymphalidae | 4,378 (31.4) | 120 (50.2) | 46 (40.7) | 0.383 |
灰蝶科 Lycaenidae | 3,197 (22.9) | 35 (14.7) | 26 (23.0) | 0.743 |
弄蝶科 Hesperiidae | 998 (7.2) | 43 (18) | 26 (23.0) | 0.605 |
总计 Total | 13,956 (100) | 239 (100) | 113 (100) | 0.473 |
表1 湖南高望界国家级自然保护区及周边蝶类群落中各科的数量
Table 1 Quantitative characteristics of butterfly communities in Hunan Gaowangjie National Nature Reserve and its surrounding area
科名 Family | 个体数 No. of individuals (%) | 种数 No. of species (%) | 属数 No. of genera (%) | 属种比值 Ratio of genus/species |
凤蝶科 Papilionidae | 2,112 (15.1) | 18 (7.5) | 6 (5.3) | 0.330 |
粉蝶科 Pieridae | 3,271 (23.4) | 23 (9.6) | 9 (8.0) | 0.390 |
蛱蝶科 Nymphalidae | 4,378 (31.4) | 120 (50.2) | 46 (40.7) | 0.383 |
灰蝶科 Lycaenidae | 3,197 (22.9) | 35 (14.7) | 26 (23.0) | 0.743 |
弄蝶科 Hesperiidae | 998 (7.2) | 43 (18) | 26 (23.0) | 0.605 |
总计 Total | 13,956 (100) | 239 (100) | 113 (100) | 0.473 |
科名 Family | 种数 No. of species | 东洋种 Oriental species (%) | 古北种 Palearctic species (%) | 广布种 Widespread species (%) |
凤蝶科 Papilionidae | 18 | 8 (3.3) | 0 | 10 (4.2) |
粉蝶科 Pieridae | 23 | 10 (4.2) | 2 (0.8) | 11 (4.6) |
蛱蝶科 Nymphalidae | 120 | 77 (32.2) | 0 | 43 (18.0) |
灰蝶科 Lycaenidae | 35 | 21 (8.8) | 1 (0.4) | 13 (5.4) |
弄蝶科 Hesperiidae | 43 | 23 (9.6) | 0 | 20 (8.4) |
总计 Total | 239 | 139 (58.1) | 3 (1.3) | 97 (40.6) |
表2 湖南高望界国家级自然保护区及周边的蝶类物种区系组成
Table 2 Fauna components of butterflies in Hunan Gaowangjie National Nature Reserve and its surrounding area
科名 Family | 种数 No. of species | 东洋种 Oriental species (%) | 古北种 Palearctic species (%) | 广布种 Widespread species (%) |
凤蝶科 Papilionidae | 18 | 8 (3.3) | 0 | 10 (4.2) |
粉蝶科 Pieridae | 23 | 10 (4.2) | 2 (0.8) | 11 (4.6) |
蛱蝶科 Nymphalidae | 120 | 77 (32.2) | 0 | 43 (18.0) |
灰蝶科 Lycaenidae | 35 | 21 (8.8) | 1 (0.4) | 13 (5.4) |
弄蝶科 Hesperiidae | 43 | 23 (9.6) | 0 | 20 (8.4) |
总计 Total | 239 | 139 (58.1) | 3 (1.3) | 97 (40.6) |
生境 Habitat | 个体数 No. of individuals | 种数 No. of species | 属数 No. of genera | 多样性指数 Diversity index (H') | 均匀度指数 Evenness index (J) | 物种丰富度 Species richness (R) | 优势度指数 Dominance index (D) |
小河桥 Xiaoheqiao | 2,024 | 110 | 62 | 4.977 | 1.059 | 14.318 | 0.423 |
栖凤湖 Qifenghu | 1,723 | 110 | 64 | 4.759 | 1.012 | 14.627 | 0.421 |
侯家寨 Houjiazhai | 2,506 | 145 | 78 | 5.683 | 1.142 | 18.399 | 0.187 |
麻溪 Maxi | 4,229 | 149 | 82 | 5.454 | 1.090 | 17.725 | 0.205 |
焦坪 Jiaoping | 1,673 | 147 | 81 | 5.718 | 1.146 | 19.670 | 0.155 |
大溪坪 Daxiping | 1,801 | 143 | 78 | 5.743 | 1.157 | 18.943 | 0.075 |
表3 湖南高望界国家级自然保护区及周边不同生境蝶类的群落多样性指数
Table 3 Diversity indices of butterfly community in different habitats of Hunan Gaowangjie National Nature Reserve and its surrounding area
生境 Habitat | 个体数 No. of individuals | 种数 No. of species | 属数 No. of genera | 多样性指数 Diversity index (H') | 均匀度指数 Evenness index (J) | 物种丰富度 Species richness (R) | 优势度指数 Dominance index (D) |
小河桥 Xiaoheqiao | 2,024 | 110 | 62 | 4.977 | 1.059 | 14.318 | 0.423 |
栖凤湖 Qifenghu | 1,723 | 110 | 64 | 4.759 | 1.012 | 14.627 | 0.421 |
侯家寨 Houjiazhai | 2,506 | 145 | 78 | 5.683 | 1.142 | 18.399 | 0.187 |
麻溪 Maxi | 4,229 | 149 | 82 | 5.454 | 1.090 | 17.725 | 0.205 |
焦坪 Jiaoping | 1,673 | 147 | 81 | 5.718 | 1.146 | 19.670 | 0.155 |
大溪坪 Daxiping | 1,801 | 143 | 78 | 5.743 | 1.157 | 18.943 | 0.075 |
小河桥 Xiaoheqiao | 栖凤湖 Qifenghu | 侯家寨 Houjiazhai | 麻溪 Maxi | 焦坪 Jiaoping | 大溪坪 Daxiping | |
小河桥 Xiaoheqiao | 70 | 75 | 90 | 76 | 79 | |
栖凤湖 Qifenghu | 0.467 | 75 | 78 | 79 | 73 | |
侯家寨 Houjiazhai | 0.417 | 0.417 | 105 | 110 | 98 | |
麻溪 Maxi | 0.533 | 0.431 | 0.556 | 110 | 112 | |
焦坪 Jiaoping | 0.420 | 0.444 | 0.604 | 0.591 | 101 | |
大溪坪 Daxiping | 0.454 | 0.406 | 0.516 | 0.622 | 0.534 |
表4 湖南高望界国家级保护区及周边不同生境蝶类群落的共有种数(对角线上)和相似性系数(对角线下)
Table 4 Number of the shared species (above diagonal) and similarity coefficient (below diagonal) between different habitats in Hunan Gaowangjie National Nature Reserve and its surrounding area
小河桥 Xiaoheqiao | 栖凤湖 Qifenghu | 侯家寨 Houjiazhai | 麻溪 Maxi | 焦坪 Jiaoping | 大溪坪 Daxiping | |
小河桥 Xiaoheqiao | 70 | 75 | 90 | 76 | 79 | |
栖凤湖 Qifenghu | 0.467 | 75 | 78 | 79 | 73 | |
侯家寨 Houjiazhai | 0.417 | 0.417 | 105 | 110 | 98 | |
麻溪 Maxi | 0.533 | 0.431 | 0.556 | 110 | 112 | |
焦坪 Jiaoping | 0.420 | 0.444 | 0.604 | 0.591 | 101 | |
大溪坪 Daxiping | 0.454 | 0.406 | 0.516 | 0.622 | 0.534 |
图1 湖南高望界国家级自然保护区及其周边蝶类个体数、种类数、多样性指数及物种丰富度月动态
Fig. 1 Monthly fluctuation of individuals, species, diversity index and species richness index of butterflies in Hunan Gaowangjie National Nature Reserve and its surrounding area from May 2016 to October 2018
图2 湖南高望界国家级自然保护区及周边月均温和月降水量
Fig. 2 Mean monthly temperature and rainfall in Hunan Gaowangjie National Nature Reserve and its surrounding area from May 2016 to October 2018
个体数 No. of individuals | 种数 No. of species | 多样性指数Diversity index (H') | 物种丰富度 Species richness (R) | 均匀度指数 Evenness index (J) | 月均温 Mean monthly temperature | 月降水量 Mean monthly rainfall | |
个体数 No. of individuals | 1 | 0.786** | 0.228 | 0.687** | -0.406 | 0.378 | 0.039 |
种类数 No. of species | 1 | 0.677** | 0.989** | 0.019 | 0.759** | 0.094 | |
多样性指数 Diversity index (H') | 1 | 0.737** | 0.740** | 0.665** | -0.076 | ||
物种丰富度 Species richness (R) | 1 | 0.108 | 0.805** | 0.107 | |||
均匀度指数 Evenness index (J) | 1 | 0.208 | -0.186 | ||||
月均温 Mean monthly temperature | 1 | 0.079 | |||||
月降水量 Mean monthly rainfall | 1 |
表5 月气象因子与高望界蝶类群落多样性指数的Pearson相关性分析
Table 5 Pearson correlation analysis between monthly meteorological factors and diversity indices of butterfly community in Hunan Gaowangjie National Nature Reserve and its surrounding area
个体数 No. of individuals | 种数 No. of species | 多样性指数Diversity index (H') | 物种丰富度 Species richness (R) | 均匀度指数 Evenness index (J) | 月均温 Mean monthly temperature | 月降水量 Mean monthly rainfall | |
个体数 No. of individuals | 1 | 0.786** | 0.228 | 0.687** | -0.406 | 0.378 | 0.039 |
种类数 No. of species | 1 | 0.677** | 0.989** | 0.019 | 0.759** | 0.094 | |
多样性指数 Diversity index (H') | 1 | 0.737** | 0.740** | 0.665** | -0.076 | ||
物种丰富度 Species richness (R) | 1 | 0.108 | 0.805** | 0.107 | |||
均匀度指数 Evenness index (J) | 1 | 0.208 | -0.186 | ||||
月均温 Mean monthly temperature | 1 | 0.079 | |||||
月降水量 Mean monthly rainfall | 1 |
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