生物多样性 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (11): 23216. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023216
饶杰生1, 杨涛1, 田希1, 刘文聪1, 王晓凤1, 钱恒君1, 沈泽昊1,2,*()
* E-mail: 基金资助:
Jiesheng Rao1, Tao Yang1, Xi Tian1, Wencong Liu1, Xiaofeng Wang1, Hengjun Qian1, Zehao Shen1,2,*()
* E-mail: 摘要:
森林的垂直结构是地上植被要素在垂直方向上的排列, 它影响动植物多样性和生态系统功能, 是许多植物生态学家关注的重点。背包激光雷达技术的发展为大面积、高精度扫描三维森林结构提供了基础。直观反映生物量的冠层高度(canopy height, CH)、代表植物光合能力的叶面积指数(leaf area index, LAI)和单木尺度上的特征是森林垂直结构最重要的参数。本研究旨在探索鸡足山半湿润常绿阔叶林样地尺度和单木尺度上的垂直结构特征。本研究基于背包激光雷达, 对滇中高原20.16 ha半湿润常绿阔叶林样地群落的CH和LAI进行了精细扫描和点云定量分析, 在进行地形校正和群落分类的基础上, 精细提取和分析了森林群落的叶面积指数的垂直变化和水平格局, 并定量提取了群落常见乔木种的单木形态和垂直结构参数。结果显示: (1)以20 m × 20 m标准样方为统计单位的CH和LAI的分布接近正态分布; (2)根据LAI的垂直分布, 森林动态监测样地群落冠层由上至下可划分为林冠上层、林冠中层、林冠下层与灌木层4个层次; (3)元江栲(Castanopsis orthacantha)和高山栲(C. delavayi)群落的LAI垂直变化呈单峰格局, 峰值高度分别为15 m和13 m, 云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)群落为双峰格局, 峰值高度为5 m和10 m; (4)不同树种的各单木参数表现出较大的差异性, 但冠幅面积/胸径比表现出相对的稳定性。本研究在国内首次基于激光雷达技术定量分析具有复杂结构的半湿润常绿阔叶林的叶面积指数的三维格局, 或可对以后该类型森林生物多样性的研究和不同森林类型之间的比较研究提供数据基础。
饶杰生, 杨涛, 田希, 刘文聪, 王晓凤, 钱恒君, 沈泽昊 (2023) 基于背包LiDAR的半湿润常绿阔叶林及其常见树种的垂直结构特征. 生物多样性, 31, 23216. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023216.
Jiesheng Rao, Tao Yang, Xi Tian, Wencong Liu, Xiaofeng Wang, Hengjun Qian, Zehao Shen (2023) Vertical structural characteristics of a semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved forest and common tree species based on a portable backpack LiDAR. Biodiversity Science, 31, 23216. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023216.
图1 鸡足山20.16 ha森林动态监测样地林冠无人机扫描图(部分)
Fig. 1 Unmanned aerial vehicle scaned image (part) of the canopy of the 20.16 ha forest dynamics plot in Jizu Mountains, Yunnan
图3 点云数据获取。(a)样方扫描路径示意图; (b)点云中的定位桩; (c)现实中的定位桩。
Fig. 3 Point cloud data acquisition. (a) A sketch of the sample scan path; (b) The positioning piles in point clouds; (c) The positioning pile in reality.
图4 激光雷达点云示意图。(a)地形归一化前样方点云剖面图; (b)地形归一化后样方点云剖面图; (c)样地森林群落三维点云图。
Fig. 4 Schematic diagram of LiDAR point cloud. (a) Sample point cloud profile before terrain normalization; (b) Sample point cloud profile after terrain normalization; (c) 3D point cloud map of forest community in the forest dynamics plot.
图5 鸡足山20.16 ha森林动态监测样地森林群落的冠层高度水平格局和频数分布。(a)分辨率1 m的冠层高度; (b)样方冠层高度分布直方图(平均值为15.84 m)。
Fig. 5 Spatial pattern and histogram of the canopy height (CH) in the 20.16 ha forest dynamics plot in Jizu Mountains, Yunnan. (a) The horizontal pattern of CH with a 1-m spatial resolution; (b) A histogram of frequency distribution of the CH (mean = 15.84 m) in a grid.
图6 鸡足山20.16 ha森林动态监测样地叶面积指数的水平格局和频率分布。(a)样方尺度的叶面积指数与森林动态监测样地地形叠加图, 绿色圆越大表示LAI越大; (b)叶面积指数频率分布直方图(平均值为8.63)。
Fig. 6 Horizontal pattern and frequency distribution of leaf area index (LAI) of 20.16 ha forest dynamics plot in Jizu Mountains, Yunnan. (a) Overlay map of LAI of each plot and DEM of the forest dynamics plot, and the bigger the green circle, the greater the LAI; (b) Histogram of LAI frequency distribution (mean = 8.63).
图7 鸡足山20.16 ha森林动态监测样地中3个群落类型的叶面积指数的垂直变化
Fig. 7 Vertical variation of leaf area index (LAI) of three community types (Pinus yunnanensis community, Castanopsis delavayi community, and C. orthacantha community) in a 20.16 ha forest dynamics plot in Jizu Mountains, Yunnan.
物种 Species | 生活型 Life form | 胸径 Diameter at breast height (DBH) (cm) | 树高 Tree height (TH) (m) | 枝下高 Crown base height (CBH) (m) | 树冠直径 Crown diameter (m) | 冠幅面积 Crown area (CA) (m2) | 枝下高/树高 CBH/TH (%) | 冠幅/胸径 CA/DBH (m2/cm) |
元江栲 Castanopsis orthacantha | EBT | 89.3 (47%) | 22.6 (16%) | 5.7 (21%) | 12.3 (38%) | 133.4 (65%) | 25.2 (11%) | 1.39 (13%) |
高山栲 Castanopsis delavayi | EBT | 61.6 (33%) | 21.1 (21%) | 6.7 (44%) | 10.7 (24%) | 93.9 (48%) | 30.6 (21%) | 1.51 (27%) |
黄毛青冈 Cyclobalanopsis delavayi | EBT | 59.0 (42%) | 23.6 (13%) | 9.2 (27%) | 13.7 (38%) | 163.9 (65%) | 38.5 (20%) | 2.54 (40%) |
滇青冈 Cyclobalanopsis glaucoides | EBT | 46.1 (53%) | 20.2 (26%) | 6.6 (17%) | 8.8 (49%) | 72.3 (104%) | 34.1 (29%) | 1.34 (45%) |
白穗石栎 Lithocarpus leucostachyus | EBT | 56.1 (26%) | 21.3 (3%) | 8.6 (26%) | 9.6 (20%) | 74.1 (37%) | 40.1 (26%) | 1.31 (27%) |
银木荷 Schima argentea | EBT | 35.4 (12%) | 25.6 (10%) | 14.0 (36%) | 7.7 (22%) | 47.9 (49%) | 54.2 (31%) | 1.45 (68%) |
云南松 Pinus yunnanensis | ECT | 43.6 (37%) | 20.4 (10%) | 10.4 (11%) | 8.9 (26%) | 65.0 (52%) | 51.1 (13%) | 1.44 (21%) |
华山松 Pinus armandii | ECT | 58.0 (27%) | 22.9 (17%) | 4.4 (33%) | 9.2 (23%) | 69.7 (46%) | 19.6 (35%) | 1.20 (32%) |
尼泊尔桤木 Alnus nepalensis | DBT | 37.3 (26%) | 21.0 (19%) | 8.8 (29%) | 7.5 (23%) | 45.8 (50%) | 42.7 (27%) | 1.19 (27%) |
胡桃 Juglans regia | DBT | 55.2 (20%) | 30.6 (9%) | 13.3 (20%) | 14.3 (20%) | 165.3 (44%) | 43.8 (24%) | 2.93 (24%) |
头状四照花 Dendrobenthamia capitata | EBT | 32.5 (27%) | 18.7 (7%) | 7.8 (20%) | 7.7 (28%) | 49.1 (58%) | 42.0 (21%) | 1.56 (23%) |
野桂花 Osmanthus yunnanensis | EBT | 30.5 (17%) | 15.4 (18%) | 4.2 (15%) | 7.3 (25%) | 44.1 (53%) | 27.7 (20%) | 1.59 (77%) |
表1 鸡足山20.16 ha森林动态监测样地12种常见乔木植物形态结构参数
Table 1 Morphological and structural parameters of 12 of common trees species in a 20.16 ha forest dynamics plot in Jizu Mountains, Yunnan
物种 Species | 生活型 Life form | 胸径 Diameter at breast height (DBH) (cm) | 树高 Tree height (TH) (m) | 枝下高 Crown base height (CBH) (m) | 树冠直径 Crown diameter (m) | 冠幅面积 Crown area (CA) (m2) | 枝下高/树高 CBH/TH (%) | 冠幅/胸径 CA/DBH (m2/cm) |
元江栲 Castanopsis orthacantha | EBT | 89.3 (47%) | 22.6 (16%) | 5.7 (21%) | 12.3 (38%) | 133.4 (65%) | 25.2 (11%) | 1.39 (13%) |
高山栲 Castanopsis delavayi | EBT | 61.6 (33%) | 21.1 (21%) | 6.7 (44%) | 10.7 (24%) | 93.9 (48%) | 30.6 (21%) | 1.51 (27%) |
黄毛青冈 Cyclobalanopsis delavayi | EBT | 59.0 (42%) | 23.6 (13%) | 9.2 (27%) | 13.7 (38%) | 163.9 (65%) | 38.5 (20%) | 2.54 (40%) |
滇青冈 Cyclobalanopsis glaucoides | EBT | 46.1 (53%) | 20.2 (26%) | 6.6 (17%) | 8.8 (49%) | 72.3 (104%) | 34.1 (29%) | 1.34 (45%) |
白穗石栎 Lithocarpus leucostachyus | EBT | 56.1 (26%) | 21.3 (3%) | 8.6 (26%) | 9.6 (20%) | 74.1 (37%) | 40.1 (26%) | 1.31 (27%) |
银木荷 Schima argentea | EBT | 35.4 (12%) | 25.6 (10%) | 14.0 (36%) | 7.7 (22%) | 47.9 (49%) | 54.2 (31%) | 1.45 (68%) |
云南松 Pinus yunnanensis | ECT | 43.6 (37%) | 20.4 (10%) | 10.4 (11%) | 8.9 (26%) | 65.0 (52%) | 51.1 (13%) | 1.44 (21%) |
华山松 Pinus armandii | ECT | 58.0 (27%) | 22.9 (17%) | 4.4 (33%) | 9.2 (23%) | 69.7 (46%) | 19.6 (35%) | 1.20 (32%) |
尼泊尔桤木 Alnus nepalensis | DBT | 37.3 (26%) | 21.0 (19%) | 8.8 (29%) | 7.5 (23%) | 45.8 (50%) | 42.7 (27%) | 1.19 (27%) |
胡桃 Juglans regia | DBT | 55.2 (20%) | 30.6 (9%) | 13.3 (20%) | 14.3 (20%) | 165.3 (44%) | 43.8 (24%) | 2.93 (24%) |
头状四照花 Dendrobenthamia capitata | EBT | 32.5 (27%) | 18.7 (7%) | 7.8 (20%) | 7.7 (28%) | 49.1 (58%) | 42.0 (21%) | 1.56 (23%) |
野桂花 Osmanthus yunnanensis | EBT | 30.5 (17%) | 15.4 (18%) | 4.2 (15%) | 7.3 (25%) | 44.1 (53%) | 27.7 (20%) | 1.59 (77%) |
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[1] | 张楚然, 李生发, 李逢昌, 唐志忠, 刘辉燕, 王丽红, 顾荣, 邓云, 张志明, 林露湘. 云南鸡足山亚热带半湿润常绿阔叶林20 ha动态监测样地木本植物生境关联与群落数量分类[J]. 生物多样性, 2024, 32(1): 23393-. |
[2] | 刘文聪, 田希, 杨涛, 饶杰生, 王晓凤, 钱恒君, 涂梦灵, 单子铭, 欧晓昆, 沈泽昊. 云南鸡足山半湿润常绿阔叶林优势树种的种群结构与更新特征[J]. 生物多样性, 2023, 31(11): 23251-. |
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