生物多样性 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (12): 23262.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023262

• 华莱士诞辰200周年纪念专题 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园综合保护中心, 云南省东南亚生物多样性保护国际联合实验室, 云南省热带雨林与亚洲象保护重点实验室, 云南勐腊 666303
  • 收稿日期:2023-07-22 接受日期:2023-12-18 出版日期:2023-12-20 发布日期:2024-01-03
  • 通讯作者: E-mail: zhuh@xtbg.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:

Flora and vegetation of Yunnan are shaped by geological events and monsoon climate

Hua Zhu*()   

  1. Center for Integrative Conservation, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yunnan International Joint Laboratory of Southeast Asia Biodiversity Conservation, Yunnan Key Laboratory for the Conservation of Tropical Rainforests and Asian Elephants, Mengla, Yunnan 666303
  • Received:2023-07-22 Accepted:2023-12-18 Online:2023-12-20 Published:2024-01-03
  • Contact: E-mail: zhuh@xtbg.ac.cn


古植物学研究发现云南现代的植物区系和植被的基本面貌在古近纪就已开始, 这些发现在很大程度上改变了我们以往对云南现代植被与植物区系起源和演化的认识, 需要从新的思路进行探索。本文根据古植物学发现和地质历史事件、季风气候形成, 结合我们对现代云南植物区系地理和植被的研究, 探讨了云南植被与植物区系的自然演化历程。云南的植物区系和植被有一个远古的历史, 它们的形成与演化受到新生代以来发生的地质事件和季风气候的影响。云南植物区系的地理成分构成显示它在早期具有热带起源背景和第三纪热带、亚热带东亚植物区系基础, 在后期演化上主要受热带亚洲植物区系和北温带植物区系的影响。喜马拉雅-青藏高原的隆升及伴随的地质事件, 直接影响了云南植物区系的演化, 而西南季风气候的形成与加强是云南植被面貌成型的主要影响因素, 特别对云南热带雨林植被的发育是一个直接因素。云南的热带植物区系和热带植被(干热河谷除外)呈西北-东南倾斜分布格局, 可能受到思茅-兰坪地质板块的顺时针旋转和向东南的位移, 以及缅甸北部地质板块向北位移的地质事件直接影响。云南的亚热带常绿阔叶林植物区系的分化与喜马拉雅隆升密切相关, 至少在晚中新世它们就已开始分化, 随喜马拉雅隆升和西南季风的形成和加强, 促进了它们的分异。云南干热河谷萨王纳植被(savanna)的演化则与喜马拉雅隆升产生的深切河谷及河流袭夺等地质事件密切相关, 其中的一些代表性物种显示了与印度和非洲萨王纳植被的联系。云南现存间断和残存分布的热带落叶林(热带季雨林)在上新世至更新世或之前的一个季风气候更强而导致的季节性更强或更为干旱的时期曾可能与大陆东南亚地区的热带落叶林有广泛的联系。云南的硬叶常绿阔叶林则是随喜马拉雅隆升而演化的以我国西南地区特有硬叶栎类树种为特征的一类硬叶常绿阔叶林, 它们是从原先的热带-亚热带常绿阔叶林中演化产生的一类古地中海渊缘的植被。因此, 地质历史事件真实影响了云南的植物区系形成与演化, 伴随的西南季风气候的形成与加强则是影响云南植被, 特别是热带雨林发生和演化的主要因素。

关键词: 植物区系与植被, 地质事件, 西南季风气候, 起源与演化, 云南


Background & Aims: Paleobotanical studies show that the basic patterns of modern flora and vegetation in Yunnan originated in the Paleogene. These findings have greatly changed our previous understanding of the origin and evolution of modern vegetation and flora in Yunnan. In this article, the formation and evolution of the modern flora and vegetation of Yunnan will be described by linking geological events to palaeobotanical findings. The proposed formation and evolution of the flora and vegetation of Yunnan are detailed by combining paleobotanical results with the history of geological events since the Cenozoic period and the formation of southwestern monsoon climate.

Review Results: Flora and vegetation of Yunnan have a more ancient history than previously believed. Their formation and evolution have been clearly influenced by the geological events that have occurred since the Cenozoic period. The geographical patterns of Yunnan flora reveal that it had tropical origins and tropical-subtropical Tertiary flora of East Asia in the early stages but was influenced mainly by tropical Asian flora and north temperate flora in the later stages. The uplift of the Himalayan-Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the accompanying geological events directly affected the evolution of the flora in Yunnan. The development and strengthening of the southwest monsoon climate were the main factors for the formation of vegetation, and specifically tropical rain forest vegetation, in Yunnan. The tropical flora and vegetation (except flora and savanna-like vegetation in hot dry valleys) displayed an increasing bias distribution pattern from northwest to southeast in Yunnan, which could be directly affected by the clockwise rotation and southeast displacement of the Simao-Lanping geological plate and the northward displacement of the plate in North Myanmar. The differentiation of the flora of the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in Yunnan was closely related to the Himalayan uplift in the late Miocene. The formation and strengthening of the southwest monsoon climate by further uplift of Himalayas further promoted the divergence of the subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests. The evolution of savanna vegetation in the hot dry valleys of Yunnan was believed to be closely related to the geological events such as deep valley formations and river captures caused by the Himalayan uplift, and some representative plant species in the savannas showed a likeness with savannas in India and Africa. The discontinuous remnant tropical deciduous forests (monsoon forest) in Yunnan were believed to be closely associated with the tropical deciduous forests in mainland Southeast Asia during a more seasonal or arid period in or before the Pliocene to Pleistocene caused by a stronger monsoon. The sclerophyllous evergreen broad-leaved forest dominated by Quercus species (Fagaceae) was unique, Tethys-associated remnant vegetation evolved from the former tropical-subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in Yunnan. The present tropical rain forest was proposed to be the most recent vegetation type in Yunnan following the formation and strengthening of the southwest monsoon climate.

Conclusion: Our research indicates that since the Oligocene, the evolution of flora and vegetation in Yunnan has been affected by the uplift of the Himalayas and the various accompanying geological events. The development and strengthening of southwest monsoon climate is the main factors for the formation of vegetation in Yunnan, especially for the occurrence of tropical rain forest.

Key words: flora and vegetation, geological events, southwest monsoon climate, origin and evolution, Yunnan