生物多样性 ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (1): 89-100. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2014213
陈小林1, 陈光杰1,*(), 卢慧斌1, 刘晓东2, 张虎才1
E-mail: guangjiechen@gmail.com基金资助:
Xiaolin Chen1, Guangjie Chen1,*(), Huibin Lu1, Xiaodong Liu2, Hucai Zhang1
Guangjie Chen
目前国内对生产力-生物多样性关系(productivity-diversity relationship, PDR)的研究主要集中于陆地生态系统和空间尺度, 少量关于湖泊系统的研究也主要集中于现代调查, 缺乏较长时间尺度上的模式探讨。本文应用沉积物色素记录重建了抚仙湖和滇池初级生产力变化历史, 对硅藻群落的主成分分析(PCA)表明两个湖泊的初级生产力都是驱动硅藻群落变化的主要环境梯度。进一步分析硅藻群落α与β多样性响应湖泊生产力水平的模式, 发现滇池硅藻群落表现为随着系统生产力的上升物种丰富度减少, β多样性降低, 而抚仙湖呈现相反的变化模式。两个湖泊β多样性与生产力平均水平的关系均表现出与α多样性相似的特征, 但在与生产力变化幅度的关系上, 滇池表现出显著的负相关, 而抚仙湖则没有显著的变化。滇池硅藻群落生产力随硅藻多样性的降低显著增加(R 2 = 0.597, P < 0.01), 而在抚仙湖无显著变化, 表明了滇池群落多样性的维持对群落生产力的影响较弱, 如与营养盐富集的促进作用相比。滇池明显的富营养化过程与强烈的人类扰动带来的环境异质性降低可能对群落多样性-生产力的关系产生了明显的控制作用。
陈小林, 陈光杰, 卢慧斌, 刘晓东, 张虎才 (2015) 抚仙湖和滇池硅藻生物多样性与生产力关系的时间格局. 生物多样性, 23, 89-100. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2014213.
Xiaolin Chen, Guangjie Chen, Huibin Lu, Xiaodong Liu, Hucai Zhang (2015) Long-term diatom biodiversity responses to productivity in lakes of Fuxian and Dianchi. Biodiversity Science, 23, 89-100. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2014213.
湖泊 Lake | 水域面积 Surface area (km2)* | 最大水深 Maximal depth (m)# | 平均水深 Mean depth (m)# | pH | 总氮 TN (μg/L) | 总磷 TP (μg/L) | 叶绿素a Chl-a (μg/L) |
抚仙湖 Fuxian Lake | 216.6 | 155 | 89.7 | 9.0 | 136.7 | 10.0 | 1.4 |
滇池 Dianchi Lake | 298.0 | 6.5 | 2.9 | 9.1 | 3,548.0 | 192.0 | 62.0 |
表1 抚仙湖和滇池湖泊学基本特征
Table 1 Summary of key limnological features for Fuxian and Dianchi lakes
湖泊 Lake | 水域面积 Surface area (km2)* | 最大水深 Maximal depth (m)# | 平均水深 Mean depth (m)# | pH | 总氮 TN (μg/L) | 总磷 TP (μg/L) | 叶绿素a Chl-a (μg/L) |
抚仙湖 Fuxian Lake | 216.6 | 155 | 89.7 | 9.0 | 136.7 | 10.0 | 1.4 |
滇池 Dianchi Lake | 298.0 | 6.5 | 2.9 | 9.1 | 3,548.0 | 192.0 | 62.0 |
图1 抚仙湖与滇池采样点分布图。轮廓图中的黑点表示采样点位置。
Fig. 1 Site maps showing the coring locations at Fuxian Lake and Dianchi Lake. Coring sites are labeled as black circles.
图2 抚仙湖(a)和滇池(b)硅藻群落变化(相对丰度)的时间序列。硅藻地层图仅包括物种相对丰度不低于5%的属种。
Fig. 2 Stratigraphic plots showing sedimentary pigment and diatom community (relative abundance) changes at Fuxian Lake (a) and Dianchi Lake (b). Only diatom taxa with relative abundance not less than 5% were shown.
图3 抚仙湖(a)和滇池(b)硅藻群落的主成分分析(PCA)双图。箭头表示的是硅藻不同的种, 圆圈表示的是样品点。硅藻属种的全称如下:CRHO: Cyclotella rhomboideo-elliptica; CCOM: Cyclotella comta; CSP1: Cyclotella sp.1(主要分类学特征与C. stelligera相似); COCE: Cyclotella ocelata; FCRO: Fragilaria crotonensis; AGRA: Aulacoseira granulate; AAMB: Aulacoseira ambigua; FCON: Fragilaria construens; AMUZ: Aulacoseira amuzzensis; FPIN: Frailaria pinnata; SATM: Stephanodiscus atmosphere; SMIN: Stephanodiscus minutulus; CDUB: Cyclostephanos dubius; ACAN: Aulacoseira canadensis; PLEA: Plerosira leavis。
Fig. 3 PCA biplots of diatom assemblages for Fuxian (a) and Dianchi (b) lakes. Arrows and circles represent dominant diatom taxa and samples, respectively. Full names for the abbreviated diatom taxa are listed above.
图4 抚仙湖(a, b, c)和滇池(d, e, f)中硅藻α多样性3个指标与Chl-a浓度长期变化关系的散点图
Fig. 4 Scatter plots showing the relationships among the three indices of diatom α diversity and sedimentary Chl-a concentrations at Fuxian Lake (a, b, c) and Dianchi Lake (d, e, f), respectively
图5 抚仙湖(a, b)和滇池(c, d)硅藻β多样性指数响应Chl-a平均浓度与变化幅度的散点图
Fig. 5 Scatter plots showing the relationships between diatom β diversity and mean Chl-a levels and magnitude of sedimentary Chl-a changes at Fuxian Lake (a, b) and Dianchi Lake (c, d), respectively
图6 抚仙湖(a)和滇池(b)硅藻物种丰富度与硅藻群落生产力长期关系的散点图
Fig. 6 Scatter plots showing the long-term relationships between diatom species richness and diatoxanthin concentrations at Fuxian Lake (a) and Dianchi Lake (b), respectively
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