生物多样性 ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (11): 1539-1553.  DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021215

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蓝方源1, 马行健2, 逯金瑶3, 李雨果2, 柴汝松4, 李翔2, 罗亦欧5, 张宇泽2, 叶子凌2, 付昌健2, 暴文爽2, 李立3,*(), 邢晓莹2,*()   

  1. 1.东北林业大学林学院, 哈尔滨 150040
    2.东北林业大学野生动物与自然保护地学院, 哈尔滨 150040
    3.湖南省生物多样性保护中心, 长沙 410116
    4.黑龙江省森林植物园, 哈尔滨 150040
    5.东北林业大学奥林学院, 哈尔滨 150040
  • 收稿日期:2021-05-26 接受日期:2021-08-10 出版日期:2021-11-20 发布日期:2021-10-19
  • 通讯作者: 李立,邢晓莹
  • 作者简介:E-mail: liliph@163.com
    E-mail: ab71588@163.com;
    第一联系人:# 共同第一作者 Co-first authors
  • 基金资助:

Effects of urbanization on bird nesting: A review

Fangyuan Lan1, Xingjian Ma2, Jinyao Lu3, Yuguo Li2, Rusong Chai4, Xiang Li2, Yiou Luo5, Yuze Zhang2, Ziling Ye2, Changjian Fu2, Wenshuang Bao2, Li Li3,*(), Xiaoying Xing2,*()   

  1. 1 College of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040
    2 College of Wildlife and Protected Area, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040
    3 Hunan Biodiversity Conservation Center, Changsha 410116
    4 Forest Botanical Garden of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040
    5 Aulin College, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040
  • Received:2021-05-26 Accepted:2021-08-10 Online:2021-11-20 Published:2021-10-19
  • Contact: Li Li,Xiaoying Xing


繁殖期筑巢是鸟类生活史的重要阶段, 是鸟类繁殖成功的关键保障。全球范围的城市化加速推进, 使城市中筑巢繁殖的鸟类面临挑战的同时又为其提供了特殊机遇。本文通过搜索现有文献, 利用Biblioshiny程序提取并整合关键词, 得到城市鸟类生态研究的热点领域, 分析了城市气候、食物资源、巢址资源、捕食压力、污染和人为干扰对鸟类筑巢的影响, 并对今后城市化对鸟类筑巢影响研究中亟需解决的问题进行了展望。城市化对鸟类筑巢期、巢址选择及巢材选择产生显著影响, 与栖息在村镇生境的鸟类相比, 在城市中繁殖的鸟类在筑巢时间、空间和巢材使用上出现变化。在城市中筑巢的鸟类到底是通过调整行为策略作出积极适应, 还是被动接受城市环境中的诸多负面干扰, 需要针对研究对象和特定的城市栖息生境进行及时评估, 而非泛泛之谈。要在研究结论基础上, 深入思考并提出城市化建设过程中有利于鸟类种群和群落保护的具体措施, 高效发挥公民科学作用以解决城市中的鸟类保护实践问题。

关键词: 鸟类, 城市化, 筑巢生态, 营巢期, 巢址选择, 人工巢箱, 巢材


Background & Aim: Nesting behavior is important for birds because this stage is critical for breeding success. Since urbanization is expanding worldwide, birds living in cities face huge challenges but the urban environment can also provide living opportunities. This review summarizes bird nesting behaviors in cities, analyzing the influence of factors such as climate, food resources, nest site availability, predation pressure, pollution, and anthropogenic disturbance on bird nesting based on publications in Biblioshiny programme.
Summary: This study demonstrates that urbanization influences bird nesting period, nest site and nest material selection significantly, and that spatio-temporal nesting ranges and nesting materials differ between urban and rural birds. We highlight the need to evaluate whether city birds are well adapted or negatively affected by urbanization, which would require specific analysis of target populations and habitat conditions.
Perspectives: We should propose effective and specific suggestions to protect city birds during urbanization based on our research results, instead of simply providing general guidelines. Developing citizen science to solve practical issues in urban animal ecology is a promising direction for the future.

Key words: birds, urbanization, nesting ecology, nest building duration, nest-site selection, artificial nest-box, nest material