生物多样性 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (3): 21280. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021280
*E-mail: zhangdh@gsau.edu.cn基金资助:
Yating Wang1, Dinghai Zhang1,*(), Zhishan Zhang2
Dinghai Zhang
为了探讨沙漠中固沙灌木种群共存和演替机制, 本文基于古尔班通古特沙漠东南缘固定沙丘上白梭梭(Haloxylon persicum)和梭梭(H. ammodendron)种群的地理位置和生长发育阶段信息(幼株、营养株、生殖株和死株), 采用点格局分析方法(g(r)函数)及Monte-Carlo随机模拟检验和零模型选取的方法, 分析了固沙灌木白梭梭和梭梭种群不同生长发育阶段在0-20 m尺度内的空间分布格局及种间关联性。结果表明: (1)两个种群在研究尺度范围内呈聚集分布, 随着尺度的增大, 其聚集强度逐渐减弱; (2)两个种群整体上呈负关联关系, 尺度越大负关联关系越显著; (3)白梭梭种群生长发育阶段相差越大, 个体间正关联关系越显著; 梭梭种群生长发育阶段越接近, 个体间正关联关系越显著; (4)两个种群中龄级较大的个体(如营养株、生殖株和死株)会对对方种群中龄级较小的幼株产生一定的抑制作用; 同时, 随着两个种群中个体的成长, 双方受到的抑制作用逐渐减弱, 主要表现为正关联和无关联。总体而言, 古尔班通古特沙漠固定沙丘白梭梭和梭梭种群的分布格局整体上为聚集分布, 随龄级增加聚集性减弱, 受生境异质性和扩散限制的影响明显。种间关系多为负相关, 种内不同生长发育阶段之间均为正关联关系。
王雅婷, 张定海, 张志山 (2022) 古尔班通古特沙漠固定沙丘上白梭梭和梭梭的空间分布及种间关联性. 生物多样性, 30, 21280. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021280.
Yating Wang, Dinghai Zhang, Zhishan Zhang (2022) Spatial distribution and interspecific correlation of Haloxylon persicum and H. ammodendron on fixed dunes of the Gurbantunggut Desert, China. Biodiversity Science, 30, 21280. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021280.
图2 基于完全随机模型(CSR)的白梭梭和梭梭种群及不同生长发育阶段个体的空间格局。虚线为99%置信区间。
Fig. 2 Spatial distribution pattern of Haloxylon persicum and H. ammodendron populations and individuals at different developmental stages based on complete spatial randomness (CSR) models. Dot lines were confidence interval of 99%.
图3 基于异质泊松模型(HP)白梭梭和梭梭种群及不同生长发育阶段个体的空间分布格局。虚线为99%置信区间。
Fig. 3 Spatial distribution pattern of Haloxylon persicum and H. ammodendron populations and individuals at different developmental stages based on heterogeneous Poisson (HP) models. Dot lines were confidence interval of 99%.
图4 白梭梭和梭梭的种间关联关系。虚线为99%置信区间。
Fig. 4 Interspecific relationship between Haloxylon persicum and H. ammodendron. Dot lines were confidence interval of 99%.
白梭梭幼株 H. persicum young plant | 白梭梭营养株 H. persicum nutrition plant | 白梭梭生殖株 H. persicum reproductive plant | 白梭梭死株 H. persicum dead plant | |
梭梭幼株 H. ammodendron young plant | 1 m: / > 1 m: - | > 0 m: - | > 0 m: - | > 0 m: - |
梭梭营养株 H. ammodendron nutrition plant | 1-5 m: - 6-7 m: / 8-9 m: + 10-11 m: / > 11 m: + | 1 m: / 2 m: + 3-4 m: / > 4 m: + | 1-2 m: / > 2 m: + | 1 m: - 2-4 m: / 5-6 m: - 7-9 m: / 10-11m: + 12-19 m: / > 19 m: + |
梭梭生殖株 H. ammodendron reproductive plant | > 0 m: - | 1 m: / > 1 m: + | 1-4 m: / > 4 m: + | 1-7 m: / 8-9 m: + 10-12 m: / 13-14 m: + 15-16 m: / > 16 m: + |
梭梭死株 H. ammodendron dead plant | > 0 m: - | > 0 m: - | > 0 m: - | 1-16 m: - 17-19 m: / > 19 m: - |
表1 白梭梭和梭梭种群不同生长发育阶段之间的空间关联性
Table 1 Spatial correlation between different developmental stages of Haloxylon persicum and H. ammodendron populations
白梭梭幼株 H. persicum young plant | 白梭梭营养株 H. persicum nutrition plant | 白梭梭生殖株 H. persicum reproductive plant | 白梭梭死株 H. persicum dead plant | |
梭梭幼株 H. ammodendron young plant | 1 m: / > 1 m: - | > 0 m: - | > 0 m: - | > 0 m: - |
梭梭营养株 H. ammodendron nutrition plant | 1-5 m: - 6-7 m: / 8-9 m: + 10-11 m: / > 11 m: + | 1 m: / 2 m: + 3-4 m: / > 4 m: + | 1-2 m: / > 2 m: + | 1 m: - 2-4 m: / 5-6 m: - 7-9 m: / 10-11m: + 12-19 m: / > 19 m: + |
梭梭生殖株 H. ammodendron reproductive plant | > 0 m: - | 1 m: / > 1 m: + | 1-4 m: / > 4 m: + | 1-7 m: / 8-9 m: + 10-12 m: / 13-14 m: + 15-16 m: / > 16 m: + |
梭梭死株 H. ammodendron dead plant | > 0 m: - | > 0 m: - | > 0 m: - | 1-16 m: - 17-19 m: / > 19 m: - |
图5 白梭梭和梭梭不同生长发育阶段种内空间关联性。虚线为99%置信区间。
Fig. 5 Intraspecific spatial correlation at different developmental stages of Haloxylon persicum and H. ammodendron. Dot lines were confidence interval of 99%.
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