生物多样性 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 24037.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024037

• 植物迁地保护目标专题 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘夙(), 杜诚(), 胡永红*()()   

  1. 上海辰山植物园, 上海 201602
  • 出版日期:2024-02-20 发布日期:2024-03-02
  • 通讯作者: E-mail: huyonghong@csnbgsh.cn

Ex situ conservation should have clear flexibility

Su Liu(), Cheng Du(), Yonghong Hu*()()   

  1. Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden, Shanghai 201602
  • Online:2024-02-20 Published:2024-03-02
  • Contact: E-mail: huyonghong@csnbgsh.cn


早期的新闻报道中提到国家植物园体系“逐步实现中国85%以上野生本土植物、全部重点保护野生植物种类得到迁地保护”的建设目标引发了质疑。实际上, 《中国植物园体系布局方案》明确了更为实际的目标, 包括到2025年设立5个左右国家植物园, 实现70%以上的国家重点保护野生植物得到迁地保护; 到2035年设立10个左右国家植物园, 实现80%以上的国家重点保护野生植物得到有效迁地保护。植物园体系应当建立明确的迁地保护分级标准, 即使在迁地栽培无法达到最高级别的保护标准时, 仍可视为某种较低级别的迁地保护。迁地保护工作应与中国植物园体系有机结合, 包括国家植物园、地区优秀植物园和地方植物园。通过全国植物引种数据联网共享的可能性, 区域性和基层植物园可参与到迁地保护工作中, 共同承担任务份额。迁地保护与就地保护、引种驯化并非对立的关系。就地保护优于迁地保护, 但二者是相辅相成的关系。迁地保护和引种驯化并非绝对对立, 可实现既保护又开发的目标。总体而言, 未来迁地保护工作的一个重要方向是建立清晰的分级标准和数据网络, 以明确迁地保护与其他保护形式的关系, 实现明确的灵活性。

关键词: 国家植物园体系, 迁地保护, 灵活性


Early news reports questioned the feasibility of the national botanical garden system’s ambition to “gradually achieve the ex situ protection of more than 85% of China’s wild native plants and all key protected wild plant species.” However, the National Botanical Garden System Layout Plan of China outlines more realistic objectives. By 2025, the plan aims to establish approximately five national botanical gardens, ensuring over 70% of national key protected wild plants are subject to ex situ protection. Further, by 2035, the goal is to set up around ten national botanical gardens, effectively protecting over 80% of the national key protected wild plants ex situ. To enhance ex situ conservation, the botanical garden system should establish precise grading standards, providing clear flexibility. Even if ex situ cultivation falls short of meeting the highest conservation standards, it may still be considered a lower level of ex situ conservation. Integration of ex situ conservation efforts with the Chinese botanical garden system, encompassing national botanical gardens, outstanding regional botanical gardens, and local botanical gardens, is crucial. The potential for national network sharing of plant introduction data opens avenues for intermediate and grassroots botanical gardens to participate in ex situ conservation and share responsibilities. The relationship between ex situ conservation and in situ conservation, as well as introduction and domestication, is not one of antagonism. While in situ conservation is preferable, the two approaches are complementary. Ex situ conservation and introduction and domestication are not mutually exclusive; they can concurrently achieve goals of protection and development. Overall, a crucial focus for the future of ex situ conservation work is the establishment of precise grading standards and robust data networks to clarify the relationship between ex situ conservation and other conservation forms and ensure clear flexibility.

Key words: national botanical garden system, ex situ conservation, flexibility