生物多样性 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (9): 22103. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022103
夏凡1, 杨婧1, 李建2, 史洋3, 盖立新4, 黄文华5, 张经纬4, 杨南6, 高福利1, 韩莹莹1, 鲍伟东1,*()
* E-mail: wdbao@bjfu.edu.cn基金资助:
Fan Xia1, Jing Yang1, Jian Li2, Yang Shi3, Lixin Gai4, Wenhua Huang5, Jingwei Zhang4, Nan Yang6, Fuli Gao1, Yingying Han1, Weidong Bao1,*()
Weidong Bao
About author:
First author contact:# Co-first author
野生动物的肠道微生物组成受食物资源和遗传属性的影响较大, 为了解北京地区小型猫科动物肠道菌群组成特点及其影响因素, 本研究通过扩增细菌16S rRNA的V3‒V4高变区进行高通量测序, 对云蒙山、云峰山、松山、百花山4个区域的豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis)亚种群进行肠道菌群组成分析。结果表明, 在门水平上, 豹猫的肠道优势菌群主要由厚壁菌门(相对多度52.40%)、变形菌门(25.18%)、放线菌门(9.07%)、拟杆菌门(8.17%)和梭杆菌门(4.74%)组成。在属水平上, 相对多度最高的前5个属为假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas, 13.37%)、布劳特氏菌属(Blautia, 11.20%)、梭菌属(Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1, 9.10%)、消化梭菌属(Peptoclostridium, 8.62%)、乳杆菌属(Lactobacillus, 6.08%), 共约占总多度的50%。各区域豹猫亚种群的肠道菌群β多样性不存在显著差异, 松山区域的ACE指数和Chao 1指数与云蒙山和云峰山存在显著差异。鉴于松山亚种群的遗传结构与其他区域有所不同, 而4个区域的气候类型和豹猫食物构成相似性高, 推测该亚种群的肠道菌群主要受遗传结构分化的影响, 对此还需进一步研究。
夏凡, 杨婧, 李建, 史洋, 盖立新, 黄文华, 张经纬, 杨南, 高福利, 韩莹莹, 鲍伟东 (2022) 北京地区四个豹猫亚种群肠道菌群的组成. 生物多样性, 30, 22103. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022103.
Fan Xia, Jing Yang, Jian Li, Yang Shi, Lixin Gai, Wenhua Huang, Jingwei Zhang, Nan Yang, Fuli Gao, Yingying Han, Weidong Bao (2022) Gut bacterial composition of four leopard cat subpopulations in Beijing. Biodiversity Science, 30, 22103. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022103.
图2 北京地区豹猫肠道菌群分析粪样序列稀释曲线。图中每条曲线代表1个样本, 用不同颜色标记。
Fig. 2 Rarefaction curves of all samples for analysis of gut bacteria of leopard cat in Beijing. Each curve represents a sample and is marked with different color.
亚种群 Subpopulation | Q20碱基百分比 Q20 (%) | Q30碱基百分比 Q30 (%) | GC碱基百分比 GC (%) | 测序深度 Good’s coverage |
松山 SS | 94.32 | 91.52 | 53.749 | 0.999 |
云蒙山 YM | 92.58 | 89.07 | 54.014 | 0.999 |
云峰山 YF | 92.91 | 89.63 | 52.819 | 0.999 |
百花山 BH | 91.69 | 88.12 | 53.125 | 0.999 |
表1 北京地区豹猫肠道菌群分析测序质量参数(平均值)
Table 1 Sequencing quality parameters in gut bacterial analysis of leopard cat in Beijing (average value). SS, Songshan; YM, Yunmengshan; YF, Yunfengshan; BH, Baihuashan.
亚种群 Subpopulation | Q20碱基百分比 Q20 (%) | Q30碱基百分比 Q30 (%) | GC碱基百分比 GC (%) | 测序深度 Good’s coverage |
松山 SS | 94.32 | 91.52 | 53.749 | 0.999 |
云蒙山 YM | 92.58 | 89.07 | 54.014 | 0.999 |
云峰山 YF | 92.91 | 89.63 | 52.819 | 0.999 |
百花山 BH | 91.69 | 88.12 | 53.125 | 0.999 |
图3 北京四个地区豹猫肠道菌群OTU的Venn图。图中4种颜色的椭圆表示4个采样区域。YM: 云蒙山, YF: 云峰山, SS: 松山, BH: 百花山。数字分别代表4个区域特有或共有的OTU数目。
Fig. 3 Venn diagram of the OTU numbers of gut bacteria of leopard cat at four sampling areas in Beijing. The ellipses of four colors in the figure represent four sampling areas. YM, Yunmengshan; YF, Yunfengshan; SS, Songshan; BH, Baihuashan. The numbers represent the unique or shared number of OTUs of the four sampling areas.
图4 北京四个地区豹猫肠道菌群门水平的相对多度。不同颜色代表细菌门水平分类。四个采样区域全称见图3。
Fig. 4 The relative abundance of gut bacteria of leopard cat at four sampling areas in Beijing at the phylum level. The abscissa is the four sampling areas, and different colors represent the classification of bacteria at the phylum level. Full names of the four sampling areas see Fig. 3.
图5 北京四个地区豹猫肠道菌群属水平的相对多度。不同颜色代表细菌属。四个采样区域全称见图3。
Fig. 5 The relative abundance of gut bacteria of leopard cat at four sampling areas in Beijing at genus level. Different colors represent the classification of bacteria at the genus level. Full names of the four sampling areas see Fig. 3.
图6 北京四个地区豹猫肠道菌群α多样性。* P < 0.05。四个采样区域全称见图3。
Fig. 6 Differences in α-diversity of gut bacteria of leopard cat at four sampling areas in Beijing. * P < 0.05. Full names of the four sampling areas see Fig. 3.
图7 基于非度量多维尺度NMDS和主坐标PCoA对北京豹猫种群肠道菌群的距离分析。A图为NMDS分析, 每个点表示1个样本, 点与点之间的距离表示差异程度; B图为PCoA分析, 样点间的距离越近, 相似度越高。四个采样区域全称见图3。
Fig. 7 Analysis of gut bacteria distance based on non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) and principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) of leopard cat at four sampling areas in Beijing. In NMDS analysis, each point represents one sample, and the distance between points represents difference degree. In PCoA analysis, the closer the distance between the sample points is, the higher the similarity is. Full names of the four sampling areas see Fig. 3.
图8 北京3个豹猫亚种群之间肠道菌群组成的线性判别分析效应量(LEfSe)。A图为3个豹猫亚种群肠道菌群的聚类进化树, B图为不同分类级别下各类细菌的线性判别分析(LDA)评分。不同颜色表示不同采样区域, 红色代表松山, 绿色代表云峰山, 蓝色代表云蒙山。
Fig. 8 LEfSe analysis of gut bacterial composition among three leopard cat subpopulations in Beijing. Figure A is the cluster evolutionary tree of gut bacteria of three leopard cat subpopulations, and figure B shows the LDA scores of various bacteria under different classification levels. Different colors indicate sampling areas with red for Songshan, green for Yunfengshan, and blue for Yunmengshan.
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