生物多样性 ›› 2014, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (5): 608-617. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2014.14112
刘芳1,3, 李琪1,*(), 申聪聪2, 褚海燕2, 梁文举1
Fang Liu1,3, Qi Li1,*(), Congcong Shen2, Haiyan Chu2, Wenju Liang1
Li Qi
裸肉足虫作为联结微生物和大中型土壤动物的重要环节, 在土壤生态系统物质循环和能量流动过程中起着重要作用。为探明裸肉足虫群落沿海拔梯度的分布特征及其主要驱动因子, 作者在长白山北坡选择不同海拔梯度(700 m、1,000 m、1,300 m、1,600 m、1,900 m和2,200 m), 采用最大可能数法对裸肉足虫进行了培养计数, 并采用平板培养、标记、分离再培养的方法进行了分类鉴定, 分析比较了不同海拔梯度裸肉足虫的群落组成和结构特征。结果表明: 长白山北坡裸肉足虫物种丰富, 不同海拔梯度裸肉足虫丰富度指数存在显著差异, 且与土壤酸碱度呈极显著正相关关系。其中林分较为单一的岳桦(Betula ermanii)林带(1,900 m)裸肉足虫丰富度最低, 位于植被交错带的针阔混交林带(1,000 m)裸肉足虫丰富度最大, Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数在不同海拔梯度间不存在显著性差异, 但变化趋势与丰富度一致。聚类分析结果显示, 1,300 m、1,600 m和1,900 m海拔带以及700 m和2,200 m海拔带裸肉足虫群落组成较为相似。典范对应分析(canonical correspondence analysis, CCA)显示, 裸肉足虫群落组成和结构主要受土壤酸碱度、铵态氮以及碳氮比的影响, 而海拔和土壤含水量对其没有显著影响。综上, 裸肉足虫群落多样性随海拔梯度的增加并未呈现递减或单峰的变化趋势, 土壤的基本理化性质是驱动裸肉足虫群落分布的主要因素; 此外, 地上植被也可能通过凋落物和根系分泌物间接影响裸肉足虫的群落组成和多样性。
刘芳, 李琪, 申聪聪, 褚海燕, 梁文举 (2014) 长白山不同海拔梯度裸肉足虫群落分布特征. 生物多样性, 22, 608-617. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2014.14112.
Fang Liu, Qi Li, Congcong Shen, Haiyan Chu, Wenju Liang (2014) Distribution of gymnamoebae communities along an elevational gradient in Changbai Mountains. Biodiversity Science, 22, 608-617. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2014.14112.
图1 长白山不同海拔梯度土壤理化特性。不同字母表示在α=0.05水平上差异显著(n=5)。
Fig. 1 Soil physicochemical characteristics along an elevational gradient in Changbai Mountains. Different letters above the bars indicate differences between elevations at the 0.05 significance level (n=5).
属名及其缩写 Taxa (genus) with abbreviations | 裸肉足虫出现频率 Detection frequency of gymnamoebae (p) | 营养类群 Feeding guild | |||||
700 m | 1,000 m | 1,300 m | 1,600 m | 1,900 m | 2,200 m | ||
棘变虫属 Acanthamoeba (Acant) | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | O |
变形虫属 Amoeba (Amoeb) | – | – | + | – | – | – | B |
Acrachnula (Acrac) | – | + | + | + | – | + | F |
粘虫属 Biomyxa (Biomy) | – | – | – | – | – | ++ | P |
卡变虫属 Cashia (Cashi) | + | ++ | – | – | + | – | B+Y |
指变虫属 Dactylamoeba (Dacty) | ++ | + | – | – | – | – | P+A |
刺变虫属 Echinamoeba (Echin) | +++ | ++++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | B |
丝变虫属 Filamoeba (Filam) | ++ | +++ | ++ | – | – | + | B |
拟斑瘤菌虫属 Guttulinopsis (Guttu) | + | +++ | – | – | – | + | B |
哈氏虫属 Hartmannella (Hartm) | + | +++ | ++ | + | ++ | +++ | B |
马氏虫属 Mayorella (Mayor) | – | – | – | – | – | ++ | B+P+A |
纳氏虫属 Naegleria (Naegl) | + | +++ | +++ | + | + | ++ | B |
核形虫属 Nuclearia (Nucle) | +++ | +++ | – | + | – | + | F+A |
副变虫属 Paramoeba (Param) | – | – | – | – | – | ++ | P+A |
平变虫属 Platyamoeba (Platy) | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | B |
多卓变虫属 Polychaos (Polyc) | – | + | – | – | – | – | P+A |
根变虫属 Rhizamoeba (Rhiza) | + | – | + | – | – | + | P |
囊变虫属 Saccamoeba (Sacca) | ++ | ++ | +++ | + | – | + | B |
Stachyamoeba (Stach) | + | +++ | + | + | – | ++ | B |
甲变虫属 Thecamoeba (Theca) | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | B+P |
毛变虫属 Tricamoeba (Trica) | – | – | ++ | – | – | – | # |
简变虫属 Vahlkampfia (Vahlk) | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | B |
蒲变虫属 Vannella (Vanne) | + | ++ | – | – | – | ++ | B |
杆变虫属 Vexillifera (Vexil) | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | ++ | B |
表1 不同海拔梯度裸肉足虫各属出现的频率和隶属营养类型
Table 1 Detection frequency and feeding guild of different gymnamoebae genera along elevational gradients
属名及其缩写 Taxa (genus) with abbreviations | 裸肉足虫出现频率 Detection frequency of gymnamoebae (p) | 营养类群 Feeding guild | |||||
700 m | 1,000 m | 1,300 m | 1,600 m | 1,900 m | 2,200 m | ||
棘变虫属 Acanthamoeba (Acant) | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | O |
变形虫属 Amoeba (Amoeb) | – | – | + | – | – | – | B |
Acrachnula (Acrac) | – | + | + | + | – | + | F |
粘虫属 Biomyxa (Biomy) | – | – | – | – | – | ++ | P |
卡变虫属 Cashia (Cashi) | + | ++ | – | – | + | – | B+Y |
指变虫属 Dactylamoeba (Dacty) | ++ | + | – | – | – | – | P+A |
刺变虫属 Echinamoeba (Echin) | +++ | ++++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | B |
丝变虫属 Filamoeba (Filam) | ++ | +++ | ++ | – | – | + | B |
拟斑瘤菌虫属 Guttulinopsis (Guttu) | + | +++ | – | – | – | + | B |
哈氏虫属 Hartmannella (Hartm) | + | +++ | ++ | + | ++ | +++ | B |
马氏虫属 Mayorella (Mayor) | – | – | – | – | – | ++ | B+P+A |
纳氏虫属 Naegleria (Naegl) | + | +++ | +++ | + | + | ++ | B |
核形虫属 Nuclearia (Nucle) | +++ | +++ | – | + | – | + | F+A |
副变虫属 Paramoeba (Param) | – | – | – | – | – | ++ | P+A |
平变虫属 Platyamoeba (Platy) | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | B |
多卓变虫属 Polychaos (Polyc) | – | + | – | – | – | – | P+A |
根变虫属 Rhizamoeba (Rhiza) | + | – | + | – | – | + | P |
囊变虫属 Saccamoeba (Sacca) | ++ | ++ | +++ | + | – | + | B |
Stachyamoeba (Stach) | + | +++ | + | + | – | ++ | B |
甲变虫属 Thecamoeba (Theca) | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | B+P |
毛变虫属 Tricamoeba (Trica) | – | – | ++ | – | – | – | # |
简变虫属 Vahlkampfia (Vahlk) | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | B |
蒲变虫属 Vannella (Vanne) | + | ++ | – | – | – | ++ | B |
杆变虫属 Vexillifera (Vexil) | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | +++ | ++ | B |
图2 长白山不同海拔梯度裸肉足虫群落丰度(a)、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(b)、Margalef丰富度指数(c)和Pielou均匀度指数(d)。不同字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著(n=5)。
Fig. 2 Abundance (a), Shannon-Wiener diversity index (b), Margalef richness index (c), and Pielou evenness index (d) of gymnamoebae community along an elevational gradient in Changbai Mountains. These bars represent the standard error of the mean. Different letters above the bars indicate differences between elevations at the 0.05 significance level (n=5).
图3 不同海拔裸肉足虫属聚类分析树状图(以平方欧氏距离使用最近邻元素聚类法进行系统聚类)
Fig. 3 Cluster analysis dendrogram of gynameobae genera across six elevations using nearest neighbors method based on squared Euclidean distance.
图4 裸肉足虫群落和土壤环境因子之间的典范对应分析排序图。(a)采样点和环境变量排序图; (b)裸肉足虫属与环境变量的排序图。 700 m; 1,000 m; 1,300 m; 1,600 m; 1,900 m; 2,200 m。对应的环境变量: TC: 全碳; TN: 全氮; C/N: 碳氮比; Altitude: 海拔; NH4+-N: 铵态氮。裸肉足虫属名缩写见表1。
Fig. 4 Canonical correspondence analysis biplot of gymnamoebae community along an elevational gradient in Changbai Mountains in relation to soil physicochemical factors. (a) biplot of samples and soil physicochemical factors; (b) biplot of gymnamoebae genus and soil physicochemical factors. Soil physicochemical factors: TC, Total carbon content; TN, Total nitrogen content; C/N, Carbon nitrogen ratio; WC, Water content; NH4+-N, Ammonium nitrogen. Genus abbreviations is represented by the first five letters of Latin name as listed in Table 1, e.g., Vahlk = Vahlkampfia ).
附图1 长白山部分土壤裸肉足虫照片。a-c: 甲变虫属; d, e: 简变虫属; f, g: 马氏虫属; h, i: 蒲变虫属; j: 平变虫属; k-m:棘变虫属; n: 刺变虫属。
Fig. S1 Partially selected naked amoeba picture identified from Changbai Mountains. a, Thecamoeba striata; b, Thecamoeba similis; c, floating form of Thecamoeba sp.; d, Vahlkampfia atopa; e, Vahlkampfia avara; f, Mayorella penardi; g, Mayorella cantabrigiensis; h, floating form of Vannella sp.; i, Vanella lata n. sp.; j, Platyamoeba stenopodia; k, Biomyxa sp.; l, Acrachnula sp.; m, Acanthamoeba sp.; n, Echinamoeba silvestris.; http://www.biodiversity-science.net/fileup/PDF/w2014-112-1.pdf
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