生物多样性 ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (5): 591-600. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2015114
所属专题: 中国自然观察专题
闻丞1,2,*(), 顾垒1,2, 王昊1,2, 吕植1,2, 胡若成1, 钟嘉3
Cheng Wen1,2,*(), Lei Gu1,2, Hao Wang1,2, Zhi Lü1,2, Ruocheng Hu1, Jia Zhong3
Wen Cheng
我们收集整理了中国96个最受关注濒危物种的分布点信息, 利用Maxent分布模型模拟其中分布点信息较为充分的46个物种的潜在分布区, 将其余50个分布信息极少物种的分布点直接标示在地图上。通过分析单个物种分布被国家级自然保护区覆盖的比例, 以及国家级自然保护区覆盖最受濒危物种分布热点地区的比例, 对国家级自然保护区进行了空缺分析。截至2014年底, 仅16个最受关注濒危物种的预测分布区被保护区覆盖超过10%。在分布有最受关注濒危物种的数目可能超过10种的像元(0.8421º)中, 仅有8.27%得到国家级自然保护区保护; 另外, 仅有10.9%的最受关注濒危哺乳动物分布热点地区、1.13%的最受关注濒危鸟类分布热点地区和7.26%的最受关注濒危植物分布热点地区得到国家级自然保护区覆盖。结果显示国家级自然保护区对大部分最受关注濒危物种覆盖不足, 尤其是对其中的所有长距离迁徙鸟类; 国家级自然保护区对最受关注濒危物种分布热点地区覆盖也不足, 尤其是在中国东部和南部地区, 自然保护区在这些地区的布局亟待优化。
闻丞, 顾垒, 王昊, 吕植, 胡若成, 钟嘉 (2015) 基于最受关注濒危物种分布的国家级自然保护区空缺分析. 生物多样性, 23, 591-600. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2015114.
Cheng Wen, Lei Gu, Hao Wang, Zhi Lü, Ruocheng Hu, Jia Zhong (2015) GAP analysis on national nature reserves in China based on the distribution of endangered species. Biodiversity Science, 23, 591-600. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2015114.
图1 中国最受关注濒危物种分布热点地区及国家级自然保护区。46个最受关注濒危物种的Presence/Absence分布图叠加结果为灰度图。中国最受关注濒危物种分布热点地区主要为四川中部山地, 环渤海及黄河下游平原, 长江下游平原部分地区。其中环渤海及黄河下游平原地区几无国家级自然保护区覆盖。
Fig. 1 The hotspot for the most concerned endangered species in China and National Nature Reserves (NRs). The grayscale map illustrates the accumulation result of binary presence/absence map of the 46 MCES with sufficient information for distribution modelling. Hotspot concentrates in the mountainous area of central Sichuan, North China Plain (the lower basin of Yellow River, and the Bohai Region) and the lower Yangtze River Plain. There is scarcely any national NRs in the lower basin of Yellow River and the Bohai Region.
图2 中国最受关注濒危哺乳动物分布热点地区与国家级自然保护区。16种哺乳动物的Presence/Absence分布图叠加结果为灰度图。图中可见中国最受关注濒危哺乳动物分布热点地区主要为四川中部山地、西藏东南部林地、云南西北部山地等地区。其中四川中部山地的国家级保护区覆盖程度较高, 而西藏东南-云南西北部地区国家级保护区覆盖面积仍较低。
Fig. 2 The hotspot for the most concerned endangered species (mammal) in China and distribution of National nature reserves (NRs). The grayscale map illustrates the accumulation result of binary presence/absence map of the 16 mammals with sufficient information for distribution modelling. Hotspot concentrates in mountainous area of central Sichuan, forestry area of Southeast Tibet, and Northwest Yunnan. Higher coverage of national NRs on hotspot occur in Sichuan, while the coverage is considerably low in Northwest Yunnan and Southeast Tibet.
图3 中国最受关注濒危鸟类分布热点地区与国家级自然保护区。23种鸟类的Presence/Absence分布图叠加结果为灰度图。图中可见中国最受关注濒危鸟类分布热点地区主要为环渤海-华北平原、黄海沿岸、长江中下游平原部分地区。其中除长江中下游部分地区国家级保护区较多之外, 其他大片地区几无国家级自然保护区覆盖。
Fig. 3 The hotspot for the most concerned endangered species (bird) in China and distribution of National nature reserves (NRs). The grayscale map illustrates the accumulation result of binary presence/absence map of the 23 birds with sufficient information for distribution modelling. Hotspot concentrates in Bohai Region-North China Plain, Coastal region of Yellow Sea, and Lower Yangtze Region. There are several great national NRs in lower Yangtze region, where there is hardly any national NRs in other two region.
图4 中国最受关注濒危植物分布热点与国家级自然保护区。6种植物的Presence/Absence分布图叠加结果为灰度图。图中可见中国最受关注濒危植物分布热点地区主要为四川中部山地, 陕西南部山地-湖北西南部-重庆西部-湖南西北部山地(大巴山-武陵山), 贵州西部-广西北部-岭南山地, 浙江南部-福建中部山地, 台湾中部山地。另外云南东南部和广西西南部边境地区有较多分布点和少量分布热点。其中贵州西部、福建北部、重庆西部等热点地区的国家级自然保护区分布较少, 保护区覆盖度低。
Fig. 4 The hotspot for the most concerned endangered species (plant) in China and distribution of National nature reserves (NRs). The grayscale map illustrates the accumulation result of binary presence/absence map of the 6 plants with sufficient information for distribution modelling. Hotspot concentrates in mountainous region of Central Sichuan, Dabashan-Wulingshan Mountains, West Guizhou-North Guangxi-Lingnan Mountain, South Zhejiang and Central Fujian (Wuyi Mountain), and Central Taiwan. Besides, there are scattered hotspot and numerous occurrence sites of MCES in Southeast Yunnan and Southwest Guangxi. The coverage of national NRs is considerably lower on hotspot in West Guizhou, North Fujian and West Chongqing.
热点地区 Hotspot | 涉及省份 Relevant province | 各省保护区面积 Area of NRs in each province (km2) | 各省热点地区面积 Area of hotspot in each province (km2) | 保护区内热点面积 Hotspot in NRs (km2) | 热点地区被保护区覆盖比例 NRs coverage of Hotspots (%) |
北方 North | 辽宁 Liaoning | 11,325.8 | 56,938.0 | 1,231.4 | 2.16 |
河北 Hebei | 7,555.5 | 76,693.0 | 701.0 | 0.91 | |
北京 Beijing | 1,868.9 | 11,719.9 | 279.5 | 2.38 | |
天津 Tianjin | 426.1 | 14,491.7 | 238.0 | 1.64 | |
山东 Shandong | 1,595.4 | 131,460.6 | 1,752.3 | 1.33 | |
河南 Henan | 6,426.7 | 22,279.3 | 322.8 | 1.45 | |
小计 Sub total | 29,198.4 | 313,582.5 | 4,525.1 | 1.44 | |
西部 West | 甘肃 Gansu | 307,312.3 | 6,319.0 | 3,190.7 | 50.5 |
四川 Sichuan | 244,152.3 | 118,175.2 | 22,957.8 | 19.4 | |
云南 Yunnan | 2,825.3 | 18,890.5 | 1,105.4 | 5.85 | |
西藏 Tibet | 42,426.1 | 25,047.7 | 7,048.6 | 28.1 | |
陕西 Shaanxi | 9,604.7 | 4,108.8 | 1,231.4 | 30.0 | |
小计 Sub total | 1,013,583.3 | 172,541.3 | 35,533.9 | 20.6 | |
长江下游 Lower Yangtze | 安徽 Anhui | 3,549.1 | 24,325.1 | 903.5 | 3.71 |
江西 Jiangxi | 3,291.3 | 6,087.1 | 255.3 | 4.18 | |
湖北 Hubei | 12,989.3 | 17,961.0 | 1,182.1 | 6.58 | |
湖南 Hunan | 2,331.8 | 16,584.2 | 3,210.6 | 19.4 | |
小计 Sub total | 36,882.1 | 64,957.5 | 5,551.4 | 8.54 | |
合计 Total | 1,064,943.2 | 551,081.3 | 45,610.4 | 8.27 |
表1 各省(市)国家级自然保护区覆盖最受关注濒危动物分布热点地区比例
Table 1 The coverage of the most concerned endangered species hotspots by national nature reserves (NRs) in each province
热点地区 Hotspot | 涉及省份 Relevant province | 各省保护区面积 Area of NRs in each province (km2) | 各省热点地区面积 Area of hotspot in each province (km2) | 保护区内热点面积 Hotspot in NRs (km2) | 热点地区被保护区覆盖比例 NRs coverage of Hotspots (%) |
北方 North | 辽宁 Liaoning | 11,325.8 | 56,938.0 | 1,231.4 | 2.16 |
河北 Hebei | 7,555.5 | 76,693.0 | 701.0 | 0.91 | |
北京 Beijing | 1,868.9 | 11,719.9 | 279.5 | 2.38 | |
天津 Tianjin | 426.1 | 14,491.7 | 238.0 | 1.64 | |
山东 Shandong | 1,595.4 | 131,460.6 | 1,752.3 | 1.33 | |
河南 Henan | 6,426.7 | 22,279.3 | 322.8 | 1.45 | |
小计 Sub total | 29,198.4 | 313,582.5 | 4,525.1 | 1.44 | |
西部 West | 甘肃 Gansu | 307,312.3 | 6,319.0 | 3,190.7 | 50.5 |
四川 Sichuan | 244,152.3 | 118,175.2 | 22,957.8 | 19.4 | |
云南 Yunnan | 2,825.3 | 18,890.5 | 1,105.4 | 5.85 | |
西藏 Tibet | 42,426.1 | 25,047.7 | 7,048.6 | 28.1 | |
陕西 Shaanxi | 9,604.7 | 4,108.8 | 1,231.4 | 30.0 | |
小计 Sub total | 1,013,583.3 | 172,541.3 | 35,533.9 | 20.6 | |
长江下游 Lower Yangtze | 安徽 Anhui | 3,549.1 | 24,325.1 | 903.5 | 3.71 |
江西 Jiangxi | 3,291.3 | 6,087.1 | 255.3 | 4.18 | |
湖北 Hubei | 12,989.3 | 17,961.0 | 1,182.1 | 6.58 | |
湖南 Hunan | 2,331.8 | 16,584.2 | 3,210.6 | 19.4 | |
小计 Sub total | 36,882.1 | 64,957.5 | 5,551.4 | 8.54 | |
合计 Total | 1,064,943.2 | 551,081.3 | 45,610.4 | 8.27 |
中文名 Chinese name | 学名 Scientific name | 分布像元数 Pixel of presence | 保护区覆盖像元数 Pixel of presence covered by NRs | 保护区覆盖比例 Coverage (%) |
植物 Plant | ||||
珙桐 | Davidia involucrata | 900,145 | 72,375 | 8.0 |
滇桂石斛 | Dendrobium guangxiense | 129,457 | 19,078 | 14.7 |
斑叶杓兰 | Cypripedium margaritaceum | 738,426 | 52,221 | 7.1 |
秃杉 | Taiwania flousiana | 252,395 | 12,628 | 5.0 |
水杉 | Metasequoia glyptostroboides | 903,424 | 36,968 | 4.1 |
曲茎石斛 | Dendrobium flexicaule | 2,031,378 | 81,820 | 4.0 |
爬行类 Reptile | ||||
蟒蛇 | Python molurus | 931,442 | 45,969 | 4.9 |
鸟类 Bird | ||||
斑尾榛鸡 | Bonasa sewerzowi | 1,308,254 | 205,748 | 15.7 |
黑嘴松鸡 | Tetrao parvirostris | 356,911 | 23,709 | 6.6 |
灰孔雀雉 | Polyplectron bicalcaratum | 229,409 | 11,219 | 4.9 |
黑颈长尾雉 | Syrmaticus humiae | 388,053 | 15,998 | 4.1 |
白颈长尾雉 | Syrmaticus ellioti | 951,806 | 35,006 | 3.7 |
马鸡属一种 | Crossoptilon sp. | 2,219,104 | 79,119 | 3.6 |
角雉属(四种) | Tragopan sp.(4 species) | 1,021,783 | 34,782 | 3.4 |
中华秋沙鸭 | Mergus squamatus | 2,202,861 | 48,206 | 2.2 |
金雕 | Aquila chrysaetos | 6,242,370 | 498,702 | 8.0 |
白肩雕 | Aquila heliaca | 3,763,922 | 125,030 | 3.3 |
白尾海雕 | Haliaeetus albicilla | 2,489,869 | 124,138 | 5.0 |
胡兀鹫 | Gypaetus barbatus | 1,223,626 | 229,855 | 18.8 |
黑颈鹤 | Grus nigricollis | 1,689,988 | 331,725 | 19.6 |
丹顶鹤 | Grus japonensis | 1,264,040 | 44,296 | 3.5 |
白头鹤 | Grus monacha | 2,065,468 | 53,834 | 2.6 |
白鹤 | Grus leucogeranus | 1,796,487 | 42,007 | 2.3 |
大鸨 | Otis tarda | 1,012,271 | 42,332 | 4.2 |
东方白鹳 | Ciconia boyciana | 1,332,168 | 34,087 | 2.6 |
遗鸥 | Ichthyaetus relictus | 1,910,796 | 58,243 | 3.0 |
哺乳类 Mammal | ||||
白眉长臂猿 | Bunopithecus hoolock | 52,970 | 3,814 | 7.2 |
黑叶猴 | Trachypithecus francoisi | 616,223 | 24,052 | 3.9 |
熊猴 | Macaca assamensis | 238,013 | 34,819 | 14.6 |
滇金丝猴 | Rhinopithecus bieti | 221,115 | 25,383 | 11.5 |
川金丝猴 | Rhinopithecus roxellana | 148,262 | 32,008 | 21.6 |
黔金丝猴 | Rhinopithecus brelichi | 3,276 | 1,147 | 35.0 |
雪豹 | Panthera uncia | 1,505,218 | 379,635 | 25.2 |
云豹 | Neofelis nebulosa | 1,228,624 | 122,298 | 9.9 |
大熊猫 | Ailuropoda melanoleuca | 56,056 | 32,008 | 57.1 |
野牦牛 | Bos grunniens | 534,244 | 364,932 | 68.3 |
羚牛 | Budorcas taxicolor | 211,741 | 43,483 | 20.5 |
白唇鹿 | Cervus albirostris | 454,198 | 91,765 | 20.2 |
马麝 | Moschus chrysogaster | 675,516 | 121,811 | 18.0 |
藏羚 | Pantholops hodgsonii | 569,159 | 412,792 | 72.5 |
藏野驴 | Equus kiang | 1,136,538 | 492,290 | 43.1 |
亚洲象 | Elephas maximus | 68,053 | 6,279 | 9.2 |
表2 国家级自然保护区对Maxent模拟的最受关注濒危物种分布区的覆盖
Table 2 The coverage of national nature reserves (NRs) on the distribution by Maxent of most concerned endangered species
中文名 Chinese name | 学名 Scientific name | 分布像元数 Pixel of presence | 保护区覆盖像元数 Pixel of presence covered by NRs | 保护区覆盖比例 Coverage (%) |
植物 Plant | ||||
珙桐 | Davidia involucrata | 900,145 | 72,375 | 8.0 |
滇桂石斛 | Dendrobium guangxiense | 129,457 | 19,078 | 14.7 |
斑叶杓兰 | Cypripedium margaritaceum | 738,426 | 52,221 | 7.1 |
秃杉 | Taiwania flousiana | 252,395 | 12,628 | 5.0 |
水杉 | Metasequoia glyptostroboides | 903,424 | 36,968 | 4.1 |
曲茎石斛 | Dendrobium flexicaule | 2,031,378 | 81,820 | 4.0 |
爬行类 Reptile | ||||
蟒蛇 | Python molurus | 931,442 | 45,969 | 4.9 |
鸟类 Bird | ||||
斑尾榛鸡 | Bonasa sewerzowi | 1,308,254 | 205,748 | 15.7 |
黑嘴松鸡 | Tetrao parvirostris | 356,911 | 23,709 | 6.6 |
灰孔雀雉 | Polyplectron bicalcaratum | 229,409 | 11,219 | 4.9 |
黑颈长尾雉 | Syrmaticus humiae | 388,053 | 15,998 | 4.1 |
白颈长尾雉 | Syrmaticus ellioti | 951,806 | 35,006 | 3.7 |
马鸡属一种 | Crossoptilon sp. | 2,219,104 | 79,119 | 3.6 |
角雉属(四种) | Tragopan sp.(4 species) | 1,021,783 | 34,782 | 3.4 |
中华秋沙鸭 | Mergus squamatus | 2,202,861 | 48,206 | 2.2 |
金雕 | Aquila chrysaetos | 6,242,370 | 498,702 | 8.0 |
白肩雕 | Aquila heliaca | 3,763,922 | 125,030 | 3.3 |
白尾海雕 | Haliaeetus albicilla | 2,489,869 | 124,138 | 5.0 |
胡兀鹫 | Gypaetus barbatus | 1,223,626 | 229,855 | 18.8 |
黑颈鹤 | Grus nigricollis | 1,689,988 | 331,725 | 19.6 |
丹顶鹤 | Grus japonensis | 1,264,040 | 44,296 | 3.5 |
白头鹤 | Grus monacha | 2,065,468 | 53,834 | 2.6 |
白鹤 | Grus leucogeranus | 1,796,487 | 42,007 | 2.3 |
大鸨 | Otis tarda | 1,012,271 | 42,332 | 4.2 |
东方白鹳 | Ciconia boyciana | 1,332,168 | 34,087 | 2.6 |
遗鸥 | Ichthyaetus relictus | 1,910,796 | 58,243 | 3.0 |
哺乳类 Mammal | ||||
白眉长臂猿 | Bunopithecus hoolock | 52,970 | 3,814 | 7.2 |
黑叶猴 | Trachypithecus francoisi | 616,223 | 24,052 | 3.9 |
熊猴 | Macaca assamensis | 238,013 | 34,819 | 14.6 |
滇金丝猴 | Rhinopithecus bieti | 221,115 | 25,383 | 11.5 |
川金丝猴 | Rhinopithecus roxellana | 148,262 | 32,008 | 21.6 |
黔金丝猴 | Rhinopithecus brelichi | 3,276 | 1,147 | 35.0 |
雪豹 | Panthera uncia | 1,505,218 | 379,635 | 25.2 |
云豹 | Neofelis nebulosa | 1,228,624 | 122,298 | 9.9 |
大熊猫 | Ailuropoda melanoleuca | 56,056 | 32,008 | 57.1 |
野牦牛 | Bos grunniens | 534,244 | 364,932 | 68.3 |
羚牛 | Budorcas taxicolor | 211,741 | 43,483 | 20.5 |
白唇鹿 | Cervus albirostris | 454,198 | 91,765 | 20.2 |
马麝 | Moschus chrysogaster | 675,516 | 121,811 | 18.0 |
藏羚 | Pantholops hodgsonii | 569,159 | 412,792 | 72.5 |
藏野驴 | Equus kiang | 1,136,538 | 492,290 | 43.1 |
亚洲象 | Elephas maximus | 68,053 | 6,279 | 9.2 |
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