生物多样性 ›› 2014, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (2): 129-140. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2014.13150
Junyan Zhang1, Kewu Cheng2, Runguo Zang1,*()
Zang Runguo
天然针叶林在热带地区虽较为少见, 但其对维持热带地区的生物多样性和生境异质性具有特殊意义。在我国热带天然针叶林集中分布面积最大的海南霸王岭林区, 作者选择伴生阔叶树种优势度不同的两种典型南亚松(Pinus latteri)天然林(简称纯林和混交林), 采用点格局法分析了其林冠层、亚林层和林下层主要树种的空间分布格局及其关联性。结果表明: (1)纯林中林冠层的南亚松主要为聚集分布, 混交林中在较小尺度上为聚集分布, 在较大尺度上为随机分布。(2)纯林中亚林层树种在较小尺度上为聚集分布, 在较大尺度上为随机分布, 在混交林中主要为聚集分布。(3)纯林中林下层树种主要呈现为随机分布, 而在混交林中主要为聚集分布。(4)随着尺度的增加, 林冠层与其他两个层次的树种, 在纯林中表现出从空间无关联到正关联的变化趋势, 而在混交林中则表现出从空间无关联到负关联的变化趋势。(5)亚林层与林下层树种在各个尺度上都表现为空间正关联。由此可见, 热带天然针叶林中优势种南亚松对伴生阔叶树种的分布格局具有重要影响。
张俊艳, 成克武, 臧润国 (2014) 海南岛热带天然针叶林主要树种的空间格局及关联性. 生物多样性, 22, 129-140. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2014.13150.
Junyan Zhang,Kewu Cheng,Runguo Zang (2014) The spatial distribution patterns and associations of the principal trees and shrubs in a natural tropical coniferous forest on Hainan Island, China. Biodiversity Science, 22, 129-140. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2014.13150.
物种 Species | 个体数 Abundance | 胸高断面积 Basal area (m2/ha) | 胸径(平均值/最大值) DBH Mean/Max. (cm) | 高度(平均值/最大值) Height (Mean/max.) (m) | 重要值 Importance value |
COG1 | |||||
南亚松 Pinus latteri | 365 | 20.01 | 24.14/84 | 15/25 | 91.58 |
银柴 Aporusa dioica | 806 | 2.40 | 4.80/27 | 4.4/15 | 33.69 |
野漆 Toxicodendron succedaneum | 421 | 0.58 | 3.08/17 | 4.0/15 | 14.95 |
黄樟 Cinnamomum porrectum | 289 | 0.76 | 4.48/22 | 4.4/15 | 11.74 |
毛菍 Melastoma sanguineum | 418 | 0.12 | 1.83/8 | 2.8/6 | 11.41 |
子楝树 Decaspermum gracilentum | 300 | 0.16 | 2.34/7.8 | 3.6/7 | 9.29 |
海南杨桐 Adinandra hainanensis | 221 | 0.38 | 3.5/14.3 | 4.0/14 | 8.03 |
细基丸 Polyalthia cerasoides | 173 | 0.56 | 4.7/24.9 | 4.7/16 | 7.57 |
越南山矾 Symplocos cochinchinensis | 193 | 0.47 | 4.4/16 | 3.9/11 | 7.40 |
山柑算盘子 Glochidion sphaerogynum | 200 | 0.28 | 3.3/14 | 4.2/13 | 7.16 |
COG2 | |||||
海南杨桐 Adinandra hainanensis | 564 | 4.65 | 8.75/28 | 7.0/15 | 32.30 |
南亚松 Pinus latteri | 88 | 9.97 | 33.67/90 | 17.0/25 | 31.22 |
胡颓子叶柯 Lithocarpus elaeagnifolius | 722 | 2.82 | 5.47/47 | 6.0/18 | 30.63 |
九节 Psychotria rubra | 1080 | 0.37 | 1.85/10 | 3.0/7 | 25.68 |
木荷 Schima superba | 293 | 4.88 | 10.82/63 | 8.9/18 | 24.40 |
黄杞 Engelhardia roxburghiana | 388 | 3.55 | 6.96/44 | 6.0/20 | 21.66 |
台湾椎 Castanopsis formosana | 173 | 1.94 | 7.45/50 | 6.9/20 | 11.00 |
密脉蒲桃 Syzygium chunianum | 379 | 0.34 | 2.55/30 | 3.6/15 | 10.52 |
毛柿 Diospyros strigosa | 308 | 0.34 | 3/15 | 4.6/13 | 9.65 |
银柴 Aporusa dioica | 227 | 0.73 | 5.4/17 | 5.4/14 | 8.79 |
表1 海南岛热带天然南亚松纯林和混交林样地中优势树种
Table 1 Principal tree species in a pure Pinus latteri forest plot (COG1) and a mixed P. latteri forest plot (COG2)
物种 Species | 个体数 Abundance | 胸高断面积 Basal area (m2/ha) | 胸径(平均值/最大值) DBH Mean/Max. (cm) | 高度(平均值/最大值) Height (Mean/max.) (m) | 重要值 Importance value |
COG1 | |||||
南亚松 Pinus latteri | 365 | 20.01 | 24.14/84 | 15/25 | 91.58 |
银柴 Aporusa dioica | 806 | 2.40 | 4.80/27 | 4.4/15 | 33.69 |
野漆 Toxicodendron succedaneum | 421 | 0.58 | 3.08/17 | 4.0/15 | 14.95 |
黄樟 Cinnamomum porrectum | 289 | 0.76 | 4.48/22 | 4.4/15 | 11.74 |
毛菍 Melastoma sanguineum | 418 | 0.12 | 1.83/8 | 2.8/6 | 11.41 |
子楝树 Decaspermum gracilentum | 300 | 0.16 | 2.34/7.8 | 3.6/7 | 9.29 |
海南杨桐 Adinandra hainanensis | 221 | 0.38 | 3.5/14.3 | 4.0/14 | 8.03 |
细基丸 Polyalthia cerasoides | 173 | 0.56 | 4.7/24.9 | 4.7/16 | 7.57 |
越南山矾 Symplocos cochinchinensis | 193 | 0.47 | 4.4/16 | 3.9/11 | 7.40 |
山柑算盘子 Glochidion sphaerogynum | 200 | 0.28 | 3.3/14 | 4.2/13 | 7.16 |
COG2 | |||||
海南杨桐 Adinandra hainanensis | 564 | 4.65 | 8.75/28 | 7.0/15 | 32.30 |
南亚松 Pinus latteri | 88 | 9.97 | 33.67/90 | 17.0/25 | 31.22 |
胡颓子叶柯 Lithocarpus elaeagnifolius | 722 | 2.82 | 5.47/47 | 6.0/18 | 30.63 |
九节 Psychotria rubra | 1080 | 0.37 | 1.85/10 | 3.0/7 | 25.68 |
木荷 Schima superba | 293 | 4.88 | 10.82/63 | 8.9/18 | 24.40 |
黄杞 Engelhardia roxburghiana | 388 | 3.55 | 6.96/44 | 6.0/20 | 21.66 |
台湾椎 Castanopsis formosana | 173 | 1.94 | 7.45/50 | 6.9/20 | 11.00 |
密脉蒲桃 Syzygium chunianum | 379 | 0.34 | 2.55/30 | 3.6/15 | 10.52 |
毛柿 Diospyros strigosa | 308 | 0.34 | 3/15 | 4.6/13 | 9.65 |
银柴 Aporusa dioica | 227 | 0.73 | 5.4/17 | 5.4/14 | 8.79 |
多度 Abundance | 总丰富度 Richness | 丰富度 Richness | |||
亚林层 Subcanopy | 林下层 Understory | 亚林层 Subcanopy | 林下层 Understory | ||
COG1 | |||||
全部个体 All individuals | 3,640 | 2,054 | 138 | 47 | 90 |
≥ 10株的个体 ≥ 10 individuals | 3,567 | 1,854 | 55 | 30 | 24 |
比例 % | 98 | 90.30 | 39.41 | 63.80 | 26.70 |
COG2 | |||||
全部个体 All individuals | 4,862 | 1,593 | 132 | 60 | 71 |
≥ 10株的个体 ≥ 10 individuals | 4,747 | 1,463 | 49 | 33 | 15 |
比例 % | 97.60 | 91.80 | 36.40 | 55 | 21.10 |
表2 海南岛热带天然南亚松纯林和混交林亚林层和林下层阔叶树种的分布
Table 2 Distributions of tree species in different vertical layers in a pure Pinus latteri forest plot (COG1) and a mixed P. latteri forest plot (COG2)
多度 Abundance | 总丰富度 Richness | 丰富度 Richness | |||
亚林层 Subcanopy | 林下层 Understory | 亚林层 Subcanopy | 林下层 Understory | ||
COG1 | |||||
全部个体 All individuals | 3,640 | 2,054 | 138 | 47 | 90 |
≥ 10株的个体 ≥ 10 individuals | 3,567 | 1,854 | 55 | 30 | 24 |
比例 % | 98 | 90.30 | 39.41 | 63.80 | 26.70 |
COG2 | |||||
全部个体 All individuals | 4,862 | 1,593 | 132 | 60 | 71 |
≥ 10株的个体 ≥ 10 individuals | 4,747 | 1,463 | 49 | 33 | 15 |
比例 % | 97.60 | 91.80 | 36.40 | 55 | 21.10 |
图1 海南岛热带天然南亚松纯林和混交林不同林层树种分布图。灰色实心点代表林冠层树种, 灰色空心点代表亚林层树种, 黑色点代表林下层树种。
Fig. 1 Spatial distributions of all species in different vertical layers for COG1 and COG2. The gray solid points, the gray hollow points, and the black points indicate the canopy, subcanopy, and understory species, respectively.
图2 海南岛热带天然南亚松纯林(COG1)和混交林(COG2)中南亚松的径级结构图
Fig. 2 DBH class of Pinus latteri for a pure P. latteri forest plot (COG1, left) and a mixed P. latteri forest plot (COG2, right)
图3 海南岛热带天然南亚松纯林和混交林不同林层树种空间分布格局。采用单变量Ripley’s K函数L(r)和单变量PCF函数g(r)。
Fig. 3 Point pattern analysis of species’ spatial distribution patterns in different vertical layers for a pure Pinus latteri forest plot (COG1) and a mixed P. latteri forest plot (COG2) based on univariate K-function and univariate PCF-function.
图4 海南岛热带天然南亚松纯林和混交林不同林层主要阔叶树种的分布格局统计。采用单变量Ripley’s K函数K(r)。
Fig. 4 Statistical tendency of point pattern analysis of the principal species in different vertical layers for a pure Pinus latteri forest plot (COG1) and a mixed P. latteri forest plot (COG2) based on univariate K-function.
图5 海南岛热带天然南亚松纯林(COG1)和混交林(COG2)不同林层树种之间的整体关联性分析。其中, a, b, c为COG1样地, d, e, f为COG2样地。采用双变量Ripley’s K函数。
Fig. 5 Spatial associations among different vertical layers based on bivariate K-function. a, b, c for a pure Pinus latteri forest plot (COG1), and d, e, f for a mixed P. latteri forest plot (COG2).
图6 海南岛热带天然南亚松纯林和混交林林冠层与亚林层、林冠层与林下层树种的关联性分析。采用双变量Ripley’s K函数。
Fig. 6 Statistical tendency of spatial associations between Pinus latteri and other principal broadleaved species among different vertical layers based on bivariate K-function.
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