Biodiv Sci ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (5): 630-640. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2015031
Special Issue: 森林动态监测样地专题
• Special Feature: Forest Dynamics Monitoring • Previous Articles Next Articles
Manyu Yan1,2, Xiaojun Du2,*(), Aihua Zhao2, Mingchun Peng1
Du Xiaojun
Manyu Yan, Xiaojun Du, Aihua Zhao, Mingchun Peng. Individual woody species-area relationship in a deciduous broad-leaved forest in Baotianman, Henan Province[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2015, 23(5): 630-640.
Fig. 1 DBH classes distribution (top) and spatial distribution (down) of woody species for all individual, adult tree (individuals ≥ 10, DBH ≥ 10 cm), young tree (individuals ≥ 30, DBH < 10 cm) in the 1 ha Baotianman Forest Dynamics Plot
Fig. 2 The individual species-area relationship (ISAR) of nine types ((a) all to all, (b) all to adult, (c) all to young, (d) adult to all, (e) adult to adult, (f) adult to young, (g) young to all, (h) young to adult, and (i) young to young). Black line: an example species of Acer ceriferum.
Fig. 3 Species number of significant diversity accumulator, neutral and repeller at different spatial scales from individual species-area relationships of nine types ((a) all to all, (b) all to adult, (c) all to young, (d) adult to all, (e) adult to adult, (f) adult to young, (g) young to all, (h) young to adult, and (i) young to young).
Fig. 4 Values of ratio for individual species-area relationship (ISAR) of nine types (all to all, all to adult, all to young, adult to all, adult to adult, adult to young, young to all, young to adult, and young to young) (A) (mean ± SE) and their ranges (the difference between maximum and minimum of ISAR ratio) (B) at different spatial scales.
类型 Type | 尺度 Scales (m) | |||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
全部树对全部树 All to all | 0.020ab | 0.047a | 0.071ab | 0.093a | 0.120b | 0.137b | 0.157b | 0.175b | 0.191b | 0.206b |
全部树对大树 All to adult | 0.003e | 0.010e | 0.021e | 0.033c | 0.045d | 0.057e | 0.069e | 0.082d | 0.095d | 0.108d |
全部树对小树 All to young | 0.006de | 0.022d | 0.043cd | 0.065b | 0.086c | 0.106c | 0.126c | 0.144c | 0.162c | 0.180c |
大树对全部树 Adult to all | 0.006de | 0.024cd | 0.055bc | 0.089a | 0.124ab | 0.159ab | 0.195a | 0.228a | 0.264a | 0.296a |
大树对大树 Adult to adult | 0.006de | 0.018de | 0.030de | 0.044bc | 0.063cd | 0.080de | 0.100d | 0.123c | 0.143c | 0.160c |
大树对小树 Adult to young | 0.015bc | 0.045ab | 0.072ab | 0.097a | 0.136ab | 0.162a | 0.199a | 0.231a | 0.264a | 0.298a |
小树对全部树 Young to all | 0.022a | 0.033bc | 0.064ab | 0.098a | 0.133ab | 0.166a | 0.199a | 0.231a | 0.263a | 0.295a |
小树对大树 Young to adult | 0.009cd | 0.023cd | 0.038d | 0.051b | 0.072c | 0.087d | 0.106d | 0.127c | 0.164c | 0.167c |
小树对小树 Young to young | 0.022a | 0.050a | 0.078a | 0.106a | 0.141a | 0.168a | 0.200a | 0.235a | 0.264a | 0.295a |
Table 1 Comparisons on the mean values of individual species-area relationship (ISAR) ratios of 9 types at different spatial scales (Scheffe method). The same letters mean no significant difference, different letters mean significant difference (P < 0.05).
类型 Type | 尺度 Scales (m) | |||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
全部树对全部树 All to all | 0.020ab | 0.047a | 0.071ab | 0.093a | 0.120b | 0.137b | 0.157b | 0.175b | 0.191b | 0.206b |
全部树对大树 All to adult | 0.003e | 0.010e | 0.021e | 0.033c | 0.045d | 0.057e | 0.069e | 0.082d | 0.095d | 0.108d |
全部树对小树 All to young | 0.006de | 0.022d | 0.043cd | 0.065b | 0.086c | 0.106c | 0.126c | 0.144c | 0.162c | 0.180c |
大树对全部树 Adult to all | 0.006de | 0.024cd | 0.055bc | 0.089a | 0.124ab | 0.159ab | 0.195a | 0.228a | 0.264a | 0.296a |
大树对大树 Adult to adult | 0.006de | 0.018de | 0.030de | 0.044bc | 0.063cd | 0.080de | 0.100d | 0.123c | 0.143c | 0.160c |
大树对小树 Adult to young | 0.015bc | 0.045ab | 0.072ab | 0.097a | 0.136ab | 0.162a | 0.199a | 0.231a | 0.264a | 0.298a |
小树对全部树 Young to all | 0.022a | 0.033bc | 0.064ab | 0.098a | 0.133ab | 0.166a | 0.199a | 0.231a | 0.263a | 0.295a |
小树对大树 Young to adult | 0.009cd | 0.023cd | 0.038d | 0.051b | 0.072c | 0.087d | 0.106d | 0.127c | 0.164c | 0.167c |
小树对小树 Young to young | 0.022a | 0.050a | 0.078a | 0.106a | 0.141a | 0.168a | 0.200a | 0.235a | 0.264a | 0.295a |
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