生物多样性 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 22585. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022585
所属专题: 土壤生物与土壤健康
肖媛媛1, 冯薇1,2, 乔艳桂1, 张宇清1,2,*(), 秦树高1,2
*E-mail: 基金资助:
Yuanyuan Xiao1, Wei Feng1,2, Yangui Qiao1, Yuqing Zhang1,2,*(), Shugao Qin1,2
*E-mail: 摘要:
过去30年, 毛乌素沙地采取飞播、禁牧等一系列生态恢复措施进行荒漠化治理, 在改善区域生态环境方面取得了显著成效; 然而, 植被恢复后, 土壤多功能性的变化情况仍不明晰, 尤其是土壤微生物对土壤多功能性的影响缺乏深入认识。本文以毛乌素沙地同期建植的黑沙蒿(Artemisia ordosica)、北沙柳(Salix psammophila)和柠条锦鸡儿(Caragana korshinskii) 3种固沙灌木林地土壤为研究对象, 使用高通量测序技术测定了土壤微生物群落结构, 采用平均值法量化了林地土壤多功能性并分析二者关系。研究结果显示: (1) 3种固沙灌木林地土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷、微生物量碳、微生物量氮存在显著差异(黑沙蒿林地 > 北沙柳林地 > 柠条锦鸡儿林地), 黑沙蒿和北沙柳林地土壤蔗糖酶、碱性磷酸酶、土壤多功能性无显著差异, 但高于柠条锦鸡儿林地; (2) 黑沙蒿林地土壤微生物Chao 1指数、物种数、Shannon指数显著高于柠条锦鸡儿林地, 柠条锦鸡儿林地土壤净种间亲缘关系指数显著低于其他两类林地, 3种林地土壤微生物Shannon指数、系统发育多样性、网络拓扑性质(节点、边、边密度)及柠条锦鸡儿林地土壤净种间亲缘关系指数均与土壤多功能性呈正相关; (3)微生物参数对土壤多功能性的解释度从高到低依次为网络拓扑性质(24.46%)、物种多样性(19.72%)、谱系多样性(5.92%), 土壤微生物多样性通过促进网络结构间接地对土壤多功能性产生正向影响。研究结果表明, 不同灌木林地对土壤微生物参数和土壤多功能性影响不同, 土壤微生物多样性通过正向调控微生物种间关系影响土壤生态系统功能。结果有助于从土壤微生物视角, 理解以不同固沙灌木为优势种组成的植被群落对土壤功能的影响, 并可为荒漠化防治植物种的选择提供理论依据。
肖媛媛, 冯薇, 乔艳桂, 张宇清, 秦树高 (2023) 固沙灌木林地土壤微生物群落特征对土壤多功能性的影响. 生物多样性, 31, 22585. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022585.
Yuanyuan Xiao, Wei Feng, Yangui Qiao, Yuqing Zhang, Shugao Qin (2023) Effects of soil microbial community characteristics on soil multifunctionality in sand-fixation shrublands. Biodiversity Science, 31, 22585. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022585.
样地 Sampling site | 黑沙蒿林地 Artemisia ordosica shrubland | 北沙柳林地 Salix psammophila shrubland | 柠条锦鸡儿林地 Caragana korshinskii shrubland |
植被盖度 Vegetation coverage (%) | 58 | 65 | 62 |
优势种 Dominant species | 黑沙蒿 A. ordosica | 北沙柳 S. psammophila | 柠条锦鸡儿 C. korshinskii |
灌木平均高度 Mean shrub height (m) | 0.61 | 2.60 | 2.99 |
平均冠幅 Mean shrub canopy area (m2) | 0.85 | 6.41 | 6.19 |
主要伴生植物 Main associated herbaceous plants | 赖草、狗尾草、地梢瓜、阿尔泰狗娃花、中华苦荬菜 Leymus secalinus, Setaria viridis, Cynanchum thesioides, Aster altaicus, Ixeris chinensis | 中华苦荬菜、兴安胡枝子、拂子 茅 Ixeris chinensis, Lespedeza davurica, Calamagrostis epigeios | 软毛虫实、拂子茅、猪毛菜、狗尾草 Corispermum puberulum, Calamagrostis epigeios, Kali collinum, Setaria viridis |
表1 研究样地灌木基本情况表
Table 1 Basic information of the sampled shrublands in the study sites
样地 Sampling site | 黑沙蒿林地 Artemisia ordosica shrubland | 北沙柳林地 Salix psammophila shrubland | 柠条锦鸡儿林地 Caragana korshinskii shrubland |
植被盖度 Vegetation coverage (%) | 58 | 65 | 62 |
优势种 Dominant species | 黑沙蒿 A. ordosica | 北沙柳 S. psammophila | 柠条锦鸡儿 C. korshinskii |
灌木平均高度 Mean shrub height (m) | 0.61 | 2.60 | 2.99 |
平均冠幅 Mean shrub canopy area (m2) | 0.85 | 6.41 | 6.19 |
主要伴生植物 Main associated herbaceous plants | 赖草、狗尾草、地梢瓜、阿尔泰狗娃花、中华苦荬菜 Leymus secalinus, Setaria viridis, Cynanchum thesioides, Aster altaicus, Ixeris chinensis | 中华苦荬菜、兴安胡枝子、拂子 茅 Ixeris chinensis, Lespedeza davurica, Calamagrostis epigeios | 软毛虫实、拂子茅、猪毛菜、狗尾草 Corispermum puberulum, Calamagrostis epigeios, Kali collinum, Setaria viridis |
图1 土壤样品采集点布设图。a: 黑沙蒿林地取样小样方; b: 北沙柳林地取样小样方; c: 柠条锦鸡儿林地取样小样方。
Fig. 1 Distribution of soil sampling sites. a, Sampling plot in Artemisia ordosica shrublands; b, Sampling plot in Salix psammophila shrublands; c, Sampling plot in Caragana korshinskii shrublands.
图2 不同灌木林地土壤性质和多功能性。不同的字母表示样地间的显著差异(P < 0.05), 数据为平均值 ± 标准误差; Aro: 黑沙蒿林地; Sap: 北沙柳林地; Cam: 柠条锦鸡儿林地。
Fig. 2 Soil properties and multifunctionality in different shrublands. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05), data are shown as mean ± SE; Aro, Artemisia ordosica shrubland; Sap, Salix psammophila shrubland; Cam, Caragana korshinskii shrubland.
图3 不同灌木林地土壤微生物物种多样性(a)和谱系多样性(b)。不同的字母表示样地间存在显著差异(P < 0.05), 数据为平均值 ± 标准误差。Aro: 黑沙蒿林地; Sap: 北沙柳林地; Cam: 柠条锦鸡儿林地; PD: 系统发育多样性; NRI: 净种间亲缘关系指数; NTI: 净最近种间亲缘关系指数。
Fig. 3 Soil microbial species diversity (a) and phylogenetic diversity (b) in different shrublands. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05), data are shown as mean values ± SE. Aro, Artemisia ordosica shrubland; Sap, Salix psammophila shrubland; Cam, Caragana korshinskii shrubland. PD, Faith’s phylogenetic diversity index; NRI, Net relatedness index; NTI, Net nearest taxa index.
图5 土壤多功能性与土壤微生物多样性及网络拓扑性质的关系。灰色部分表示95%置信区间。Aro: 黑沙蒿林地; Sap: 北沙柳林地; Cam: 柠条锦鸡儿林地; PD: 系统发育多样性; NRI: 净种间亲缘关系指数; NTI: 净最近种间亲缘关系指数。R2: 决定系数; * P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01。
Fig. 5 Relationship between soil multifunctionality (Z-score) and soil microbial diversity, network topological properties. Grey regions indicate 95% confidence intervals around the regressions; Aro, Artemisia ordosica shrubland; Sap, Salix psammophila shrubland; Cam, Caragana korshinskii shrubland; PD, Faith’s phylogenetic diversity index; NRI, Net relatedness index; NTI, Net nearest taxa index; R2, Coefficient of determination; * P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01.
图6 微生物多样性和网络拓扑性质对土壤多功能性的解释度(方差分解分析)。实心黑色圆圈代表相邻两因子交互作用, 实线长方形代表三因子交互作用; 蓝色虚线代表一类微生物参数对土壤多功能性的解释度; Nodes: 节点; Edges: 边; Linkage density: 边密度; PD: 系统发育多样性指数; NRI: 净种间亲缘关系指数; NTI: 净最近种间亲缘关系指数; Observed species: 物种数; Chao 1: Chao 1指数; Shannon: Shannon指数。
Fig. 6 Percentage explanation of microbial diversity and network topological properties on soil multifunctionality (variance partition analysis). Solid black circles represent adjacent two-factor interactions, and solid rectangles represent three-factor interactions; Blue dashed line represents the percentage of explanation of soil multifunctionality by one category of microbial parameters; Nodes, Number of nodes; Edges, Number of edges; Linkage density, Linkage density; PD, Faith’s phylogenetic diversity index; NRI, Net relatedness index; NTI, Net nearest taxa index; Observed species, Observed species number; Chao 1, Chao 1 index; Shannon, Shannon index.
图7 微生物参数对土壤多功能性影响的结构方程模型(a)和标准化总效应(b)。箭头代表正相关关系, 箭头粗细表示路径系数大小, 箭头上数值为标准化路径系数和相关性程度, R2 代表模型对该变量的解释度; NRI: 净种间亲缘关系指数; GFI: 拟合优度指数; CFI: 比较拟合指数; NFI: 规范拟合指数; * P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01; *** P < 0.001。
Fig. 7 Structural equation modeling (a) and standardized total effect (b) of microbial parameters on soil multifunctionality. Arrows represent positive correlations, the thickness of the arrow indicates the size of the path coefficient, the value on the arrow is the standardized path coefficient and the degree of correlation, and R2 represents the degree of explanation of the model for the variable; NRI, Net relatedness index; GFI, Goodness fit index; CFI, Comparative fit index; NFI, Normed fit index; * P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01; *** P < 0.001.
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