生物多样性 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (2): 22495. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022495
所属专题: 物种形成与系统进化
*黄宏文, E-mail: huanghw@scbg.ac.cn
Lisong Wang1, Qingqing Zhan2, Jingping Liao2, Hongwen Huang1,2,*()
*Hongwen Huang, E-mail: huanghw@scbg.ac.cn
启动实施以国家公园和国家植物园体系为主导的就地和迁地保护相结合的生物多样性保护大战略, 是我国作为世界生物多样性大国之一的科学使命和责任担当。本文以国家重点保护、受威胁和中国特有维管植物为对象, 系统梳理了这3类植物在我国植物园的迁地保护概况, 对这些植物的生活型、物种组成和系统发育多样性进行了比较分析, 以期为当下国家植物园体系建设提供科学参考和依据。结果表明, 我国植物园保存的此3类植物共计7,141种, 分属265科1,271属, 分别占我国维管植物科、属、种总数的76%、42%和23%。在7,141种植物中, 国家重点保护植物743种, 受威胁植物2,095种, 中国特有植物5,957种, 分别占我国国家重点保护、受威胁和特有植物总数的72%、59%和37%。这些植物包括乔木2,555种、灌木1,025种、草本3,117种、攀缘类419种和水生类25种。3类植物在各植物园的物种组成共有比例较低, 系统发育多样性存在显著差异。
王利松, 湛青青, 廖景平, 黄宏文 (2023) 我国迁地保护的国家重点保护、受威胁和特有维管植物多样性. 生物多样性, 31, 22495. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022495.
Lisong Wang, Qingqing Zhan, Jingping Liao, Hongwen Huang (2023) Vascular plant diversity of National Key Protected Wild Plants, threatened species, and endemic species ex situ conserved in botanic gardens of China. Biodiversity Science, 31, 22495. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2022495.
图1 我国植物园迁地保护的国家重点保护植物、受威胁和特有种类的组成(A), 以及已迁地保护的种类数量和占比, 未迁地保护的种类数量和占比(B?D)。
Fig. 1 Composition of ex situ conservation on National Key Protected Wild Plants (NKPWP), threatened species, and species endemic to China (A); and the species number and proportion of ex situ conserved and gap for NKPWP (B), threatened species (C), and species endemic to China (D).
类群 Taxon | 科 Family | 属 Genus | 种 Species |
蕨类 Pterydophyte | 28/34 (82%) | 71/164 (43%) | 324/2,064 (16%) |
裸子植物 Gymnosperm | 8/8 (100%) | 33/36 (92%) | 133/237 (56%) |
被子植物 Angiosperm | 229/305 (75%) | 1,167/2,842 (41%) | 6,684/28,609 (23%) |
总计 Total | 265/347 (76%) | 1,271/3,042 (42%) | 7,141/30,910 (23%) |
表1 我国植物园迁地保护的国家重点保护、受威胁和特有植物类群多样性(粗体)与中国维管植物(王利松等, 2018)的比较
Table 1 Taxonomic diversity of conserved National Key Protected Wild Plants (NKPWP), threatened species, and species endemic to China (bold) that compared with vascular plants in China (Wang et al, 2018) (number of taxa and percentage)
类群 Taxon | 科 Family | 属 Genus | 种 Species |
蕨类 Pterydophyte | 28/34 (82%) | 71/164 (43%) | 324/2,064 (16%) |
裸子植物 Gymnosperm | 8/8 (100%) | 33/36 (92%) | 133/237 (56%) |
被子植物 Angiosperm | 229/305 (75%) | 1,167/2,842 (41%) | 6,684/28,609 (23%) |
总计 Total | 265/347 (76%) | 1,271/3,042 (42%) | 7,141/30,910 (23%) |
图2 我国植物园迁地保护的3类植物的生活型分布(右)及其在各植物园的分布(左)。植物园缩写(Y轴标签)对应的植物园名称及相关数据见附录1。
Fig. 2 The composition of growth form on ex situ conserved National Key Protected Wild Plants (NKPWP), threatened species, and species endemic to China (right), and their distribution in each garden (left). The full name and related data that corresponding to each garden’s abbreviated code (labels on Y-axis) see Appendix 1.
图3 我国植物园迁地保护的3类植物物种组成相似性分析; 植物园间成对比较的Bray-Curtis相异指数(左上)和Jaccard相似性系数(右下)分布图, 国家重点保护和特有种类的结果相似, 仅显示受威胁种类的热点分布图; 内嵌的箱线图表示3类植物Bray-Curtis相异指数的分布, 所有分析排除了物种数量≤10的植物园。植物园缩写(X轴和Y轴标签)对应的植物园名称及相关数据见附录1。
Fig. 3 Species similarity for ex situ conserved National Key Protected Wild Plants (NKPWP), threatened species, and species endemic to China. Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index (top left) and Jaccard similarity coefficient (bottom right) and heatmap of pairwise comparisons among botanic gardens (threatened species), the results for NKPWP and species endemic to China are quite similar, maps not showing here; embedded box-plot indicate the distribution of Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index for the three plant groups, all analyses excluded botanic gardens that species numbers ≤10. The full name and related data that corresponding to each garden’s abbreviated code (labels on X and Y-axis) see Appendix 1.
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