生物多样性 ›› 2014, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (2): 117-128. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2014.13130
康萨如拉1, 张庆1, 牛建明1,2,*(), 董建军1, 马文静1, 李欣2,3, 常昌明1, 尚辰蔚1
Sarula Kang1, Qing Zhang1, Jianming Niu1,2,*(), Jianjun Dong1, Wenjing Ma1, Xin Li2,3, Changming Chang1, Chenwei Shang1
Niu Jianming
矿产开采等人类活动极大地改变着生态环境和景观格局, 景观变化又是导致区域和全球物种多样性丧失的主要原因之一。然而, 物种多样性对周边景观变化响应的时间尺度问题往往被人们忽略。作者以内蒙古草原区伊敏露天煤矿为例, 从物种和功能群两个层次上, 探讨了不同的空间范围(1 km、2 km、3 km、4 km、6 km、8 km、10 km)内在不同时期(1975年、1990年、2000年、2010年)的景观格局(景观优势度指数、生境综合连接度指数和生境连接度概率指数)与生物多样性之间的关系。结果显示: 当前物种多样性与开矿前和开矿初期周边景观格局之间的相关性更高, 而且与4–8 km缓冲区范围内景观格局之间的关系更加密切。不同功能群物种丰富度与景观格局之间的关系不同, 其中, 多年生根茎禾草物种丰富度和当前小尺度(1–3 km)景观格局之间呈显著相关; 多年生杂类草和开矿前和开矿初期大尺度(4–10 km)景观格局之间相关显著; 多年生丛生禾草与景观格局的相关性并未达到显著水平, 但是随着空间尺度的增加出现单峰趋势, 在6 km范围上最高; 灌木、半灌木与景观格局的相关关系随着空间尺度的增加而增加; 一二年生草本与景观格局的相关性始终最低。为此, 本文得出如下结论: (1)物种多样性对周边景观格局变化的响应存在一定时间的滞后, 人类当前不合理的土地利用方式可能引起未来一段时间内该地区一些物种的消失; (2)区域种库决定小尺度物种多样性的大小, 研究区4–8 km范围内具有连通性的生境斑块是主要的种库资源; (3)植物的繁殖策略及种子传播方式是破碎化生境中物种多样性维持的重要机制。
康萨如拉, 张庆, 牛建明, 董建军, 马文静, 李欣, 常昌明, 尚辰蔚 (2014) 景观历史对物种多样性的影响: 以内蒙古伊敏露天煤矿为例. 生物多样性, 22, 117-128. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2014.13130.
Sarula Kang,Qing Zhang,Jianming Niu,Jianjun Dong,Wenjing Ma,Xin Li,Changming Chang,Chenwei Shang (2014) Effect of mining landscape history on local species diversity: a case study of the Yimin open-pit coal mine in Inner Mongolia. Biodiversity Science, 22, 117-128. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2014.13130.
图2 内蒙古伊敏露天煤矿矿区某样地3种不同土地利用/覆盖类型(浅灰: 自然植被覆盖区域, 黑色: 恢复植被覆盖区域, 暗灰: 非植被覆盖区域)在不同时期(A, 1975; B, 1990; C, 2000; D, 2010)的空间分布。黑色三角形为调查样地, 3 km缓冲区范围。
Fig. 2 Distribution of natural vegetation area (marked in gray), reclamation vegetation area (marked in black) and non-vegetation area (marked in dark gray) in one of the study sites (marked in black triangle) on the Yimin open-pit coal mine in Inner Mongolia.
差异显著性检验 Notable difference test | 差异显著性 Significance | |
物种丰富度(单因素ANOVA) Species richness (One-Way ANOVA ) | 0.000** | |
功能群内丰富度(单样本t检验) Richness of functional groups (One-Sample t test) | 灌木与半灌木 Shrubs and semi-shrubs (SS) | 0.083 |
多年生丛生禾草 Perennial bunchgrasses (PB) | 0.035* | |
多年生根茎禾草 Perennial rhizome grasses (PR) | 0.003** | |
多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs (PF) | 0.000** | |
一二年生草本 Annuals and biennials (AB) | 0.046* |
表1 内蒙古伊敏露天煤矿矿区不同样地物种多样性的差异性
Table 1 Difference of species diversity among different sites at the Yimin open-pit coal mine in Inner Mongolia
差异显著性检验 Notable difference test | 差异显著性 Significance | |
物种丰富度(单因素ANOVA) Species richness (One-Way ANOVA ) | 0.000** | |
功能群内丰富度(单样本t检验) Richness of functional groups (One-Sample t test) | 灌木与半灌木 Shrubs and semi-shrubs (SS) | 0.083 |
多年生丛生禾草 Perennial bunchgrasses (PB) | 0.035* | |
多年生根茎禾草 Perennial rhizome grasses (PR) | 0.003** | |
多年生杂类草 Perennial forbs (PF) | 0.000** | |
一二年生草本 Annuals and biennials (AB) | 0.046* |
图4 内蒙古伊敏露天煤矿不同开采阶段所有样地和不同缓冲区范围内的综合连接度指数(IIC)和连接度概率指数(PC)
Fig. 4 Changes of integral index of connectivity (IIC) and probability of connectivity (PC) of all plots and different buffer regions at the Yimin mine in Inner Mongolia during different stages after being exploited.
图5 物种丰富度和各功能群与不同年份IIC、PC和景观百分率之间的相关关系。SR: 物种丰富度; SS: 灌木与半灌木; PB:多年生丛生禾草; PR: 多年生根茎禾草; PF: 多年生杂类草; AB: 一二年生草本。
Fig. 5 Correlation between diversity indices (IIC) and landscape (PC) indices at different time: SR, Species richness; SS, Shrub and semi-shrub; PB, Perennial bunchgrasses; PR, Perennial rhizome grass; PF, Perennial forbs; AB, Annuals and biennials.
图6 多样性指数与IIC、PC和景观百分率(LP)的相关性判定系数(R2)随缓冲区大小(单位: km)的变化。圆点虚线为与PC的相关性判定系数, 棱形虚线为与IIC的相关性判定系数, 三角形实线为与景观百分率的相关性判定系数。SR: 物种丰富度; SS: 灌木与半灌木; PB: 多年生丛生禾草; PR: 多年生根茎禾草; PF: 多年生杂类草; AB: 一二年生草本。
Fig. 6 Coefficient of determination between diversity indices and landscape indices change with different buffers (Unit: km): dotted line with circle indicate R2 between diversity and PC; dotted line with prismatic indicate R2 between diversity and IIC; solid line with triangle indicate R2 between diversity and landscape percentage. SR, Species richness; SS, Shrub and semi-shrub; PB, Perennial bunchgrasses; PR, Perennial rhizome grass; PF, Perennial forbs; AB, Annuals and biennials.
景观百分率 vs. 所有物种 LP vs. all species | 景观百分率 vs. 多年生根茎禾草 LP vs. PR | 景观百分率 vs. 多年生杂草 LP vs. PF | 生境连接度 vs. 所有物种 HC vs. all species | 生境连接度 vs. 多年生根茎禾草 HC vs. PR | 生境连接度 vs. 多年生杂草 HC vs. PF | |||||||||||||||
a | b | c | a | b | c | a | b | c | IIC | PC | IIC | PC | IIC | PC | ||||||
1975_1km | 0.470* | – | –0.470* | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | 0.472* | 0.473* | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1975_2km | 0.512** | – | –0.512** | NS | – | NS | 0.510** | – | –0.510** | 0.481* | 0.493* | NS | NS | 0.516** | 0.518** | |||||
1975_3km | 0.580** | – | –0.580** | NS | – | NS | 0.519** | – | –0.519** | 0.530** | 0.555** | NS | NS | 0.520** | NS | |||||
1975_4km | 0.736** | – | –0.736** | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | 0.649* | 0.706* | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1975_6km | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1975_8km | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | 0.867** | 0.841** | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1975_10km | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | 0.660* | 0.687* | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1990_1km | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1990_2km | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | 0.430* | – | –0.430* | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1990_3km | 0.508** | – | –0.508** | NS | – | NS | 0.466* | – | –0.466* | 0.447* | NS | NS | NS | NS | 0.462* | |||||
1990_4km | 0.690** | – | –0.690** | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | 0.638* | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1990_6km | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1990_8km | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | 0.854** | 0.835** | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1990_10km | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | 0.651* | 0.677* | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
2000_1km | NS | NS | NS | 0.481* | NS | –0.440* | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | 0.530** | 0.535** | NS | NS | |||||
2000_2km | NS | NS | NS | 0.500* | –0.450* | –0.490* | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | 0.448* | 0.494* | NS | NS | |||||
2000_3km | NS | NS | NS | 0.459* | –0.503* | –.419* | NS | NS | NS | 0.445* | 0.425* | NS | 0.421* | NS | NS | |||||
2000_4km | NS | NS | NS | 0.524** | NS | –0.524** | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
2000_6km | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
2000_8km | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | 0.846** | 0.824** | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
2000_10km | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | 0.647* | 0.674* | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
2010_1km | NS | NS | NS | 0.557** | –0.477* | –0.513** | NS | NS | NS | 0.460* | 0.441* | 0.507** | 0.544** | NS | NS | |||||
2010_2km | NS | NS | NS | 0.560** | –0.500* | –0.490* | NS | NS | NS | 0.398* | NS | 0.426* | 0.473* | NS | NS | |||||
2010_3km | NS | NS | NS | 0.474* | –0.498* | –0.415* | NS | NS | NS | 0.464* | NS | NS | 0.402* | NS | NS | |||||
2010_4km | NS | NS | NS | 0.490* | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | 0.644* | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
2010_6km | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | 0.699* | 0.633* | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
2010_8km | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | 0.798** | 0.843** | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
2010_10km | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS |
表2 景观百分率(LP)和生境连接度(HC)与物种丰富度及功能群内丰富度之间的相关性(不存在显著相关性的灌木与半灌木、多年生丛生禾草、一二年生草本没有列入)
Table 2 Correlation between landscape percentage/habitat connectivity and species richness/species richness of each functional group. The functional groups of without significant correlation with landscape indices were absent in this table (e.g. SS, PB, and AB).
景观百分率 vs. 所有物种 LP vs. all species | 景观百分率 vs. 多年生根茎禾草 LP vs. PR | 景观百分率 vs. 多年生杂草 LP vs. PF | 生境连接度 vs. 所有物种 HC vs. all species | 生境连接度 vs. 多年生根茎禾草 HC vs. PR | 生境连接度 vs. 多年生杂草 HC vs. PF | |||||||||||||||
a | b | c | a | b | c | a | b | c | IIC | PC | IIC | PC | IIC | PC | ||||||
1975_1km | 0.470* | – | –0.470* | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | 0.472* | 0.473* | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1975_2km | 0.512** | – | –0.512** | NS | – | NS | 0.510** | – | –0.510** | 0.481* | 0.493* | NS | NS | 0.516** | 0.518** | |||||
1975_3km | 0.580** | – | –0.580** | NS | – | NS | 0.519** | – | –0.519** | 0.530** | 0.555** | NS | NS | 0.520** | NS | |||||
1975_4km | 0.736** | – | –0.736** | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | 0.649* | 0.706* | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1975_6km | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1975_8km | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | 0.867** | 0.841** | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1975_10km | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | 0.660* | 0.687* | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1990_1km | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1990_2km | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | 0.430* | – | –0.430* | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1990_3km | 0.508** | – | –0.508** | NS | – | NS | 0.466* | – | –0.466* | 0.447* | NS | NS | NS | NS | 0.462* | |||||
1990_4km | 0.690** | – | –0.690** | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | 0.638* | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1990_6km | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1990_8km | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | 0.854** | 0.835** | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
1990_10km | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | NS | – | NS | 0.651* | 0.677* | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
2000_1km | NS | NS | NS | 0.481* | NS | –0.440* | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | 0.530** | 0.535** | NS | NS | |||||
2000_2km | NS | NS | NS | 0.500* | –0.450* | –0.490* | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | 0.448* | 0.494* | NS | NS | |||||
2000_3km | NS | NS | NS | 0.459* | –0.503* | –.419* | NS | NS | NS | 0.445* | 0.425* | NS | 0.421* | NS | NS | |||||
2000_4km | NS | NS | NS | 0.524** | NS | –0.524** | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
2000_6km | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
2000_8km | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | 0.846** | 0.824** | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
2000_10km | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | 0.647* | 0.674* | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
2010_1km | NS | NS | NS | 0.557** | –0.477* | –0.513** | NS | NS | NS | 0.460* | 0.441* | 0.507** | 0.544** | NS | NS | |||||
2010_2km | NS | NS | NS | 0.560** | –0.500* | –0.490* | NS | NS | NS | 0.398* | NS | 0.426* | 0.473* | NS | NS | |||||
2010_3km | NS | NS | NS | 0.474* | –0.498* | –0.415* | NS | NS | NS | 0.464* | NS | NS | 0.402* | NS | NS | |||||
2010_4km | NS | NS | NS | 0.490* | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | 0.644* | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
2010_6km | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | 0.699* | 0.633* | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
2010_8km | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | 0.798** | 0.843** | NS | NS | NS | NS | |||||
2010_10km | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS |
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