生物多样性 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 23443.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023443

• 生物编目 • 上一篇    下一篇


池玉杰1,*()(), 张心甜1(), 田志炫1(), 关成帅1(), 谷新治1,2(), 刘智会3(), 王占斌1, 王金杰1   

  1. 1.东北林业大学林学院, 哈尔滨 150040
    2.浙江省长三角标准技术研究院, 杭州 311202
    3.长春市园林植物保护站, 长春 130022
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-20 接受日期:2024-02-01 出版日期:2024-04-20 发布日期:2024-03-28
  • 通讯作者: * E-mail: chiyujienefu@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Species diversity of powdery mildew fungi (Erysiphaceae) and their host plants in Northeast Asia

Yujie Chi1,*()(), Xintian Zhang1(), Zhixuan Tian1(), Chengshuai Guan1(), Xinzhi Gu1,2(), Zhihui Liu3(), Zhanbin Wang1, Jinjie Wang1   

  1. 1 College of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040
    2 Yangtze Delta Region Standard Technology Institute of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 311202
    3 Changchun Garden Plant Protection Station, Changchun 130022
  • Received:2023-11-20 Accepted:2024-02-01 Online:2024-04-20 Published:2024-03-28
  • Contact: * E-mail: chiyujienefu@126.com


对不同地理区域的菌物进行系统的编目和分类研究是生物多样性研究的核心内容。白粉菌是一类植物专性寄生病原真菌, 广泛分布在世界各地, 能引起多种植物的白粉病。为了全面了解中国东北与东北亚其他地区白粉菌的物种多样性和寄主多样性, 本文通过文献收集、数据分析, 并结合作者2022-2023年野外调查结果, 按照最新的分类系统, 整理出中国东北和东北亚其他各国和地区的白粉菌物种名录、寄主名录和地理分布信息。通过整理分析发现, 中国东北地区有白粉菌142种和17变种, 隶属于1科5族、10个有性属和1个无性属, 分布在572种(含37变种)寄主植物上, 隶属64科243属; 日本有白粉菌258种和46变种, 隶属于1科5族, 12个有性属和2个无性属, 分布在1,171种(含163变种)寄主植物上, 隶属108科449属; 韩国有白粉菌150种和15变种, 隶属于1科5族, 11个有性属和1个无性属, 分布在515种(含53变种)寄主植物上, 隶属79科255属; 俄罗斯远东地区有白粉菌89种和22变种, 隶属于1科5族, 8个有性属和2个无性属。中国东北地区、日本、韩国和俄罗斯远东地区共有的白粉菌种类有50个, 归属于8个共有的有性属(布氏白粉菌属(Blumeria)、单囊壳属(Podosphaera)、叉钩丝壳属(Sawadaea)、白粉菌属(Erysiphe)、高氏白粉菌属(Golovinomyces)、新白粉菌属(Neoërysiphe)、内丝白粉菌属(Leveillula)和球针壳属(Phyllactinia)), 它们分布在相同或相近的寄主植物上。日本和韩国的白粉菌共有种最多(136种)。中国东北地区、日本和韩国白粉菌的特有种分别为28种、116种和17种。东北亚地区白粉菌的寄主植物总共有1,760种(含263个变种), 隶属112科541属。虽然东北亚地区约占全球陆地面积的8%, 但是该地区共有318种和53变种白粉菌, 占全球已知白粉菌总数的40.33%。因此, 东北亚地区属于白粉菌多样性研究的重点地区与区系单元。研究结果为建立东北亚地区白粉菌多样性与区系研究格局、系统发育关系、寄主多样性概貌等提供了白粉菌物种和寄主物种的数据支持。

关键词: 白粉菌, 多样性, 寄主多样性, 中国东北, 东北亚


Aims: The systematic inventory and classification of fungi in various geographical regions are the core focus of biodiversity research. Powdery mildew fungi are a kind of obligate parasitic and pathogenic fungi that are widely distributed worldwide and can cause powdery mildew diseases in forest trees, fruit trees, garden flowers, crops, vegetables, and herbaceous plants. This study aims to comprehend the diversity of powdery mildew fungi and their hosts in Northeast China and other regions of Northeast Asia.

Method: Based on literature collection, data analysis, combined with the authors’ field specimen collection and specimen examination from 2022 to 2023, we provided inventories of powdery mildew fungi according to the latest classification and inventories of their host plants, and geographic distribution information in Northeast China and other regions of Northeast Asia.

Results: We found 159 powdery mildew fungi (including 142 species and 17 varieties) in Northeast China, belonging to 1 family, 5 tribes, 10 teleomorphic genera and 1 anamorph genus of Erysiphaceae, distributed on 572 species of host plants (including 37 varieties) in 243 genera and 64 families. A total of 304 powdery mildew fungi (including 258 species and 46 varieties) belonging to 1 family, 5 tribes, 12 teleomorphic genera and 2 anamorph genera were distributed on 1,171 species of host plants (including 163 varieties) in 449 genera and 108 families in Japan. In Republic of Korea, there were 165 powdery mildew fungi (including 150 species and 15 varieties) belonging to 1 family, 5 tribes, 11 teleomorphic genera and 1 anamorph genus, distributed on 515 species of host plants (including 53 varieties) in 255 genera and 79 families. A total of 111 powdery mildew fungi (including 89 species and 22 varieties) belonging to 1 family, 5 tribes, 8 teleomorphic genera and 2 anamorph genera in Russian Far East were recorded. There were 50 shared powdery mildew fungi in Northeast China, Japan, Republic of Korea, and Russian Far East, and they belong to eight common teleomorphic genera (Blumeria, Podosphaera, Sawadaea, Erysiphe, Golovinomyces, Neoërysiphe, Leveillula, and Phyllactinia) and were distributed on the same or closely related host plants. Japan and Republic of Korea had the most shared species of powdery fungi (136 species). In Northeast China, Japan and Republic of Korea, 28, 116, and 17 species were endemic, respectively. There were a total of 1,760 species (including 263 varieties) of host plants belonging to 112 families and 541 genera in Northeast Asia.

Conclusions: There are 318 species and 53 varieties of powdery mildews in Northeast China, Japan, Republic of Korea, and Russian Far East, accounting for 40.33% of the global total, while Northeast Asia only accounts for about 8% of the global land area. Therefore, Northeast Asia is a key area and mycobiota unit for the study of powdery mildew diversity. This study provides a data support for establishing profiles of diversity and mycobiota studies, phylogenetic relationships, and host diversity of powdery mildew fungi in Northeast Asia.

Key words: powdery mildew fungi/powdery mildews, diversity, host diversity, Northeast China, Northeast Asia