生物多样性 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 23381.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023381  cstr: 32101.14.biods.2023381

• 技术与方法 • 上一篇    下一篇


万凤鸣1,2, 万华伟2,*(), 张志如2, 高吉喜2,*(), 孙晨曦2, 王永财3   

  1. 1.中国环境科学研究院, 北京 100012
    2.生态环境部卫星环境应用中心, 北京 100094
    3.首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院, 北京 100048
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-13 接受日期:2023-12-25 出版日期:2024-03-20 发布日期:2024-03-06
  • 通讯作者: *E-mail: livelyhw@163.com; gjx@nies.org
  • 基金资助:

The application potential of unmanned aerial vehicle surveys in grassland plant diversity

Fengming Wan1,2, Huawei Wan2,*(), Zhiru Zhang2, Jixi Gao2,*(), Chenxi Sun2, Yongcai Wang3   

  1. 1 Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012
    2 Satellite Application Center for Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Beijing 100094
    3 College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048
  • Received:2023-10-13 Accepted:2023-12-25 Online:2024-03-20 Published:2024-03-06
  • Contact: *E-mail: livelyhw@163.com; gjx@nies.org


草地生物多样性对于维持其生态系统服务功能至关重要, 无人机遥感凭借机动灵活、高分辨率、高效率和低成本的优势, 近年来在草地物种调查与研究中受到关注。然而, 目前关于草地植物多样性无人机调查的研究仍然不够深入。本研究通过无人机航拍和人工地面调查对呼伦贝尔草甸草原区的植物多样性进行调查, 通过比较不同样方布设方式、不同拍摄方式下观测到的物种数量和调查所用时间, 探讨扩大调查面积对调查结果的影响以及利用无人机开展草地植物多样性调查的最佳拍摄参数和时间效率, 分析草地植物多样性无人机调查的应用潜力。结果表明: (1)开展草地植物多样性调查时, 物种数量随调查面积在一定范围内的增加而增多, 与人工调查有限个样方相比, 利用无人机进行大面积调查能够观测到更多的物种。(2)在半干旱地区草甸草原植物多样性调查中, 用于物种识别的无人机RGB影像空间分辨率应优于0.45 mm, 分辨率为0.45 mm时能识别67.16%的物种; 在观测角度方面, 采用两种方式进行拍摄为佳, 可在90°垂直拍摄基础上增加45°或60°倾斜拍摄。(3)采用无人机调查可大幅缩短物种调查所用时间, 但应配合高精度的物种智能识别模型以提高调查效率。本研究通过对比无人机与传统的人工地面调查观测到的物种数量, 进一步验证了无人机遥感用于草地植物多样性调查的可行性, 首次探讨了利用无人机获取可见光影像用于草地物种调查时的关键参数, 研究结果可推动无人机在草地监测、调查和保护工作中的应用。

关键词: 草地, 无人机, 植物多样性, 调查方式, 物种识别


Aims: The biodiversity of grassland is essential for maintenance of the ecosystems’ services. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) remote sensing has attracted much attention in the survey and research of grassland species in recent years with its advantages of flexibility, high resolution, high efficiency, and low cost. However, current research on UAV surveys of grassland plant diversity are still insufficient. This study aims to explore the impacts of expanding survey area on the results of grassland plant diversity survey, and optimal aerial photography parameters and efficiency for UAV survey of grassland plant diversity, so as to analyze the application potential of UAV survey on grassland plant diversity.
Methods: UAV aerial photography and artificial ground survey were used to investigate plant diversity in the Hulunbuir meadow. By comparing the number of species observed and the survey time under different layout methods of quadrat and different shooting methods, the influence of expanding the survey area on the survey results was analyzed. The best aerial photography parameters and the time efficiency of using UAV to carry out grassland plant diversity survey were analyzed as well.
Results: (1) In the survey of grassland plant diversity, the number of species increased as the survey area increased within a certain range. Compared with the artificial ground survey of limited quadrats, more species could be observed using UAV in a large area survey. (2) In the survey of plant diversity in a semi-arid meadow grassland, the spatial resolution of UAV RGB image used for species identification should be better than 0.50 mm, and approximately 67.16% of species could be identified at a resolution of 0.45 mm. In terms of observation angle, it was better to shoot in two ways, which could increase 45° or 60° oblique shooting on the basis of 90° vertical shooting. (3) UAV survey could significantly shorten the time spent in species survey, but high-precision intelligent species identification model should be used to improve the survey efficiency.
Conclusion: By comparing the number of species observed by UAV and traditional artificial ground survey, this study further verifies the feasibility of UAV remote sensing for grassland plant diversity survey, and explores the key parameters of using UAV to obtain visible light images for grassland species survey. The results promote further implementation and prioritization of UAV in grassland monitoring, investigation, and protection.

Key words: grasslands, UAV, plant diversity, method of survey, species recognition