生物多样性 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (10): 22438. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022438
刘艳杰1, 黄伟2,3, 杨强4, 郑玉龙5, 黎绍鹏6,7, 吴昊8, 鞠瑞亭7,9, 孙燕10, 丁建清11,*()
* E-mail: jding@henu.edu.cn基金资助:
Yanjie Liu1, Wei Huang2,3, Qiang Yang4, Yu-Long Zheng5, Shao-Peng Li6,7, Hao Wu8, Ruiting Ju7,9, Yan Sun10, Jianqing Ding11,*()
Jianqing Ding
外来植物入侵对本地生物多样性、生态安全、社会经济发展和人类健康造成了严重威胁。因此, 探究植物入侵机制及其生态效应对我国生态可持续发展具有重要意义, 也是植物入侵生态学的主要研究内容。过去10年, 生态学家开展了大量研究, 取得了丰硕成果, 为推动入侵植物防控与生物多样性保护提供了理论指导。为深入解析外来植物入侵机制, 为其防控管理提供依据, 本文从以下3个方面综述了植物入侵生态学重要进展: 首先是外来植物生物学特性、生物和非生物环境对植物入侵的调控作用; 其次是外来植物入侵对本地生态系统的影响; 最后介绍了外来植物入侵的类比研究范式——本地植物入侵, 以及多组学技术在入侵生态学研究中的应用。基于这些研究进展, 本文展望了该领域的未来发展趋势, 包括: (1)研究对象从单一物种扩展到多物种比较; (2)研究地理范围从局域尺度扩大到纬度梯度格局; (3)入侵机制从单一理论验证到综合阐释多个假说。
刘艳杰, 黄伟, 杨强, 郑玉龙, 黎绍鹏, 吴昊, 鞠瑞亭, 孙燕, 丁建清 (2022) 近十年植物入侵生态学重要研究进展. 生物多样性, 30, 22438. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022438.
Yanjie Liu, Wei Huang, Qiang Yang, Yu-Long Zheng, Shao-Peng Li, Hao Wu, Ruiting Ju, Yan Sun, Jianqing Ding (2022) Research advances of plant invasion ecology over the past 10 years. Biodiversity Science, 30, 22438. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022438.
编号 Number | 近10年植物入侵生态学热点科学问题 Top questions of plant invasions over past decade |
1 | 外来入侵植物拥有强入侵性的决定因素 What determines the strong invasivability of invasive alien plants? |
2 | 多维度本地生物多样性对外来植物入侵的抵御机制 What is the mechanism behind the resistance of multidimensional native biodiversity to alien plant invasion? |
3 | 基于化学诱导反应的地上-地下植食者互作对植物入侵的影响机制 How do chemical-induced interactions between above- and below-ground herbivores affect alien plant invasion? |
4 | 根/叶际有益-有害微生物及其相互作用对外来植物入侵的调控机制 How do rhizosphere/phyllosphere mutualistic and pathogenic microorganisms, as well as their interactions affect alien plant invasion? |
5 | 环境波动及多环境因子耦合对外来植物入侵的直接影响 What are the direct effects of environmental variability and interaction between multiple environmental factors on alien plant invasion? |
6 | 营养级互作对外来植物入侵响应环境变化的调控机制 How do other trophic levels mediate alien plant invasion under environmental changes? |
7 | 外来植物入侵对本地群落动态和演替进程的长期效应 What are the long-term effects of alien plant invasion on local community dynamics and succession? |
8 | 外来植物入侵对生态系统结构与功能的影响方向 What is the impact direction of alien plant invasion on ecosystem structure and function? |
9 | 本地植物生境快速跃迁的机制及其对生态系统的影响 What drives rapid range-expansion of native plants, and how does it affect ecosystems? |
10 | 外来植物快速适应与进化的分子机制 What are the molecular mechanisms of rapid adaptation and evolution of alien plants? |
表1 近10年植物入侵生态学热点科学问题
Table 1 Top questions of plant invasion ecology over the past decade
编号 Number | 近10年植物入侵生态学热点科学问题 Top questions of plant invasions over past decade |
1 | 外来入侵植物拥有强入侵性的决定因素 What determines the strong invasivability of invasive alien plants? |
2 | 多维度本地生物多样性对外来植物入侵的抵御机制 What is the mechanism behind the resistance of multidimensional native biodiversity to alien plant invasion? |
3 | 基于化学诱导反应的地上-地下植食者互作对植物入侵的影响机制 How do chemical-induced interactions between above- and below-ground herbivores affect alien plant invasion? |
4 | 根/叶际有益-有害微生物及其相互作用对外来植物入侵的调控机制 How do rhizosphere/phyllosphere mutualistic and pathogenic microorganisms, as well as their interactions affect alien plant invasion? |
5 | 环境波动及多环境因子耦合对外来植物入侵的直接影响 What are the direct effects of environmental variability and interaction between multiple environmental factors on alien plant invasion? |
6 | 营养级互作对外来植物入侵响应环境变化的调控机制 How do other trophic levels mediate alien plant invasion under environmental changes? |
7 | 外来植物入侵对本地群落动态和演替进程的长期效应 What are the long-term effects of alien plant invasion on local community dynamics and succession? |
8 | 外来植物入侵对生态系统结构与功能的影响方向 What is the impact direction of alien plant invasion on ecosystem structure and function? |
9 | 本地植物生境快速跃迁的机制及其对生态系统的影响 What drives rapid range-expansion of native plants, and how does it affect ecosystems? |
10 | 外来植物快速适应与进化的分子机制 What are the molecular mechanisms of rapid adaptation and evolution of alien plants? |
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