Writing Requirements
  • Biodiversity Science is the official journal sponsored by Biodiversity Committee, Institute of Botany, Institute of Zoology and Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Founded in 1993, it is currently a bimonthly journal. This journal publishes original research articles, critical reviews, short communications and comments on the following areas: new ideas, theories, techniques and methods, and experiences related to biodiversity; the conservation of crop, animal husbandry and fishery resources; the introduction of national and international laws.

    Manuscripts are reviewed by members of the Editorial Board, appropriate referees and the Editor-in-Chief. The final decision to accept or reject a manuscript is made by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editorial Office will inform authors on acceptance, revision, or rejection of manuscripts. Revised manuscripts should be returned to the Editorial Office with in three months, or else the manuscript will be sent out again for review.

    Submission of manuscripts

    Submission of a manuscript implies that no part of the article is being considered for publication or have been published elsewhere. Submission also implies that all authors have approved the paper for release and are in agreement with its content. Upon acceptance of the article by the journal, the author(s) should agree to transfer the copyright of the article to Biodiversity Science.

    All digital files should be saved in the native format of word processing program used (Microsoft Word) or in PDF format. To shorten publication time, submission of final manuscript by e-mail is preferred. Or else, one original with two hard copies and electronic copy on floppy disk or CD-ROM with full name of first author, article title, file name and format should be submitted to:

    The Editorial Office of Biodiversity Science

    20 Nanxincun, Xiangshan Beijing, P.R. China 100093

    Tel/Fax: +86-10-62836137

    E-mail: biodiversity@ ibcas.ac.cn

    Preparation of manuscripts

    The manuscript must be typed on one side of the paper, with wide margins and double spacing .All pages should be numbered consecutively in the right corner of each page bottom.


    Common names of organisms may be used provided that in every case the Latin binomials are given in parenthesis following the first use in both the Abstract and the body of the paper. Italics should be used for the scientific names of genus and lower. SI units (meter, kilogram etc.) should be used.

    Footnotes should be numbered in the text , indicated by superscript numbers.


    1 Formulae should be typewritten. Leave ample space around the formulae.

    2 Subscripts and superscripts should be clear.

    3 Give the meaning of all symbols immediately after the equation in which they are first used.

    4 For simple fractions use the solidus (/) instead of a horizontal line.

    5 Equations should be numbered serially at the right-hand side in parentheses. In general only equations explicitly referred to in the text need be numbered. 6 Levels of statistical significance which can be mentioned without further explanation are *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001.

    Parts of the manuscript

    The manuscript should be presented in the following order:

    Title page This part should contain the title of the contribution, the name(s) and address(s) of the author(s)(use superscript number after an author’s name to indicate a different address), the full postal and e-mail address, telephone and fax number of the corresponding author, a running head of up to 50 characters and spaces.

    Abstract The abstract should be concise and informative and no longer than 400 words for English paper. State the purpose, basic procedures, main findings and principal conclusions of the study.

    Keywords Up to eight keywords should be provided that are not included in the title.

    Main Text For research papers, the text should normally consist of the following sections:
    Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, Figures. Primary headings are left justified and in bold and secondary headings are left justified and in italics. All paragraphs should be indented, except those immediately after a heading.

    Acknowledgements The source of financial grants and other funding should be acknowledged. The contribution of colleagues or institutions should also be acknowledged.

    References References to articles and books should be limited to published work, work in press, or thesis and dissertation, but the thesis will be indicated on the footnote. In the text, references should be made by giving the author’s surname with the year of publication in parentheses. If there are two authors within the text use "and", but always use "&" instead in the parentheses. The first author name followed by et al. should be used on all occasions for three or more authors. Followings are samples: (Brown, 1990), (Brown & Lomolino, 1998), (Brown et al., 2000). Within parentheses groups of references should be cited in alphabetic and chronological order. If several manuscripts by the same author(s) from the same year cited, a, b, c, etc. Should be put after the year of publication.

    In the list references should be listed in alphabetical order. Cite the names of all authors. Titles of journals should not be abbreviated. Check the manuscript carefully to make sure that all references are cited and all citations in the text are included in the References. Following are samples:


    Wilson EO(1985) The biological diversity crisis. Bioscience,35,700-706. Book chapter, symposia, compilation.
    Hyde KD , Hawksworth DL(1997) Measuring and monitoring the biodiversity of microfungi. In: Biodiversity of Tropical Microfungi(ed. Hyde KD),pp. 11-28.Hong KongUniversityPress,Hong Kong.


    Tai FL (1987) Morphology and Taxonomy of Fungi. Science Press,Beijing, 27-53.


    All illustrations (including line drawings and photographs) are classified as figures and should be numbered consecutively. Each illustration with legend should have a descriptive caption, which is selfexplained without text. Figures should be professionally drawn with computer and lettered with high resolution. Figures should be drawn or grouped so that they will fit within column width (about80mm) or the full text width (170mm). All figures should be printed on separate sheets following References, and its position is also indicated in the text. Authors are asked to send all original figures to the editor office after acceptance.

    High contrast photograph(s) are preferred. They should be supplied as sharp, glossy, in suitable size to facilitate printing. Color photos should be submitted as good quality and will be charged additionally if approved by the editors. Bar scales for maps and photographs are preferred to numerical scales. Digital copies of photos should supplied as high resolution (not less than 300 dpi) and save as .tif, .jpg and other compatible format of Photoshop. Formal permission with signature to publish will be received before publication of each photograph and other artwork.

    Tables Tables should not duplicate information contained in the text. They must be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text. Each table should have a brief and self-explanatory title. Column headings should be brief, with units of measurement in parentheses. Vertical lines must not be used in tables. Any explanation essential to the understanding of the table should be given as a footnote at the bottom of the table. Take care to use l (litter) and 1(one), capital O and 0 (zero) and so on. Always use tab to separate data instead of space, and not use carriage return at the end of data line or in each table cell.

    Offprints Five offprints of each paper and two copies of the journal issue will be provided free of charge. Additional offprints may be purchased and ordered upon proof reading.

    Cover photos Authors are invited to submit a photograph related to the manuscript for consideration of appear on the cover. The photographs with high aesthetic and scientific value are preferred.

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