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    Response and influencing factors of leaf functional traits to forest succession in subtropical mixed plantations
    Yanpeng Li, Lijun Pan, Jie Chen, Han Xu, Lixin Yang
    Biodiv Sci. 2024, 32 (7):  24049.  doi: 10.17520/biods.2024049   cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024049
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    Aims: Leaf functional traits, as essential indicators of plant photosynthesis, effectively reflect the species’ strategies for survival, growth, and reproduction in response to environmental changes. However, whether tradeoff strategies for leaf functional traits vary significantly with temporal scale is still lacking sufficient evidence. This study aims to clarify the characteristics of leaf functional traits in subtropical mixed plantations and their response patterns to forest succession, enhancing our understanding of community assembly processes.

    Method: This study was conducted in the subtropical mixed plantations formed after the renovation of pure forest of Cunninghamia lanceolata in Yunyong Forest Farm, Foshan City, from 2003 to 2010. In 2018, data were collected from twenty-seven 20 m × 20 m fixed plots from nine sites, and sampling data of six leaf functional traits. The adaptive characteristics and response rules of different leaf functional traits to forest succession were analyzed. First, we calculated the mean, coefficient of variation, intraspecific and interspecific variation of leaf functional traits. Second, we used regression and correlation analyses to determine the changes and trade-offs of different leaf functional traits throughout forest succession. Finally, multiple stepwise regression analysis and hierarchical partitioning methods were employed to explore the influencing factors of leaf functional trait patterns.

    Results: The results revealed that: (1) The leaf functional traits had strong plasticity during succession of subtropical mixed plantations. The coefficient of variation of different leaf functional traits ranged from 5.63% to 70.98%, and the interspecific variation was greater than intraspecific variation. (2) The ecological strategy of co-existing species changed from conservative to acquisitive along the forest succession of subtropical mixed plantations. (3) Forest succession significantly affected the correlations between different leaf functional traits. Notably, the correlations between specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf organic carbon content (LC), leaf total nitrogen content (LN), and leaf total phosphorus content (LP) strengthened as succession progressed. This indicates that the environmental context’s impact on plant functional trait trade-offs cannot be overlooked, even on a local spatial scale. (4) Recovery time, the changes of species composition and alterations in leaf functional traits collectively influenced the patterns of leaf functional traits across different succession stages. However, the relative contribution of each factor varied depending on the specific functional trait studied.

    Conclusion: The results reveal the response patterns and influencing factors of leaf functional traits during forest succession in subtropical mixed plantations. These findings provide a theoretical basis for future species election in afforestation efforts based on plant functional traits in the future.

    Effects of nutrient addition and precipitation changes on the stability of aboveground and belowground biomass in desert grassland
    Xingyuan Yin, Hui An, Binbin Xing, Shiyu Su, Zhilin Wen, Jianchao Guo, Xiaoping Liu, Bo Wang
    Biodiv Sci. 2024, 32 (7):  24073.  doi: 10.17520/biods.2024073   cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024073
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    Aims: This study aims to clarify the response of desert grassland ecosystem function and stability to changes in water and nutrient resource availability, and to elucidate the mechanisms and pathways influencing biomass stability in desert grassland.

    Methods: This study conducted a 5-year field control experiment on nutrient addition and precipitation changes in desert grasslands in Ningxia from 2018 to 2022. The experimental treatments included: control (Cont), N addition (N, 10 g·m-2·yr-1), NPK addition (NPK, 10 g·m-2·yr-1 N + 10 g·m-2·yr-1 P + 10 g·m-2·yr-1 K), 50% reduction in precipitation (Cont - 50%), 50% increase in precipitation (Cont + 50%), N addition + 50% reduction in precipitation (N - 50%), N addition + 50% increase in precipitation (N + 50%), NPK addition + 50% decrease in precipitation (NPK - 50%), and NPK addition + 50% increase in precipitation (NPK + 50%). The aboveground and belowground biomass, as well as species diversity, were determined. Additionally, species asynchrony, species diversity, biomass stability, and the factors affecting biomass stability were analyzed.

    Results: The results demonstrated that (1) nutrient addition and precipitation changes significantly impacted the biomass of desert grassland plant communities. The NPK + 50% treatment led to a substantial increase in aboveground biomass (156.28%), belowground biomass (51.95%), and total biomass (75.67%). In contrast, the Cont - 50% treatment resulted in a significant decrease in aboveground biomass (45.59%), belowground biomass (25.09%), and total biomass (31.41%). (2) Except for the NPK + 50% treatment, the stability of plant community biomass in other treatments was notably lower than that in the control treatment. The aboveground biomass stability of the NPK + 50% treatment decreased by 31.90%, while the stability of belowground and total biomass increased by 33.48% and 12.38%, respectively. (3) Furthermore, nutrient addition and precipitation changes significantly influenced species diversity (including species richness and the Shannon-Wiener diversity index) and species asynchrony. Their interaction had a notable impact on species asynchrony. (4) The change in precipitation reduced the stability of aboveground and total biomass by reducing species asynchrony. The stability of aboveground biomass had no significant direct effect on the stability of total biomass. In contrast, the stability of belowground biomass had a considerable positive impact on the stability of total biomass.

    Conclusion: In summary, nutrient addition and precipitation changes reduced the stability of biomass in desert grasslands, with species asynchrony (complementary effect) being the primary mechanism influencing biomass stability in desert grasslands. In desert grassland areas, the contribution of belowground biomass stability to total biomass stability was more significant than that of aboveground biomass stability. Therefore, when exploring the response patterns and mechanisms of plant community stability to nutrient addition and precipitation changes, it is essential to consider not only the aboveground parts of plants but also the changes and responses of the belowground parts.

    Fish diversity and threat factors in the Yunnan section of the Nujiang River
    Zuopeng Zhang, Chenyang Yao, Ling Wu, Zunlan Luo, Guang Sun, Zongyong Guo, Xiaosi Li, Feng Lin, Xiaoyong Chen
    Biodiv Sci. 2024, 32 (7):  24076.  doi: 10.17520/biods.2024076   cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024076
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    Aims: The Nujiang River is an important international river in southwestern China and one of the six major drainages in Yunnan. This study aims to understand the fish diversity and threat factors in the Yunnan section of the Nujiang River.

    Methods: A systematic survey of 53 sampling sites in the Yunnan section of Nujiang River from 2019 to 2020 was conducted. The indices of Margalef species richness index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Pielou’s evenness index, Simpson dominance index was used to evaluate the diversity of fishes. Jaccard similarity index was used to evaluate the similarity of fish community structures in different rivers or reaches. The index of relative importance (IRI) was calculated to determine the dominant species. Pheatmap are used to analyze the threat factors.

    Results: A total of 89 fish species belonging to 59 genera, 26 families, and 9 orders were recorded in the Yunnan section of the Nujiang River. In this study, 51 fish species belonging to 42 genera, 20 families and 6 orders were collected. The IRI analysis found that the dominant species in the Yunnan section of the Nujiang River was Schistura poculi, and the index score was much higher than other fish species. The species diversity index showed that the Shannon-Wiener index, Margalef species richness index, Simpson dominance index, and Pielou’s evenness index of the Yunnan section of Nujiang River is 2.10, 5.91, 0.71, and 0.53, respectively. The mainstream of Nujiang River and its two larger tributaries, the Luomingba River and the Mengboluo River, had higher fish diversity. Similarity analysis showed that the fish composition of each section or river in the Yunnan section of the Nujiang River was quite different. Threat factor analysis found that the most threatening factors to the fish diversity in Yunnan section of the Nujiang River were agricultural and household waste pollution, fishing, invasive alien species, and hydraulic engineering and hydropower engineering construction.

    Conclusions: Agricultural and household waste pollution, fishing, invasive alien species, and hydroelectric project construction are the most threatening factors to the fish diversity in Yunnan section of Nujiang River. This study provides basic survey data for the conservation and scientific management of fish diversity in the Yunnan section of Nujiang River. This information will be useful for the ecological protection and high-quality development of Nujiang River basin.

    Species diversity and maintenance mechanisms of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Xijiang River
    Xue Bai, Zhengfei Li, Yang Liu, Junqian Zhang, Duopeng Zhang, Xin Luo, Jiali Yang, Lina Du, Xuankong Jiang, Ruiwen Wu, Zhicai Xie
    Biodiv Sci. 2024, 32 (7):  23499.  doi: 10.17520/biods.2023499   cstr: 32101.14.biods.2023499
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    Aims The Xijiang River, renowned for its rich freshwater biodiversity and endemism, presents an intriguing yet understudied ecosystem. This study aims to elucidate the species diversity patterns and underlying mechanisms maintaining macroinvertebrate communities in this mega river. Drawing from published literature and an extensive field survey conducted from 2021 to 2023, our objectives include compiling a comprehensive species checklist, identifying ecological drivers shaping community structure, and proposing conservation strategies.

    Methods Macroinvertebrates were sampled from key water bodies within the Xijiang River, including main stream, tributaries, and plateau lakes from the years 2021 to 2023. One-way ANOVA was employed to analyze species diversity indices across different water bodies. PERMANOVA (permutational multivariate analysis of variance) and PCoA (principal co-ordinates analysis) were used to assess community structure variation, while canonical correspondence analysis and variation partitioning identify potential key factors influencing macroinvertebrate community organization.

    Results A total of 704 species from 437 genera, representing 150 families across 10 orders and 5 phyla, were documented (combining 506 historical records with 352 findings from 2021 to 2023). The proportion of species endemic to China reaches as high as 26% of the total number of species. The average density and biomass in the present survey period were 437.53 ind./m2 and 38.65 g/m2, respectively. Tanypus sp., Glyptotendipes sp., Parafossarulus striatulus and Corbicula flumineaemerged as the dominant species. Species richness and diversity indices were highest in tributaries, followed by the main stream and lakes. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed that a combination of environmental factors (e.g., altitude, conductivity and chemical oxygen demand with permanganate) and spatial factors jointly influenced macroinvertebrate community structure. Moreover, variation partitioning highlighted the dominance of environmental factors in tributaries and lakes, while spatial factors predominantly influenced main stream communities.

    Conclusion This study presents the most comprehensive inventory of macroinvertebrates in the Xijiang River to date, showcasing its significance as a global biodiversity hotspot. Despite the region’s rich macroinvertebrate biodiversity, anthropogenic pressures have led to a decline in species richness. To safeguard and restore macroinvertebrate diversity and endemism, proactive conservation measures are imperative. Strategies should include curbing overfishing, regulating illicit mining practices, restoring natural hydrological patterns and riparian zones, mitigating point and non-point source pollution, and preventing the encroachment of non-native species.

    Distribution patterns and impact factors of soil macrofauna communities in the riparian zone of the Pengxi River
    Hua Ma, Changqing Li, Pinfeng Yu, Jie Chen, Tianyao He, Kehong Wang
    Biodiv Sci. 2024, 32 (7):  24117.  doi: 10.17520/biods.2024117   cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024117
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    Aims Riparian area, a transitional zone between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, has unique ecological processes and high diversity and is sensitive to environmental changes. Soil fauna is an important component and plays a crucial ecological role in riparian ecosystem. Exploring soil fauna diversity in riparian zone is essential for fully assessing the impacts of giant water conservancy and hydropower projects on the ecological environment.

    Methods A field survey of riparian zone in the Pengxi River was conducted. Eight sites and four elevations were selected to explore the spatial distribution patterns of riparian soil macrofauna communities on longitudinal and vertical scales, respectively. Key impact factors were assessed using redundancy analysis (RDA) between macrofauna communities and environmental factors. The maintenance mechanism was studied via dispersal-niche continuum indexes (DNCI) analysis.

    Results A total of 57,072 individuals belonging to 16 orders and 77 families were collected and dominated by detritivores and predators. Soil macrofauna community showed distinct spatial patterns along elevations. Abundance and richness of the soil macrofauna initially increased with the flow direction and elevation and then decreased, while the Shannon-Wiener index and Simpson dominance index showed opposite trends. The relative abundance of predators decreased with elevation, while detritivores showed an inverse trend. Hydrological factors and soil physical and chemical properties accounted for 31.53% and 14.36% of the total explained variance in the riparian soil macrofauna community. Their common effects were 15.43% and 14.05%, respectively; unique effects were 16.10% and 0.31%, respectively. The importance of dispersal process in riparian zone was significantly higher than niche differentiation. No significant differences between dispersal process and niche differentiation in terrestrial habitat (180 m) was observed.

    Conclusion Hydrological regime is the key impacting factor for the community composition, structure and spatial distribution pattern of riparian soil fauna. Increasing habitat heterogeneity and inducing migration between terrestrial and riparian habitat are notable pathways to maintain the diversity of riparian soil fauna communities under water level fluctuations. The results can provide an essential scientific basis for the conservation and restoration of riparian biodiversity.

    Effects of annual and perennial potted legume forages on soil nematode communities in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau
    Yixin Sun, Chunyu Hou, Lei Zhou, Xue Wei, Jinhao Ma, Juan Xue, Xiaohan Li, Pengfei Wu
    Biodiv Sci. 2024, 32 (7):  24040.  doi: 10.17520/biods.2024040   cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024040
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    Aim This study aimed to reveal the effects of annual and perennial legume forages on soil nematode communities and to provide technical support for scientifically planting legume forages in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.

    Methods An annual leguminous Vicia villosa (VV) and a perennial leguminous Medicago sativa (MS) were selected and cultivated in pots in Hongyuan County (northwest Sichuan) from 2020 to 2022. Herbaceous plants from natural grasslands were also cultivated in pots as the control (CK). Taxonomic composition, density, diversity and trophic groups of soil nematode communities were analyzed in late September for each year. Height, coverage, biomass of plants and soil properties were also measured during the study.

    Results (1) The differences in taxonomic composition structure of nematode communities were significant among three different treatments and increased across cultivating years. (2) Soil nematode community density in VV was significantly higher than that in MS and CK (P < 0.05). The taxonomic richness and Shannon-Wiener index in MS were significantly higher than those in VV and CK (P < 0.05). The taxonomic richness and Shannon-Wiener index in VV and the density and Shannon-Wiener index in MS declined significantly over years. (3) The density of fungivores and plant parasites nematodes were significantly higher, and the relative density of omnivores-predation nematodes were significantly lower in VV than in MS and CK (P < 0.05). The relative density of plant parasites nematodes was significantly lower in MS than in VV and CK (P < 0.05). The relative density declined significantly for bacterivores and increased significantly for plant parasites over the course of the study in VV. The density of bacterivores and fungivores and the relative density of bacterivores decreased significantly with increasing cultivation years in MS and CK, with the relative density of omnivores-predation responding oppositely. (4) The basal, structural and channel indices of soil nematode communities were significantly higher in the VV than those in the MS. (5) The main environmental factors affecting soil nematode communities were soil pH, available potassium, plant community height, coverage, and aboveground biomass.

    Conclusion Our findings indicate that the nematodes are more abundant in annual legume forages and more diverse in perennial legume forage. Therefore, intercropping annual and perennial leguminous forages may benefit promoting the density, diversity, and ecological functions of nematode communities.

    Annual changes in zooplankton biodiversity in the southern waters of Changdao
    Yongqiang Shi, Qingshan Luan, Xiujuan Shan, Chao Wei, Yongsong Zhao, Cece Sun, Xianshi Jin
    Biodiv Sci. 2024, 32 (7):  23428.  doi: 10.17520/biods.2023428   cstr: 32101.14.biods.2023428
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    Aims The Changdao waters represent typical temperate marine and island ecosystems situated at the convergence of the Bohai and Yellow seas, functioning as a crucial east-west migration corridor for numerous economically significant fishery species. As essential secondary producers, variations in zooplankton community dynamics have the potential to significantly impact biogeochemical cycles and energy fluxes within aquatic ecosystems. This study aims to analyze the annual fluctuations in zooplankton species composition and community structure in the southern waters of Changdao. The findings aim to furnish scientific insights into the mechanisms shaping biodiversity formation and facilitate the effective conservation of local biodiversity.

    Methods Zooplankton samples were collected from the southern waters of Changdao using a plankton net with a mouth area of 0.08 m2 and a mesh size of 160 μm. Sampling was conducted during 10 monthly voyages spanning from March to December, 2021. Zooplankton specimens were meticulously identified to the species level or the lowest feasible taxonomic category. Subsequently, species diversity metrics, including the Shannon-Wiener index, richness, and evenness indices, were computed. Additionally, multivariate analyses were employed to discern variations in zooplankton communities across different months.

    Results A total of 53 zooplankton taxa (mostly at the species level) were identified, with pelagic larvae (17 taxa) and Copepoda (16 species) comprising the predominant groups, accounting for 32.1% and 30.2% of the total taxa, respectively. Additionally, the community included 8 species of Cnidaria, 3 species of Amphipoda, 2 species each of Cladocera, Cumacea, and Tunicata, and 1 species each of Ctenophora, Decapoda, and Chaetognatha. Zooplankton species richness exhibited a temporal pattern, increasing from March, peaking in July, and gradually declining thereafter, with counts ranging from 19 to 38. Seasonally, species richness was highest during summer (June to August), followed by autumn (September to November), spring (March to May), and lowest during winter (December). The dominant zooplankton species in the southern waters of Changdao were primarily small copepods and pelagic larvae, likely influenced by the 160 μm mesh sampling nets. Notably, small copepods, such as Oithona similis, Paracalanus parvus, and Acartia hongi, were consistently prevalent across all survey months, while larger copepods, like Calanus sinicus,were relatively less frequent. Copepods exhibited the highest abundance among different taxa, followed by pelagic larvae. Multivariate analyses revealed significant differences (P < 0.01) in zooplankton community structures across different months, with exceptions observed only between March and April. Compared to neighboring regions, such as Laizhou Bay, Laoshan Bay, and Jiaozhou Bay, the southern waters of Changdao exhibit lower zooplankton species richness but higher overall species Shannon-Wiener index, ranging from 2.73 to 3.15.

    Conclusion The unique environmental conditions, characterized by low temperatures, high primary productivity, and robust seawater circulation, likely underpin the observed pattern of low zooplankton species richness but high biodiversity in the southern waters of Changdao. Despite the relatively modest species count, the zooplankton community in this region, predominately comprised of small and medium-sized copepods and pelagic larvae, exhibits remarkable biodiversity. This diverse zooplankton assemblage serves as a dependable source of food support for migrating fish and other marine organisms traversing the waters of Changdao.

    Diversity and community composition of epiphytic fungi in the phyllosphere of Pinus tabuliformis and Euonymus japonicus in Beijing, northern China
    Yujin Cui, Wanying Li, Qingqing Zhou, Heng Zhao, Fang Wu, Yuan Yuan
    Biodiv Sci. 2024, 32 (7):  23498.  doi: 10.17520/biods.2023498   cstr: 32101.14.biods.2023498
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    Aims Phyllosphere fungi play crucial roles in influencing plant health and contributing to biogeochemical cycling. This study aims to investigate the diversity and community structure of epiphytic fungi in the phyllosphere of two most common evergreen trees in Beijing, namely Pinus tabuliformis and Euonymus japonicus to provide the basic data for management of urban evergreen trees.

    Methods In this study, we collected leaves samples from four sites in Beijing (Andingmen area, Hepingjie area, Yayuncun area, and Beiqijia area) during four seasons (January, April, July and November) and analyzed the diversity and community composition of epiphytic fungi using high-throughput sequencing technique.

    Results A total of 2,051 amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) was obtained from epiphytic fungi on P. tabuliformis while 1,970 ASVs were obtained from those on E. japonicus. The epiphytic fungi were dominated by Dothideomycetes, Leotiomycetes, and Tremellomycetes. Alpha diversity indices (Shannon diversity index, Chao1 richness index, Pielou evenness index) for epiphytic fungi varied among sampling plots but consistently showed lowest values at Hepingjie. The diversity showed a decreasing and then increasing trend from the center to north of the city. The three alpha diversity indices of fungi in P. tabuliformis varied in different months, while November had the highest index of fungi in E. japonicus during the four seasons. Result of non-metric multidimensional scaling revealed significant differences between composition patterns of epiphytic fungal communities associated with these two species (ANOSIM, P= 0.001). Linear discriminant analysis effect size identified significant biomarkers specific to each studied species, seven genera (e.g., Aureobasidium, Paraconiothyrium, Orbilia) served as biomarkers for P. tabuliformis, while seven fungal genera (e.g., Erysiphe, Alternaria, Nigrospora) represented biomarkers for E. japonicus. Regression analyses showed that mean precipitation was significantly and positively correlated with the abundance of epiphytic fungi in P. tabuliformis, and significantly and negatively correlated with the abundance of epiphytic fungi in E. japonicus. Network analysis identified the dominant core fungal genera for E. japonicus are Vacuiphoma, Mrakia, Curvularia, and Erysiphe, whereas Vacuiphoma was single core fungal genus for P. tabuliformis. The main functional groups of epiphytic fungi in the phyllosphere of P. tabuliformis and E. japonicus were pathotrophic and saprotrophic, respectively.

    Conclusion The results of this study indicate that there is a significant difference in the composition of the epiphytic fungi in the phyllosphere between the two evergreen trees species and there are some patterns in the α diversity changes of different sites and seasons. Plant leaf diseases are most severe in April and should be emphasized for prevention and control.

    Identifying biodiversity hotspots and conservation gaps in Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park based on macrofungi and plants perspectives
    Yanli Wang, Ying Zhang, Chunlin Qi, Changda Zhang, Youhai Shi, Yanjun Du, Qiong Ding
    Biodiv Sci. 2024, 32 (7):  24081.  doi: 10.17520/biods.2024081   cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024081
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    Aims Predicting the suitable habitats for threatened species and identifying biodiversity hotspots are highly effective for developing scientifically sound biodiversity conservation strategies. However, current research on the identification of suitable habitats and biodiversity hotspots primarily focused on animals and plants, with little consideration for macrofungi.

    Methods We used species lists and distribution information obtained from baseline surveys of macrofungi and plant diversity conducted on Hainan Island between 2013 and 2022, as well as resources from the GBIF public database, to screen macrofungi (16 species) and plants (45) that were threatened or in need of priority protection. Using the maximum entropy (MaxEnt) model, the suitable habitats for individual target species within the national park were first predicted. Biodiversity hotspot areas for macrofungi and plants were identified through distribution map layers overlay, and the similarities and differences between them were compared. These results were then compared with the current boundaries of the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park to evaluate the effectiveness and gaps in the protection of macrofungi and plants by the national park.

    Results The results showed that the total area of biodiversity hotspot regions for macrofungi and plants across Hainan Island was 271.9 km2 and 889.0 km2, respectively, with an overlapping hotspot area of 214.0 km2 (78.7%). Non-overlapping hotspot areas were 57.9 km2 for macrofungi and 675.0 km2 for plants. Macrofungi formed a substantial secondary hotspot region (2,412.8 km2) in the northeastern coastal area of Hainan Island, which was a cold spot region for plants. When considering both macrofungi and plants, the total hotspot area across Hainan Island was 601.0 km2, with 572.8 km2 (95.3%) located within the national park and 518.2 km2 (86.2%) within the core protection zone of the national park, mainly concentrated in the mountain rainforest at an altitude of 700-1,200 m. There were 54.6 km2 of hotspot areas within the general control zone of the national park and 28.2 km2 of hotspot areas located outside the boundaries of the tropical rainforest national park in southeastern Hainan Island.

    Conclusion Biodiversity conservation should be strengthened in these areas. Including macrofungi in biodiversity hotspot identification analysis can more effectively protect biodiversity and the integrity of ecosystems.

    The influence of environmental clubs in Chinese universities on the development of core competencies for conservation leadership among college students
    Zekun Zhang, Jin Chen
    Biodiv Sci. 2024, 32 (7):  23425.  doi: 10.17520/biods.2023425   cstr: 32101.14.biods.2023425
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    Aims Improving conservation leadership is essential for developing a new generation of citizens who possess the leadership and action skills required for future biodiversity conservation efforts. This research centers on college students who are members of environmental clubs, aiming to explore the impact of college environmental clubs on the development of college students’ core competencies in conservation leadership.

    Methods We employed a mixed-methods approach that integrated qualitative interviews and questionnaires to analyze the interview data by means of rooted theory three-level coding in order to identify the constructs of conservation leadership core competencies, and t-test, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and path analysis to explore the relationship between participation in college environmental clubs and conservation leadership core competencies and pro-environmental actions.

    Results The conservation leadership core competencies concept encompassed a multifaceted dimension with biodiversity knowledge, conservation vision, interpersonal skills, and empowering leadership. Membership in a college environmental club and active participation in club activities had been demonstrated to significantly enhance participants’ core conservation leadership competencies, particularly in the domains of biodiversity knowledge, conservation vision, interpersonal skills, and empowering leadership. Additionally, these experiences had been found to indirectly influence pro-environmental action. Path analysis revealed that participation in environmental clubs had a significant effect on all aspects of core conservation leadership competencies, with participation in environmental clubs directly and positively influencing an individual’s biodiversity knowledge (β = 0.02, P < 0.01), conservation vision (β = 0.18, P < 0.001), interpersonal skills (β = 0.08, P < 0.001), and empowering leadership (β = 0.04, P = 0.09). Meanwhile, the core conservation leadership competencies significantly predicted pro-environmental action, with conservation vision (β = 0.43, P < 0.001) and empowering leadership (β = 0.52, P < 0.01) showing significant positive predictions of pro-environmental action, and biodiversity knowledge (β = -0.17, P < 0.01) and interpersonal skills (β = -0.12, P < 0.01) were significantly negatively correlated with pro-environmental action. t-tests indicated that college students who participated in college environmental clubs demonstrated enhanced effectiveness in conservation vision (pre-test mean = 4.26, SD = 0.40; post-test mean = 4.31, SD = 0.45), interpersonal skills (pre-test mean = 3.74, SD = 0.49; post-test mean = 3.82, SD = 0.46), and empowering leadership. (pre-test mean = 3.95, SD = 0.41; post-test mean = 4.03, SD = 0.52) and pro-environmental action (pre-test mean = 3.59, SD = 0.54; post-test mean = 3.81, SD = 0.63) demonstrated an increase, although only the pro-environmental action reached a statistically significant level.

    Conclusions Encouraging and supporting college students to form and participate in environmental clubs, as well as to initiate environmental projects, can significantly contributes to the development of conservation leadership competencies among college students. This approach offers an effective educational model for advancing biodiversity conservation education.

    A public science data-based regional bird diversity assessment method
    Yiyun Gu, Jiaqi Xue, Jinhui Gao, Xinyi Xie, Ming Wei, Jinyu Lei, Cheng Wen
    Biodiv Sci. 2024, 32 (7):  24080.  doi: 10.17520/biods.2024080   cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024080
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    Aims Birds serve as an ideal indicator group for assessing biodiversity. The China Bird Report is currently the largest citizen science data platform for bird monitoring in China, covering 94% of the national bird species and 94.3% of the county-level administrative regions. Leveraging public science data and referring to the threatened species richness index in the Regional Biodiversity Assessment Standards (HJ 623-2011), we have developed a methodology to construct both a bird species richness index (RB_A) and a threatened bird species richness index (RTB_A). Through this approach, we proposed a new method for assessing regional bird diversity.

    Methods We calculated the cumulative recorded bird species count in each province-level, prefecture-level, and county-level administrative regions (excluding municipal districts) in the China Bird Report from 2014 onwards, aiming to assess the coverage rate of officially released bird species checklist, and the coverage rate of threatened bird species checklist at provincial level. Furthermore, we calculated the annual RB_A and RTB_A for each province-level, prefecture-level, and county-level administrative regions (excluding municipal districts) from 2018. The analysis was conducted to understand the year-by-year changes in bird species richness across different regions. Besides, we also analyzed the developmental trends of dataset of the China Bird Report and tested the sensitivity of the two indices.

    Results The analysis revealed a consistent increase in the bird species coverage rate from the China Bird Report across administrative regions at all levels nationwide since 2014. By 2023, the bird species coverage had surpassed 90% in 94.1% of province-level, 59.0% of prefecture-level, and 49.0% of county-level (excluding municipal districts) administrative regions. Although the coverage of threatened bird species at provincial level also exhibited an upward trend, it slightly lagged behind the coverage of all bird species. Since 2020, there had been a steady rise in the number of bird species observed at provincial level annually, but some provinces experienced a decline in the annual bird species observed in 2022. Since 2020, The RB_A and RTB_A values of each provincial administrative region showed an overall upward trend. RB_A ranged from 0.50-0.96, RTB_A ranged from 0.45-0.98, indicating that RTB_A is more sensitive.

    Conclusion The results of this study show that RB_A and RTB_A have significant application value in regions where local users submit sufficient records, and they can serve as reliable biodiversity assessment indicators. RTB_A demonstrates higher sensitivity to changes in bird diversity, effectively reflecting the conservation status of local bird populations. With the development of citizen science platforms like the China Bird Report, evaluation indices based on public science, represented by RB_A and RTB_A, hold huge potential in species diversity assessment and species monitoring endeavors.

    An updated species checklist and taxonomic synopsis of Cyperaceae in China
    Bangze Li, Shuren Zhang
    Biodiv Sci. 2024, 32 (7):  24106.  doi: 10.17520/biods.2024106   cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024106
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    Aims: In recent years, with the development of molecular systematics research, there have been many changes in the names and taxonomic status of tribes, genera and species in the family Cyperaceae in China. Therefore it is necessary to review these changes in order to comprehensively understand the taxonomic status of Chinese Cyperaceae and provide a taxonomic basis for related scientific research.

    Methods: By reviewing the taxonomic literature of Cyperaceae in China and abroad, combined with examining the specimen data from field surveys and online databases (Chinese Virtual Herbarium, Global Biodiversity Information Facility), we summarized and updated the species checklist and taxonomic synopsis of Cyperaceae in China.

    Results: The statistical results indicated that there were 932 species of Cyperaceae in 2 subfamilies, comprising of 19 tribes and 32 genera in China (of the 5,719 species of 2 subfamilies, comprising of 24 tribes and 95 genera worldwide, excluding infraspecies). Compared with the Catalogue of Life China 2023 Annual Checklist, all species in Courtoisina, Kyllinga, Lipocarpha, Pycreus and Remirea were combined into Cyperus; some species in the genera Schoenoplectus, Fimbristylis and Tricostularia undulata were reclassified according to the results of the latest molecular phylogenetic analyses; and here we combined Fimbristylis longistipitata into Abildgaardia. The species diversity of Chinese Cyperaceae is relatively higher in the subtropical region of southern China, both at the genus and species levels; Carex and Cyperus had the largest number of species, accounting for 67.8% and 9.0% of Cyperaceae species in China, with 632 and 84 species, respectively; 8 genera had only one species distributed in China, accounting for 25.0% of Cyperaceae genera in China; 67 species had no specimen record in domestic or foreign specimen data platforms, and further research was needed to confirm their distribution status.

    Conclusion: This paper integrates the latest taxonomic research results of Cyperaceae, gives a list and taxonomic outline of the existing sedge plants in China, and makes a preliminary analysis of the distribution of them, which will lay the data foundation for taxonomic, phylogenetic, and evolutionary research of the sedge family in China.

    Fish diversity and distribution in the Nanling region
    Jia Xu, Xiaojuan Cui, Yifei Zhang, Chang Wu, Yuandong Sun
    Biodiv Sci. 2024, 32 (7):  23482.  doi: 10.17520/biods.2023482   cstr: 32101.14.biods.2023482
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    Aims Fish are an important component of river ecosystems, playing a significant role in maintaining their stability and functioning. Assessing fish biodiversity is important for understanding environmental changes and evaluating the overall health of river ecosystems. Despite the rich river network and diverse freshwater fish population in the Nanling region, comprehensive studies on fish diversity and distribution are still lacking.

    Methods This study systematically compiles and analyzes data on fish species in the Nanling region from historical literature and relevant sources up to January 10, 2024.

    Results The updated checklist identified 261 freshwater fish species, classified into 11 orders, 29 families, and 121 genera. Among these, 248 species were indigenous and 13 were aliens. The region’s fish fauna was dominated by Cyprinidae and Balitoridae, which accounted for 56.7% and 7.3% of the total species, respectively. Notably, 19 threatened species (7.3% of the total) were documented, with 11 of them listed in the List of State Key Protected Wild Animals (2021). Additionally, 28 species were classified as National Key Protected Economic Aquatic Animals.

    Conclusion Fish diversity in the Nanling region faces significant challenges primarily due to human activities such as river pollution, hydraulic infrastructure development, and overfishing. These factors have escalated the prevalence of threatened and invasive species in the area. To mitigate these challenges, it is imperative to enhance river pollution control, safeguard fish habitats, and implement scientifically based stock enhancement programs in the future. This comprehensive inventory of fish species in the Nanling region provides a reference for future conservation efforts aimed at preserving fish biodiversity in this area.

    A dataset on the plant growth form and life form of vascular plants in China
    Bohan Zheng, Xinyao Chen, Jian Ni
    Biodiv Sci. 2024, 32 (7):  23468.  doi: 10.17520/biods.2023468   cstr: 32101.14.biods.2023468
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    Plant growth form and life form are important morphological traits for understanding the response and adaptation of plants to environmental changes and are of great significance for the study of the relationship between plants and their environment and ecosystem functions. They are also vital traits in understanding of the geographic distribution pattern of plants and the mechanism of the formation and maintenance of biodiversity. According to the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae and Flora of China, the descriptions of plant growth form and life form in the current edition of Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae are characterized by non-uniform classification standards, in which some of the information is missing, incorrect or ambiguous. In this paper, based on the information of plant traits in national and local flora literature and field surveys, we revised the growth form and life form traits of vascular plants, and established a dataset of the growth form and life form of vascular plants in China. The dataset consists of 35,329 vascular plant species, including plant names, growth form and life form traits, and their data sources. The plant names included names both from the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, Flora of China, and from the Catalogue of Life China: 2023 Annual Checklist, to allow the readers to cross-check the differences between both taxonomic systems. Based on the degree of stem lignification, plants were classified into two groups: woody plants (12,600 species, 35.7%) and herbaceous plants (22,729 species, 64.3%). The woody plants were primarily dominated by medium shrub growth form (2,917 species, 23.2%) and evergreen life form (7,107 species, 56.4%). The herbaceous plants were dominated by the forb growth form (19,900 species, 87.6%) and the perennial life form (19,554 species, 86.0%). Among the woody plants, tree species were dominated by the families Lauraceae and Fagaceae, and of shrub species by Ericaceae, Fabaceae, and Rosaceae; evergreen species were dominated by Ericaceae and deciduous species primarily consisted of Rosaceae. Among herbaceous growth form, the forbs were dominated by Asteraceae, and the grasses by Poaceae. The annual herbaceous plants were dominated by Poaceae, biennial species by Boraginaceae, and perennial species by Asteraceae. This dataset covers all the vascular plant species and their growth form and life form in China, and can provide a data foundation for the study of plant traits in future research endeavors.

    Database/Dataset Profile

    Title A dataset on the plant growth form and life form of vascular plants in China
    Data author(s) Bohan Zheng, Xinyao Chen, Jian Ni
    Data corresponding author Jian Ni (
    Time range 1959-2023
    Geographical scope China
    File size 7.58 MB
    Data volume Number of records in two file: 35,329
    Data format *.xlsx
    Data link
    Database/Dataset composition The dataset consists of one data file and one data description file, data file including two work sheets: 1. A dataset on the plant growth form and life form of vascular plants in China (Chinese version); 2. A dataset on the plant growth form and life form of vascular plants in China (English version).
    Path-dependent selection—Integrating natural selection and neutral selection
    Ruiwu Wang, Yunyun Yu, Qikai Zhu, Chao Wang, Minlan Li, Jiaxu Han
    Biodiv Sci. 2024, 32 (7):  24120.  doi: 10.17520/biods.2024120   cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024120
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    Background & Aims: Natural selection and neutral selection are two parallel and independent theories on the biology evolution, both in terms of evolutionary ideas and methodology. However, whether these two theories are intrinsically linked or can be integrated into a same theory has remained as one of the big scientific questions in evolutionary biology science community. The path-dependent selection based on the idea of path theories of modern physics and economics might be potential to integrate natural selection and neutral selection.

    Summary: Path-dependent selection assumes that mutations in nature are completely random and non-directional, but that, in some specific spatio-temporal environments, positive feedback effects with the environment lead to recursive effects of that mutation and hence to the formation of paths. The process of biological evolution will be a process of selection of path frequency rather than fitness enhancement and will be strongly dependent on the evolutionary paths experienced in its history; there will be acceleration or deceleration effects in the formation of paths due to the existence of transition probabilities between different evolutionary paths, explaining the discontinuity-equilibrium principle advocated by Gould et al. The theoretical model also implies that there might exist a link between natural selection and neutral selection based on an evolutionary game model, using the path integral form of the transition probability density function. When the environmental selection pressure is small or zero, most or all paths are equivalent; whereas, as the environmental pressure increases, the frequency of different paths will differentiate and paths with higher frequency are more likely to be selected. When environmental pressures are high and history or evolutionary processes have no effect on the evolution of the path itself (static, equilibrium state), the path with the highest frequency is the one that has taken the shortest time to evolve or is optimal—a result of Darwin’s theory of natural selection.

    Prospects: Path-dependent selection based on path-integral methods used in modern physics, especially quantum mechanics, may provide us with a different perspective and approach to explaining the evolution of life. In existing theoretical models of pathway evolution, transition probabilities are continuously distributed, and the trajectories on which these transition probabilities themselves occur are paths. However, in the evolution of life, transition probabilities like the plasmid transfer or transposons, are intermittently discontinuous across paths. The mathematical structure of these problems in the life sciences will place new demands on physics and mathematical methods, and will likely provide new ideas for new developments in physics.

    Erratum for Jiucheng Yang et al (2022).
    Biodiv Sci. 2024, 32 (7):  24294.  doi: 10.17520/biods.2024294   cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024294
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