Biodiv Sci ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (8): 856-863. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2016348
Special Issue: 土壤生物与土壤健康
• Original Papers: Microbial Diversity • Previous Articles Next Articles
Guohong Liu1, Bo Liu1,*(), Jianmei Che1, Qianqian Chen1, Naiquan Lin2, Weidong Cui3
Liu Bo
Guohong Liu, Bo Liu, Jianmei Che, Qianqian Chen, Naiquan Lin, Weidong Cui. Diversity of Bacillus-like species isolated from potato rhizosphere soils in Yili, Xinjiang[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2017, 25(8): 856-863.
编号 No. | 采集地点 Collection site | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 经纬度 Location |
S1 | 尼勒克县尼勒克镇公社种子队 Seed Team of Nilka Township, Nilka County | 1,138 | 43°46°28? N, 82°35°01? E |
S2 | 阜康市上户沟乡西沟村 Xigou Village, Shanghugou Township, Fukang City | 1,261 | 44°00°17? N, 88°33°46? E |
S3 | 尼勒克县马场 Machang, Nilka County | 1,139 | 43°45°58? N, 82°34°43? E |
S4 | 尼勒克县沙勒漫乡 Shaleman Township, Nilka County | 1,110 | 43°47°08? N, 82°32°15? E |
S5 | 昭苏县农业局试验场 Testing Ground of Agricultural Bureau, Zhaosu County | 1,856 | 44°09'46? N, 81°09°14? E |
S6 | 特克斯蒙古乡(施药) Mongolia Township, Tekes County (pesticide applied) | 1,171 | 43°13°25? N, 81°54°27? E |
S7 | 特克斯蒙古乡 Mongolia Township, Tekes County | 1,181 | 43°13°17? N, 81°52°33? E |
S8 | 特克斯去昭苏路上 On the way from Tekes to Zhaosu County | 1,808 | - |
S9 | 特克斯县农业技术推广园 Agro Technical Extension Garden, Tekes County | 1,181 | 43°13°17? N, 81°52°33? E |
Table 1 Information of potato rhizosphere soil samples from Xinjiang
编号 No. | 采集地点 Collection site | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 经纬度 Location |
S1 | 尼勒克县尼勒克镇公社种子队 Seed Team of Nilka Township, Nilka County | 1,138 | 43°46°28? N, 82°35°01? E |
S2 | 阜康市上户沟乡西沟村 Xigou Village, Shanghugou Township, Fukang City | 1,261 | 44°00°17? N, 88°33°46? E |
S3 | 尼勒克县马场 Machang, Nilka County | 1,139 | 43°45°58? N, 82°34°43? E |
S4 | 尼勒克县沙勒漫乡 Shaleman Township, Nilka County | 1,110 | 43°47°08? N, 82°32°15? E |
S5 | 昭苏县农业局试验场 Testing Ground of Agricultural Bureau, Zhaosu County | 1,856 | 44°09'46? N, 81°09°14? E |
S6 | 特克斯蒙古乡(施药) Mongolia Township, Tekes County (pesticide applied) | 1,171 | 43°13°25? N, 81°54°27? E |
S7 | 特克斯蒙古乡 Mongolia Township, Tekes County | 1,181 | 43°13°17? N, 81°52°33? E |
S8 | 特克斯去昭苏路上 On the way from Tekes to Zhaosu County | 1,808 | - |
S9 | 特克斯县农业技术推广园 Agro Technical Extension Garden, Tekes County | 1,181 | 43°13°17? N, 81°52°33? E |
Fig. 1 Phylogenetic analysis of Bacillus species based on 16S rRNA gene sequence. n represents number of isolates, and percent values represent the 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities between isolates and related type species.
样本编号 Sample no. | 芽胞杆菌含量 Bacillus colonies content (×104 cfu/g) | 种类数 Species number |
S1 | 3.25 | 19 |
S2 | 5.00 | 9 |
S3 | 2.20 | 11 |
S4 | 6.60 | 15 |
S5 | 3.97 | 15 |
S6 | 7.70 | 15 |
S7 | 8.86 | 37 |
S8 | 4.30 | 9 |
S9 | 3.76 | 31 |
Table 2 The content of Bacillus species in the potato rhizoshpere soil from Xinjiang. Soil sample number see Table 1.
样本编号 Sample no. | 芽胞杆菌含量 Bacillus colonies content (×104 cfu/g) | 种类数 Species number |
S1 | 3.25 | 19 |
S2 | 5.00 | 9 |
S3 | 2.20 | 11 |
S4 | 6.60 | 15 |
S5 | 3.97 | 15 |
S6 | 7.70 | 15 |
S7 | 8.86 | 37 |
S8 | 4.30 | 9 |
S9 | 3.76 | 31 |
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