生物多样性 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (12): 23267.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023267

• 华莱士诞辰200周年纪念专题 • 上一篇    下一篇

从天择到人择: 在华莱士的肩膀上看地球的未来


  1. 亚热带生态学学会, 台北 11444
  • 收稿日期:2023-07-26 接受日期:2023-09-06 出版日期:2023-12-20 发布日期:2024-02-01
  • 通讯作者: E-mail: henbiau.king@gmail.com

From natural selection to anthropogenic selection: Envisioning the Earth’s future standing on Wallace’s shoulders

Hen-biau King*()   

  1. Society of Subtropical Ecology, Taibei 11444
  • Received:2023-07-26 Accepted:2023-09-06 Online:2023-12-20 Published:2024-02-01
  • Contact: E-mail: henbiau.king@gmail.com


1858年7月, 华莱士与达尔文联署发表了演化论, 但生物学家提到华莱士, 总是想到“华莱士线”。演化论就像是生物学的曙光, “唯独依据演化论才能理解生物学”。演化的路径建立在基因上, “自然选择” (natural selection; 本文简称之为“天择”)决定哪些类型的基因组可以持续行进在演化的路上。地球上环境的差异是促成物种形成的条件之一, 在诠释演化论上, 华莱士主张地理隔离与地质大灾变是变种与新物种形成的两大压力, 他的动物地理区之分布的看法, 在诠释物种在天择演化上更具说服力。然而, 人类活动已大幅改变环境, 许多物种因人类活动而灭绝。并且, “人择” (anthropogenic selection)对生命演化已产生作用力。在人择压力下, 有些物种出现了另一途径的演化方向。生命的天择过程已经有37亿年的历史, 而人类世(Anthropocene)的到来开启了一个新地质时代。当自然环境在人类的干预下发生非自然的变化时, 天择是否还能唯一主导生命的演化? 还是人择也参与生命的演化? 如果人类把地球上生命的演化方向掌握在手里, 生物多样性与生态系统的可持续性与服务会变成什么模样? 结合华莱士提出的天择演化理论, 在人类世, 人择是在跟天择比手腕。当今的基因组数据集可供我们较深入理解生物演化的真相, 或也可以回答许多演化上的疑问。

关键词: 演化, 物种形成, 地理隔离, 地质事件, 自然选择, 人类世


Alfred Russel Wallace is known for the “Wallace Line” in addition to his work on natural selection alongside Charles Darwin. This paper reviews Wallace’s contributions to evolution theory of life and the field of biogeography, which allow us to envision the Earth’s future by standing on the giant’s shoulders. Evolution theory of life marked the dawn of biology. Natural selection determines which genome types will progress down the path of evolution. Wallace proposed that geographic isolation and geological events are the two major driving forces of speciation. His work separating the Oriental region from the Australasian region in zoogeographic realm well illustrates natural selection in evolution theory. However, humans are drastically changing the Earth’s environment today. Under the pressure of anthropogenic selection, many species suffer from extinction, while some show abnormality in their evolution directions. The arrival of Anthropocene has ushered a new geological era after 3.7 billion years of natural selection, with anthropogenic selection emerging as a driving force in evolution of life. When human interventions impact the natural environment, can natural selection continue its course governing evolution of life? Or does anthropogenic selection also play a role? What happens to biodiversity and ecosystem sustainability and services if humans preside over evolution of life? In Anthropocene, anthropogenic selection competes with natural selection. Today’s genomic datasets may provide us a deeper understanding of evolution of life, and offer answers to many relevant questions.

Key words: evolution, speciation, geographic isolation, geological events, natural selection, Anthropocene