Biodiv Sci ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (7): 765-773. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2016204
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Shiyong Dong1,*(), Zhengyu Zuo1,2, Yuehong Yan3, Jianying Xiang4
Dong Shiyong
Shiyong Dong, Zhengyu Zuo, Yuehong Yan, Jianying Xiang. Red list assessment of lycophytes and ferns in China[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2017, 25(7): 765-773.
种 Species | 分布和采集信息 Distribution and collection information |
海南实蕨 Bolbitis hainanensis | 中国特产(海南和云南), 海南仅有1份1933年的凭证标本, 具体采集地不详; 云南仅有1956年采自思茅的3号标本, 之后再未见有采集记录。Endemic to China (in Hainan and Yunnan). There is only one collection from Hainan in 1933 and three collections from Yunnan in 1956. It has not been collected since 1956. |
针叶蕨 Monogramma trichoidea | 分布于中国(海南和台湾)及亚洲热带地区, 附生于热带雨林林下石上。台湾只有1923年的采集凭证; 海南仅有1935年的1份采集记录, 最近数十年来, 海南热带低地森林开发严重, 估计该种在海南已经消失。Distributed in Hainan and Taiwan of China and other tropical regions of Asia, lithophytic in rain forest. There is only one voucher from Taiwan in 1923 and one from Hainan in 1935, respectively. It is likely extinct in Hainan due to the heavy deforestation in past several decades. |
尾羽假毛蕨 Pseudocyclosorus caudipinnus | 海南特有, 但迄今只有1份1878年的模式标本。Endemic to Hainan. It is represented only by its type specimen collected in 1878. |
罗浮牙蕨 Pteridrys lofouensis | 中国特产(贵州和云南), 至今只有3份凭证标本, 其中1份为模式标本, 1910年以前采自贵州罗甸; 另2份标本分别于1954年采自云南屏边和1985年采自云南西畴。我们推测该种已经绝灭, 但没有针对该种开展过详细的调查, 尚不十分肯定。Endemic to China (in Guizhou and Yunnan), only three collections, with one (the type) from Luodian, Guizhou collected before 1910 and two from Yunnan ( |
十字假瘤蕨 Selliguea cruciformis | 分布于中国(广东)、越南北部和泰国北部。中国范围内, 历史上仅有1份1924年的模式标本, 采自广东北部龙头山, 此后再没有该种在中国的记录。Distributed in China (in Guangdong), northern Vietnam and northern Thailand. There is only one record from China, i.e., the type specimen from Longtoushan, northern Guangdong in 1924. Since then there is no any records of this species in China. |
多变叉蕨 Tectaria variabilis | 分布于中国(海南)和越南。中国的采集记录只有1935年的1份凭证标本, 此后再没有该种的采集记录。Distributed in China (in Hainan) and Vietnam. There is only one collection known in China which was gathered in 1935. |
Table 1 Six fern species evaluated to be probably extinct in China
种 Species | 分布和采集信息 Distribution and collection information |
海南实蕨 Bolbitis hainanensis | 中国特产(海南和云南), 海南仅有1份1933年的凭证标本, 具体采集地不详; 云南仅有1956年采自思茅的3号标本, 之后再未见有采集记录。Endemic to China (in Hainan and Yunnan). There is only one collection from Hainan in 1933 and three collections from Yunnan in 1956. It has not been collected since 1956. |
针叶蕨 Monogramma trichoidea | 分布于中国(海南和台湾)及亚洲热带地区, 附生于热带雨林林下石上。台湾只有1923年的采集凭证; 海南仅有1935年的1份采集记录, 最近数十年来, 海南热带低地森林开发严重, 估计该种在海南已经消失。Distributed in Hainan and Taiwan of China and other tropical regions of Asia, lithophytic in rain forest. There is only one voucher from Taiwan in 1923 and one from Hainan in 1935, respectively. It is likely extinct in Hainan due to the heavy deforestation in past several decades. |
尾羽假毛蕨 Pseudocyclosorus caudipinnus | 海南特有, 但迄今只有1份1878年的模式标本。Endemic to Hainan. It is represented only by its type specimen collected in 1878. |
罗浮牙蕨 Pteridrys lofouensis | 中国特产(贵州和云南), 至今只有3份凭证标本, 其中1份为模式标本, 1910年以前采自贵州罗甸; 另2份标本分别于1954年采自云南屏边和1985年采自云南西畴。我们推测该种已经绝灭, 但没有针对该种开展过详细的调查, 尚不十分肯定。Endemic to China (in Guizhou and Yunnan), only three collections, with one (the type) from Luodian, Guizhou collected before 1910 and two from Yunnan ( |
十字假瘤蕨 Selliguea cruciformis | 分布于中国(广东)、越南北部和泰国北部。中国范围内, 历史上仅有1份1924年的模式标本, 采自广东北部龙头山, 此后再没有该种在中国的记录。Distributed in China (in Guangdong), northern Vietnam and northern Thailand. There is only one record from China, i.e., the type specimen from Longtoushan, northern Guangdong in 1924. Since then there is no any records of this species in China. |
多变叉蕨 Tectaria variabilis | 分布于中国(海南)和越南。中国的采集记录只有1935年的1份凭证标本, 此后再没有该种的采集记录。Distributed in China (in Hainan) and Vietnam. There is only one collection known in China which was gathered in 1935. |
分类群 Taxon | 等级 Category | 分类群 Taxon | 等级 Category | ||
石松类 Lycophytes | |||||
皱边石杉 | Huperzia crispata | VU | 独山双盖蕨 | Diplazium dushanense | VU |
直叶金发石杉 | Huperzia quasipolytrichoides var. rectifolia | CR | 马鞍山双盖蕨 | Diplazium maonense | VU |
东方水韭 | Isoëtes orientalis | CR | 深裂双盖蕨 | Diplazium metcalfii | VU |
中华水韭 | Isoëtes sinensis | EN | 四棱双盖蕨 | Diplazium quadrangulatum | VU |
台湾水韭 | Isoëtes taiwanensis | CR | 网脉双盖蕨 | Diplazium stenochlamys* | VU |
云贵水韭 | Isoëtes yunguiensis | CR | 大平鳞毛蕨 | Dryopteris bodinieri* | EN |
棣氏卷柏 | Selaginella devolii | EN | 两广鳞毛蕨 | Dryopteris liangkwangensis* | EN |
琉球卷柏 | Selaginella lutchuensis | EN | 黄山鳞毛蕨 | Dryopteris whangshangensis | EN |
蕨类 | ferns | 琼崖舌蕨 | Elaphoglossum luzonicum var. mcclurei | VU | |
台湾铁线蕨 | Adiantum formosanum | VU | 心叶薄唇蕨 | Leptochilus cantoniensis* | VU |
仙霞铁线蕨 | Adiantum juxtapositum | VU | 碎叶鳞始蕨 | Lindsaea chingii* | EN |
梅山铁线蕨 | Adiantum meishanianum | CR | 中华藤蕨 | Lomariopsis chinensis | VU |
荷叶铁线蕨 | Adiantum nelumboides | CR | 台湾曲轴蕨 | Paesia taiwanensis | CR |
台湾高山铁线蕨 | Adiantum roborowskii var. taiwanianum | VU | 海南金星蕨 | Parathelypteris subimmersa | CR |
黑柄粉背蕨 | Aleuritopteris ebenipes | VU | 广东马尾杉 | Phlegmariurus guangdongensis | VU |
中国蕨 | Aleuritopteris grevilleoides | VU | 台湾马尾杉 | Phlegmariurus taiwanensis | VU |
毛叶粉背蕨 | Aleuritopteris squamosa | EN | 节毛耳蕨 | Polystichum articulatipilosum | EN |
滇南桫椤 | Alsophila austroyunnanensis | VU | 基羽鞭叶耳蕨 | Polystichum basipinnatum | CR |
二回莲座蕨 | Angiopteris bipinnata | EN | 洞生耳蕨 | Polystichum cavernicola | CR |
秦氏莲座蕨 | Angiopteris chingii | CR | 卵状边叶耳蕨 | Polystichum conjunctum | VU |
相马氏莲座蕨 | Angiopteris somae | EN | 广东耳蕨 | Polystichum kwangtungense | VU |
四回毛枝蕨 | Arachniodes sinomiqueliana | EN | 微小耳蕨 | Polystichum minutissimum | CR |
壮乡铁角蕨 | Asplenium cornutissimum | CR | 倒披针耳蕨 | Polystichum oblanceolatum | CR |
黑边铁角蕨 | Asplenium speluncae | EN | 岩穴耳蕨 | Polystichum speluncicola | CR |
长叶蹄盖蕨 | Athyrium elongatum | VU | 天坑耳蕨 | Polystichum tiankengicola | EN |
海南蹄盖蕨 | Athyrium hainanense | EN | 长柄新月蕨 | Pronephrium longipetiolatum | CR |
小蹄盖蕨 | Athyrium minimum | EN | 尾羽假毛蕨 | Pseudocyclosorus caudipinnus | CR |
启无蹄盖蕨 | Athyrium wangii | VU | 罗浮牙蕨 | Pteridrys lofouensis | CR |
海南实蕨 | Bolbitis hainanensis | CR | 细叶凤尾蕨 | Pteris angustipinna | CR |
高平蕨 | Caobangia squamata* | VU | 十字假瘤蕨 | Selliguea cruciformis* | CR |
边果蕨 | Craspedosorus sinensis | EN | 大围山假瘤蕨 | Selliguea daweishanensis | VU |
滇桂肋毛蕨 | Ctenitis dianguiensis | EN | 圆顶假瘤蕨 | Selliguea obtusa | VU |
焕镛钩毛蕨 | Cyclogramma chunii | EN | 屏边溪边蕨 | Stegnogramma dictyoclinoides* | EN |
秦氏贯众 | Cyrtomium chingianum | EN | 天长罗曼蕨 | Struthiopteris eburnea var. obtusa | VU |
惠水贯众 | Cyrtomium grossum | EN | 黑柄叉蕨 | Tectaria ebenina* | CR |
邢氏贯众 | Cyrtomium shingianum | EN | 粗齿叉蕨 | Tectaria grossedentata | EN |
新宁贯众 | Cyrtomium sinningense | EN | 河口叉蕨 | Tectaria hekouensis | CR |
台湾贯众 | Cyrtomium taiwanianum | EN | 五裂叶叉蕨 | Tectaria quinquefida* | EN |
光叶蕨 | Cystopteris chinensis | EN | 海南符藤蕨 | Teratophyllum hainanense* | EN |
海南对囊蕨 | Deparia hainanensis | EN | 冈本氏岩蕨 | Woodsia okamotoi | CR |
Table 2 A list of threatened and meanwhile endemic or nearly endemic lycophytes and ferns in China. CR, Critically Endangered; EN, Endangered; VU, Vulnerable. The asterisk (*) indicates species with distribution also in northern Vietnam.
分类群 Taxon | 等级 Category | 分类群 Taxon | 等级 Category | ||
石松类 Lycophytes | |||||
皱边石杉 | Huperzia crispata | VU | 独山双盖蕨 | Diplazium dushanense | VU |
直叶金发石杉 | Huperzia quasipolytrichoides var. rectifolia | CR | 马鞍山双盖蕨 | Diplazium maonense | VU |
东方水韭 | Isoëtes orientalis | CR | 深裂双盖蕨 | Diplazium metcalfii | VU |
中华水韭 | Isoëtes sinensis | EN | 四棱双盖蕨 | Diplazium quadrangulatum | VU |
台湾水韭 | Isoëtes taiwanensis | CR | 网脉双盖蕨 | Diplazium stenochlamys* | VU |
云贵水韭 | Isoëtes yunguiensis | CR | 大平鳞毛蕨 | Dryopteris bodinieri* | EN |
棣氏卷柏 | Selaginella devolii | EN | 两广鳞毛蕨 | Dryopteris liangkwangensis* | EN |
琉球卷柏 | Selaginella lutchuensis | EN | 黄山鳞毛蕨 | Dryopteris whangshangensis | EN |
蕨类 | ferns | 琼崖舌蕨 | Elaphoglossum luzonicum var. mcclurei | VU | |
台湾铁线蕨 | Adiantum formosanum | VU | 心叶薄唇蕨 | Leptochilus cantoniensis* | VU |
仙霞铁线蕨 | Adiantum juxtapositum | VU | 碎叶鳞始蕨 | Lindsaea chingii* | EN |
梅山铁线蕨 | Adiantum meishanianum | CR | 中华藤蕨 | Lomariopsis chinensis | VU |
荷叶铁线蕨 | Adiantum nelumboides | CR | 台湾曲轴蕨 | Paesia taiwanensis | CR |
台湾高山铁线蕨 | Adiantum roborowskii var. taiwanianum | VU | 海南金星蕨 | Parathelypteris subimmersa | CR |
黑柄粉背蕨 | Aleuritopteris ebenipes | VU | 广东马尾杉 | Phlegmariurus guangdongensis | VU |
中国蕨 | Aleuritopteris grevilleoides | VU | 台湾马尾杉 | Phlegmariurus taiwanensis | VU |
毛叶粉背蕨 | Aleuritopteris squamosa | EN | 节毛耳蕨 | Polystichum articulatipilosum | EN |
滇南桫椤 | Alsophila austroyunnanensis | VU | 基羽鞭叶耳蕨 | Polystichum basipinnatum | CR |
二回莲座蕨 | Angiopteris bipinnata | EN | 洞生耳蕨 | Polystichum cavernicola | CR |
秦氏莲座蕨 | Angiopteris chingii | CR | 卵状边叶耳蕨 | Polystichum conjunctum | VU |
相马氏莲座蕨 | Angiopteris somae | EN | 广东耳蕨 | Polystichum kwangtungense | VU |
四回毛枝蕨 | Arachniodes sinomiqueliana | EN | 微小耳蕨 | Polystichum minutissimum | CR |
壮乡铁角蕨 | Asplenium cornutissimum | CR | 倒披针耳蕨 | Polystichum oblanceolatum | CR |
黑边铁角蕨 | Asplenium speluncae | EN | 岩穴耳蕨 | Polystichum speluncicola | CR |
长叶蹄盖蕨 | Athyrium elongatum | VU | 天坑耳蕨 | Polystichum tiankengicola | EN |
海南蹄盖蕨 | Athyrium hainanense | EN | 长柄新月蕨 | Pronephrium longipetiolatum | CR |
小蹄盖蕨 | Athyrium minimum | EN | 尾羽假毛蕨 | Pseudocyclosorus caudipinnus | CR |
启无蹄盖蕨 | Athyrium wangii | VU | 罗浮牙蕨 | Pteridrys lofouensis | CR |
海南实蕨 | Bolbitis hainanensis | CR | 细叶凤尾蕨 | Pteris angustipinna | CR |
高平蕨 | Caobangia squamata* | VU | 十字假瘤蕨 | Selliguea cruciformis* | CR |
边果蕨 | Craspedosorus sinensis | EN | 大围山假瘤蕨 | Selliguea daweishanensis | VU |
滇桂肋毛蕨 | Ctenitis dianguiensis | EN | 圆顶假瘤蕨 | Selliguea obtusa | VU |
焕镛钩毛蕨 | Cyclogramma chunii | EN | 屏边溪边蕨 | Stegnogramma dictyoclinoides* | EN |
秦氏贯众 | Cyrtomium chingianum | EN | 天长罗曼蕨 | Struthiopteris eburnea var. obtusa | VU |
惠水贯众 | Cyrtomium grossum | EN | 黑柄叉蕨 | Tectaria ebenina* | CR |
邢氏贯众 | Cyrtomium shingianum | EN | 粗齿叉蕨 | Tectaria grossedentata | EN |
新宁贯众 | Cyrtomium sinningense | EN | 河口叉蕨 | Tectaria hekouensis | CR |
台湾贯众 | Cyrtomium taiwanianum | EN | 五裂叶叉蕨 | Tectaria quinquefida* | EN |
光叶蕨 | Cystopteris chinensis | EN | 海南符藤蕨 | Teratophyllum hainanense* | EN |
海南对囊蕨 | Deparia hainanensis | EN | 冈本氏岩蕨 | Woodsia okamotoi | CR |
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