Biodiv Sci ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (6): 761-768. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2012.08059
• Bioinventory • Previous Articles Next Articles
Lisong Wang**(), Lina Zhao, Haining Qin
Lisong Wang*
Lisong Wang*, Lina Zhao, Haining Qin. A preliminary assessment of extinction risk from six species in the genus Pternopetalum based on herbarium specimen data[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2012, 20(6): 761-768.
物种 Species | 标本总数/地标化标本/非重复分布点 Number of specimens/ specimens georeferenced/ Non-repeated locations* | 亚种群数目 Number of subpopulations* | 分布范围 EOO (km2)* | 占有面积 AOO (km2)* | 等级 Category | 评估说明 Notes for assessment | |||
1×1 | 2×2 | 4×4 | 10×10 | ||||||
东亚囊瓣芹 P. tanakae | 323/234/91 | 2 | 2,260,000 | 90 | 352 | 1,408 | 8,300 | VU B2ab (i, ii, iii, iv)+ C2a(ii) | 分布范围广泛, EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<2,000 km2, 几乎所有成熟个体在单个亚种群中。 EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<2,000 km2, Almost all mature individuals in a single subpopulation. |
五匹青 P. vulgare | 358/309/104 | 1 | 1,442,000 | 104 | 412 | 1,648 | 10,100 | VU B2ab (i, ii, iii, iv)+ C2a(ii) | 分布范围广泛, EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<2,000 km2, 几乎所有成熟个体在单个亚种群中。 EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<2,000 km2, Almost all mature individuals in a single subpopulation. |
洱源囊瓣芹 P. molle | 136/121/53 | 1 | 1,155,000 | 52 | 208 | 832 | 5,100 | VU B2ab (i, ii, iii, iv)+ C2a(ii) | 分布范围广泛, EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<2,000 km2, 几乎所有成熟个体在单个亚种群中。 EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<2,000 km2, Almost all mature individuals in a single subpopulation. |
澜沧囊瓣芹 P. delavayi | 418/351/64 | 2 | 921,000 | 63 | 252 | 1,008 | 6,300 | VU B2ab (i, ii, iii, iv)+ C2a(ii) | 分布范围广泛, EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<2,000 km2, 几乎所有成熟个体在单个亚种群中。 EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<2,000 km2, Almost all mature individuals in a single subpopulation. |
川鄂囊瓣芹 P. rosthornii | 89/81/10 | 6 | 109,000 | 10 | 40 | 160 | 1,000 | EN B2 | 分布范围广泛, EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<500 km2, 几乎所有成熟个体在单个亚种群中。 EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<500 km2, Almost all mature individuals in a single subpopulation. |
薄叶囊瓣芹 P. leptophyllum | 65/33/1 | 1 | <100 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | CR B2ab (i, ii, iii, iv)+ D | 分布范围小, EOO<100 km2, AOO<10 km2, 分布点≤5, 种群非常小, 成熟个体数目<50, 极端条件下, 单一的威胁事件(比如暴雨导致的山体坍塌或滑坡)有可能造成种群的完全消失。 EOO<100 km2, AOO<10 km2, Locations≤5, small population, mature individuals<50, under extreme conditions, this species will disappear when a single event happens (collapsed or landslide etc.). |
Table 1 Parameters used in assessment of six species in Pternopetalum, assessed categories, criteria and related notes
物种 Species | 标本总数/地标化标本/非重复分布点 Number of specimens/ specimens georeferenced/ Non-repeated locations* | 亚种群数目 Number of subpopulations* | 分布范围 EOO (km2)* | 占有面积 AOO (km2)* | 等级 Category | 评估说明 Notes for assessment | |||
1×1 | 2×2 | 4×4 | 10×10 | ||||||
东亚囊瓣芹 P. tanakae | 323/234/91 | 2 | 2,260,000 | 90 | 352 | 1,408 | 8,300 | VU B2ab (i, ii, iii, iv)+ C2a(ii) | 分布范围广泛, EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<2,000 km2, 几乎所有成熟个体在单个亚种群中。 EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<2,000 km2, Almost all mature individuals in a single subpopulation. |
五匹青 P. vulgare | 358/309/104 | 1 | 1,442,000 | 104 | 412 | 1,648 | 10,100 | VU B2ab (i, ii, iii, iv)+ C2a(ii) | 分布范围广泛, EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<2,000 km2, 几乎所有成熟个体在单个亚种群中。 EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<2,000 km2, Almost all mature individuals in a single subpopulation. |
洱源囊瓣芹 P. molle | 136/121/53 | 1 | 1,155,000 | 52 | 208 | 832 | 5,100 | VU B2ab (i, ii, iii, iv)+ C2a(ii) | 分布范围广泛, EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<2,000 km2, 几乎所有成熟个体在单个亚种群中。 EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<2,000 km2, Almost all mature individuals in a single subpopulation. |
澜沧囊瓣芹 P. delavayi | 418/351/64 | 2 | 921,000 | 63 | 252 | 1,008 | 6,300 | VU B2ab (i, ii, iii, iv)+ C2a(ii) | 分布范围广泛, EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<2,000 km2, 几乎所有成熟个体在单个亚种群中。 EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<2,000 km2, Almost all mature individuals in a single subpopulation. |
川鄂囊瓣芹 P. rosthornii | 89/81/10 | 6 | 109,000 | 10 | 40 | 160 | 1,000 | EN B2 | 分布范围广泛, EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<500 km2, 几乎所有成熟个体在单个亚种群中。 EOO>20,000 km2, AOO<500 km2, Almost all mature individuals in a single subpopulation. |
薄叶囊瓣芹 P. leptophyllum | 65/33/1 | 1 | <100 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | CR B2ab (i, ii, iii, iv)+ D | 分布范围小, EOO<100 km2, AOO<10 km2, 分布点≤5, 种群非常小, 成熟个体数目<50, 极端条件下, 单一的威胁事件(比如暴雨导致的山体坍塌或滑坡)有可能造成种群的完全消失。 EOO<100 km2, AOO<10 km2, Locations≤5, small population, mature individuals<50, under extreme conditions, this species will disappear when a single event happens (collapsed or landslide etc.). |
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