生物多样性 ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (4): 345-354. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2017034
储诚进1,*(), 王酉石1, 刘宇1, 蒋林2, 何芳良1,3
Chengjin Chu1,*(), Youshi Wang1, Yu Liu1, Lin Jiang2, Fangliang He1,3
Chu Chengjin
群落内的多物种如何共存是群落生态学的核心研究内容之一。经典的物种共存理论强调物种之间的生态位分化, 注重具体共存机制的研究。这种以具体共存机制为研究对象的方法一定程度上促进了当代物种共存理论框架的形成。在当代物种共存理论框架下, 物种间的差异被划分为两类综合性的抽象差异——生态位差异和平均适合度差异, 前者促进物种共存, 对应稳定化机制; 后者导致竞争排除, 对应均等化机制。本文在简要回顾经典物种共存理论的基础上, 介绍了当代物种共存理论的框架(包括理论的形成和定义)、基于该理论的部分实验验证工作及其在一些重要生态学问题中的应用。当代物种共存理论不仅揭示了群落内物种是如何共存的这一基本理论问题, 更重要的是在全球变化的背景下该理论对生物多样性的保护和管理具有重要的应用价值。期望本文的介绍有助于国内生态学和生物多样性工作者了解当代物种共存理论, 并将其应用于群落构建和生物多样性维持机制等方面的研究。
储诚进, 王酉石, 刘宇, 蒋林, 何芳良 (2017) 物种共存理论研究进展. 生物多样性, 25, 345-354. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2017034.
Chengjin Chu, Youshi Wang, Yu Liu, Lin Jiang, Fangliang He (2017) Advances in species coexistence theory. Biodiversity Science, 25, 345-354. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2017034.
图1 当代物种共存理论框架。物种间差异分为生态位差异和平均适合度差异, 前者促进物种共存, 后者利于竞争排除。物种能否稳定共存取决于生态位差异和平均适合度差异的相对大小: 灰色区域, 生态位差异大于平均适合度差 异——稳定共存; 白色区域, 平均适合度差异大于生态位差异——竞争排除。生态位差异对应稳定化机制, 平均适合度差异对应均等化机制。
Fig. 1 The conceptual diagram of contemporary coexistence theory. Species differences are categorized into two groups: niche differences and average fitness differences. Niche differences maintain species stable coexistence, and average fitness differences drive competitive exclusion. For a given community, the balance between niche differences and average fitness differences determines the outcome of competition. In the gray region, niche differences are larger than average fitness differences, which results in stable coexistence. In the white region, average fitness differences are stronger than niche differences, which results in competitive exclusion. Niche differences correspond to stabilizing mechanisms, and average fitness differences correspond to equalizing mechanisms.
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