Biodiv Sci ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (10): 22445. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022445
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Yan Xie
Yan Xie. Progress and application of IUCN Red List of Threatened Species[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2022, 30(10): 22445.
物种大类 Large group | 物种门类 Taxon | 评估数量 Number assessed | 受威胁比例 Proportion of threatened species (%) | 参考文献 Reference |
脊椎动物(不含海洋鱼类) Vertebrates (excluding marine fishes) | 淡水鱼类 Freshwater fish | 1,591 | 22.5 | 2021 |
两栖类 Amphibian | 全部475种 475 (all species) | 37.05 | 2021 | |
爬行类 Reptilia | 全部475种 475 (all) | 30.53 | 2021 | |
鸟类 Aves | 全部1,445种 1,445 (all) | 9.97 | 2021 | |
哺乳类 Mammalia | 全部700种 700 (all) | 25.86 | 2021 | |
合计 Total | 4,686 | |||
海洋鱼类 Marine fishes | 盲鳗纲 Myxini | 全部9种 9 (all) | 100 | 2004 |
软骨鱼纲、硬骨鱼纲 Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes | 部分受威胁程度较高的物种, 合计539种 Partial species highly threatened, totaling 539 | 84 | ||
无脊椎动物 Invertebrate | 淡水水母目 Limnomedusae | 全部9种 9 (all) | 55.6 | |
造礁石珊瑚 Scleractinia | 全部260种 260 (all) | 100 | ||
蝶类 Butterflies | 全部1,224种 1,224 (all) | 12.8 | ||
肠鳃动物门 Enteropneusta | 全部6种 6 (all) | 50 | ||
腹足纲、双壳纲、十足目、剑尾目、蛛形纲、昆虫纲、海参纲 Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Decapoda, Xiphosura, Arachnida, Insecta and Holothuroidea | 部分934种 934 (partial) | - | ||
合计 Total | 2,435 | 34.74 | ||
高等植物(全部) Higher plant (all) | 被子植物 Angiospermae | 30,068 | 11.18 | 2017b |
裸子植物 Gymnospermae | 274种及种下分类单元 274 species and lower taxa | 50.7 | 2021 | |
石松类和蕨类植物 Lycophytes and Pteridophyta | 2,244 | 8.11 | 2017 | |
苔藓植物 Bryophyte | 3,221 | 5.77 | 2017 | |
合计 Total | 35,784 | 10.84 | 2017b | |
大型真菌Macrofungi | 大型担子菌 Macro-basidiomycetes | 6,268 | 0.72 | 2020 |
地衣类 Lichens | 2,145 | 1.31 | 2020 | |
非地衣型大型子囊菌 Non-lichenized macro-ascomycetes | 870 | 2.76 | 2020 | |
合计 Total | 9,302 | 1.04 | 2020 |
Table 1 Assessment Status of the Red List of China
物种大类 Large group | 物种门类 Taxon | 评估数量 Number assessed | 受威胁比例 Proportion of threatened species (%) | 参考文献 Reference |
脊椎动物(不含海洋鱼类) Vertebrates (excluding marine fishes) | 淡水鱼类 Freshwater fish | 1,591 | 22.5 | 2021 |
两栖类 Amphibian | 全部475种 475 (all species) | 37.05 | 2021 | |
爬行类 Reptilia | 全部475种 475 (all) | 30.53 | 2021 | |
鸟类 Aves | 全部1,445种 1,445 (all) | 9.97 | 2021 | |
哺乳类 Mammalia | 全部700种 700 (all) | 25.86 | 2021 | |
合计 Total | 4,686 | |||
海洋鱼类 Marine fishes | 盲鳗纲 Myxini | 全部9种 9 (all) | 100 | 2004 |
软骨鱼纲、硬骨鱼纲 Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes | 部分受威胁程度较高的物种, 合计539种 Partial species highly threatened, totaling 539 | 84 | ||
无脊椎动物 Invertebrate | 淡水水母目 Limnomedusae | 全部9种 9 (all) | 55.6 | |
造礁石珊瑚 Scleractinia | 全部260种 260 (all) | 100 | ||
蝶类 Butterflies | 全部1,224种 1,224 (all) | 12.8 | ||
肠鳃动物门 Enteropneusta | 全部6种 6 (all) | 50 | ||
腹足纲、双壳纲、十足目、剑尾目、蛛形纲、昆虫纲、海参纲 Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Decapoda, Xiphosura, Arachnida, Insecta and Holothuroidea | 部分934种 934 (partial) | - | ||
合计 Total | 2,435 | 34.74 | ||
高等植物(全部) Higher plant (all) | 被子植物 Angiospermae | 30,068 | 11.18 | 2017b |
裸子植物 Gymnospermae | 274种及种下分类单元 274 species and lower taxa | 50.7 | 2021 | |
石松类和蕨类植物 Lycophytes and Pteridophyta | 2,244 | 8.11 | 2017 | |
苔藓植物 Bryophyte | 3,221 | 5.77 | 2017 | |
合计 Total | 35,784 | 10.84 | 2017b | |
大型真菌Macrofungi | 大型担子菌 Macro-basidiomycetes | 6,268 | 0.72 | 2020 |
地衣类 Lichens | 2,145 | 1.31 | 2020 | |
非地衣型大型子囊菌 Non-lichenized macro-ascomycetes | 870 | 2.76 | 2020 | |
合计 Total | 9,302 | 1.04 | 2020 |
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