生物多样性 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (8): 24131. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024131 cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024131
李佳琪1,#(), 冯一迪2,#(
), 王蕾1, 潘盆艳1, 刘潇如3(
), 李雪阳2,4(
), 王怡涵1,*(
), 王放1,*(
*E-mail: 21210700093@m.fudan.edu.cn;wfang@fudan.edu.cn
Jiaqi Li1,#(), Yidi Feng2,#(
), Lei Wang1, Penyan Pan1, Xiaoru Liu3(
), Xueyang Li2,4(
), Yihan Wang1,*(
), Fang Wang1,*(
*E-mail: 21210700093@m.fudan.edu.cn;wfang@fudan.edu.cn
About author:
#Co-first authors
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在城市生态系统中, 部分具有高行为可塑性的物种能够通过快速的行为改变逐渐适应并在人类活动强度高的环境中定殖。研究食肉目物种在取食行为、栖息地选择等方面的行为变化, 有利于理解城市动物对不同环境的利用和适应差异。本研究自2021年5月至2023年12月开展, 以上海地区的貉(Nyctereutes procyonoides)作为研究对象, 在城市化程度指数较高的居民住宅区和城市化程度指数较低的森林公园两类区域取样, 通过基于粪便样本内容物的形态学鉴定比较了食物组成差异, 基于颈圈式兽类追踪器收集的活动数据并构建资源选择函数, 评估了家域内的栖息地选择差异。基于568份粪便样品的分析结果发现, 与森林公园相比, 居民住宅区中分布的貉对人源食物(P < 0.001)和哺乳类(P < 0.01)的摄入显著提高。基于32只貉个体的持续30天以上的追踪获得了36,881个卫星定位位点, 发现森林公园中分布的貉回避建筑(β = -0.222), 而居民住宅区中分布的貉对建筑存在正向选择(β = 0.021)。研究初步揭示了貉在上海城市环境中的食源和栖息地需求, 发现不同景观类型对貉的食物组成和栖息地选择等有重要影响, 反映了貉响应城市环境的行为可塑性, 可以为探究城市野生动物的适应机制、提升保护与管理水平提供参考。
李佳琪, 冯一迪, 王蕾, 潘盆艳, 刘潇如, 李雪阳, 王怡涵, 王放 (2024) 上海城市环境中貉的食性分析及家域范围内的栖息地选择. 生物多样性, 32, 24131. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024131.
Jiaqi Li, Yidi Feng, Lei Wang, Penyan Pan, Xiaoru Liu, Xueyang Li, Yihan Wang, Fang Wang (2024) Diet and habitat selection of raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) in Shanghai, a rapidly urbanizing megacity in eastern China. Biodiversity Science, 32, 24131. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024131.
图1 上海市貉追踪与貉粪便采集样点分布图(a)和研究样点土地利用类型主成分分析图(b)。图中数字代表样点编号, 1-10: 居民住宅区样点编号(1: 谷水湾; 2: 御上海; 3: 圣安德鲁斯; 4: 华庭雅居; 5: 大华西郊别墅; 6: 新青浦佳园; 7: 同润山河小城; 8: 米兰诺贵都; 9: 九城湖滨; 10: 佘山高尔夫别墅); 11-12: 森林公园样点编号(11: 辰山植物园; 12: 天马山森林公园)。
Fig. 1 Distribution of Nyctereutes procyonoides tracking and fecal sample collection site in Shanghai (a) and principal component analysis of land use types of study sites (b). Numbers represent the number of the sites and 1-10 represent residential building sites (1, Gushuiwan; 2, Yushanghai; 3, St. Andrews Manor; 4, Huating; 5, Dahua; 6, Xinqingpu; 7, Tongrun; 8, Milan; 9, Jiucheng; 10, Sheshan); 11-12 represent forest park sites (11, Chenshan; 12, Tianma).
图2 上海居民住宅区和森林公园的貉粪便样品各组分出现频率图及逻辑斯蒂回归检验结果
Fig. 2 Frequency and logistic regression results of occurrence of each component of raccoon dog fecal samples in residential buildings and forest parks in Shanghai
图3 上海居民住宅区不同季节貉粪便样品各组分出现频率及多重比较结果。图中仅标注了具有显著性的组别。* P < 0.05; *** P < 0.001。
Fig. 3 The frequency and multiple comparisons of each component in fecal samples of raccoon dogs in different seasons in residential areas of Shanghai. Group pairs that had significant difference are marked. * P < 0.05; *** P < 0.001.
模型构建 Model formula | 与最佳模型的差值 ΔAIC | AIC 权重 AIC weight |
居民住宅区 Residential areas | ||
used ~ dis_w + dis_r + forestland + imprevious + (1 | ID) | 0 | 0.56 |
used ~ dis_w + dis_r + forestland + building + imprevious + (1 | ID) | 0.487 | 0.44 |
used ~ dis_w + dis_r + imprevious + (1 | ID) | 10.572 | 0 |
used ~ dis_w + dis_r + building + imprevious + (1 | ID) | 11.302 | 0 |
used ~ dis_w + dis_r + forestland + building + (1 | ID) | 25.132 | 0 |
森林公园 Forest parks | ||
used ~ dis_w + dis_r + farmland + forestland + grassland + building + imprevious + bareland + (1 | ID) | 0 | 1.00 |
used ~ dis_w + dis_r + farmland + forestland + grassland + building + bareland + (1 | ID) | 3.447 | 0 |
used ~ dis_w + dis_r + forestland + grassland + bareland + (1 | ID) | 3.462 | 0 |
used ~ dis_w + dis_r + forestland + grassland + imprevious + bareland + (1 | ID) | 3.930 | 0 |
used ~ dis_r + farmland + forestland + grassland + building + bareland + (1 | ID) | 9.975 | 0 |
表1 上海居民住宅区和森林公园貉种群的资源选择函数广义线性混合模型汇总表
Table 1 Summary of generalized linear mixed models of resource selection functions for raccoon dogs in residential areas and forest parks in Shanghai
模型构建 Model formula | 与最佳模型的差值 ΔAIC | AIC 权重 AIC weight |
居民住宅区 Residential areas | ||
used ~ dis_w + dis_r + forestland + imprevious + (1 | ID) | 0 | 0.56 |
used ~ dis_w + dis_r + forestland + building + imprevious + (1 | ID) | 0.487 | 0.44 |
used ~ dis_w + dis_r + imprevious + (1 | ID) | 10.572 | 0 |
used ~ dis_w + dis_r + building + imprevious + (1 | ID) | 11.302 | 0 |
used ~ dis_w + dis_r + forestland + building + (1 | ID) | 25.132 | 0 |
森林公园 Forest parks | ||
used ~ dis_w + dis_r + farmland + forestland + grassland + building + imprevious + bareland + (1 | ID) | 0 | 1.00 |
used ~ dis_w + dis_r + farmland + forestland + grassland + building + bareland + (1 | ID) | 3.447 | 0 |
used ~ dis_w + dis_r + forestland + grassland + bareland + (1 | ID) | 3.462 | 0 |
used ~ dis_w + dis_r + forestland + grassland + imprevious + bareland + (1 | ID) | 3.930 | 0 |
used ~ dis_r + farmland + forestland + grassland + building + bareland + (1 | ID) | 9.975 | 0 |
预测变量 Predictor variable | 居民住宅区 Residential areas | 森林公园 Forest parks | ||
β系数 β coefficient | 标准误 Standard error | β系数 β coefficient | 标准误 Standard error | |
截距 Intercept | -15.304*** | 1.907 | -1.282 | 0.056 |
道路接近程度 Proximity to road | -0.138*** | 0.015 | -0.117*** | 0.012 |
水源接近程度 Proximity to water | -0.163*** | 0.014 | -0.047*** | 0.013 |
林地 Forestland | 0.095*** | 0.023 | 0.397*** | 0.042 |
草地 Grassland | 0.401*** | 0.042 | ||
建筑 Building | 0.021 | 0.031 | -0.185*** | 0.050 |
不透水面 Impervious | -0.203*** | 0.034 | -0.137* | 0.059 |
耕地 Farmland | -0.103* | 0.042 | ||
裸地 Bareland | 1.796*** | 0.164 |
表2 上海居民住宅区与森林公园的貉资源选择函数的广义线性混合模型
Table 2 Generalized linear mixed model of raccoon dog resource selection function in Shanghai residential areas and forest parks
预测变量 Predictor variable | 居民住宅区 Residential areas | 森林公园 Forest parks | ||
β系数 β coefficient | 标准误 Standard error | β系数 β coefficient | 标准误 Standard error | |
截距 Intercept | -15.304*** | 1.907 | -1.282 | 0.056 |
道路接近程度 Proximity to road | -0.138*** | 0.015 | -0.117*** | 0.012 |
水源接近程度 Proximity to water | -0.163*** | 0.014 | -0.047*** | 0.013 |
林地 Forestland | 0.095*** | 0.023 | 0.397*** | 0.042 |
草地 Grassland | 0.401*** | 0.042 | ||
建筑 Building | 0.021 | 0.031 | -0.185*** | 0.050 |
不透水面 Impervious | -0.203*** | 0.034 | -0.137* | 0.059 |
耕地 Farmland | -0.103* | 0.042 | ||
裸地 Bareland | 1.796*** | 0.164 |
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