生物多样性 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 24056. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024056 cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024056
李柏灿1,2,3, 张军国1,2,3,*(), 张长春1,2,3, 王丽凤1,2,3, 徐基良4, 刘利5,*()
E-mail: 基金资助:
Baican Li1,2,3, Junguo Zhang1,2,3,*(), Changchun Zhang1,2,3, Lifeng Wang1,2,3, Jiliang Xu4, Li Liu5,*()
E-mail: 摘要:
北京地区珍稀鸟类的保护对维护当地生物多样性具有重要意义。随着人工智能技术的发展, 利用深度学习技术自动识别鸟类成为鸟类调查保护的重要手段。实际鸟类图像存在背景复杂以及相近科属鸟类具有外观相似等特点, 导致模型识别精度不佳。针对以上问题, 本文提出一种基于TC-YOLO模型的鸟类识别方法。首先, 为解决鸟类识别中复杂背景导致的漏检问题, 本文方法结合CARAFE (content-aware reassembly of features)机制, 自适应生成不同特征点所对应的上采样核, 在更大的感受野内聚合上下文语义信息, 有效聚焦鸟类前景区域。其次, 为解决鸟类识别中相似外观导致的误检问题, 本文方法引入TSCODE (task-specific context decoupling)解耦定位和分类任务, 通过获取多层级特征图的信息以回归目标边界, 并利用包含底层纹理和高层语义的特征进行物种分类, 进而提高模型的鸟类识别精度。最后, 本文开展对比实验以验证模型的性能。实验结果表明, TC-YOLO模型的平均精度均值在包含北京地区28种国家一级保护鸟类的自建数据集Beijing-28和鸟类公开数据集CUB200-2011上分别达到78.7%和75.3%, 均优于已有方法, 而且在公开数据集MS COCO上验证了TC-YOLO模型拥有较强的泛化性。本文提出的TC-YOLO模型对背景复杂或外观相似的鸟类图像都能有效识别, 漏检率和误检率较低, 能够为鸟类保护提供重要技术支撑。
李柏灿, 张军国, 张长春, 王丽凤, 徐基良, 刘利 (2024) 基于TC-YOLO模型的北京珍稀鸟类识别方法. 生物多样性, 32, 24056. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024056.
Baican Li, Junguo Zhang, Changchun Zhang, Lifeng Wang, Jiliang Xu, Li Liu (2024) Rare bird recognition method in Beijing based on TC-YOLO model. Biodiversity Science, 32, 24056. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024056.
图3 TC-YOLO模型结构。Conv和Conv2d: 卷积; C3: 特征提取; SPPF: 空间金字塔池化结构; Concat和c: 特征融合; CARAFE: CARAFE上采样; C2: 第2层特征提取的特征图; Pl: 第l层金字塔层级的特征图; Head: TSCODE解耦头; NMS: 非极大值抑制。
Fig. 3 TC-YOLO model structure. Conv and Conv2d, Convolution; C3, Feature extraction; SPPF, Space pyramid pool structure; Concat and c, Feature fusion; CARAFE, CARAFE upsampling; C2, The feature map of layer 2 feature extraction; Pl, The feature map of the l-th pyramid level; Head, TSCODE decoupling header; NMS, Non-maximum suppression.
图4 CARAFE模型结构。$\mathcal{X}$: 输入特征图; C: 特征图的通道数; H: 输入特征图的高; W: 输入特征图的宽; Cm: 降维后的通道数; σ: 上采样率; σ 2 × k u p 2: 内容编码后的输出通道数; k u p 2: 预测的上采样核大小; l: 原始位置; l°: 目标位置; $N\left(\mathcal{X}_{l}, \boldsymbol{k}_{u p}\right)$: 以原始位置为中心的正方形区域; Wl°:重组上采样核; $\mathcal{X}^{\prime}$: 输出特征图; σH: 输出特征图的高; σW: 输出特征图的宽。
Fig. 4 CARAFE model structure. $\mathcal{X}$, Input feature map; C, The number of channels of the input feature map; H, The height of the input feature map; W, The width of the input feature map; Cm, Number of channels after channel compression; σ, Upsample ratio; σ 2 × k u p 2, Number of output channels after content encoding; k u p 2, Predicted upsampling kernel size; l, Source location; l°, Target location; $N\left(\mathcal{X}_{l}, \boldsymbol{k}_{u p}\right)$, A square area centered on the source position; Wl°, Reassembly upsampling kernel; $\mathcal{X}^{\prime}$, Output feature map; σH, The height of the output feature map; σW, The width of the output feature map.
图5 细节保留编码结构。Pl: 第l层金字塔层级的特征图; Gloc l: 定位的特征图; H: 特征图的高; W: 特征图的宽; floc(·): 定位的特征投影函数; $\mathcal{R}(\cdot)$: 定位的最终层。
Fig. 5 Detail-preserving encoding structure. Pl, The feature map of the l-th pyramid level; Gloc l, The feature map for localization; H, The height of the feature map; W, The width of the feature map; floc(·), The feature projection functions for localization; $\mathcal{R}(\cdot)$, The final layer in localization.
图6 语义上下文编码结构。Pl: 第l层金字塔层级的特征图; Gcls l: 分类的特征图; H: 特征图的高; W: 特征图的宽; C: 特征图的通道数; fcls(·): 分类的特征投影函数; C(·): 分类的最终层。
Fig. 6 Semantic context encoding structure. Pl, The feature map of the l-th pyramid level; Gcls l, The feature map for localization; H, The height of the feature map; W, The width of the feature map; C, The number of channels of the feature map; fcls(·), The feature projection functions for localization; C(·), The final layer in localization.
算法模型 Algorithm model | 平均精度均值 mAP@0.5 (%) | 平均精度均值 mAP@0.5:0.9 (%) | 参数量 Parameters (×106 M) | 帧率 Frames per second (帧/s) | 参考文献 References |
TC-YOLO | 90.6 | 78.7 | 28.89 | 56 | 本文 This study |
Faster R-CNN | 67.9 | 45.2 | 28.56 | 16 | Ren et al, |
SSD | 85.3 | 68.3 | 26.29 | 47 | Liu et al, |
YOLOv3-tiny | 80.9 | 54.8 | 8.73 | 86 | Adarsh et al, |
YOLOv4-tiny | 75.1 | 48.6 | 6.06 | 70 | Wang et al, |
YOLOv5s | 90.2 | 76.3 | 7.09 | 85 | Jocher, |
YOLOv6n | 76.6 | 67.6 | 4.64 | 67 | Li et al, |
YOLOv7-tiny | 81.4 | 66.1 | 6.09 | 64 | Wang CY et al, |
YOLOv8n | 84.9 | 74.5 | 3.01 | 67 | Jocher, |
表1 Comparison of experimental results on the Beijing-28 dataset among different models①(①洪洋 (2022) 森林野火预警的小目标检测算法研究. 硕士学位论文, 电子科技大学, 成都.)
Table 1
算法模型 Algorithm model | 平均精度均值 mAP@0.5 (%) | 平均精度均值 mAP@0.5:0.9 (%) | 参数量 Parameters (×106 M) | 帧率 Frames per second (帧/s) | 参考文献 References |
TC-YOLO | 90.6 | 78.7 | 28.89 | 56 | 本文 This study |
Faster R-CNN | 67.9 | 45.2 | 28.56 | 16 | Ren et al, |
SSD | 85.3 | 68.3 | 26.29 | 47 | Liu et al, |
YOLOv3-tiny | 80.9 | 54.8 | 8.73 | 86 | Adarsh et al, |
YOLOv4-tiny | 75.1 | 48.6 | 6.06 | 70 | Wang et al, |
YOLOv5s | 90.2 | 76.3 | 7.09 | 85 | Jocher, |
YOLOv6n | 76.6 | 67.6 | 4.64 | 67 | Li et al, |
YOLOv7-tiny | 81.4 | 66.1 | 6.09 | 64 | Wang CY et al, |
YOLOv8n | 84.9 | 74.5 | 3.01 | 67 | Jocher, |
方法 Methods | 模型构成 Model composition | 平均精度均值 mAP@0.5 (%) | 平均精度均值 mAP@0.5:0.95 (%) | 参考文献 References |
TC-YOLO | YOLOv5s + CARAFE + TSCODE | 90.6 | 78.7 | 本文 This study |
方法1 Method 1 | YOLOv5s | 90.2 | 76.3 | Jocher, |
方法2 Method 2 | YOLOv5s + CBAM | 89.9 | 76.2 | Xue et al, |
方法3 Method 3 | YOLOv5s + SA | 89.8 | 75.2 | Hao et al, |
方法4 Method 4 | YOLOv5s + CA | 89.3 | 74.4 | Zhang et al, |
方法5 Method 5 | YOLOv5s + WioUv3 | 89.9 | 76.1 | Zhao et al, |
表2 不同改进YOLOv5s方法在Beijing-28数据集实验结果对比
Table 2 Comparison of experimental results on the Beijing-28 dataset among different improved YOLOv5s methods
方法 Methods | 模型构成 Model composition | 平均精度均值 mAP@0.5 (%) | 平均精度均值 mAP@0.5:0.95 (%) | 参考文献 References |
TC-YOLO | YOLOv5s + CARAFE + TSCODE | 90.6 | 78.7 | 本文 This study |
方法1 Method 1 | YOLOv5s | 90.2 | 76.3 | Jocher, |
方法2 Method 2 | YOLOv5s + CBAM | 89.9 | 76.2 | Xue et al, |
方法3 Method 3 | YOLOv5s + SA | 89.8 | 75.2 | Hao et al, |
方法4 Method 4 | YOLOv5s + CA | 89.3 | 74.4 | Zhang et al, |
方法5 Method 5 | YOLOv5s + WioUv3 | 89.9 | 76.1 | Zhao et al, |
图9 YOLOv5s改进前后算法识别效果对比图(漏检情况)
Fig. 9 Comparison of recognition performance between before and after improvement in YOLOv5s (missed detection situations)
图10 YOLOv5s改进前后算法识别效果对比图(误检情况)
Fig. 10 Comparison of recognition performance between before and after improvement in YOLOv5s (false detection situations)
数据集 Datasets | 算法模型 Algorithm model | 精确率 Precision (%) | 召回率 Recall (%) | 平均精度均值 mAP@0.5 (%) | 平均精度均值 mAP@0.5:0.95 (%) |
Beijing-28 | YOLOv5s | 86.8 | 87.4 | 90.2 | 76.3 |
C-YOLO | 87.5 | 88.3 | 90.3 | 77.3 | |
T-YOLO | 87.3 | 88.1 | 90.2 | 77.4 | |
TC-YOLO | 89.4 | 89.5 | 90.6 | 78.7 | |
CUB200-2011 | YOLOv5s | 81.7 | 82.2 | 85.4 | 72.8 |
C-YOLO | 81.9 | 82.5 | 85.6 | 73.5 | |
T-YOLO | 84.7 | 82.0 | 85.4 | 74.7 | |
TC-YOLO | 85.1 | 82.5 | 85.5 | 75.3 |
表3 TC-YOLO模型的消融实验结果
Table 3 Ablation experimental results of TC-YOLO model
数据集 Datasets | 算法模型 Algorithm model | 精确率 Precision (%) | 召回率 Recall (%) | 平均精度均值 mAP@0.5 (%) | 平均精度均值 mAP@0.5:0.95 (%) |
Beijing-28 | YOLOv5s | 86.8 | 87.4 | 90.2 | 76.3 |
C-YOLO | 87.5 | 88.3 | 90.3 | 77.3 | |
T-YOLO | 87.3 | 88.1 | 90.2 | 77.4 | |
TC-YOLO | 89.4 | 89.5 | 90.6 | 78.7 | |
CUB200-2011 | YOLOv5s | 81.7 | 82.2 | 85.4 | 72.8 |
C-YOLO | 81.9 | 82.5 | 85.6 | 73.5 | |
T-YOLO | 84.7 | 82.0 | 85.4 | 74.7 | |
TC-YOLO | 85.1 | 82.5 | 85.5 | 75.3 |
算法模型 Algorithm model | 平均精度均值 mAP@0.5 (%) | 平均精度均值 mAP@0.5:0.95 (%) | 参考文献 References |
TC-YOLO | 61.0 | 42.1 | 本文 This study |
Faster R-CNN* | 59.2 | 39.8 | Ren et al, |
SSD* | 43.1 | 25.1 | Liu et al, |
YOLOv4-tiny* | 42.1 | 24.9 | Wang et al, |
YOLOv5s* | 56.8 | 37.4 | Jocher, |
YOLOv6n* | 52.7 | 37.0 | Li et al, |
YOLOv7-tiny* | 52.8 | 35.2 | Wang CY et al, |
YOLOv8n* | 52.6 | 37.3 | Jocher, |
表4 不同模型在MS COCO数据集上的实验结果对比(*代表论文中的实验结果)
Table 4 Comparison of experimental results on the MS COCO dataset among different models (* represents experimental results in the paper)
算法模型 Algorithm model | 平均精度均值 mAP@0.5 (%) | 平均精度均值 mAP@0.5:0.95 (%) | 参考文献 References |
TC-YOLO | 61.0 | 42.1 | 本文 This study |
Faster R-CNN* | 59.2 | 39.8 | Ren et al, |
SSD* | 43.1 | 25.1 | Liu et al, |
YOLOv4-tiny* | 42.1 | 24.9 | Wang et al, |
YOLOv5s* | 56.8 | 37.4 | Jocher, |
YOLOv6n* | 52.7 | 37.0 | Li et al, |
YOLOv7-tiny* | 52.8 | 35.2 | Wang CY et al, |
YOLOv8n* | 52.6 | 37.3 | Jocher, |
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