生物多样性 ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (2): 128-134. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019276
王鑫厅1,*(), 柴静1, 姜超2,*(
), 邰阳3, 迟延艳4, 张维华1,3, 刘芳1, 李素英1
Xinting Wang1,*(), Jing Chai1, Chao Jiang2,*(
), Yang Tai3, Yanyan Chi4, Weihua Zhang1,3, Fang Liu1, Suying Li1
Xinting Wang, Chao Jiang
种群空间格局是生态学研究的基本问题之一。典型草原带由于过度放牧退化严重, 原生群落罕见, 探讨原生群落的种群空间格局具有重要生态学意义。大针茅(Stipa grandis)草原是典型草原区广泛分布的主要群落类型, 1979年围封的大针茅样地, 是目前保存完整的大针茅草原原生群落。本文选择大针茅草原原生群落和长期过度放牧群落, 应用O-Ring函数结合不同零假设模型分析了大针茅种群的空间格局。结果表明: 在原生群落中大针茅种群在小尺度范围内呈均匀分布, 而在长期过度放牧群落中则表现为聚集分布。这说明在大针茅草原原生群落中竞争是主要的相互作用, 而在长期过度放牧群落中正相互作用居主导, 验证了胁迫梯度假说; 同时证明长期过度放牧改变了种群空间格局。
王鑫厅, 柴静, 姜超, 邰阳, 迟延艳, 张维华, 刘芳, 李素英 (2020) 典型草原大针茅种群空间格局及对长期过度放牧的响应. 生物多样性, 28, 128-134. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019276.
Xinting Wang, Jing Chai, Chao Jiang, Yang Tai, Yanyan Chi, Weihua Zhang, Fang Liu, Suying Li (2020) Population spatial pattern of Stipa grandis and its response to long-term overgrazing. Biodiversity Science, 28, 128-134. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019276.
图1 原生群落中基于均质泊松零模型的大针茅种群点格局分析。-●- 实测数据; -- 99%置信区间。(A)每个重复的点格局分析, 下角标1, 2和3代表不同重复; (B)整合3个重复取样的点格局分析。
Fig. 1 Spatial pattern analysis of Stipa grandis in the primary community based on the homogeneous Poisson null model. -●- observational data; -- the confidence limits (99%). (A) Point pattern analysis in each replicate, subscripts 1, 2 and 3 refer to replicates; (B) Point pattern analysis by integrating data of three replicates.
图2 放牧群落中基于均质泊松零模型的大针茅种群点格局分析。-●- 实测数据; -- 99%置信区间。(A)每个重复的点格局分析, 下角标1, 2和3代表不同重复; (B)整合3个重复取样的点格局分析。
Fig. 2 Spatial pattern analysis of Stipa grandis in the grazed community based on the homogeneous Poisson null model. -●- observational data; -- the confidence limits (99%). (A) Point pattern analysis in each replicate, subscripts 1, 2 and 3 refer to replicates; (B) Point pattern analysis by integrating data of three replicates.
图3 原生群落中基于异质泊松零模型的大针茅种群点格局分析。-●- 实测数据; -- 99%置信区间。(A)每个重复的点格局分析, 下角标1, 2和3代表不同重复; (B)整合3个重复取样的点格局分析。
Fig. 3 Spatial pattern analysis of Stipa grandis in the primary community based on the heterogeneous Poisson null model. -●- observational data; -- the confidence limits (99%). (A) Point pattern analysis in each replicate, subscripts 1, 2 and 3 refer to replicates; (B) Point pattern analysis by integrating data of three replicates.
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