生物多样性 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 23282. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023282 cstr: 32101.14.biods.2023282
所属专题: 美丽中国建设
刘彩莲1(), 张雄2, 樊恩源3, 王松林4, 姜艳1, 林柏岸1(
), 房璐4, 李玉强4, 刘乐彬4, 刘敏1,*(
*E-mail: minliuxm@xmu.edu.cn
Cailian Liu1(), Xiong Zhang2, Enyuan Fan3, Songlin Wang4, Yan Jiang1, Baian Lin1(
), Lu Fang4, Yuqiang Li4, Lebin Liu4, Min Liu1,*(
*E-mail: minliuxm@xmu.edu.cn
濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)于2002年将海马属(Hippocampus)所有物种列入附录II进行国际贸易监管。2021年2月, 农业农村部和国家林业和草原局联合公布了调整后的《国家重点保护野生动物名录》, 明确将中国海域海马属所有物种(野外种群)列为国家二级重点保护动物。尽管我国高度重视海马保护工作, 但目前仍缺乏对各海区海马物种多样性以及重要生态学信息的汇总。本文通过文献资料整理, 提供了最新的中国海域分布的16种海马名录, 总结了其分布区域、栖息生境、繁殖特征等生态信息, 并归纳了不同物种的濒危等级和主要威胁因素。在16种海马中, 莫氏海马(H. mohnikei, 又名日本海马)分布范围最为广泛, 从渤海至南海均有出现。台湾、海南、广东、福建及广西沿岸海域的海马物种多样性较高。海马营底层生活, 其栖息生境十分多样化, 包括珊瑚礁、海草床、海藻场、红树林、碎石及砂泥质海床等。目前, 海马野外种群所面临的主要威胁来自于渔业兼捕及栖息地破坏。为更好地保护海马野外种群, 建议管理部门关注海马作为旗舰物种在海洋生态环境保护工作中的影响力, 建立以海马及其栖息生境为主要保护目标的国家级自然保护区或采取其他有效的区域保护措施; 加强海马保护公众宣传, 着力解决海马兼捕问题; 尽快启动全国范围的海马栖息地调查及种群数量评估工作, 识别海马关键栖息地; 提升贸易监管能力, 规范海马利用管理, 建立鉴别野生和养殖海马群体的关键技术, 以期促进对我国海马野外种群的有效保护。
刘彩莲, 张雄, 樊恩源, 王松林, 姜艳, 林柏岸, 房璐, 李玉强, 刘乐彬, 刘敏 (2024) 中国海域海马的物种多样性、生态特征及保护建议. 生物多样性, 32, 23282. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023282.
Cailian Liu, Xiong Zhang, Enyuan Fan, Songlin Wang, Yan Jiang, Baian Lin, Lu Fang, Yuqiang Li, Lebin Liu, Min Liu (2024) Species diversity, ecological characteristics and conservation measures of seahorses (Hippocampus) in China’s waters. Biodiversity Science, 32, 23282. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023282.
序号No. | 中文名/英文名 Common name in Chinese and Englisha | 拉丁学名 Latin name | 全球分布 Global distributionb | 中国海域分布 Domestic distributionc | ||||
印度洋 Indian Ocean | 太平洋 Pacific Ocean | 渤海 Bo Hai | 黄海 Yellow Sea | 东海 East China Sea | 南海 South China Sea | |||
1 | 巴博海马(鲍氏海马) Barbour’s seahorse | Hippocampus barbouri | $\checkmark$ (东部 East) | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ | |||
2 | 巴氏海马(巴氏豆丁海马) Pygmy seahorse | H. bargibanti | $\checkmark$ (东部 East) | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ (仅台湾海域 Only recorded in Taiwan) | $\checkmark$ (仅台湾海域 Only recorded in Taiwan) | ||
3 | 北部湾海马 Beibu Bay seahorse | H. casscsio | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ (仅北部湾 Only recorded in Beibu Bay) | ||||
4 | 克里蒙氏海马(科氏海马) Coleman’s pygmy seahorse* | H. colemani | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ (仅台湾海域 Only recorded in Taiwan) | $\checkmark$ (仅台湾海域 Only recorded in Taiwan) | |||
5 | 虎尾海马 Tiger tail seahorse | H. comes | $\checkmark$ (东部 East) | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ | |||
6 | 冠海马 Crowned seahorse | H. coronatus | $\checkmark$ (西北部 Northwest) | $\checkmark$ | ||||
7 | 丹尼斯海马(丹尼斯豆丁海马或橘色海马) Denise’s pygmy seahorse* | H. denise | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ (仅台湾海域 Only recorded in Taiwan) | ||||
8 | 日本豆丁海马 Japanese pygmy seahorse* | H. japapigu | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$(仅台湾海域 Only recorded in Taiwan) | ||||
9 | 刺海马 Thorny seahorse | H. histrix | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | ||
10 | 克氏海马(大海马) Kellog’s seahorse | H. kelloggi | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | ||
11 | 库达海马 Spotted seahorse | H. kuda | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | ||
12 | 莫氏海马(日本海马) Japanese seahorse | H. mohnikei | $\checkmark$ (东部 East) | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ |
13 | 彭氏海马 Pontoh’s pygmy seahorse* | H. pontohi | $\checkmark$ (东部 East) | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ (仅台湾海域 Only recorded in Taiwan) | |||
14 | 花海马 Shiho’s seahorse | H. sindonis | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ (仅台湾海域 Only recorded in Taiwan) | ||||
15 | 棘海马 Hedgehog seahorse | H. spinosissimus | $\checkmark$ (东北部 Northeast) | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | ||
16 | 三斑海马(斑海马) Longnose seahorse | H. trimaculatus | $\checkmark$ (东部 East) | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ |
表1 中国海域分布的16种海马
Table 1 Sixteen seahorse species recorded in China’s waters
序号No. | 中文名/英文名 Common name in Chinese and Englisha | 拉丁学名 Latin name | 全球分布 Global distributionb | 中国海域分布 Domestic distributionc | ||||
印度洋 Indian Ocean | 太平洋 Pacific Ocean | 渤海 Bo Hai | 黄海 Yellow Sea | 东海 East China Sea | 南海 South China Sea | |||
1 | 巴博海马(鲍氏海马) Barbour’s seahorse | Hippocampus barbouri | $\checkmark$ (东部 East) | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ | |||
2 | 巴氏海马(巴氏豆丁海马) Pygmy seahorse | H. bargibanti | $\checkmark$ (东部 East) | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ (仅台湾海域 Only recorded in Taiwan) | $\checkmark$ (仅台湾海域 Only recorded in Taiwan) | ||
3 | 北部湾海马 Beibu Bay seahorse | H. casscsio | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ (仅北部湾 Only recorded in Beibu Bay) | ||||
4 | 克里蒙氏海马(科氏海马) Coleman’s pygmy seahorse* | H. colemani | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ (仅台湾海域 Only recorded in Taiwan) | $\checkmark$ (仅台湾海域 Only recorded in Taiwan) | |||
5 | 虎尾海马 Tiger tail seahorse | H. comes | $\checkmark$ (东部 East) | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ | |||
6 | 冠海马 Crowned seahorse | H. coronatus | $\checkmark$ (西北部 Northwest) | $\checkmark$ | ||||
7 | 丹尼斯海马(丹尼斯豆丁海马或橘色海马) Denise’s pygmy seahorse* | H. denise | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ (仅台湾海域 Only recorded in Taiwan) | ||||
8 | 日本豆丁海马 Japanese pygmy seahorse* | H. japapigu | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$(仅台湾海域 Only recorded in Taiwan) | ||||
9 | 刺海马 Thorny seahorse | H. histrix | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | ||
10 | 克氏海马(大海马) Kellog’s seahorse | H. kelloggi | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | ||
11 | 库达海马 Spotted seahorse | H. kuda | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | ||
12 | 莫氏海马(日本海马) Japanese seahorse | H. mohnikei | $\checkmark$ (东部 East) | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ |
13 | 彭氏海马 Pontoh’s pygmy seahorse* | H. pontohi | $\checkmark$ (东部 East) | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ (仅台湾海域 Only recorded in Taiwan) | |||
14 | 花海马 Shiho’s seahorse | H. sindonis | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ (仅台湾海域 Only recorded in Taiwan) | ||||
15 | 棘海马 Hedgehog seahorse | H. spinosissimus | $\checkmark$ (东北部 Northeast) | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | ||
16 | 三斑海马(斑海马) Longnose seahorse | H. trimaculatus | $\checkmark$ (东部 East) | $\checkmark$ (西部 West) | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ | $\checkmark$ |
中文名/英文名 Common name in Chinese and English | 全球栖息地记录 Global habitat recordsa | 中国栖息地记录 Habitat records in Chinab | 水深 Water depth (m)a | 繁殖季节 Breeding seasonc | 寿命 Lifespan (year)d | 初次性成熟体高 Height at first maturity (cm)d | 每胎产幼体数 Number of juvenile per pouchb | 主要食性喜好 Main dietsa | |||||||
巴博海马 Barbour’s seahorse | 海草床、珊瑚礁 Seagrass beds and coral reefs | - | 0-10 | - | - | 8.0 | - | 哲水蚤桡足类、甲壳类幼虫等小型甲壳类 Small crustaceans, such as calanoid copepods and decapod larvae | |||||||
巴氏海马 Pygmy seahorse | 柳珊瑚(小尖柳珊瑚属种类) Gorgonian corals (Muricella spp.) | 柳珊瑚(小尖柳珊瑚属种类) Gorgonian corals (Muricella spp.) | 15-40 | 全年繁殖 Breeding year-round | - | 1.3 | - | 钩虾、猛水蚤等小型甲壳类 Small crustaceans, such as gammarid amphipods and harpacticoid copepods | |||||||
北部湾海马 Beibu Bay seahorse | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||
克里蒙氏海马 Coleman’s pygmy seahorse | 粗砂质底及海草床(鳗草、喜盐草) Coarse sand and seagrass beds (Zostera spp. and Halophilia spp.) | 粗砂粒及藻类丰富浅海区 Shallow waters with coarse sand and seaweeds rich | 0-5 | - | - | - | - | 钩虾、猛水蚤、糠虾等小型甲壳类 Small crustaceans, such as gammarid amphipods, harpacticoid copepods and mysids | |||||||
虎尾海马 Tiger tail seahorse | 珊瑚礁、海绵、海藻场、海草床 Coral reefs, sponges, seaweed beds and seagrass beds | 0-20 | 全年繁殖(菲律宾) Breeding year-round in central Philippines | - | 8.1 | - | - | ||||||||
冠海马 Crowned seahorse | 海藻场(马尾藻)、海草床(鳗草) Seaweed beds (Sargassum spp.) and seagrass beds (Zostera spp.) | 近海多海藻区 Nearshore waters with abundant seaweeds | 0-20 | 6-7月繁殖(日本) Breeding season June to July in Japan | 3-5 | 6.0 | - | 钩虾、桡足类等小型甲壳类 Small crustaceans, such as gammarid amphipods and copepods | |||||||
丹尼斯海马 Denise’s pygmy seahorse | 柳珊瑚(小尖柳珊瑚属、刺柳珊瑚属等种类) Gorgonian corals (e.g. Muricella spp. and Annella spp.) | 柳珊瑚(刺柳珊瑚属种类* Gorgonian corals (Annella spp.) | 5-100 | 全年繁殖(印度尼西亚) Breeding year-round in Indonesia | - | 1.1 | - | - | |||||||
日本豆丁海马 Japanese pygmy seahorse | 岩礁、软珊瑚、仙掌藻属种类及水螅 Rocky reefs, soft corals, Halimeda spp., and hydroids | 仙掌藻属种类* Halimeda spp. | 0-20* | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||
刺海马 Thorny seahorse | 岩礁、海草床、软珊瑚、海绵 Rocky reefs, seagrass beds, soft corals and sponges | 岩礁、海藻场 Rocky reefs and seaweed beds | 5-80 | - | - | 7.9 | - | 猛水蚤、哲水蚤、糠虾等小型甲壳类 Small crustaceans, such as harpacticoid and cyclopoid copepods, and mysids | |||||||
克氏海马Kellog’s seahorse | 柳珊瑚、海鞭 Gorgonian corals and sea whips | 砂泥海床、具海藻的岩礁、海藻场 Muddy or sandy bottoms, weedy rocky reefs and seaweed beds | 20-150 | - | - | 15.0 | - | 猛水蚤、哲水蚤、钩虾等小型甲壳类 Small crustaceans, such as harpacticoid and cyclopoid copepods, and gammarid amphipods | |||||||
库达海马 Spotted seahorse | 砂泥海床、岩礁、海草床、红树林及河口区 Muddy or sandy bottoms, rocky reefs, seagrass beds, mangrove meadows and estuaries | 砂泥海床、具海 藻的岩礁、海藻场、海草床、珊瑚礁及河口区 Muddy or sandy bottoms, weedy rocky reefs, seagrass beds, seaweed beds, coral reefs and estuaries | 0-70 | 全年繁殖(越南) Breeding year-round in Vietnam | - | 14.0 | 200-1,200 | 小型浮游动物 Small zooplankton | |||||||
莫氏海马 Japanese seahorse | 海草床(大叶藻、卵叶喜盐草、泰来草、海菖蒲等)、红树林 Seagrass beds (Zostera spp., Halophila ovalis, Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides) and mangroves | 砂泥海床、海藻场、海草床及河口区Muddy and sandy bottoms, seaweed beds, seagrass beds and estuaries | 0-40** | 7-9月(中国)** July to September in China | - | 5.5 | 10-400 | 枝角类、短尾类等小型甲壳类 Small crustaceans, such as Penilia avirostris and species of Brachyura | |||||||
彭氏海马 Pontoh’s pygmy seahorse | 仙掌藻属种类、 软珊瑚、柏状羽螅 Halimeda spp., soft corals and the Aglaophenia cupressina | 仙掌藻属种类、 柏状羽螅 Halimeda spp. and Aglaophenia cupressina | 10-25 | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||
花海马 Shiho’s seahorse | 海藻场、海草床、珊瑚 Seaweed beds, seagrass beds and corals | 具海藻场的岩礁 Weedy rocky reefs | 0-20 | - | - | 4.0 | - | - | |||||||
棘海马 Hedgehog seahorse | 软珊瑚、海藻场、 海草床、珊瑚礁 Soft corals, seaweed beds, seagrass beds and coral reefs | 砂泥海床、海藻场、海草床、具海藻的岩礁 Muddy or sandy bottoms, seaweed beds, seagrass beds and weedy rocky reefs | 5-70 | 全年繁殖, 高峰5-10月(越南) Breeding year-round and peaking May to October in Vietnam | - | 10.4 | - | - | |||||||
三斑海马 Longnose seahorse | 砾石及砂泥海床、海藻场、软珊瑚 Muddy, sandy or gravel bottoms, seaweed beds and soft corals | 砂泥海床、海藻场、岩礁、红树林及河口区 Muddy or sandy bottoms, seaweed beds, rocky reefs, mangroves and estuaries | 10-100 | 全年繁殖, 高峰3-5月和10月(越南) Breeding year-round and peaking March to May and October in Vietnam | 3 | 14.0 | 300-1,200 | 端足类、磷虾等小型浮游甲壳类 Small crustaceans, such as amphipoda and euphausiid |
表2 中国海域16种海马的生态信息
Table 2 Ecological information of the sixteen seahorse species recorded in China’s waters
中文名/英文名 Common name in Chinese and English | 全球栖息地记录 Global habitat recordsa | 中国栖息地记录 Habitat records in Chinab | 水深 Water depth (m)a | 繁殖季节 Breeding seasonc | 寿命 Lifespan (year)d | 初次性成熟体高 Height at first maturity (cm)d | 每胎产幼体数 Number of juvenile per pouchb | 主要食性喜好 Main dietsa | |||||||
巴博海马 Barbour’s seahorse | 海草床、珊瑚礁 Seagrass beds and coral reefs | - | 0-10 | - | - | 8.0 | - | 哲水蚤桡足类、甲壳类幼虫等小型甲壳类 Small crustaceans, such as calanoid copepods and decapod larvae | |||||||
巴氏海马 Pygmy seahorse | 柳珊瑚(小尖柳珊瑚属种类) Gorgonian corals (Muricella spp.) | 柳珊瑚(小尖柳珊瑚属种类) Gorgonian corals (Muricella spp.) | 15-40 | 全年繁殖 Breeding year-round | - | 1.3 | - | 钩虾、猛水蚤等小型甲壳类 Small crustaceans, such as gammarid amphipods and harpacticoid copepods | |||||||
北部湾海马 Beibu Bay seahorse | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||
克里蒙氏海马 Coleman’s pygmy seahorse | 粗砂质底及海草床(鳗草、喜盐草) Coarse sand and seagrass beds (Zostera spp. and Halophilia spp.) | 粗砂粒及藻类丰富浅海区 Shallow waters with coarse sand and seaweeds rich | 0-5 | - | - | - | - | 钩虾、猛水蚤、糠虾等小型甲壳类 Small crustaceans, such as gammarid amphipods, harpacticoid copepods and mysids | |||||||
虎尾海马 Tiger tail seahorse | 珊瑚礁、海绵、海藻场、海草床 Coral reefs, sponges, seaweed beds and seagrass beds | 0-20 | 全年繁殖(菲律宾) Breeding year-round in central Philippines | - | 8.1 | - | - | ||||||||
冠海马 Crowned seahorse | 海藻场(马尾藻)、海草床(鳗草) Seaweed beds (Sargassum spp.) and seagrass beds (Zostera spp.) | 近海多海藻区 Nearshore waters with abundant seaweeds | 0-20 | 6-7月繁殖(日本) Breeding season June to July in Japan | 3-5 | 6.0 | - | 钩虾、桡足类等小型甲壳类 Small crustaceans, such as gammarid amphipods and copepods | |||||||
丹尼斯海马 Denise’s pygmy seahorse | 柳珊瑚(小尖柳珊瑚属、刺柳珊瑚属等种类) Gorgonian corals (e.g. Muricella spp. and Annella spp.) | 柳珊瑚(刺柳珊瑚属种类* Gorgonian corals (Annella spp.) | 5-100 | 全年繁殖(印度尼西亚) Breeding year-round in Indonesia | - | 1.1 | - | - | |||||||
日本豆丁海马 Japanese pygmy seahorse | 岩礁、软珊瑚、仙掌藻属种类及水螅 Rocky reefs, soft corals, Halimeda spp., and hydroids | 仙掌藻属种类* Halimeda spp. | 0-20* | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||
刺海马 Thorny seahorse | 岩礁、海草床、软珊瑚、海绵 Rocky reefs, seagrass beds, soft corals and sponges | 岩礁、海藻场 Rocky reefs and seaweed beds | 5-80 | - | - | 7.9 | - | 猛水蚤、哲水蚤、糠虾等小型甲壳类 Small crustaceans, such as harpacticoid and cyclopoid copepods, and mysids | |||||||
克氏海马Kellog’s seahorse | 柳珊瑚、海鞭 Gorgonian corals and sea whips | 砂泥海床、具海藻的岩礁、海藻场 Muddy or sandy bottoms, weedy rocky reefs and seaweed beds | 20-150 | - | - | 15.0 | - | 猛水蚤、哲水蚤、钩虾等小型甲壳类 Small crustaceans, such as harpacticoid and cyclopoid copepods, and gammarid amphipods | |||||||
库达海马 Spotted seahorse | 砂泥海床、岩礁、海草床、红树林及河口区 Muddy or sandy bottoms, rocky reefs, seagrass beds, mangrove meadows and estuaries | 砂泥海床、具海 藻的岩礁、海藻场、海草床、珊瑚礁及河口区 Muddy or sandy bottoms, weedy rocky reefs, seagrass beds, seaweed beds, coral reefs and estuaries | 0-70 | 全年繁殖(越南) Breeding year-round in Vietnam | - | 14.0 | 200-1,200 | 小型浮游动物 Small zooplankton | |||||||
莫氏海马 Japanese seahorse | 海草床(大叶藻、卵叶喜盐草、泰来草、海菖蒲等)、红树林 Seagrass beds (Zostera spp., Halophila ovalis, Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides) and mangroves | 砂泥海床、海藻场、海草床及河口区Muddy and sandy bottoms, seaweed beds, seagrass beds and estuaries | 0-40** | 7-9月(中国)** July to September in China | - | 5.5 | 10-400 | 枝角类、短尾类等小型甲壳类 Small crustaceans, such as Penilia avirostris and species of Brachyura | |||||||
彭氏海马 Pontoh’s pygmy seahorse | 仙掌藻属种类、 软珊瑚、柏状羽螅 Halimeda spp., soft corals and the Aglaophenia cupressina | 仙掌藻属种类、 柏状羽螅 Halimeda spp. and Aglaophenia cupressina | 10-25 | - | - | - | - | - | |||||||
花海马 Shiho’s seahorse | 海藻场、海草床、珊瑚 Seaweed beds, seagrass beds and corals | 具海藻场的岩礁 Weedy rocky reefs | 0-20 | - | - | 4.0 | - | - | |||||||
棘海马 Hedgehog seahorse | 软珊瑚、海藻场、 海草床、珊瑚礁 Soft corals, seaweed beds, seagrass beds and coral reefs | 砂泥海床、海藻场、海草床、具海藻的岩礁 Muddy or sandy bottoms, seaweed beds, seagrass beds and weedy rocky reefs | 5-70 | 全年繁殖, 高峰5-10月(越南) Breeding year-round and peaking May to October in Vietnam | - | 10.4 | - | - | |||||||
三斑海马 Longnose seahorse | 砾石及砂泥海床、海藻场、软珊瑚 Muddy, sandy or gravel bottoms, seaweed beds and soft corals | 砂泥海床、海藻场、岩礁、红树林及河口区 Muddy or sandy bottoms, seaweed beds, rocky reefs, mangroves and estuaries | 10-100 | 全年繁殖, 高峰3-5月和10月(越南) Breeding year-round and peaking March to May and October in Vietnam | 3 | 14.0 | 300-1,200 | 端足类、磷虾等小型浮游甲壳类 Small crustaceans, such as amphipoda and euphausiid |
图1 中国海域有记录的海马采集点或观测点(重复点仅算1次)分布图
Fig. 1 The collection sites or the observation sites (only counted once among repeated sites) for Hippocampus species in China’s waters
物种中文名/英文名 Common species name in Chinese and English | IUCN红色名录等级及评估时间 IUCN Red List category (assessed year)a | 全球种群趋势 Global population trenda | 主要威胁 Main threatsa | 中国物种红 色名录 China Species Red Listb |
巴博海马 Barbour’s seahorse | 易危 VU (2017) | 下降 Decreasing | 目标种捕捞、兼捕、栖息地(海草床)丧失 Targeted fishery, bycatch, and habitat (seagrass beds) loss | 未评估 NE |
巴氏海马 Pygmy seahorse | 数据不足 DD (2016) | 未知 Unknown | 栖息地(珊瑚礁)破坏和丧失 Habitat (coral reefs) destruction and loss | 未评估 NE |
北部湾海马 Beibu Bay seahorse | 数据不足 DD (2017) | 未知 Unknown | 未知 Unknown | 未评估 NE |
克里蒙氏海马 Coleman’s pygmy seahorse | 数据不足 DD (2016) | 未知 Unknown | 未知 Unknown | 未评估 NE |
虎尾海马 Tiger tail seahorse | 易危 VU (2013) | 下降 Decreasing | 目标种捕捞、栖息地破坏、兼捕 Targeted fishery, habitat destruction, and bycatch | 未评估 NE |
冠海马 Crowned seahorse | 数据不足 DD (2015) | 未知 Unknown | 栖息地(海草床)破坏 Habitat (seagrass beds) destruction | 濒危 EN |
丹尼斯海马 Denise’s pygmy seahorse | 数据不足 DD (2015) | 未知 Unknown | 栖息地(珊瑚礁)破坏 Habitat (coral reefs) destruction | 未评估 NE |
日本豆丁海马 Japanese pygmy seahorse | 未评估 NE | 未知 Unknown | 未知 Unknown | 未评估 NE |
刺海马 Thorny seahorse | 易危 VU (2017) | 下降 Decreasing | 兼捕、目标种捕捞、栖息地破坏 Bycatch, targeted fishery, and habitat destruction | 濒危 EN |
克氏海马 Kellog’s seahorse | 易危 VU (2017) | 下降 Decreasing | 兼捕、目标种捕捞、栖息地破坏 Bycatch, targeted fishery, and habitat destruction | 濒危 EN |
库达海马 Spotted seahorse | 易危 VU (2012) | 下降 Decreasing | 兼捕、目标种捕捞、栖息地破坏 Bycatch, targeted fishery, and habitat destruction | 濒危 EN |
莫氏海马 Japanese seahorse | 易危 VU (2016) | 下降 Decreasing | 目标种捕捞、兼捕、栖息地(海草床、红树林)丧失 Targeted fishery, bycatch, and habitat (seagrass and mangrove) loss | 易危 VU |
彭氏海马 Pontoh’s pygmy seahorse | 无危 LC (2016) | 未知 Unknown | 栖息地(珊瑚藻属的海藻场)丧失 Habitat (seaweed beds of Halimeda spp.) loss | 未评估 NE |
花海马 Shiho’s seahorse | 无危 LC (2016) | 未知 Unknown | 栖息地(珊瑚礁、海草床)破坏和丧失、目标种捕捞、兼捕 Habitat (coral reef and seagrass beds) destruction and loss, targeted fishery, and bycatch | 未评估 NE |
棘海马 Hedgehog seahorse | 易危 VU (2016) | 下降 Decreasing | 兼捕 Bycatch | 未评估 NE |
三斑海马 Longnose seahorse | 易危 VU (2012) | 下降 Decreasing | 兼捕、目标种捕捞、栖息地破坏 Bycatch, targeted fishery, and habitat destruction | 濒危 EN |
表3 中国海域16种海马的濒危等级及主要威胁
Table 3 Threatened categories of the sixteen seahorse species recorded in China’s waters and their main threats
物种中文名/英文名 Common species name in Chinese and English | IUCN红色名录等级及评估时间 IUCN Red List category (assessed year)a | 全球种群趋势 Global population trenda | 主要威胁 Main threatsa | 中国物种红 色名录 China Species Red Listb |
巴博海马 Barbour’s seahorse | 易危 VU (2017) | 下降 Decreasing | 目标种捕捞、兼捕、栖息地(海草床)丧失 Targeted fishery, bycatch, and habitat (seagrass beds) loss | 未评估 NE |
巴氏海马 Pygmy seahorse | 数据不足 DD (2016) | 未知 Unknown | 栖息地(珊瑚礁)破坏和丧失 Habitat (coral reefs) destruction and loss | 未评估 NE |
北部湾海马 Beibu Bay seahorse | 数据不足 DD (2017) | 未知 Unknown | 未知 Unknown | 未评估 NE |
克里蒙氏海马 Coleman’s pygmy seahorse | 数据不足 DD (2016) | 未知 Unknown | 未知 Unknown | 未评估 NE |
虎尾海马 Tiger tail seahorse | 易危 VU (2013) | 下降 Decreasing | 目标种捕捞、栖息地破坏、兼捕 Targeted fishery, habitat destruction, and bycatch | 未评估 NE |
冠海马 Crowned seahorse | 数据不足 DD (2015) | 未知 Unknown | 栖息地(海草床)破坏 Habitat (seagrass beds) destruction | 濒危 EN |
丹尼斯海马 Denise’s pygmy seahorse | 数据不足 DD (2015) | 未知 Unknown | 栖息地(珊瑚礁)破坏 Habitat (coral reefs) destruction | 未评估 NE |
日本豆丁海马 Japanese pygmy seahorse | 未评估 NE | 未知 Unknown | 未知 Unknown | 未评估 NE |
刺海马 Thorny seahorse | 易危 VU (2017) | 下降 Decreasing | 兼捕、目标种捕捞、栖息地破坏 Bycatch, targeted fishery, and habitat destruction | 濒危 EN |
克氏海马 Kellog’s seahorse | 易危 VU (2017) | 下降 Decreasing | 兼捕、目标种捕捞、栖息地破坏 Bycatch, targeted fishery, and habitat destruction | 濒危 EN |
库达海马 Spotted seahorse | 易危 VU (2012) | 下降 Decreasing | 兼捕、目标种捕捞、栖息地破坏 Bycatch, targeted fishery, and habitat destruction | 濒危 EN |
莫氏海马 Japanese seahorse | 易危 VU (2016) | 下降 Decreasing | 目标种捕捞、兼捕、栖息地(海草床、红树林)丧失 Targeted fishery, bycatch, and habitat (seagrass and mangrove) loss | 易危 VU |
彭氏海马 Pontoh’s pygmy seahorse | 无危 LC (2016) | 未知 Unknown | 栖息地(珊瑚藻属的海藻场)丧失 Habitat (seaweed beds of Halimeda spp.) loss | 未评估 NE |
花海马 Shiho’s seahorse | 无危 LC (2016) | 未知 Unknown | 栖息地(珊瑚礁、海草床)破坏和丧失、目标种捕捞、兼捕 Habitat (coral reef and seagrass beds) destruction and loss, targeted fishery, and bycatch | 未评估 NE |
棘海马 Hedgehog seahorse | 易危 VU (2016) | 下降 Decreasing | 兼捕 Bycatch | 未评估 NE |
三斑海马 Longnose seahorse | 易危 VU (2012) | 下降 Decreasing | 兼捕、目标种捕捞、栖息地破坏 Bycatch, targeted fishery, and habitat destruction | 濒危 EN |
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