生物多样性 ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (9): 1149-1153.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021201

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王彦平1,*(), 宋云枫1, 钟雨茜1, 陈传武1, 赵郁豪2, 曾頔2, 吴亦如2, 丁平2   

  1. 1.南京师范大学生命科学学院, 南京 210023
    2.浙江大学生命科学学院, 杭州 310058
  • 收稿日期:2021-05-19 接受日期:2021-07-14 出版日期:2021-09-20 发布日期:2021-09-13
  • 通讯作者: 王彦平
  • 作者简介:* E-mail: wangyanping@njnu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

A dataset on the life-history and ecological traits of Chinese birds

Yanping Wang1,*(), Yunfeng Song1, Yuxi Zhong1, Chuanwu Chen1, Yuhao Zhao2, Di Zeng2, Yiru Wu2, Ping Ding2   

  1. 1 College of Life Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023
    2 College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058
  • Received:2021-05-19 Accepted:2021-07-14 Online:2021-09-20 Published:2021-09-13
  • Contact: Yanping Wang


中国现有1,445种鸟类, 是世界上鸟类物种数最多的国家之一。物种特征反映了生物有机体的功能和适合度, 在生态学、进化生物学和保护生物学研究中具有重要作用。但是, 目前还没有关于我国鸟类生活史、生态学和地理分布等物种特征的完整数据库。通过系统查阅文献和各种数据资料, 本文共收集整理出了中国1,445种鸟类17个功能特征数据: 体重、体长、嘴峰长、翅长、尾长、跗蹠长、食性、窝卵数、卵大小、卵体积、巢址、巢的类型、集群状况、迁徙状况、是否特有种、地理分布范围和分布省份等。在这些特征中, 除迁徙状况、是否特有种、地理分布范围和分布省份外, 其余特征数据均存在不同程度的缺失, 数据的完整度为60.83%‒100%。本数据库是目前关于中国鸟类最新和最全的物种特征数据库, 期望能为我国鸟类生态学、进化生物学、生物地理学、保护生物学等研究提供支持。

关键词: 鸟类, 生活史特征, 生态特征, 地理分布, 形态特征, 繁殖参数


China has a total of 1,445 bird species and is one of the countries with the richest bird diversity in the world. Species traits strongly determine the species' ability to persist in a variety of environments and are fundamental to ecological, evolutionary and conservational research. Therefore, it is important to collecting data on life-history, ecological and geographic traits of Chinese birds. However, so far, no efforts have been made to gather such trait data of Chinese birds. The aim of this study is thus to provide a comprehensive dataset of natural history traits for Chinese birds. We collected data on 17 traits related to geographical, morphological, ecological and life-history features for the 1,445 species of Chinese birds. Between 2015 and 2021, we compiled data by systematically searching all related literature, including academic ornithological books, field guides, peer-reviewed scientific publications, Baidu Scholar, Google Scholar and specialized websites. The 17 traits included body mass, body length, bill length, wing length, tail length, tarsus length, primary diet, clutch size, egg size, egg volume, nest site, nest type, flocking status, migrant status, endemic status, biogeographic distribution and the number of provinces distributed of Chinese birds. However, data completeness varied from 60.83% to 100% among traits. Except for migrant status, endemic status, biogeographic distribution and the number of provinces distributed, the data on other traits were incomplete to some extent. Flocking status was only available for 60.83% of Chinese birds. Our dataset is the latest and most complete one on species traits of Chinese birds. The dataset will be helpful for advancing the research fields of ecology, evolution, biogeography, and conservation biology in Chinese birds.

Key words: birds, life-history traits, ecological traits, biogeographic distribution, morphological traits, breeding traits