生物多样性 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 22430. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022430
所属专题: 青藏高原生物多样性与生态安全
桑佳文1,2, 宋创业1,*(), 贾宁霞1,2, 贾元1,2, 刘长成1, 乔鲜果1, 张琳1, 袁伟影1, 吴冬秀1, 李凌浩1, 郭柯1,*(
Jiawen Sang1,2, Chuangye Song1,*(), Ningxia Jia1,2, Yuan Jia1,2, Changcheng Liu1, Xianguo Qiao1, Lin Zhang1, Weiying Yuan1, Dongxiu Wu1, Linghao Li1, Ke Guo1,*(
Chuangye Song,Ke Guo
青藏高原植被调查与制图一直是青藏高原植被生态学研究的重要内容。历史上, 我国多次开展青藏高原植被考察活动, 在植被制图方面取得了一系列重要成果。本研究首先基于文献研读对青藏高原植被考察及其成果进行回顾, 并对制图范围包括青藏高原的、使用比较广泛的植被图进行对比和分析; 然后, 基于第二次青藏高原综合科学考察获取的植被调查样点数据, 与多幅植被图在数据一致性方面进行了对比。结果表明: (1)青藏高原植被调查的历史久远, 但系统、科学的青藏高原植被调查开始于1949年新中国成立之后, 期间获取了大量植被调查数据, 出版了大量的专著和图志, 《中华人民共和国植被图(1 : 4,000,000)》《中国草地资源图集(1 : 1,000,000)》和《中华人民共和国植被图(1 : 1,000,000)》是包含整个青藏高原、应用最为广泛的3幅植被图, 《青藏高原现状植被图》是基于现阶段植被调查数据制作的青藏高原植被图。但是这4幅图在植被分类体系上存在较大差异, 严重影响了图件之间的可比性。(2)对比发现, 4幅植被图之间均存在一定程度的不一致性。面积较大的植被型组, 如森林和草本植被, 在植被图之间的一致性较高; 但面积相对较小的植被型组, 如沼泽与水生植被和农业植被, 在植被图之间的一致性较低。进一步以高山嵩草(Carex parvula)草甸、紫花针茅(Stipa purpurea)草原、青藏薹草(Carex moorcroftii)草原、沙生针茅(Stipa glareosa)草原、矮生嵩草(Carex alatauensis)草甸、藏沙蒿(Artemisia wellbyi)草原、昆仑针茅(Stipa roborowskyi)草原、固沙草(Orinus thoroldii)草原等8种青藏高原的典型植被类型为研究对象, 发现它们的面积和空间分布格局在《中华人民共和国植被图(1 : 1,000,000)》和《中国草地资源图集(1 : 1,000,000)》之间也存在较大的差异。(3)植被调查样点数据与《中华人民共和国植被图(1 : 1,000,000)》《中国草地资源图集(1 : 1,000,000)》《青藏高原现状植被图》的对比发现, 在植被型组水平上分别有45.05%、21.02%、50.83%的植被调查样点的植被类型与植被图不吻合。(4)近30年来, 由于气候变化及人类活动的影响, 青藏高原植被的分布格局已经发生了较大变化。同时, 植被调查与制图技术进步巨大, 高空间、时间及光谱分辨率遥感影像与深度学习技术在植被制图中的应用更加深入, 绘制新一代青藏高原大、中比例尺的植被图的时机已经成熟。新一代大、中比例尺植被图的编制将给青藏高原的生态系统管理、生态屏障区和重大生态修复工程建设提供更为翔实的基础数据资料。
桑佳文, 宋创业, 贾宁霞, 贾元, 刘长成, 乔鲜果, 张琳, 袁伟影, 吴冬秀, 李凌浩, 郭柯 (2023) 青藏高原植被调查与制图评估. 生物多样性, 31, 22430. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022430.
Jiawen Sang, Chuangye Song, Ningxia Jia, Yuan Jia, Changcheng Liu, Xianguo Qiao, Lin Zhang, Weiying Yuan, Dongxiu Wu, Linghao Li, Ke Guo (2023) Vegetation survey and mapping on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Biodiversity Science, 31, 22430. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022430.
图1 植被调查样点在青藏高原(中国部分)的分布。植被调查样点数据来自于第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究“森林和灌丛生态系统与资源管理”专题; 植被类型数据来源于《1 : 100万中国植被图》(中国科学院中国植被图编辑委员会, 2007)。
Fig. 1 Distribution of vegetation survey points on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (in China). The data of vegetation survey points comes from the project of “Forest and shrub ecosystem and resource management” in the Second Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research Program; The vegetation type data comes from the Vegetation Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) (Editorial Committee of Vegetation Map of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2007).
草本植被 Herb | 荒漠 Desert | 沼泽与水生植被 Swamp | |
样点数 No. of points* | 350,335 | 27,669 | 889 |
相吻合样点数量 No. of consistency points | 265,689 | 12,571 | 257 |
相吻合样点比率 Ratio of consistency points | 75.84% | 45.43% | 28.91% |
表1 《1 : 100万中国草地资源图》与《1 : 100万中国植被图》在植被型组级别一致性对比结果
Table 1 Consistency comparison of the Grassland Resource Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) with that of the Vegetation Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) at vegetation formation group level
草本植被 Herb | 荒漠 Desert | 沼泽与水生植被 Swamp | |
样点数 No. of points* | 350,335 | 27,669 | 889 |
相吻合样点数量 No. of consistency points | 265,689 | 12,571 | 257 |
相吻合样点比率 Ratio of consistency points | 75.84% | 45.43% | 28.91% |
森林 Forest | 灌丛 Shrubland | 草本植被 Herb | 高山植被 Alpine | 沼泽植被 Swamp | 农业植被 Agricultural vegetation | 无植被地段 Non-vegetation | |
样点数 No. of points* | 41,100 | 47,577 | 357,118 | 71,761 | 1,318 | 3,783 | 68,489 |
相吻合样点数量 No. of consistency points | 29,784 | 1,308 | 268,271 | 30,298 | 13 | 682 | 43,730 |
相吻合样点比率 Ratio of consistency points | 72.47% | 2.75% | 75.12% | 42.22% | 0.99% | 18.03% | 63.85% |
表2 《1 : 100万中国植被图》与《青藏高原现状植被图》在植被型组级别一致性对比结果
Table 2 Consistency comparison of Vegetation Map of China (1:1,000,000) with that of the Current Vegetation Map of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau at vegetation formation group level
森林 Forest | 灌丛 Shrubland | 草本植被 Herb | 高山植被 Alpine | 沼泽植被 Swamp | 农业植被 Agricultural vegetation | 无植被地段 Non-vegetation | |
样点数 No. of points* | 41,100 | 47,577 | 357,118 | 71,761 | 1,318 | 3,783 | 68,489 |
相吻合样点数量 No. of consistency points | 29,784 | 1,308 | 268,271 | 30,298 | 13 | 682 | 43,730 |
相吻合样点比率 Ratio of consistency points | 72.47% | 2.75% | 75.12% | 42.22% | 0.99% | 18.03% | 63.85% |
植被图 Vegetation map | 分类单元 Units of classification | 斑块数量 No. of patches | 面积 Area (km2) |
《1 : 400万中国植被图》Vegetation Map of China (1 : 4,000,000) | 草甸和草本沼泽 Meadows and herbaceous swamp | 98 | 446,241.2 |
草原和稀树灌木草原 Grassland and sparse shrub grassland | 97 | 595,161.2 | |
荒漠 Desert | 57 | 649,758.2 | |
灌丛和萌生矮林 Shrubland and brushwood | 294 | 576,196.3 | |
《1 : 100万中国植被图》Vegetation Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) | 草丛 Tussock | 72 | 3,597.9 |
草原 Grassland | 1,295 | 717,883.9 | |
草甸 Meadow | 2,755 | 720,985.4 | |
灌丛 Shubland | 2,321 | 195,163.2 | |
荒漠 Desert | 665 | 250,867.2 | |
沼泽 Swamp | 70 | 5,773.7 | |
《1 : 100万中国草地资源图》 Grassland Resource Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) | 草丛 Tussock1 | 69 | 1,039.9 |
草原 Grassland2 | 2,922 | 655,195.2 | |
草甸 Meadow3 | 8,744 | 709,558.7 | |
改良草地 Improved grassland | 44 | 321.5 | |
灌草丛 Shrubby tussock4 | 233 | 6,140.3 | |
荒漠 Desert5 | 505 | 124,494.2 | |
沼泽 Swamp | 85 | 3,427.9 | |
《青藏高原现状植被图》 Current Vegetation Map of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau | 灌丛 Shrubland | 35,368 | 3,867.9 |
草本植被 Herbaceous vegetation | 357,454 | 1,541,392.69 | |
沼泽 Swamp | 7,776 | 762.61 |
表3 《1 : 400万中国植被图》《1 : 100万中国草地资源图》《1 : 100万中国植被图》中青藏高原草本植被分类单元、斑块数量与面积比较
Table 3 Comparison of herbaceous vegetation classification and patch number on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau among Vegetation Map of China (1 : 4,000,000), Grassland Resource Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) and Vegetation Map of China (1 : 1,000,000)
植被图 Vegetation map | 分类单元 Units of classification | 斑块数量 No. of patches | 面积 Area (km2) |
《1 : 400万中国植被图》Vegetation Map of China (1 : 4,000,000) | 草甸和草本沼泽 Meadows and herbaceous swamp | 98 | 446,241.2 |
草原和稀树灌木草原 Grassland and sparse shrub grassland | 97 | 595,161.2 | |
荒漠 Desert | 57 | 649,758.2 | |
灌丛和萌生矮林 Shrubland and brushwood | 294 | 576,196.3 | |
《1 : 100万中国植被图》Vegetation Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) | 草丛 Tussock | 72 | 3,597.9 |
草原 Grassland | 1,295 | 717,883.9 | |
草甸 Meadow | 2,755 | 720,985.4 | |
灌丛 Shubland | 2,321 | 195,163.2 | |
荒漠 Desert | 665 | 250,867.2 | |
沼泽 Swamp | 70 | 5,773.7 | |
《1 : 100万中国草地资源图》 Grassland Resource Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) | 草丛 Tussock1 | 69 | 1,039.9 |
草原 Grassland2 | 2,922 | 655,195.2 | |
草甸 Meadow3 | 8,744 | 709,558.7 | |
改良草地 Improved grassland | 44 | 321.5 | |
灌草丛 Shrubby tussock4 | 233 | 6,140.3 | |
荒漠 Desert5 | 505 | 124,494.2 | |
沼泽 Swamp | 85 | 3,427.9 | |
《青藏高原现状植被图》 Current Vegetation Map of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau | 灌丛 Shrubland | 35,368 | 3,867.9 |
草本植被 Herbaceous vegetation | 357,454 | 1,541,392.69 | |
沼泽 Swamp | 7,776 | 762.61 |
图2 8种青藏高原典型草地植被类型在《1 : 100万中国植被图》(A)和《1 : 100万中国草地资源图》(B)中的分布区
Fig. 2 Distribution of eight typical herbaceous vegetation types on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the Vegetation Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) (A) and the Grassland Resource Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) (B)
群系类型 Formation | 《1 : 100万中国植被图》 Vegetation Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) | 《1 : 100万中国草地资源图》 Grassland Resource Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) | ||
斑块数量 No. of patches | 面积 Area (km2) | 斑块数量 No. of patches | 面积 Area (km2) | |
高山嵩草草甸 Carex parvula meadow | 1,073 | 464,766.8 | 3,194 | 352,648.4 |
紫花针茅草原 Stipa purpurea grassland | 537 | 381,227.9 | 1,178 | 374,534.2 |
青藏薹草草原 Carex moorcroftii grassland | 302 | 197,173.0 | 293 | 116,793.2 |
沙生针茅草原 Stipa glareosa grassland | 53 | 42,523.1 | 66 | 19,247.6 |
矮生嵩草草甸 Carex alatauensis meadow | 87 | 25,190.0 | 360 | 35,581.8 |
藏沙蒿草原 Artemisia wellbyi grassland | 34 | 21,243.4 | 138 | 25,718.6 |
昆仑针茅草原 Stipa roborowskyi grassland | 37 | 6,167.2 | 117 | 9,155.3 |
固沙草草原 Orinus thoroldii grassland | 21 | 1,981.1 | 95 | 11,930.5 |
表4 不同植被图之间8种青藏高原典型草地植被类型斑块数量及面积的比较
Table 4 Comparison of patch number and area of eight typical herbaceous vegetation types on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau among different vegetation maps
群系类型 Formation | 《1 : 100万中国植被图》 Vegetation Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) | 《1 : 100万中国草地资源图》 Grassland Resource Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) | ||
斑块数量 No. of patches | 面积 Area (km2) | 斑块数量 No. of patches | 面积 Area (km2) | |
高山嵩草草甸 Carex parvula meadow | 1,073 | 464,766.8 | 3,194 | 352,648.4 |
紫花针茅草原 Stipa purpurea grassland | 537 | 381,227.9 | 1,178 | 374,534.2 |
青藏薹草草原 Carex moorcroftii grassland | 302 | 197,173.0 | 293 | 116,793.2 |
沙生针茅草原 Stipa glareosa grassland | 53 | 42,523.1 | 66 | 19,247.6 |
矮生嵩草草甸 Carex alatauensis meadow | 87 | 25,190.0 | 360 | 35,581.8 |
藏沙蒿草原 Artemisia wellbyi grassland | 34 | 21,243.4 | 138 | 25,718.6 |
昆仑针茅草原 Stipa roborowskyi grassland | 37 | 6,167.2 | 117 | 9,155.3 |
固沙草草原 Orinus thoroldii grassland | 21 | 1,981.1 | 95 | 11,930.5 |
森林 Forest | 灌丛 Shrubland | 草本植被 Herb | 荒漠 Desert | 高山植被 Alpine | 沼泽植被 Swamp | 农业植被 Agricultural vegetation | 无植被地段 Non-vegetation | ||
植被调查样点数量 No. of vegetation survey points | 55,073 | 35,636 | 22,494 | 1,822 | 1,245 | 21 | 2,339 | 922 | |
《1 : 100万中国植被图》 Vegetation Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) | 相吻合样点数量 No. of consistency points | 36,656 | 9,593 | 15,830 | 1,163 | 625 | 1 | 304 | 448 |
吻合样点比率 Ratio of consistency points | 66.56% | 26.92% | 70.37% | 63.83% | 50.20% | 4.76% | 13.00% | 48.59% | |
《1 : 100万中国草地资源图》 Grassland Resource Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) | 相吻合样点数量 No. of consistency points | ? | ? | 20,541 | 907 | ? | 0 | ? | ? |
吻合样点比率 Ratio of consistency points | ? | ? | 91.30% | 49.80% | ? | 0 | ? | ? | |
《青藏高原现状植被图》 Current Vegetation Map of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau | 相吻合样点数量 No. of consistency points | 36,059 | 403 | 20,644 | ? | 373 | 0 | 575 | 727 |
吻合样点比率 Ratio of consistency points | 65.47% | 1.13% | 91.78% | ? | 29.96% | 0 | 24.58% | 78.85% |
表5 植被调查样点分别与《1 : 100万中国植被图》《1 : 100万中国草地资源图》和《青藏高原现状植被图》的对比结果
Table 5 Consistency comparison of vegetation survey points with that of the Vegetation Map of China (1 : 1,000,000), the Grassland Resource Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) and the Current Vegetation Map of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau at vegetation formation group level
森林 Forest | 灌丛 Shrubland | 草本植被 Herb | 荒漠 Desert | 高山植被 Alpine | 沼泽植被 Swamp | 农业植被 Agricultural vegetation | 无植被地段 Non-vegetation | ||
植被调查样点数量 No. of vegetation survey points | 55,073 | 35,636 | 22,494 | 1,822 | 1,245 | 21 | 2,339 | 922 | |
《1 : 100万中国植被图》 Vegetation Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) | 相吻合样点数量 No. of consistency points | 36,656 | 9,593 | 15,830 | 1,163 | 625 | 1 | 304 | 448 |
吻合样点比率 Ratio of consistency points | 66.56% | 26.92% | 70.37% | 63.83% | 50.20% | 4.76% | 13.00% | 48.59% | |
《1 : 100万中国草地资源图》 Grassland Resource Map of China (1 : 1,000,000) | 相吻合样点数量 No. of consistency points | ? | ? | 20,541 | 907 | ? | 0 | ? | ? |
吻合样点比率 Ratio of consistency points | ? | ? | 91.30% | 49.80% | ? | 0 | ? | ? | |
《青藏高原现状植被图》 Current Vegetation Map of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau | 相吻合样点数量 No. of consistency points | 36,059 | 403 | 20,644 | ? | 373 | 0 | 575 | 727 |
吻合样点比率 Ratio of consistency points | 65.47% | 1.13% | 91.78% | ? | 29.96% | 0 | 24.58% | 78.85% |
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