生物多样性 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (5): 612-622. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2012.11145
所属专题: 创刊20周年纪念专刊
*E-mail: jiangzg@ioz.ac.cn基金资助:
Zhigang Jiang1,*(), Zhenhua Luo1,2
Zhigang Jiang
评估物种濒危等级, 确定物种保护优先序, 是生物多样性保护的一项重要工作。通过不断的修订, IUCN红色名录濒危等级标准已经趋于完善。但是, 目前人们还在探索在无法获得物种的种群数量、生境、生活史数据时, 如何寻找替代指标评估物种濒危等级。我们综述了国内外物种濒危状况研究的进展, 提出了结合物种分布区、生活史、生态功能、人为干扰和特殊利用价值的评估物种受威胁状况的方法, 并以此方法评估了中国陆生脊椎动物的生存状况。结果表明, 列入灭绝级的物种有5个, 功能性灭绝级的物种有30个, 濒危级的物种有343个, 受胁级的物种有459个, 关注级的物种有439个, 无危级的物种有1,032个。
蒋志刚, 罗振华 (2012) 物种受威胁状况评估: 研究进展与中国的案例. 生物多样性, 20, 612-622. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2012.11145.
Zhigang Jiang, Zhenhua Luo (2012) Assessing species endangerment status: progress in research and an example from China. Biodiversity Science, 20, 612-622. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2012.11145.
图1 SAFE(物种抗灭绝能力)指数。图中曲线表示了SAFE指数与哺乳动物类群估算的最小可生存种群(MVA)经验值5,000(黑色直线)的对应关系。图中EX、JR、 SR、TI和ZD分别表示一个已经灭绝的物种、爪哇犀牛、苏门答腊犀牛、虎和斑背小羚羊(Cephalophus zebra), 图中用直线图示了JR、SR、TI和ZD的SAFE指数与MVP的95%置信区间。从左下到右上, EX、JR、SR、TI和ZD的受威胁状况减轻, 其种群长期生存的潜力增强。
Fig. 1 SAFE (species’ ability to forestall extinction) Index. The curve indicates the relationship between SAFE index and the empirical value, 5,000, of Minimum Viable Population (MVP). EX, JR, SR, TI and ZD, represent an extinct species, the Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus), Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), tiger (Panthera tigris), and zebra duiker (Cephalophus zebra). Vertical and horizontal confidence intervals are marked with lines. From the left bottom to upper right, EX, JR, SR, TI and ZD, illustrate their decreasing relative threat and increasing potential for long-term persistence.
图2 野生动物物种濒危等级评估流程图
Fig. 2 Flow chart of assessing endangerment status of wild animal species+++1, Establishing species database; 2, Calculating distribution area or the number of county that have the distribution of the species; 3, Preliminary assessment of the status of the species; 4, Extinct or functional extinct? 5, Endemic species? 6, Top predator? 7, Specified habitat requirement? 8, Valuable and easy to catch? 9, Is the declining rate high? 10, Is the species an r-strategist? 11, Economic extinct? 12, Artificial breeding? 13, Lowering one grade when artificial population is well established; 14, Elevating one grade; 15, Determining the status of the species.
标准等级 Standard | 分布面积 Distribution area | 种群数量 Population size | 种群下降 速率 Rate of population decline | 种群隔离 程度 Degree of population isolation | 预计种群下降速率 Rate of population decline foreseen | 生境下降速率 Rate of habitat loss | r 对策的经济指标 The economic index for r-strategist |
灭绝级 Ex Extinct, Ex | 至少50年野外已无该物种分布记录 At least there is no record of individuals of the species in the field for 50 years | ||||||
功能性灭绝级 FE Functional extinct, FE | 在近期多次野外考察中未发现个体, 野外可能仍存在少数个体, 但其在生态系统的功能已经丧失。 No individual was discovered in recent field surveys. Some individuals may still live in field, but the ecological function of the species in ecosystem is lost | ||||||
濒危级 En Endangered, En | 两栖爬行类<100 km2; 鸟类兽类<10,000 km2(或小于10个县) For amphibians & reptiles <100 km2, for birds & mammals<10,000 km2(or less in 10 counties) | <1,000 | 50年内下降90% Declined 90% in 50 years | 仅余少数完全隔离的种群 Only several completely isolated populations left | 3年中75% 75% in 3 years | 50年中90% 90% in 50 years | 经济灭绝* Economic extinct* |
受胁级 T Threatened, T | 两栖爬行类<1,000 km2; 鸟类兽类<30,000 km2(或小于30个县) For amphibians & reptiles <1,000 km2; for birds & mammals <30,000 km2(or less than 30 counties) | <2,500 | 50年内下降75% 75% in 50 years | 种群存在不完全隔离; Incompletely isolation of populations | 50年中75% 75% in 5 years | 50年中75% 75% in 5 years | 猎捕量上升、价格上升且主要种群下降、分布萎缩 Harvest increases, price increases and decline of major populations, shrinking of distribution |
关注级 C Concern, C | 两栖爬行类<10,000 km2; 鸟类兽类: <100,000 km2(或小于50个县) For amphibians & reptiles <10,000 km2; birds & mammals <100,000 km2(or less than 50 counties) | <5,000 | 50年内下降50% 50% in 50 years | 部分种群存在不完全隔离 Incompletely isolation of some populations | 50年中50% 50% in 50 years | 100年中25% 25% in 100 years | 需求量上升 Increase of demand |
无危级 Lc Least concern | 尚未达到关注级的标准 Not qualified for the criterion of Concern C | ||||||
数据缺乏 DD Data deficit | 数据缺乏不宜进行评估 Not suitable for assessment due to lack of data |
表1 野生动物物种濒危等级评估指标
Table 1 Criteria for evaluating criteria for endangered wild animal species
标准等级 Standard | 分布面积 Distribution area | 种群数量 Population size | 种群下降 速率 Rate of population decline | 种群隔离 程度 Degree of population isolation | 预计种群下降速率 Rate of population decline foreseen | 生境下降速率 Rate of habitat loss | r 对策的经济指标 The economic index for r-strategist |
灭绝级 Ex Extinct, Ex | 至少50年野外已无该物种分布记录 At least there is no record of individuals of the species in the field for 50 years | ||||||
功能性灭绝级 FE Functional extinct, FE | 在近期多次野外考察中未发现个体, 野外可能仍存在少数个体, 但其在生态系统的功能已经丧失。 No individual was discovered in recent field surveys. Some individuals may still live in field, but the ecological function of the species in ecosystem is lost | ||||||
濒危级 En Endangered, En | 两栖爬行类<100 km2; 鸟类兽类<10,000 km2(或小于10个县) For amphibians & reptiles <100 km2, for birds & mammals<10,000 km2(or less in 10 counties) | <1,000 | 50年内下降90% Declined 90% in 50 years | 仅余少数完全隔离的种群 Only several completely isolated populations left | 3年中75% 75% in 3 years | 50年中90% 90% in 50 years | 经济灭绝* Economic extinct* |
受胁级 T Threatened, T | 两栖爬行类<1,000 km2; 鸟类兽类<30,000 km2(或小于30个县) For amphibians & reptiles <1,000 km2; for birds & mammals <30,000 km2(or less than 30 counties) | <2,500 | 50年内下降75% 75% in 50 years | 种群存在不完全隔离; Incompletely isolation of populations | 50年中75% 75% in 5 years | 50年中75% 75% in 5 years | 猎捕量上升、价格上升且主要种群下降、分布萎缩 Harvest increases, price increases and decline of major populations, shrinking of distribution |
关注级 C Concern, C | 两栖爬行类<10,000 km2; 鸟类兽类: <100,000 km2(或小于50个县) For amphibians & reptiles <10,000 km2; birds & mammals <100,000 km2(or less than 50 counties) | <5,000 | 50年内下降50% 50% in 50 years | 部分种群存在不完全隔离 Incompletely isolation of some populations | 50年中50% 50% in 50 years | 100年中25% 25% in 100 years | 需求量上升 Increase of demand |
无危级 Lc Least concern | 尚未达到关注级的标准 Not qualified for the criterion of Concern C | ||||||
数据缺乏 DD Data deficit | 数据缺乏不宜进行评估 Not suitable for assessment due to lack of data |
图3 依据“野生动物物种濒危等级评估方法”的评估结果(柱状图上方的数字表示每个等级的物种数量)
Fig. 3 Results of the assessment with Evaluating Criteria for Endangered Species. (Numbers above the columns indicate the number of species fall in each grade).
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[1] | 李柏灿, 张军国, 张长春, 王丽凤, 徐基良, 刘利. 基于TC-YOLO模型的北京珍稀鸟类识别方法[J]. 生物多样性, 2024, 32(5): 24056-. |
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