生物多样性 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (9): 21551. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021551
* E-mail: jgshun@126.com基金资助:
Guangshun Jiang
虎(Panthera tigris)和豹(P. pardus)及有蹄类猎物的种群数量监测是虎豹保护的核心任务, 也是制定有效管理、保护和恢复措施的基础。近年来, 国内外用于虎豹种群数量监测的方法主要有: 信息网络收集法、基于标志重捕模型的红外相机调查法和非损伤采样粪便DNA分析技术; 有蹄类猎物的监测方法主要有: 样线法、样带法、大样方法、红外相机调查技术和非损伤性遗传标志重捕法。每种监测方法基于的假设前提和生态学原理不同, 监测结果的准确度也不同。由于监测物种的生物学特征、种群分布状况、监测目标和空间尺度或环境因素各异, 每种方法的适用性也不同。本文从野外调查设计、数据收集、处理分析等方面对虎豹及其有蹄类猎物数量监测方法的应用过程和统计原理进行了介绍, 分析了各种监测方法的优缺点, 并针对在虎豹监测中相机布设密度过大可能造成的伪重复抽样, 以及应用虎豹监测设计的自动相机监测替代猎物种群监测数量的评估等不科学的方面进行了探讨和建议。
韦怡, 姜广顺 (2022) 虎豹及有蹄类猎物种群数量监测方法概述. 生物多样性, 30, 21551. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021551.
Yi Wei, Guangshun Jiang (2022) Overview of monitoring methods for tigers, leopards and ungulate prey. Biodiversity Science, 30, 21551. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021551.
图1 各监测方法时间发展线。IN、CT-CMR、NS为虎豹监测技术。IN: 信息网络收集法; CT-CMR: 基于标记重捕模型的红外相机调查法; NS: 非损伤性采样粪便DNA分析法。LT、BT、SP、CT、NI-CMR为有蹄类动物种群监测技术。LT: 样线法; BT: 样带法; SP: 大样方法; CT: 红外相机监测法; NI-CMR: 非损伤性遗传标志重捕法。
Fig. 1 Time development line of each monitoring method. IN, NS and CT-CMR are the monitoring techniques for tigers and leopards.. IN is for information network method; CT-CMR is for camera trap based on capture-recapture model; NS is for noninvasive sampling. LT, BT, SP, CT and NI-CMR are the monitoring techniques of ungulates. LT, Line transect method; BT, Belt transect method; SP, Sample plot; CT, Camera trapping; NI-CMR, Noninvasive genetic method based on the capture-recapture model.
方法 Method | 取样 Sampling | 取样难度 Difficulty in sampling | 可获种群信息 Available population information | 数量评估准确率 Accuracy of estimated quantity | 时间资金成本 The cost of time and money | 最佳应用 The best application situation |
信息网络收集法 Information network method | 足迹 Footprint | 简单 Easy | (1)数量 Quantity (2)性别 Sex (3)年龄 Age | 低 Low | 低 Low | 大空间尺度下, 虎豹个体处于游荡状态 At large spatial scales, tiger and leopard are in a wandering state |
基于标志重捕模型的红外相机调查法 Camera trap based on capture-recapture model | 影像数据 Image data | 较难 Medium difficult | (1)数量 Quantity (2)性别 Sex (3)活动节律 Activity rhythm | 中 Medium | 中 Medium | 虎豹种群稳定存在 Tiger and leopard populations are stable in the study area |
非损伤采样粪便DNA分析法 Noninvasive sampling | 粪便 Scat | 难 Diffcult | (1)数量 Quantity (2)性别 Sex (3)年龄 Age (4)遗传信息 Genetic information | 高 High | 高 High | 小空间尺度下, 虎豹种群数量小 At small spatial scales, tiger and leopard populations are small |
表1 虎豹种群数量各监测方法特点
Table 1 The characteristics of monitoring methods of tiger and leopard populations
方法 Method | 取样 Sampling | 取样难度 Difficulty in sampling | 可获种群信息 Available population information | 数量评估准确率 Accuracy of estimated quantity | 时间资金成本 The cost of time and money | 最佳应用 The best application situation |
信息网络收集法 Information network method | 足迹 Footprint | 简单 Easy | (1)数量 Quantity (2)性别 Sex (3)年龄 Age | 低 Low | 低 Low | 大空间尺度下, 虎豹个体处于游荡状态 At large spatial scales, tiger and leopard are in a wandering state |
基于标志重捕模型的红外相机调查法 Camera trap based on capture-recapture model | 影像数据 Image data | 较难 Medium difficult | (1)数量 Quantity (2)性别 Sex (3)活动节律 Activity rhythm | 中 Medium | 中 Medium | 虎豹种群稳定存在 Tiger and leopard populations are stable in the study area |
非损伤采样粪便DNA分析法 Noninvasive sampling | 粪便 Scat | 难 Diffcult | (1)数量 Quantity (2)性别 Sex (3)年龄 Age (4)遗传信息 Genetic information | 高 High | 高 High | 小空间尺度下, 虎豹种群数量小 At small spatial scales, tiger and leopard populations are small |
方法 Method | 数据类型 The type of data | 关键技术或参数 Key technology/parameter | 主要误差 Dominant error | 相关花费 Cost | 最佳应用 The best application situation |
样线法 Line transect method | 足迹 Footprint | 足迹链数量 The number of footprint chains | (1)日活动距离 The distance of daily activities (2)足迹的辨别 The discrimination of footprints | 低 Low | 短时间内衡量北方调查区域内有蹄类种群的资源状况 To measure the resource status of ungulates in the northern survey area in a short time |
样带法 Belt transect method | 活动痕迹 Trace | 痕迹数量 The number of trace | (1)样带宽度 The width of sample belt (2)换算系数 The conversion factor | 低 Low | 无雪地区的有蹄类种群数量调查 A survey of ungulate populations in snow-free areas |
样方法 Sample plot | 足迹 Footprint | 足迹数量和方向 The number and direction of footprint chains | 足迹的辨别 The discrimination of footprints | 低 Low | 北方有蹄类数量调查 The survey on the number of ungulates in the north |
红外相机调查法 Camera trap | 影像 Image | (1)相对多度指数 Relative abundance index (2)随机相遇模型 Random encounter model | (1) RAI与密度的相关性 The correlation between RAI and density (2)布设密度 The layout density of infrared camera (3)动物移动速率 The moving rate of animals | 中 Medium | (1)生物本地资源调查 To investigation of biological local resources (2)快速评估调查 The rapid assessment survey |
非损伤性遗传标志重捕法 Noninvasive genetic method based on the capture-recapture model | 粪便 Scat | (1)微卫星技术 Micro satellite (2)标志重捕模型Capture-recapture model | (1) DNA降解 DNA degradation (2)基因分型错误 Genotyping errors | 高 High | 小空间尺度下, 有蹄类种群规模小 On a small spatial scale, ungulates have a small population size |
表2 有蹄类种群数量各监测方法特点
Table 2 The characteristics of monitoring methods of ungulate populations
方法 Method | 数据类型 The type of data | 关键技术或参数 Key technology/parameter | 主要误差 Dominant error | 相关花费 Cost | 最佳应用 The best application situation |
样线法 Line transect method | 足迹 Footprint | 足迹链数量 The number of footprint chains | (1)日活动距离 The distance of daily activities (2)足迹的辨别 The discrimination of footprints | 低 Low | 短时间内衡量北方调查区域内有蹄类种群的资源状况 To measure the resource status of ungulates in the northern survey area in a short time |
样带法 Belt transect method | 活动痕迹 Trace | 痕迹数量 The number of trace | (1)样带宽度 The width of sample belt (2)换算系数 The conversion factor | 低 Low | 无雪地区的有蹄类种群数量调查 A survey of ungulate populations in snow-free areas |
样方法 Sample plot | 足迹 Footprint | 足迹数量和方向 The number and direction of footprint chains | 足迹的辨别 The discrimination of footprints | 低 Low | 北方有蹄类数量调查 The survey on the number of ungulates in the north |
红外相机调查法 Camera trap | 影像 Image | (1)相对多度指数 Relative abundance index (2)随机相遇模型 Random encounter model | (1) RAI与密度的相关性 The correlation between RAI and density (2)布设密度 The layout density of infrared camera (3)动物移动速率 The moving rate of animals | 中 Medium | (1)生物本地资源调查 To investigation of biological local resources (2)快速评估调查 The rapid assessment survey |
非损伤性遗传标志重捕法 Noninvasive genetic method based on the capture-recapture model | 粪便 Scat | (1)微卫星技术 Micro satellite (2)标志重捕模型Capture-recapture model | (1) DNA降解 DNA degradation (2)基因分型错误 Genotyping errors | 高 High | 小空间尺度下, 有蹄类种群规模小 On a small spatial scale, ungulates have a small population size |
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