生物多样性 ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (2): 133-149. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020070
* E-mail: lijsh@craes.org.cn基金资助:
Wei Wang1,2, Junsheng Li1,2,*()
Junsheng Li
生物多样性就地保护是指通过开展自然保护地体系的建立与管理, 结合自然保护地以外其他有效的基于区域的保护措施(other effective area-based conservation measures, OECMs), 从而实现物种种群及其栖息地的保护与恢复以及保障和提升生态系统服务的目标。就地保护是实现2020年全球生物多样性保护目标最为重要的措施之一。本文从自然保护地数量与面积、代表性、有效性, 以及其他生物多样性就地保护措施等方面, 整理和综述了国内外近年来的相关报道。总体来看, 我国基本建立了具有中国特色的生物多样性就地保护与管理体系, 实施了各项生物多样性保护恢复措施, 取得了一系列重大进展。自然保护地的面积和数量均呈现上升趋势, 已覆盖陆域国土面积的18%, 对一些重要生态系统及重点保护物种的保护取得了一定成效。正在建设的10处国家公园体制试点提升了部分重点物种的保护连通性。自然保护区总体管理状况相对较好, 保护了90%以上的哺乳动物和97%的兰科植物。此外, 其他有效的基于区域的保护措施亦为生物多样性就地保护贡献了民间力量。在此基础上, 本文对照《中国生物多样性保护战略与行动计划(2011-2030年)》中对“加强生物多样性就地保护”的各项要求, 分析总结了当前我国生物多样性就地保护仍然存在的问题与不足, 具体表现在以下几个方面: 自然保护地整体保护能力仍有待提升; 生物多样性保护优先区域仍然存在保护空缺; 自然保护区管理质量有待提升; 缺乏公共协商机制; 自然保护地以外的其他就地保护工作仍在探索阶段等。在此基础上, 对将来我国生物多样性就地保护提出了进一步建议与展望: (1)制定更为具体和量化的生物多样性就地保护目标; (2)加大力度减少物种受威胁程度, 特别是受关注较少的物种; (3)以保障和提升生态系统服务为目标, 提升生态系统保护修复的系统性与整体性; (4)加强自然保护地以外的生物多样性就地保护; (5)完善长期监测体系, 为生物多样性就地保护成效评估提供数据支撑。本文可为“2020年后全球生物多样性框架”特别是就地保护目标的制定与实施提供参考。
王伟, 李俊生 (2021) 中国生物多样性就地保护成效与展望. 生物多样性, 29, 133-149. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020070.
Wei Wang, Junsheng Li (2021) In-situ conservation of biodiversity in China: Advances and prospects. Biodiversity Science, 29, 133-149. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2020070.
图1 我国主要自然保护地的面积(a)与数量(b)占比。相关数据引自唐小平和栾晓峰(2017); Huang YZ等(2019)。
Fig. 1 Area (a) and number (b) (%) of major types of protected areas in China. Related data were obtained from Tang & Luan, 2017; Huang YZ et al, 2019.
主要进展 Major progress | 主要不足 Major weak points | ||
1. 自然保护地建设及保护管理成效 Development and conservation effectiveness and management effectiveness of protected areas | |||
1.1 数量与面积 Numbers and areas | 我国已建立约1.18万个自然保护地, 保护面积覆盖我国陆域面积的18%、管辖海域面积的4.1%。China has established more than 11,800 protected areas covering 18 percent of its land area and 4.1 percent of its sea area. | 海洋自然保护地的面积比例不足。The area of marine protected areas is still lacking. | |
1.2 代表性 Representativeness | 我国已建的自然保护区保护了超过80%的自然植被群落以及85%以上的野生动植物, 对兰科植物、哺乳动物的覆盖程度较好。More than 80% of natural vegetation communities and 85% of wild animals & plants have been represented in current nature reserves. Especially, the species of Orchidaceae and mammals are well-represented. | 自然保护地仍不足以满足生物多样性保护和维系生态系统服务的需求, 存在保护空缺。而且自然保护区以外的其他类型自然保护地研究相对较少。There are still conservation gaps of current protected areas to fulfill the requirements of biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services maintenance. Less studies have been carried on other protected areas except for nature reserves. | |
1.3 有效性 Effectiveness | |||
管理有效性 Management effectiveness | 我国自然保护区的管理有效性整体较好, 特别是级别较高、建立时间较长以及位于社会经济发展较好省份的自然保护区, 其管理状况相对较好。In general, management effectiveness of nature reserves in China are relatively good, especially those with higher management level, longer period from establishment, or in better economic provinces. | 自然保护区还普遍存在范围边界与土地权属不清、管理机构不健全、专业技术人员缺乏、资金投入不足、动态监测不足、开发建设活动影响等方面的问题。其他类型自然保护地研究相对较少。There are still some problems of nature reserves in China, such as the lacking information of boundaries and land tenures, the poorly organized institution, the lacking of staff, funding, and monitoring, and the impacts of construction activities. Less studies have been carried on other protected areas except for nature reserves. | |
保护成效 Conservation effectiveness | 自然保护地对一些重要生态系统及重点保护物种的保护取得了一定成效。There are some achievements of protected areas in conserving some ecosystems and key protected wild animals and plants. | 除受关注较多的物种以外, 许多物种其数量、分布、受威胁程度及保护成效仍不清楚。Except for those species with more attention, the information (number, distribution, threatened status, and conservation effectiveness) of most species is still not clear. | |
连通性 Connectivity | 许多研究均提出了潜在的保护廊道建议, 正在建设的国家公园试点提升了部分重点物种(如大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca、东北虎Panthera tigris altaica)的保护连通性。Potential conservation corridors have been proposed by many studies. The well-connected national park pilots to improve the connectivity of some key wild animals (such as Ailuropoda melanoleuca and Panthera tigris altaica) have been developing. | 廊道建设及自然保护地之间的连通性均有待加强, 全国层面的自然保护地网络布局仍有待进一步完善。The establishments of corridors to improve the connectivity of protected areas need to be strengthened. The protected areas network of the whole country is still incomplete. | |
2. 其他生物多样性就地保护措施 Other in-situ conservation measures | |||
2.1 生态保护修复工程 Ecological protection and restoration projects | 生态保护修复工程在增加植被覆盖、增强固碳、提升水土保持功能、增加植被净初级生产力、提升防风固沙能力等方面均产生了积极的效果。The ecological protection and restoration projects have obtained great achievements, such as the increasing of vegetation coverage, and the improvement of carbon sequestration, water and soil retention, net primary productivity, and sand fixation functions. | 早期的生态保护修复通常以要素为对象, 割裂了生态系统的整体性; 一些重要生态系统如湿地、草地等仍存在不同程度的退化。Previous ecological protection and restoration projects usually treated the single element as the object, ignoring the integrity of ecosystem. Some important ecosystems, such as the grassland and wetland, are still facing the risk of degradation. | |
2.2 生态保护红线 Ecological conservation red line (ECR) | 已有15个省(自治区、直辖市)完成了生态保护红线的划定。The ECR delimitation had been finished in 15 provinces. | 一些历史遗留问题仍然存在, 生态保护红线的保护成效仍有待进一步评估。There are still some historical issues inside the ECRs. The conservation effectiveness of ECRs needs to be further assessed. | |
2.3 其他有效的基于区域 的保护措施 Other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) | 我国OECMs (如自然保护小区、风水林/神山圣湖、社会公益保护地等), 为生物多样性就地保护贡献了民间力量。The OECMs, such as the mini natural reserves, the sacred mountains and lakes, and the civil protected areas, have made non-governmental contributions to the in-situ conservation of biodiversity in China. | 我国OECMs的责任主体、位置边界及其在生物多样性保护方面的效果等情况仍然不清。The responsibility body, boundaries and locations, and the conservation effectiveness of OECMs are still unclear. |
表1 中国生物多样性就地保护的阶段性进展与不足
Table 1 Progress and weak points of in-situ conservation of biodiversity in China
主要进展 Major progress | 主要不足 Major weak points | ||
1. 自然保护地建设及保护管理成效 Development and conservation effectiveness and management effectiveness of protected areas | |||
1.1 数量与面积 Numbers and areas | 我国已建立约1.18万个自然保护地, 保护面积覆盖我国陆域面积的18%、管辖海域面积的4.1%。China has established more than 11,800 protected areas covering 18 percent of its land area and 4.1 percent of its sea area. | 海洋自然保护地的面积比例不足。The area of marine protected areas is still lacking. | |
1.2 代表性 Representativeness | 我国已建的自然保护区保护了超过80%的自然植被群落以及85%以上的野生动植物, 对兰科植物、哺乳动物的覆盖程度较好。More than 80% of natural vegetation communities and 85% of wild animals & plants have been represented in current nature reserves. Especially, the species of Orchidaceae and mammals are well-represented. | 自然保护地仍不足以满足生物多样性保护和维系生态系统服务的需求, 存在保护空缺。而且自然保护区以外的其他类型自然保护地研究相对较少。There are still conservation gaps of current protected areas to fulfill the requirements of biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services maintenance. Less studies have been carried on other protected areas except for nature reserves. | |
1.3 有效性 Effectiveness | |||
管理有效性 Management effectiveness | 我国自然保护区的管理有效性整体较好, 特别是级别较高、建立时间较长以及位于社会经济发展较好省份的自然保护区, 其管理状况相对较好。In general, management effectiveness of nature reserves in China are relatively good, especially those with higher management level, longer period from establishment, or in better economic provinces. | 自然保护区还普遍存在范围边界与土地权属不清、管理机构不健全、专业技术人员缺乏、资金投入不足、动态监测不足、开发建设活动影响等方面的问题。其他类型自然保护地研究相对较少。There are still some problems of nature reserves in China, such as the lacking information of boundaries and land tenures, the poorly organized institution, the lacking of staff, funding, and monitoring, and the impacts of construction activities. Less studies have been carried on other protected areas except for nature reserves. | |
保护成效 Conservation effectiveness | 自然保护地对一些重要生态系统及重点保护物种的保护取得了一定成效。There are some achievements of protected areas in conserving some ecosystems and key protected wild animals and plants. | 除受关注较多的物种以外, 许多物种其数量、分布、受威胁程度及保护成效仍不清楚。Except for those species with more attention, the information (number, distribution, threatened status, and conservation effectiveness) of most species is still not clear. | |
连通性 Connectivity | 许多研究均提出了潜在的保护廊道建议, 正在建设的国家公园试点提升了部分重点物种(如大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca、东北虎Panthera tigris altaica)的保护连通性。Potential conservation corridors have been proposed by many studies. The well-connected national park pilots to improve the connectivity of some key wild animals (such as Ailuropoda melanoleuca and Panthera tigris altaica) have been developing. | 廊道建设及自然保护地之间的连通性均有待加强, 全国层面的自然保护地网络布局仍有待进一步完善。The establishments of corridors to improve the connectivity of protected areas need to be strengthened. The protected areas network of the whole country is still incomplete. | |
2. 其他生物多样性就地保护措施 Other in-situ conservation measures | |||
2.1 生态保护修复工程 Ecological protection and restoration projects | 生态保护修复工程在增加植被覆盖、增强固碳、提升水土保持功能、增加植被净初级生产力、提升防风固沙能力等方面均产生了积极的效果。The ecological protection and restoration projects have obtained great achievements, such as the increasing of vegetation coverage, and the improvement of carbon sequestration, water and soil retention, net primary productivity, and sand fixation functions. | 早期的生态保护修复通常以要素为对象, 割裂了生态系统的整体性; 一些重要生态系统如湿地、草地等仍存在不同程度的退化。Previous ecological protection and restoration projects usually treated the single element as the object, ignoring the integrity of ecosystem. Some important ecosystems, such as the grassland and wetland, are still facing the risk of degradation. | |
2.2 生态保护红线 Ecological conservation red line (ECR) | 已有15个省(自治区、直辖市)完成了生态保护红线的划定。The ECR delimitation had been finished in 15 provinces. | 一些历史遗留问题仍然存在, 生态保护红线的保护成效仍有待进一步评估。There are still some historical issues inside the ECRs. The conservation effectiveness of ECRs needs to be further assessed. | |
2.3 其他有效的基于区域 的保护措施 Other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) | 我国OECMs (如自然保护小区、风水林/神山圣湖、社会公益保护地等), 为生物多样性就地保护贡献了民间力量。The OECMs, such as the mini natural reserves, the sacred mountains and lakes, and the civil protected areas, have made non-governmental contributions to the in-situ conservation of biodiversity in China. | 我国OECMs的责任主体、位置边界及其在生物多样性保护方面的效果等情况仍然不清。The responsibility body, boundaries and locations, and the conservation effectiveness of OECMs are still unclear. |
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