生物多样性 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (9): 23257. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023257
*E-mail: cj@xtbg.org.cn
*E-mail: cj@xtbg.org.cn
《生物多样性公约》第十五次缔约方大会通过《昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架》(简称《昆蒙框架》), 是全世界应对生物多样性危机的又一次集体行动, 也开启了中国主导全球环境治理之先河。国家植物园体系建设是生物多样性保护的创新实践, 在建设过程中, 应该将《昆蒙框架》的目标作为其重要内容。本文对照《昆蒙框架》的长期目标和2030年具体目标, 提出国家植物园体系建设中可以研究回答的26个问题和27项保护行动, 并提出植物物种大普查、国家重点保护植物的遗传多样性调查、生物多样性关键地区植物零灭绝保护实践、生态修复计划、应对气候变化的相关研究、保护与可持续教育、生物多样性保护国际合作等7项优先行动。通过国家植物园体系建设, 提高我国执行《昆蒙框架》的能力与水平, 也是检验植物园体制创新成效最为直接的试金石, 其成功实践也将为全球其他生物多样性大国提供样板和借鉴。
陈进 (2023) 《昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架》与国家植物园体系建设. 生物多样性, 31, 23257. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023257.
Jin Chen (2023) Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the construction of the national botanical garden system. Biodiversity Science, 31, 23257. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023257.
2030年目标 2030 targets* | 关联度 Relevance | 科学问题 Research questions (Q) | 保护行动 Conservation actions (A) | |||||
目标1 Target 1 | 高 High | Q1. 还有多少新的物种未被发现? How many new species to be discovered? Q2. 区域性生态系统及植物物种受威胁状况如何? How many threatened ecosystems and species in this area? | A1. 植物物种大普查 A thorough survey of plant species | |||||
目标2 Target 2 | 高 High | Q3. 如何有效开展大规模生态修复? How to conduct large-scale ecological restoration? Q4. 生态系统连通性如何影响系统的韧性及对气候变化的响应? How does ecosystem connectivity affect system resilience and response to climate change? | A2. 大规模生态系统恢复实践及成效评价(与合作方) Large-scale ecosystem restoration practices and effectiveness assessment (in collaboration with partners) A3. 改善生态系统连通性为目的的生态修复实践及成效评估(与合作方) Ecological restoration practices and effectiveness assessment for improving ecosystem connectivity (in collaboration with partners) | |||||
目标3 Target 3 | 高 High | Q5. 哪些地方(生态系统)应得到优先保护? Which areas (ecosystems) should receive priority protection? Q6. 保护地的保护成效如何? How about the effectiveness of the protected areas? Q7. 如何将原住民(特别是少数民族)的传统生态智慧应用于生物多样性保护? How to apply the traditional ecological wisdom of indigenous peoples (especially ethnic groups) to biodiversity conservation? | A4. 以国家公园为主体的保护地成效评估及动态监测 Effectiveness assessment and dynamic monitoring for protected areas particularly for the national parks A5. 传统知识与智慧在生物多样性保护与可持续利用的实践与示范 The practice and demonstration of traditional knowledge and wisdom in biodiversity conservation and sustainable utilization | |||||
目标4 Target 4 | 高 High | Q8. 如何评估植物的灭绝风险? How to evaluate the extinction risk of plants? Q9. 如何开展严重受威胁物种的遗传增强? How to conduct genetic enhancement of critically endangered species? Q10.如何开展针对国家重点保护物种(I级)覆盖全部(>90%)遗传多样性的迁地保护? How to carry out ex-situ conservation targeting national key protected species (Level I) to cover the entire (>90%) genetic diversity? Q11.回归引种与辅助迁移应遵循的技术规程有哪些? What are the technical guidelines for the implementation of reintroduction and assisted migration? | A6. 开展针对国家重点保护植物(Ⅰ、Ⅱ级)遗传多样性与居群遗传结构调查与迁地保护 Conduct investigations on the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of nationally protected plants (Class I and II) and ex-situ conservation A7. 提高受威胁物种回归引种比例 Enhance the proportion of endangered species with reintroduction program A8. 针对生物多样性关键地区实现植物零灭绝的综合保护行动 Integrative conservation actions to achieve zero plant extinction in key biodiversity areas | |||||
目标5 Target 5 | 中 Intermediate | Q12.如何针对珍稀濒危植物开展有效的保护教育? How to effectively implement conservation education for rare and endangered plants? Q13.如何构建野生资源植物可持续利用的指标体系和相应的政策、法规? How to establish an indicator system and corresponding policies and regulations for the sustainable use of wild plant resources? | A9. 针对珍稀濒危植物开展保护教育项目及成效评估 Conservation education and its effectiveness assessment for rare and endangered plant species A10.野生资源植物可持续利用实践与示范 Practices and demonstration for sustainable use of wild plant resources | |||||
目标6 Target 6 | 高 High | Q14.区域性入侵植物有哪些?危害程度如何? What are the regional invasive plants? How about their negative impacts? Q15.气候变化及人为活动如何影响入侵及潜在入侵植物? How does climate change and human activities affect plant invasions and potential invasive species? | A11.针对产生严重危害的入侵植物的防控实践及成效评价 Practices and effectiveness assessment for the control measures in managing invasive plants with substantial ecological impact | |||||
目标7 Target 7 | 低 Low | |||||||
目标8 Target 8 | 中 Intermediate | Q16.影响植物对极端气候适应能力的因素有哪些? What are the factors that determine plants’ adaptability to extreme climates? | A12.开展植物的抗逆弹性的评估 Assessment of plants’ resilience to stress | |||||
目标9 Target 9 | 中 Intermediate | 同问题Q13 Same as Q13 | A13.原住民可持续利用植物资源及传统农耕系统的传统智慧的调查、应用示范 Investigation and application demonstration of the traditional wisdom of indigenous peoples in the sustainable utilization of plant resources and traditional farming systems | |||||
目标10 Target 10 | 高 High | Q17.如何构建高效、环境友好的农林复合系统? How to build efficient and environmentally friendly agroforestry systems? Q18.如何创制环境(生物多样性)友好的新种质用于农林生产? How to create environmentally (biodiversity) friendly new germplasm for agricultural and forestry production? | A14.环境友好的高效农林复合系统试验示范 Experimentation and demonstration for efficient and environmental friendly agroforestry systems | |||||
目标11 Target 11 | 中 Intermediate | Q19.如何科学核算自然生态系统的自然资本及生态系统服务功能价值? How to properly calculate the natural capital and ecosystem service value of natural ecosystems? Q20.如何通过生态补偿机制促进生物多样性保护? How can biodiversity conservation be promoted through ecological compensation mechanisms? | A15.区域性森林生态系统服务功能价值的评估及动态监测 Assessment and dynamic monitoring of regional ecosystem service value of forests | |||||
目标12 Target 12 | 高 High | Q21.如何构建低碳、生物多样性包容性城市绿地景观? How to build low-carbon and biodiversity-inclusive urban green spaces? Q22.不同类型的绿地空间对城市居民亲生物性、自然联结及生物多样性保护意愿有何影响? What is the impact of different types of green spaces on urban residents’ biophilia, nature connectedness, and willingness to protect biodiversity? | A16.生物多样性包容性城市绿地景观构建与示范 Construction and demonstration of biodiversity-inclusive urban green spaces A17.面向儿童的高质量自然教育与科学教育实践 High-quality nature and science education practices for children | |||||
目标13 Target 13 | 中 Intermediate | A18.完善遗传资源惠益分享相关的制度体系 Developing a comprehensive institutional framework for benefit sharing of genetic resources A19.促进遗传资源惠益分享的最佳实践示范 Best practice and demonstration for enhancing benefit sharing of genetic resources | ||||||
目标14 Target 14 | 中 Intermediate | Q23.如何有效推进生物多样性主流化教育 How to promote education for biodiversity mainstreaming? Q24.如何实现生物多样性变化信息的可视化和保护公众的知情权? How to visualize biodiversity change information and safeguarding public awareness? | A20.发布植物多样性变化报告 Periodic reporting and assessment of plant biodiversity changes. A21.开展以生物多样性监测、保护为主要目的的公民科学项目 Initiate citizen science projects with a primary focus on biodiversity monitoring and conservation | |||||
目标15 Target 15 | 中 Intermediate | 同Q12、Q23 Same as Q12, Q23 | ||||||
目标16 Target 16 | 高 High | Q25.如何有效改变人们生产生活行为, 实践低碳、可持续生活方式变革? How to effectively modifying production and lifestyle behaviors in order to implement low-carbon and sustainable lifestyle transformations? | A22.实施低碳可持续园区管理政策 Adapt low-carbon and sustainable management policy A23.开展有效可持续教育项目, 包括构建生动的园区解说体系和开发针对儿童的可持续教育项目 Conduct effective sustainable education programs, including establishing an inspiring interpretation system and develop sustainable education initiatives specifically designed for children | |||||
目标17 Target 17 | 中 Intermediate | A24.完善生物安全相关政策及操作规程 Enhancement of biosafety policies and operational procedures | ||||||
目标18、19 Target 18, 19 | 低 Low | |||||||
目标20 Target 20 | 高 High | Q26.如何通过国际合作帮助经济欠发达国家保护生物多样性和提高《昆蒙框架》执行能力? How can international cooperation assist economically underdeveloped countries in conserving biodiversity and enhancing the implementation capacity for the Kunming-Montreal Framework? | A25.构建“一带一路”植物园联盟, 开展能力建设和国际合作 Establishing botanical garden alliance in the “Belt and Road Initiative” countries for capacity building and international cooperation A26.开展“一带一路”国家植物园伙伴计划, 开展履约合作研究 Initiate the Botanical Garden Partnership program in the “Belt and Road Initiative” countries to promote collaborative research and implementation for the Kunming-Montreal Framework | |||||
目标21 Target 21 | 高 High | 同Q24 Same as Q24 | A27.建设权威、实时、界面友好的植物多样性(物种分布、受威胁状况、保护状况等)的信息系统, 并面向公众开放 Develop an authoritative, real-time, and user-friendly information system for plant biodiversity (including species distribution, threat status, conservation status, etc.), and make it accessible to the public | |||||
目标22、23 Target 22, 23 | 低 Low |
表1 国家植物园体系建设与《昆蒙框架》2030年目标的关联度、需要研究的科学问题及开展的保护行动
Table 1 The relevance of national botanical garden system construction and the Kunming-Montreal Framework 2030 targets, research questions to be investigated, and conservation actions to be undertaken
2030年目标 2030 targets* | 关联度 Relevance | 科学问题 Research questions (Q) | 保护行动 Conservation actions (A) | |||||
目标1 Target 1 | 高 High | Q1. 还有多少新的物种未被发现? How many new species to be discovered? Q2. 区域性生态系统及植物物种受威胁状况如何? How many threatened ecosystems and species in this area? | A1. 植物物种大普查 A thorough survey of plant species | |||||
目标2 Target 2 | 高 High | Q3. 如何有效开展大规模生态修复? How to conduct large-scale ecological restoration? Q4. 生态系统连通性如何影响系统的韧性及对气候变化的响应? How does ecosystem connectivity affect system resilience and response to climate change? | A2. 大规模生态系统恢复实践及成效评价(与合作方) Large-scale ecosystem restoration practices and effectiveness assessment (in collaboration with partners) A3. 改善生态系统连通性为目的的生态修复实践及成效评估(与合作方) Ecological restoration practices and effectiveness assessment for improving ecosystem connectivity (in collaboration with partners) | |||||
目标3 Target 3 | 高 High | Q5. 哪些地方(生态系统)应得到优先保护? Which areas (ecosystems) should receive priority protection? Q6. 保护地的保护成效如何? How about the effectiveness of the protected areas? Q7. 如何将原住民(特别是少数民族)的传统生态智慧应用于生物多样性保护? How to apply the traditional ecological wisdom of indigenous peoples (especially ethnic groups) to biodiversity conservation? | A4. 以国家公园为主体的保护地成效评估及动态监测 Effectiveness assessment and dynamic monitoring for protected areas particularly for the national parks A5. 传统知识与智慧在生物多样性保护与可持续利用的实践与示范 The practice and demonstration of traditional knowledge and wisdom in biodiversity conservation and sustainable utilization | |||||
目标4 Target 4 | 高 High | Q8. 如何评估植物的灭绝风险? How to evaluate the extinction risk of plants? Q9. 如何开展严重受威胁物种的遗传增强? How to conduct genetic enhancement of critically endangered species? Q10.如何开展针对国家重点保护物种(I级)覆盖全部(>90%)遗传多样性的迁地保护? How to carry out ex-situ conservation targeting national key protected species (Level I) to cover the entire (>90%) genetic diversity? Q11.回归引种与辅助迁移应遵循的技术规程有哪些? What are the technical guidelines for the implementation of reintroduction and assisted migration? | A6. 开展针对国家重点保护植物(Ⅰ、Ⅱ级)遗传多样性与居群遗传结构调查与迁地保护 Conduct investigations on the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of nationally protected plants (Class I and II) and ex-situ conservation A7. 提高受威胁物种回归引种比例 Enhance the proportion of endangered species with reintroduction program A8. 针对生物多样性关键地区实现植物零灭绝的综合保护行动 Integrative conservation actions to achieve zero plant extinction in key biodiversity areas | |||||
目标5 Target 5 | 中 Intermediate | Q12.如何针对珍稀濒危植物开展有效的保护教育? How to effectively implement conservation education for rare and endangered plants? Q13.如何构建野生资源植物可持续利用的指标体系和相应的政策、法规? How to establish an indicator system and corresponding policies and regulations for the sustainable use of wild plant resources? | A9. 针对珍稀濒危植物开展保护教育项目及成效评估 Conservation education and its effectiveness assessment for rare and endangered plant species A10.野生资源植物可持续利用实践与示范 Practices and demonstration for sustainable use of wild plant resources | |||||
目标6 Target 6 | 高 High | Q14.区域性入侵植物有哪些?危害程度如何? What are the regional invasive plants? How about their negative impacts? Q15.气候变化及人为活动如何影响入侵及潜在入侵植物? How does climate change and human activities affect plant invasions and potential invasive species? | A11.针对产生严重危害的入侵植物的防控实践及成效评价 Practices and effectiveness assessment for the control measures in managing invasive plants with substantial ecological impact | |||||
目标7 Target 7 | 低 Low | |||||||
目标8 Target 8 | 中 Intermediate | Q16.影响植物对极端气候适应能力的因素有哪些? What are the factors that determine plants’ adaptability to extreme climates? | A12.开展植物的抗逆弹性的评估 Assessment of plants’ resilience to stress | |||||
目标9 Target 9 | 中 Intermediate | 同问题Q13 Same as Q13 | A13.原住民可持续利用植物资源及传统农耕系统的传统智慧的调查、应用示范 Investigation and application demonstration of the traditional wisdom of indigenous peoples in the sustainable utilization of plant resources and traditional farming systems | |||||
目标10 Target 10 | 高 High | Q17.如何构建高效、环境友好的农林复合系统? How to build efficient and environmentally friendly agroforestry systems? Q18.如何创制环境(生物多样性)友好的新种质用于农林生产? How to create environmentally (biodiversity) friendly new germplasm for agricultural and forestry production? | A14.环境友好的高效农林复合系统试验示范 Experimentation and demonstration for efficient and environmental friendly agroforestry systems | |||||
目标11 Target 11 | 中 Intermediate | Q19.如何科学核算自然生态系统的自然资本及生态系统服务功能价值? How to properly calculate the natural capital and ecosystem service value of natural ecosystems? Q20.如何通过生态补偿机制促进生物多样性保护? How can biodiversity conservation be promoted through ecological compensation mechanisms? | A15.区域性森林生态系统服务功能价值的评估及动态监测 Assessment and dynamic monitoring of regional ecosystem service value of forests | |||||
目标12 Target 12 | 高 High | Q21.如何构建低碳、生物多样性包容性城市绿地景观? How to build low-carbon and biodiversity-inclusive urban green spaces? Q22.不同类型的绿地空间对城市居民亲生物性、自然联结及生物多样性保护意愿有何影响? What is the impact of different types of green spaces on urban residents’ biophilia, nature connectedness, and willingness to protect biodiversity? | A16.生物多样性包容性城市绿地景观构建与示范 Construction and demonstration of biodiversity-inclusive urban green spaces A17.面向儿童的高质量自然教育与科学教育实践 High-quality nature and science education practices for children | |||||
目标13 Target 13 | 中 Intermediate | A18.完善遗传资源惠益分享相关的制度体系 Developing a comprehensive institutional framework for benefit sharing of genetic resources A19.促进遗传资源惠益分享的最佳实践示范 Best practice and demonstration for enhancing benefit sharing of genetic resources | ||||||
目标14 Target 14 | 中 Intermediate | Q23.如何有效推进生物多样性主流化教育 How to promote education for biodiversity mainstreaming? Q24.如何实现生物多样性变化信息的可视化和保护公众的知情权? How to visualize biodiversity change information and safeguarding public awareness? | A20.发布植物多样性变化报告 Periodic reporting and assessment of plant biodiversity changes. A21.开展以生物多样性监测、保护为主要目的的公民科学项目 Initiate citizen science projects with a primary focus on biodiversity monitoring and conservation | |||||
目标15 Target 15 | 中 Intermediate | 同Q12、Q23 Same as Q12, Q23 | ||||||
目标16 Target 16 | 高 High | Q25.如何有效改变人们生产生活行为, 实践低碳、可持续生活方式变革? How to effectively modifying production and lifestyle behaviors in order to implement low-carbon and sustainable lifestyle transformations? | A22.实施低碳可持续园区管理政策 Adapt low-carbon and sustainable management policy A23.开展有效可持续教育项目, 包括构建生动的园区解说体系和开发针对儿童的可持续教育项目 Conduct effective sustainable education programs, including establishing an inspiring interpretation system and develop sustainable education initiatives specifically designed for children | |||||
目标17 Target 17 | 中 Intermediate | A24.完善生物安全相关政策及操作规程 Enhancement of biosafety policies and operational procedures | ||||||
目标18、19 Target 18, 19 | 低 Low | |||||||
目标20 Target 20 | 高 High | Q26.如何通过国际合作帮助经济欠发达国家保护生物多样性和提高《昆蒙框架》执行能力? How can international cooperation assist economically underdeveloped countries in conserving biodiversity and enhancing the implementation capacity for the Kunming-Montreal Framework? | A25.构建“一带一路”植物园联盟, 开展能力建设和国际合作 Establishing botanical garden alliance in the “Belt and Road Initiative” countries for capacity building and international cooperation A26.开展“一带一路”国家植物园伙伴计划, 开展履约合作研究 Initiate the Botanical Garden Partnership program in the “Belt and Road Initiative” countries to promote collaborative research and implementation for the Kunming-Montreal Framework | |||||
目标21 Target 21 | 高 High | 同Q24 Same as Q24 | A27.建设权威、实时、界面友好的植物多样性(物种分布、受威胁状况、保护状况等)的信息系统, 并面向公众开放 Develop an authoritative, real-time, and user-friendly information system for plant biodiversity (including species distribution, threat status, conservation status, etc.), and make it accessible to the public | |||||
目标22、23 Target 22, 23 | 低 Low |
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