生物多样性 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (2): 215-223. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2012.09138
所属专题: 土壤生物与土壤健康
* E-mail: scyangwq@163.com基金资助:
Bo Tan, Fuzhong Wu, Wanqin Yang*(), Lei Xia, , Ao Wang
Wanqin Yang
为了解季节性冻融及其变化对土壤动物群落特征的影响, 于2008年11月-2009年10月的冬季(土壤冻融期、冻结期和融化期)及植被生长季节, 研究了不同岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)林的大型土壤动物群落特征。共采集大型土壤动物10,763只, 隶属于91科。冬季与生长季节土壤动物群落结构存在显著差异: 冬季以长角毛蚊科幼虫和尖眼蕈蚊科幼虫为优势类群, 大蚊科幼虫、苔甲科和蠓科幼虫等为常见类群; 而生长季节以蚁科、隐翅甲科、长角毛蚊科幼虫和异蛩目为优势类群, 原铗叭科、蝇科幼虫和石蜈蚣目等为常见类群。土壤动物群落个体密度、类群数量和多样性指数(H')随冻融格局变化表现出先降低后升高的趋势, 在土壤融化期达到了一个明显高峰值。冬季土壤动物以腐食性类群为主, 捕食性和植食性功能类群在融化末期(4月25日)和生长季节初期(5月25日)显著增加。研究结果表明冻融循环和冻结作用显著影响土壤动物群落结构, 季节转换过程中土壤动物群落的变化可能对深入认识冬季和生长季节生态过程的相互关系具有重要意义。
谭波, 吴福忠, 杨万勤, 夏磊, 杨玉莲, 王奥 (2012) 川西亚高山/高山森林大型土壤动物群落多样性及其对季节性冻融的响应. 生物多样性, 20, 215-223. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2012.09138.
Bo Tan, Fuzhong Wu, Wanqin Yang, Lei Xia, , Ao Wang (2012) Soil macro-fauna community diversity and its response to seasonal freeze-thaw in the subalpine/alpine forests of western Sichuan. Biodiversity Science, 20, 215-223. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2012.09138.
图1 川西亚高山/高山不同森林群落土壤5 cm深度日平均温度动态(2008年11月-2009年10月)
Fig. 1 Dynamics of daily mean soil temperature at the soil depth of 5 cm in the subalpine and alpine forests of western Sichuan from November 1, 2008 to October 30, 2009.
森林 Forest | 循环次数 Number of soil freeze-thaw cycles (n) | 土壤平均温度 Soil mean temperature (℃) | |||||
冻融期 OF | 冻结期 DF | 融化期 TS | 冻融期 OF | 冻结期 DF | 融化期 TS | ||
原始林(A1) Primary forest | 4 | 0 | 16 | 0.105 | -0.422 | 0.442 | |
混交林(A2) Mixed forest | 10 | 0 | 8 | 0.211 | -0.562 | 2.601 | |
次生林(A3) Secondary forest | 5 | 0 | 6 | 1.150 | -0.900 | 1.193 |
表1 川西亚高山/高山不同森林群落土壤冻融期、冻结期和融化期土壤冻融循环次数和平均土壤温度
Table 1 Number of soil freeze-thaw cycle and mean soil temperauture in the subalpine and alpine forests of western Sichuan during onset of freezing stage, deeply frozen stage, and thawing stage
森林 Forest | 循环次数 Number of soil freeze-thaw cycles (n) | 土壤平均温度 Soil mean temperature (℃) | |||||
冻融期 OF | 冻结期 DF | 融化期 TS | 冻融期 OF | 冻结期 DF | 融化期 TS | ||
原始林(A1) Primary forest | 4 | 0 | 16 | 0.105 | -0.422 | 0.442 | |
混交林(A2) Mixed forest | 10 | 0 | 8 | 0.211 | -0.562 | 2.601 | |
次生林(A3) Secondary forest | 5 | 0 | 6 | 1.150 | -0.900 | 1.193 |
图2 川西亚高山/高山不同森林群落冻融期、冻结期、融化期及生长季节土壤捕食性、植食性和腐食性动物功能类群组成
Fig. 2 Composition of the function groups (predators, phytophaga, and saprozoic) of soil macro-fauna in the subalpine and alpine forests of western Sichuan during onset of freezing stage, deeply frozen stage, thawing stage, and growing season. OF, Onset of freezing stage; DF, Deeply frozen stage; TS, Thawing stage; GS, Growing season.
时期 Date | 土层 Layer | 原始林 Primary forest | 混交林 Mixed forest | 次生林 Secondary forest | |||
密度 Density (ind./m2) | 类群数量 No. of groups | 密度 Density (ind./m2) | 类群数量 No. of groups | 密度 Density (ind./m2) | 类群数量 No. of groups | ||
冻融期 OF | I | 104.60±44.11a | 30.32±6.18a | 125.00±18.57a | 37.00±6.22a | 86.40±29.45a | 28.65±6.85a |
II | 30.73±15.32a | 7.75±1.67a | 46.56±9.82a | 9.82±2.11a | 28.42±11.22a | 7.41±1.35a | |
冻结期 DF | I | 81.33±7.55ab | 21.33±1.15b | 103.93±13.63a | 31.33±4.73b | 80.27±12.06ab | 17.67±1.52b |
II | 22.15±7.62a | 4.40±0.82b | 34.11±8.72a | 5.42±0.47b | 23.11±4.32a | 4.33±0.33b | |
融化期 TS | I | 191.00±39.52ac | 47.50±5.97c | 223.00±110.42b | 49.50±8.81ac | 151.00±70.28ac | 36.00±5.03a |
II | 65.79±17.35b | 11.57±2.60c | 84.56±21.11b | 15.26±2.81c | 54.92±10.54b | 11.21±2.53c | |
生长季节 GS | I | 254.27±53.17cd | 53.33±10.67c | 295.47±61.47b | 66.22±9.50c | 205.27±72.47cd | 58.33±17.67c |
II | 97.53±14.38c | 18.50±4.22d | 104.56±23.48b | 20.34±3.35d | 73.42±24.35b | 16.88±2.12d |
表2 川西亚高山/高山不同森林群落冻融期、冻结期、融化期及生长季节大型土壤动物平均密度和类群数量特征
Table 2 Characteristics of the mean density and group number of soil macro-fauna in the subalpine and alpine forests of western Sichuan during onset of freezing stage, deeply frozen stage, thawing stage, and growing season
时期 Date | 土层 Layer | 原始林 Primary forest | 混交林 Mixed forest | 次生林 Secondary forest | |||
密度 Density (ind./m2) | 类群数量 No. of groups | 密度 Density (ind./m2) | 类群数量 No. of groups | 密度 Density (ind./m2) | 类群数量 No. of groups | ||
冻融期 OF | I | 104.60±44.11a | 30.32±6.18a | 125.00±18.57a | 37.00±6.22a | 86.40±29.45a | 28.65±6.85a |
II | 30.73±15.32a | 7.75±1.67a | 46.56±9.82a | 9.82±2.11a | 28.42±11.22a | 7.41±1.35a | |
冻结期 DF | I | 81.33±7.55ab | 21.33±1.15b | 103.93±13.63a | 31.33±4.73b | 80.27±12.06ab | 17.67±1.52b |
II | 22.15±7.62a | 4.40±0.82b | 34.11±8.72a | 5.42±0.47b | 23.11±4.32a | 4.33±0.33b | |
融化期 TS | I | 191.00±39.52ac | 47.50±5.97c | 223.00±110.42b | 49.50±8.81ac | 151.00±70.28ac | 36.00±5.03a |
II | 65.79±17.35b | 11.57±2.60c | 84.56±21.11b | 15.26±2.81c | 54.92±10.54b | 11.21±2.53c | |
生长季节 GS | I | 254.27±53.17cd | 53.33±10.67c | 295.47±61.47b | 66.22±9.50c | 205.27±72.47cd | 58.33±17.67c |
II | 97.53±14.38c | 18.50±4.22d | 104.56±23.48b | 20.34±3.35d | 73.42±24.35b | 16.88±2.12d |
图3 川西亚高山/高山不同森林群落冻融期、冻结期、融化期及生长季节大型土壤动物平均密度和类群数量动态。图中同一森林不同小写字母表示平均密度在P = 0.05水平上差异显著(通过LSD法比较)。
Fig. 3 Dynamics of the mean density and group number of soil macro-fauna in the subalpine and alpine forests of western Sichuan during onset of freezing stage, deeply frozen stage, thawing stage, and growing season. The different lowercases in the same forest denote the significant difference (P = 0.05) in mean density based on the LSD. OF, Onset of freezing stage; DF, Deeply frozen stage; TS, Thawing stage; GS, Growing season.
图4 川西亚高山/高山不同森林群落冻融期、冻结期、融化期及生长季节土壤捕食性、植食性和腐食性动物功能类群动态
Fig. 4 Dynamics of the functional groups (predators, phytophaga, and saprozoic) of soil macro-fauna in the subalpine and alpine forests of western Sichuan during onset of freezing stage, deeply frozen stage, thawing stage, and growing season. OF, Onset of freezing stage; DF, Deeply frozen stage; TS, Thawing stage; GS, Growing season.
图5 川西亚高山/高山不同森林群落冻融期、冻结期、融化期及生长季节多样性指数(H')和均匀性指数(J)动态
Fig. 5 Dynamics of the Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H') and Pielou evenness index (J) of soil macro-fauna in the subalpine and alpine forests of western Sichuan during onset of freezing stage, deeply frozen stage, thawing stage, and growing season. OF, Onset of freezing stage; DF, Deeply frozen stage; TS, Thawing stage; GS, Growing season.
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