生物多样性 ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (10): 1255-1265. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020318
E-mail: 1173793435@qq.com基金资助:
Baorong Huang1, Conglin Zhang1, Ran Deng2,*()
Ran Deng
近年来, 我国自然保护地内存在的大量的人口密集区域、民生设施、矿业活动、开发建设项目、农牧业生产活动等历史遗留问题在中央环保督察中集中暴露出来。为采取针对性政策措施解决这些遗留问题, 本研究首先将其分为三大类: (1)保护越位与保护空缺并存; (2)生态保护和大量原住居民生计改善间的矛盾突出; (3)保护地内存在大量生产经营活动。在此基础上, 深入剖析了各类遗留问题产生的体制机制原因。为合理化解历史遗留问题导致的一系列矛盾, 提高保护地建设和管理质量, 本文从加强保护地体系的顶层设计、推动相关法律法规的制修订、采取多元化手段解决保护地内土地权属和矿业权问题、建立健全平衡保护与发展关系的体制机制等4个方面提出了历史遗留问题的系统性解决方案。
黄宝荣, 张丛林, 邓冉 (2020) 我国自然保护地历史遗留问题的系统解决方案. 生物多样性, 28, 1255-1265. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020318.
Baorong Huang, Conglin Zhang, Ran Deng (2020) The systemic solution to historical problems in China’s natural protected areas. Biodiversity Science, 28, 1255-1265. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020318.
权属类型 Types of land ownership | 国家公园、国家级自然保护区 National parks, national nature reserves | 省级以下自然保护区、各级各类自然公园 Provincial and municipal nature reserves, various types of natural parks | |
核心保护区 Core protected area | 一般控制区 General control area | ||
全民所有(未被承包经营, 但管理权归属于其他部门) Ownership by the whole people (it is not contracted for operation, but the management right belongs to other departments) | 将管理权从其他部门划拨给保护地管理机构 Transferring management authority from other departments to protected area management agencies | 将土地管理权从其他部门划拨给保护地管理机构 Transferring land management rights from other departments to protected area management agencies | 与其他部门建立共管机制 Establishing co-management mechanism with other departments |
全民所有(被单位或者个人承包经营) Ownership by the whole people (contracted for operation by units or individuals) | 买断承包经营权, 使用权和管理权划归保护地管理机构 Buying out the contracted management right, right of use and management belongs to protected area management agencies | 承包经营权到期之前, 通过流转获取土地管理权; 承包经营权到期后, 不再续签 Acquiring the land management right by transferring before the contract management right expires; no longer to renew after the contract management right expires | 通过流转获取土地管理权 Acquiring the land management right by transferring |
集体所有 Collective ownership | 通过征收、置换等方式, 获取土地所有权 Acquiring land ownership by the ways of collection and replacement | a. 通过流转, 获取土地管理权; b. 通过地役权协议, 不获取土地使用权, 但限制土地利用方式 a. Acquiring the land management right by transferring; b. Don’t acquire land use rights, but restrict land-use type by easement agreement | a. 通过地役权协议, 不获取土地使用权, 但限制土地利用方式; b. 实施协议保护, 土地管理权交由公益组织或社区; c. 通过共管协议, 促进土地可持续利用 a. Don’t acquire land use rights, but restrict land-use type by easement agreement; b. Implementing protocol protection, the right of manage land is taken by public interest organizations or communities; c. Promoting sustainable land use by condominium agreement |
表1 我国自然保护地土地权属问题的分区分类解决方案
Table 1 Zoning and classification solutions for the problems of land ownership in China’s natural protected areas
权属类型 Types of land ownership | 国家公园、国家级自然保护区 National parks, national nature reserves | 省级以下自然保护区、各级各类自然公园 Provincial and municipal nature reserves, various types of natural parks | |
核心保护区 Core protected area | 一般控制区 General control area | ||
全民所有(未被承包经营, 但管理权归属于其他部门) Ownership by the whole people (it is not contracted for operation, but the management right belongs to other departments) | 将管理权从其他部门划拨给保护地管理机构 Transferring management authority from other departments to protected area management agencies | 将土地管理权从其他部门划拨给保护地管理机构 Transferring land management rights from other departments to protected area management agencies | 与其他部门建立共管机制 Establishing co-management mechanism with other departments |
全民所有(被单位或者个人承包经营) Ownership by the whole people (contracted for operation by units or individuals) | 买断承包经营权, 使用权和管理权划归保护地管理机构 Buying out the contracted management right, right of use and management belongs to protected area management agencies | 承包经营权到期之前, 通过流转获取土地管理权; 承包经营权到期后, 不再续签 Acquiring the land management right by transferring before the contract management right expires; no longer to renew after the contract management right expires | 通过流转获取土地管理权 Acquiring the land management right by transferring |
集体所有 Collective ownership | 通过征收、置换等方式, 获取土地所有权 Acquiring land ownership by the ways of collection and replacement | a. 通过流转, 获取土地管理权; b. 通过地役权协议, 不获取土地使用权, 但限制土地利用方式 a. Acquiring the land management right by transferring; b. Don’t acquire land use rights, but restrict land-use type by easement agreement | a. 通过地役权协议, 不获取土地使用权, 但限制土地利用方式; b. 实施协议保护, 土地管理权交由公益组织或社区; c. 通过共管协议, 促进土地可持续利用 a. Don’t acquire land use rights, but restrict land-use type by easement agreement; b. Implementing protocol protection, the right of manage land is taken by public interest organizations or communities; c. Promoting sustainable land use by condominium agreement |
权属类型 Types of land ownership | 国家公园、国家级自然保护区 National parks, national nature reserves | 省级以下自然保护区、各级各类自然公园 Provincial and municipal nature reserves and various types of natural parks | |
核心保护区 Core protected area | 一般控制区 General control area | ||
采矿权 Mining rights | 推动所有采矿权全部退出 Promoting to quit all mining rights | a. 建立采矿活动正面清单, 推动正面清单之外所有采矿权的全面退出; b. 正面清单内的采矿权, 推动绿色矿山建设 a. Establishing positive lists of mining activities, promoting the exit of all mining rights except the positive list; b. Focusing on building green mines in positive lists of mining right | a. 重点推动绿色矿山建设; b. 建立采矿活动负面清单, 推动清单中所有采矿权的退出 a. Focusing on building green mines; b. Establishing a negative list of mining activities and promoting the exit of all mining rights in the list |
探矿权 Exploration rights | 保留少数关系到国家战略安全的矿产资源的探矿权, 推动其余探矿权的全部退出 Reserving the exploration right of a few mineral resources that concern national strategic security and promoting the exit of all the other exploration rights | 建立探矿活动负面清单, 推动负面清单中所有探矿权的全面退出 Establishing a negative list of exploration activities and promoting the exit of all exploration rights in the negative list | 规范探矿活动, 减轻其生态环境影响 Regulating prospecting activities and alleviating its ecological environmental impact |
表2 我国自然保护地矿业权问题的分区分类解决方案
Table 2 Zoning and classification solutions for the problems of mining rights ownership in China’s natural protected areas
权属类型 Types of land ownership | 国家公园、国家级自然保护区 National parks, national nature reserves | 省级以下自然保护区、各级各类自然公园 Provincial and municipal nature reserves and various types of natural parks | |
核心保护区 Core protected area | 一般控制区 General control area | ||
采矿权 Mining rights | 推动所有采矿权全部退出 Promoting to quit all mining rights | a. 建立采矿活动正面清单, 推动正面清单之外所有采矿权的全面退出; b. 正面清单内的采矿权, 推动绿色矿山建设 a. Establishing positive lists of mining activities, promoting the exit of all mining rights except the positive list; b. Focusing on building green mines in positive lists of mining right | a. 重点推动绿色矿山建设; b. 建立采矿活动负面清单, 推动清单中所有采矿权的退出 a. Focusing on building green mines; b. Establishing a negative list of mining activities and promoting the exit of all mining rights in the list |
探矿权 Exploration rights | 保留少数关系到国家战略安全的矿产资源的探矿权, 推动其余探矿权的全部退出 Reserving the exploration right of a few mineral resources that concern national strategic security and promoting the exit of all the other exploration rights | 建立探矿活动负面清单, 推动负面清单中所有探矿权的全面退出 Establishing a negative list of exploration activities and promoting the exit of all exploration rights in the negative list | 规范探矿活动, 减轻其生态环境影响 Regulating prospecting activities and alleviating its ecological environmental impact |
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