生物多样性 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 23295.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023295  cstr: 32101.14.biods.2023295

• 研究报告: 动物多样性 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨舒涵1(), 王贺1, 陈磊1, 廖蓥飞1, 严光2, 伍一宁1,*()(), 邹红菲1,*()   

  1. 1.东北林业大学野生动物与自然保护地学院, 哈尔滨 150040
    2.黑龙江哈拉海省级自然保护区, 黑龙江齐齐哈尔 161023
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-15 接受日期:2023-11-21 出版日期:2024-01-20 发布日期:2024-01-19
  • 通讯作者: *E-mail: wuyiningnefu@126.com;Hongfeizou@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of heterogeneous habitat on soil nematode community characteristics in the Songnen Plain

Shuhan Yang1(), He Wang1, Lei Chen1, Yingfei Liao1, Guang Yan2, Yining Wu1,*()(), Hongfei Zou1,*()   

  1. 1 College of Wildlife and Protected Area, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040
    2 Heilongjiang Harahai Provincial Nature Reserve, Qiqihar, Heilongjiang 161023


湿地是世界上三大生态系统类型之一, 对全球气候变化具有重要的缓冲作用。生境异质性对植物群落的演替起到主导作用, 植被特征可以显著影响土壤生物群落的结构与组成, 因此生境异质性直接或间接地促进土壤食物网的多样性。为探究湿地异质生境对土壤线虫群落结构和功能的影响, 本研究选取松嫩平原5种异质生境为研究对象, 即星星草(Puccinellia tenuiflora)生境、小叶章(Deyeuxia angustifolia)生境、臌囊薹草(Carex schmidtii)生境、羊草(Leymus chinensis)生境及光碱斑生境(alkali habitat), 于2022年7月对生境中土壤线虫群落、植物和土壤环境因子进行调查, 本研究采用五点法采集湿地样土后, 用改进的浅盘分离-蔗糖离心提取土壤中的线虫并进行形态学鉴定, 采用种类组成、个体密度、多样性指数、功能性指数等特征值分析土壤线虫群落结构、多样性特点, 并通过冗余分析及相关性分析探讨线虫群落与土壤理化性质和植被特征间的关系。结果表明: 不同生境的土壤线虫的分类组成不同, 5个群落间均存在差异, 总体上以捕食-杂食线虫和植物寄生线虫为主, 羊草生境中线虫群落的个体数、多样性、丰富度在采样期间均为最大值。线虫功能足迹在生境中表现为羊草 > 臌囊薹草 > 小叶章 > 星星草 > 光碱斑, 根据生境间结构指数(structure index, SI)和富集指数(enrichment index, EI)值可以得出, 未退化的臌囊薹草生境最为稳定, 光碱斑生境养分枯竭, 食物网发生退化, 表明湿地过度退化会导致地下生态系统功能同时发生退化。小叶章生境土壤线虫通道指数(nematode channel ratio, NCR)显著低于其他生境, 其土壤分解过程以真菌通道为主, 而其他生境均以细菌通道为主。ANOSIM检验结果显示, 生境异质性显著影响了4个营养类群和总体线虫群落的组成。Pearson相关性分析和冗余分析结果显示, 植物对土壤食物网的直接影响效应更为显著, 土壤理化性质则间接影响线虫群落的结构, 土壤全磷、含水量、pH值和植被中的湿生植物重要值是影响土壤线虫群落结构和组成的主要环境因子。总体来说, 臌囊薹草生境由于其食物网的稳定性对于湿地的改善和近自然修复有望产生更大的影响, 研究结果有助于从土壤生物学角度理解松嫩平原湿地地下生态系统过程和功能。

关键词: 土壤线虫, 植被类型, 群落结构, 松嫩平原, 生境异质性


Aims: Wetlands, as one of the three major ecosystem types, play a crucial role in buffering global climate change. Habitat heterogeneity is a dominant factor in the succession of plant communities and significantly influences the structure and composition of soil biological communities, thereby directly or indirectly enhancing the diversity of soil food webs.

Methods: To determine the impact of wetland habitat heterogeneity on the structure and function of soil nematode communities in the Songnen Plain, this study focused on five heterogeneous habitats in the region. These habitats were selected based on a preliminary investigation of plant community characteristics. In July 2022, soil nematode communities, vegetation, and soil environmental factors were surveyed within these habitats. Soil samples were collected using a five-point method and nematodes were extracted using an improved shallow dish separation-sucrose centrifugation technique, followed by morphological identification. The soil nematode community structure and diversity were analyzed based on species composition, individual density, diversity indices, and functional indices. Redundancy analysis and correlation analysis were employed to explore the relationship between nematode communities and soil physicochemical properties as well as vegetation characteristics.

Results: (1) Soil nematodes in the study area are mainly omnivores-predators and plant-parasites. The habitat of Leymus chinensis exhibits the highest number of soil nematode individuals, Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H'), and Margalef species richness index. The functional footprint of nematodes in the sample plot follows this order: Leymus chinensis > Carex schmidtii> Deyeuxia angustifolia > Puccinellia tenuiflora> alkali habitat. (2) The channel index of soil nematodes in the Deyeuxia angustifolia habitat is significantly lower compared to other habitats. Fungal channels dominate the soil decomposition process in this habitat while bacterial channels dominate in others. (3) The ANOSIM test results demonstrate that habitat heterogeneity significantly influence the composition of four nutrient groups and the overall nematode community. Pearson correlation and redundancy analysis reveal that total phosphorus, soil moisture content, soil pH, and the importance value of hygrophytes in vegetation are the primary environmental factors affecting the structure and composition of soil nematode communities.

Conclusions: Our research findings demonstrate that the habitat heterogeneity of the Songnen Plain has a significant impact on the community characteristics of soil nematodes. Specifically, the Leymus chinensis habitat stands out with the highest number of individuals, diversity, and richness of soil nematodes. Additionally, the stability of the Carex schmidtiiplot is expected to play a crucial role in enhancing the restoration and natural improvement of wetlands due to its stable food web. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the processes and functions of the underground ecosystem in the wetlands of the Songnen Plain.

Key words: soil nematode, vegetation type, community structure, Songnen Plain, habitat heterogeneity