生物多样性 ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (1): 79-88. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2014174
所属专题: 生物多样性与生态系统功能
路兴慧1, 臧润国1,*(), 丁易1, 黄继红1, 杨秀森2, 周亚东3
E-mail: zangrung@caf.ac.cn基金资助:
Xinghui Lu1, Runguo Zang1,*(), Yi Ding1, Jihong Huang1, Xiusen Yang2, Yadong Zhou3
Runguo Zang
热带次生林普遍存在林分生产量不高、生态功能低、顶极物种缺乏或比例过小以及恢复速度过慢等问题。因此, 迫切需要通过人工抚育提高其恢复速度和生态系统功能。本文以海南岛霸王岭林区次生林为研究对象, 运用综合抚育法对中龄林进行抚育实验, 分析了抚育措施对群落水平植物功能性状和功能多样性的影响。结果表明: 抚育后群落水平的比叶面积、叶片干物质含量、叶片氮含量和叶片钾含量显著降低, 木材密度和最大潜在高度显著提高, 叶片叶绿素含量和磷含量变化不显著。抚育后群落的功能丰富度显著降低, 而功能均匀度和功能分离度显著增加, 功能离散度变化不显著。研究表明, 通过综合抚育技术的实施, 能够加快次生林群落向老龄林方向恢复, 抚育后的物种能够更充分地利用资源, 生态系统功能逐渐增强。
路兴慧, 臧润国, 丁易, 黄继红, 杨秀森, 周亚东 (2015) 抚育措施对热带次生林群落植物功能性状和功能多样性的影响. 生物多样性, 23, 79-88. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2014174.
Xinghui Lu, Runguo Zang, Yi Ding, Jihong Huang, Xiusen Yang, Yadong Zhou (2015) Effects of tending on the functional traits and functional diversity of woody plants in a secondary tropical lowland rain forest. Biodiversity Science, 23, 79-88. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2014174.
图1 海南岛霸王岭自然保护区60块实验样地位置示意图。每个小正方形代表一块实验样地, 样地中心的数字代表样地编号。黑色表示实施抚育措施的样地, 白色表示对照样地。
Fig. 1 Diagram of the tending experimental plots in Bawangling Nature Reserve, Hainan Island. Each square represents a experimental plot. Black squares represent tending plots, while white squares represent control.
指数 Index | 计算公式 Formula | 变量说明 Variables | 参考文献 References |
功能丰富度 Functional richness | $F{{R}_{ic}}=\frac{S{{F}_{ci}}}{{{R}_{c}}}$ | SFci为群落i内物种所占据的生态位空间; Rc为特征c的绝对值范围 SFci is the niche space filled by the species within the community; Rc is the absolute range of the character. | |
功能均匀度 Functional evenness | $FEve=\frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{S-1}{min(PEWi\frac{1}{S-1})-\frac{1}{S-1}}}{1-\frac{1}{S-1}}$ | S为物种丰富度; PEWi为物种i的局部加权均匀度 S is the number of species; PEWi is the partial weighted evenness of species i. | |
功能分离度 Functional divergence | $F{{D}_{iv}}=\frac{2}{\pi }arctan{{[5\times \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N}{[(ln{{C}_{i}}-\overline{lnx}})}^{2}}\times {{A}_{i}}]]$ | Ci为第i项功能特征的数值; Ai为第i项功能特征的相对丰富度; lnx为物种特征值自然对数的加权平均 Ci is the character value for the ith functional character category; Ai is the proportional abundance of the ith functional character category; lnx is the abundance-weighted mean of the natural logarithm of character values for the categories. | |
功能离散度 Functional dispersion | $F{{D}_{is}}=\frac{\sum{{{a}_{j}}{{z}_{j}}}}{\sum{{{a}_{j}}}}$ | aj为物种j的多度; zj为物种j到加权质心的距离 aj is the abundance of species j; zj is the distance of species j to centroid c. |
表1 功能多样性指数计算公式
Table 1 The formula of functional diversity indices
指数 Index | 计算公式 Formula | 变量说明 Variables | 参考文献 References |
功能丰富度 Functional richness | $F{{R}_{ic}}=\frac{S{{F}_{ci}}}{{{R}_{c}}}$ | SFci为群落i内物种所占据的生态位空间; Rc为特征c的绝对值范围 SFci is the niche space filled by the species within the community; Rc is the absolute range of the character. | |
功能均匀度 Functional evenness | $FEve=\frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{S-1}{min(PEWi\frac{1}{S-1})-\frac{1}{S-1}}}{1-\frac{1}{S-1}}$ | S为物种丰富度; PEWi为物种i的局部加权均匀度 S is the number of species; PEWi is the partial weighted evenness of species i. | |
功能分离度 Functional divergence | $F{{D}_{iv}}=\frac{2}{\pi }arctan{{[5\times \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N}{[(ln{{C}_{i}}-\overline{lnx}})}^{2}}\times {{A}_{i}}]]$ | Ci为第i项功能特征的数值; Ai为第i项功能特征的相对丰富度; lnx为物种特征值自然对数的加权平均 Ci is the character value for the ith functional character category; Ai is the proportional abundance of the ith functional character category; lnx is the abundance-weighted mean of the natural logarithm of character values for the categories. | |
功能离散度 Functional dispersion | $F{{D}_{is}}=\frac{\sum{{{a}_{j}}{{z}_{j}}}}{\sum{{{a}_{j}}}}$ | aj为物种j的多度; zj为物种j到加权质心的距离 aj is the abundance of species j; zj is the distance of species j to centroid c. |
图2 海南岛霸王岭自然保护区抚育前后功能性状的变化(平均值±标准差)。不同的字母表示差异显著(P < 0.05)。
Fig. 2 Variations of community-level weight mean (mean ± SD) of plant functional traits in stands of pre- and post-tending in Bawangling Nature Reserve, Hainan Island. SLA, Specific leaf area; LDMC, Leaf dry matter content; LCC, Leaf chlorophyll content; LNC, Leaf nitrogen content; LPC, Leaf phosphorus content; LKC, Leaf potassium content; WD, Wood density; H_max, Potential maximum height. Boxes with different letters differ significantly at P < 0.05.
图3 海南岛霸王岭自然保护区抚育前后功能性状相关性的变化。空心圆和点划线代表抚育前的样地; 实心圆和黑线代表抚育后的样地。
Fig. 3 Relationship between functional traits in stands of pre- and post-tending in Bawangling Nature Reserve, Hainan Island. Open circles and dotted line indicate pre-tending, and filled circles and solid line indicate post-tending. SLA, Specific leaf area; LCC, Leaf chlorophyll content; LNC, Leaf nitrogen content; LPC, Leaf phosphorus content; LKC, Leaf potassium content; H_max, Potential maximum height. P < 0.05.
图4 抚育前后功能多样性的变化(平均值±标准差)
Fig. 4 Variation of functional diversity (mean ± SD) between pre- and post-tending in Bawangling Nature Reserve, Hainan Island. FRic, Functional richness; FEve, Functional evenness; FDiv, Functional divergence; FDis, Functional dispersion. Boxes with different letters differ significantly at P < 0.05.
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