About Journal
  • Basic Information

    China is one of the countries with megabiodiversity and higher ratio of endemic species. However, with the increasing human population and aggravating economic activities, more and more life species are endangered. The conservation of biodiversity has become an internationally concerned issue.

    Following the endorsement of the "Biodiversity Convention", Biodiversity Science(formerly Chinese Biodiversity)published its first issue in October 1993. It is sponsored by the Biodiversity Committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) , Botanical Society of China and jointly managed by Institute of Botany, Institute of Zoology and Institute of Microbiology, CAS. It is the first nationwide academic journal that specifically addresses the issues of biodiversity, aiming to enhance information exchange between Chinese and international scholars.

    Biodiversity Science is the first nationwide academic journal in China that specifically addresses the issues of biodiversity and the only one which comprehensively reports the achievements in the field of biodiversity research, aiming to enhance information exchange between Chinese and international scholars. With the development of biodiversity research in China, this journal has been ranked as one of the leading scientific journals in the field of biology.

    Biodiversity Science is now a bimonthly journal, publishing original research papers and reviews on a very wide range of subjects relating to biological diversity. The journal accepts papers dealing with all taxa, ranging from bacteria to plants and animals, and all types of ecosystems. Every level of ecological understanding is covered, from molecular-level, through single-species studies, to ecosystem-, biome- and global-level perspectives.

    Papers are published both in Chinese and in English according to international standard, with English abstract, key words, tables and figures, and table of contents. Every paper has been strictly peer-reviewed before acceptance.

    The audience covers environmentalists, conservationists, botanists, marine scientists, ecologists, and biologists.

    We provide a free digital archive of the print version. The electronic version, including abstracts and full text articles, is available at http://www.biodiversity-science.net.

    Information Services

    Agriculture and Bioscience (CAB) Abstracts

    AJ VINITI (Russian)

    Chemical Abstracts (USA)

    Zoological Records Online (USA)

    14 Chinese databases or abstracts.

    Address: Editorial Office of Biodiversity Science, 20 Nanxincun, Xiangshan, Beijing 100093, China.

    Tel: 86-10-62836137
    Fax: 86-10-62836665

2023-09-27 Visited: 116481

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