生物多样性 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 22139. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022139
杨欣1,2, 姚志良2,3, 王彬2,4, 温韩东2,5, 邓云2,6, 曹敏2,5, 张志明4, 谭正洪1,4,*(), 林露湘2,6,*()
*谭正洪, E-mail: tan@ynu.edu.cn;林露湘 linluxa@xtbg.ac.cn
Xin Yang1,2, Zhiliang Yao2,3, Bin Wang2,4, Handong Wen2,5, Yun Deng2,6, Min Cao2,5, Zhiming Zhang4, Zhenghong Tan1,4,*(), Luxiang Lin2,6,*()
*Zhenghong Tan, E-mail: tan@ynu.edu.cn;Luxiang Lin linluxa@xtbg.ac.cn
林分结构可以表征森林群落光的可利用性和光环境的异质性, 对群落物种组成的变异具有重要驱动作用。然而, 目前还鲜有研究将林分结构用于解释群落物种组成的变异。本研究以哀牢山亚热带中山湿性常绿阔叶林20 ha森林动态监测样地及其周边区域按公里网格设置的19个1 ha森林动态样地为研究对象, 将林分结构参数、环境因子和空间结构变量共同作为解释变量, 采用基于冗余分析的变差分解和层次分割方法, 在局域和区域尺度上同时解析群落物种组成变异的驱动因素。结果表明, 在局域和区域尺度上, 纳入林分结构后均提高了对物种组成变异的解释率。在局域尺度上, 加入林分结构作为解释变量后, 单纯的空间结构的解释率明显下降, 林分结构与环境因子累计贡献了41.0%的解释率。在区域尺度上, 林分结构与环境因子累计贡献了23.0%的解释率。从局域到区域尺度, 环境过滤的相对作用明显增强。林分结构指示的光的可利用性对林冠下方的树种组成具有较强的塑造作用, 今后的研究应进一步探讨林分结构对亚热带常绿阔叶林物种组成变异的驱动机制。
杨欣, 姚志良, 王彬, 温韩东, 邓云, 曹敏, 张志明, 谭正洪, 林露湘 (2023) 亚热带常绿阔叶林林分结构对物种组成变异的驱动作用: 从局域到区域尺度. 生物多样性, 31, 22139. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022139.
Xin Yang, Zhiliang Yao, Bin Wang, Handong Wen, Yun Deng, Min Cao, Zhiming Zhang, Zhenghong Tan, Luxiang Lin (2023) Driving effects of forest stand structure of a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest on species composition variation: From local to regional scales. Biodiversity Science, 31, 22139. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022139.
图1 样地间物种组成相似性的距离衰减图。(a)由哀牢山亚热带中山湿性常绿阔叶林20 ha森林动态样地划分成的20个1 ha样地; (b)哀牢山20 ha样地周围按公里网格设置的19个1 ha森林动态样地。
Fig. 1 Distance decay of species compositional similarity between plots. (a) 20 1-ha plots divided by the 20 ha subtropical mid-mountain moist evergreen broad-leaved forest dynamics plot in Ailao Mountains; (b) 19 1-ha forest dynamics plots established among grids of 1 km2 near the 20 ha forest dynamics plot in Ailao Mountains.
图2 由哀牢山亚热带中山湿性常绿阔叶林20 ha森林动态样地划分成的20个1 ha样地和哀牢山20 ha样地周围按公里网格设置的19个1 ha森林动态样地的空间结构、环境因子变差分解(a、b)及空间结构、环境因子和林分结构变差分解(c、d) Venn图(< 0的部分不显示)
Fig. 2 The Venn diagram of variation partitioning explained by spatial structures and environmental factors (a, b) and by spatial structures, environmental factors and forest stand structures (c, d) of 20 1-ha plots divided by the 20 ha subtropical mid-mountain moist evergreen broad-leaved forest dynamics plot in Ailao Mountains and 19 1-ha forest dynamics plots established among grids of 1 km2 near the 20 ha forest dynamics plot in Ailao Mountains (values < 0 not shown)
图3 通过rdaca.hp解析由哀牢山亚热带中山湿性常绿阔叶林20 ha森林动态样地划分成的20个1 ha样地空间结构、环境因子和林分结构各变量的相对重要性。FS_PC1、FS_PC2分别代表林分结构的第一主成分和第二主成分; Env_PC1、Env_PC2、Env_PC3分别代表地形环境因子的第一至第三主成分; MEM3、MEM4、MEM5、MEM6、MEM8、x、y代表空间结构, 其中, x和y为空间结构的线性趋势。
Fig. 3 The relative importance of individual variables of spatial structures, environmental factors and forest stand structures in 20 1-ha plots divided by the 20 ha subtropical mid-mountain moist evergreen broad-leaved forest dynamics plot in Ailao Mountains by rdacca.hp. FS_PC1 and FS_PC2 represent the first and the second principal components of forest stand structures, respectively. Env_PC1, Env_PC2 and Env_PC3 represent the first, the second and the third principal components of topographic environmental factors, respectively. MEM3, MEM4, MEM5, MEM6, MEM8, x and y represent the spatial structures, where, x and y are linear trends of spatial structures.
图4 通过rdaca.hp解析哀牢山20 ha森林动态样地周围按公里网格设置的19个1 ha森林动态样地空间结构、环境因子和林分结构各变量的相对重要性。FS_PC1、FS_PC2分别代表林分结构的第一主成分和第二主成分; Env_PC1、Env_PC2、Env_PC3分别代表地形环境因子的第一至第三主成分; MEM1代表空间结构。
Fig. 4 The relative importance of individual variables of spatial structures, environmental factors and forest stand structures in 19 1 ha forest dynamics plots established among grids of 1 km2 near the 20 ha forest dynamics plot in Ailao Mountains by rdacca.hp. FS_PC1 and FS_PC2 represent the first and the second principal components of forest stand structures, respectively. Env_PC1, Env_PC2 and Env_PC3 represent the first, the second and the third principal components of environmental factors, respectively. MEM1 represents the spatial structures.
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