生物多样性 ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (8): 983-992. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019386
所属专题: 昆虫多样性与生态功能
尚素琴1,*(), 吴兴波1, 王召龙1, 彭鹤年1, 周惠丽2, 张红勇2, 白映禄1
. E-mail: shangsq@gsau.edu.cn基金资助:
Suqin Shang1,*(), Xingbo Wu1, Zhaolong Wang1, Henian Peng1, Huili Zhou2, Hongyong Zhang2, Yinglu Bai1
Suqin Shang
为明确甘肃兴隆山国家级自然保护区内的蝴蝶种类, 以及不同生境的蝴蝶群落结构与种-多度分布的变化情况, 在全部5个林场选取6条样线, 于2015-2018年连续4年采用样线法对保护区的蝴蝶进行调查和采集, 并分析了其多样性指数及种-多度分布。4年共采集蝴蝶标本5,719号, 经鉴定隶属8科69属120种。眼蝶科(3,093号)是保护区的优势类群, 喙蝶科仅采集到1号标本(朴喙蝶, Libythea lepita), 为保护区的稀有种类。其中, 各样线的种数、个体数、多样性指数以及物种丰富度表现为: 样线I最高, 样线IV次之, 说明其生境结构稳定, 环境良好, 适合蝶类生存; 样线III蜜源植物丰富, 各项指数较高; 样线V海拔较高, 各项指数较低; 样线II植物群落结构单一, 各项指数最低。相似性系数分析结果表明: 样线I和VI、III和IV、III和VI均为中等相似; 其余各样线间为中等不相似。区系分析结果表明: 古北种有63种, 占总种数的52.5%; 东洋种2种, 占总种数的1.7%; 广布种55种, 占总种数的45.8%。说明古北种占绝对优势, 且明显高于东洋种, 具有很强的地区代表性。种-多度分布分析结果表明: 样线I和IV呈现出对数正态分布, 模型拟合效果较好; 样线II和VI为非典型的对数级数模型, 符合生态位优先占领假说。说明不同生境以及人为干扰因素与蝶类多样性关系密切, 表现出单一生态系统蝴蝶群落的多样性指数较低, 复杂生态系统其多样性指数较高的特点。
尚素琴, 吴兴波, 王召龙, 彭鹤年, 周惠丽, 张红勇, 白映禄 (2020) 兴隆山国家级自然保护区不同生境的蝴蝶群落结构与种-多度分布. 生物多样性, 28, 983-992. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019386.
Suqin Shang, Xingbo Wu, Zhaolong Wang, Henian Peng, Huili Zhou, Hongyong Zhang, Yinglu Bai (2020) Butterfly community structure and species-abundance distribution in different habitats in the Xinglong Mountains National Nature Reserve. Biodiversity Science, 28, 983-992. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019386.
图1 兴隆山国家级自然保护区研究样线分布图。 I-VI分别代表样线I-VI。
Fig. 1 Distribution of lines in the Xinglong Mountain National Nature Reserve. I-VI indicate line I-VI, respectively.
样线 Line | 位置及主要植被类型 Site and type of vegetation | 海拔 Altitude | 人为干扰 Human disturbance |
I | 位于麻家寺管理站附近, 属灌木、阔叶林和农田生境。植物有花椒、沙棘、榛子、锦鸡儿、胡麻、紫花苜蓿、百合、杨树、桦树。 Located near the Majiasi Station, mainly including shrubs, broad-leaved forest and farmland habitats, and containing Zanthoxylum bungeanum, Hippophae rhamnoides, Corylus avellana, Caragana arborescens, Medicago sativa, Lilium brownii var. viridulum, Populus alba, and Betula utilis. | 2,195-2,251 m | 适中 Moderate |
II | 位于官滩沟管理站向西1 km处, 植被主要是针阔混交林和灌丛。植物有油松、落叶松、青海云杉、灌丛、杂草。 Located 1 km west to Guantangou Station, mainly including shrubs, coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, and containing Pinus tabuliformis, Larix gmelinii, Picea crassifolia, shrubs and grasses. | 2,295-2,491 m | 弱 Weak |
III | 位于兴隆山景区, 植被主要是灌木和针叶混交林。植物有油松、青海云杉、侧柏、圆柏、刺柏、小檗、沙棘、锦鸡儿。 Located in Xinglong Mountain Scenic Area, mainly including shrubs and coniferous mixed forest, and containing Pinus tabuliformis, Picea crassifolia, Platycladus orientalis, Sabina chinensis, Juniperus formosana, Berberis thunbergii, Hippophae rhamnoides, and Caragana arborescens. | 2,203-2,322 m | 适中 Moderate |
IV | 位于官滩沟管理站向东大约2 km处, 植被主要是农田和灌丛。植物有百合、玫瑰、油菜、荨麻、藜、野草莓、车前子、党参、大黄、益母草、蒲公英、红柳、沙棘。 Located about 2 km east to Guantangou Station, mainly including shrubs and farmerland, and containing Lilium brownii var. viridulum, Rosa rugosa, Brassica napus, Urtica fissa, Chenopodium album, Fragaria vesca, Plantago asiatica, Codonopsis pilosula, Rheum palmatum, Leonurus japonicus, Taraxacum mongolicum, Tamarix ramosissima, and Hippophae rhamnoides. | 2,109-2,368 m | 弱 Weak |
V | 位于上庄管理站, 植被主要是高山草甸和针叶林。植物有油松、落叶松及各种杂草。 Located in Shangzhuang Station, mainly including alpine meadow and coniferous forest, and containing Pinus tabuliformis, Larix gmelinii and all kinds of grasses. | 2,595-2,848 m | 弱 Weak |
VI | 位于马坡管理站向北约1 km处, 植被主要是针叶林和灌木。植物有油松、落叶松、桦树、小檗、黄芪、当归、党参。 Located about 1 km north to Mapo Station, mainly including coniferous forest and shrubs, and containing Pinus tabuliformis, Larix gmelinii, Betula sp., Berberis thunbergii, Astragalus propinquus, Angelica sinensis, and Codonopsis pilosula. | 2,171-2,354 m | 适中 Moderate |
表1 兴隆山国家级自然保护区研究样线信息
Table 1 Information of lines in the Xinglong Mountain National Nature Reserve
样线 Line | 位置及主要植被类型 Site and type of vegetation | 海拔 Altitude | 人为干扰 Human disturbance |
I | 位于麻家寺管理站附近, 属灌木、阔叶林和农田生境。植物有花椒、沙棘、榛子、锦鸡儿、胡麻、紫花苜蓿、百合、杨树、桦树。 Located near the Majiasi Station, mainly including shrubs, broad-leaved forest and farmland habitats, and containing Zanthoxylum bungeanum, Hippophae rhamnoides, Corylus avellana, Caragana arborescens, Medicago sativa, Lilium brownii var. viridulum, Populus alba, and Betula utilis. | 2,195-2,251 m | 适中 Moderate |
II | 位于官滩沟管理站向西1 km处, 植被主要是针阔混交林和灌丛。植物有油松、落叶松、青海云杉、灌丛、杂草。 Located 1 km west to Guantangou Station, mainly including shrubs, coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, and containing Pinus tabuliformis, Larix gmelinii, Picea crassifolia, shrubs and grasses. | 2,295-2,491 m | 弱 Weak |
III | 位于兴隆山景区, 植被主要是灌木和针叶混交林。植物有油松、青海云杉、侧柏、圆柏、刺柏、小檗、沙棘、锦鸡儿。 Located in Xinglong Mountain Scenic Area, mainly including shrubs and coniferous mixed forest, and containing Pinus tabuliformis, Picea crassifolia, Platycladus orientalis, Sabina chinensis, Juniperus formosana, Berberis thunbergii, Hippophae rhamnoides, and Caragana arborescens. | 2,203-2,322 m | 适中 Moderate |
IV | 位于官滩沟管理站向东大约2 km处, 植被主要是农田和灌丛。植物有百合、玫瑰、油菜、荨麻、藜、野草莓、车前子、党参、大黄、益母草、蒲公英、红柳、沙棘。 Located about 2 km east to Guantangou Station, mainly including shrubs and farmerland, and containing Lilium brownii var. viridulum, Rosa rugosa, Brassica napus, Urtica fissa, Chenopodium album, Fragaria vesca, Plantago asiatica, Codonopsis pilosula, Rheum palmatum, Leonurus japonicus, Taraxacum mongolicum, Tamarix ramosissima, and Hippophae rhamnoides. | 2,109-2,368 m | 弱 Weak |
V | 位于上庄管理站, 植被主要是高山草甸和针叶林。植物有油松、落叶松及各种杂草。 Located in Shangzhuang Station, mainly including alpine meadow and coniferous forest, and containing Pinus tabuliformis, Larix gmelinii and all kinds of grasses. | 2,595-2,848 m | 弱 Weak |
VI | 位于马坡管理站向北约1 km处, 植被主要是针叶林和灌木。植物有油松、落叶松、桦树、小檗、黄芪、当归、党参。 Located about 1 km north to Mapo Station, mainly including coniferous forest and shrubs, and containing Pinus tabuliformis, Larix gmelinii, Betula sp., Berberis thunbergii, Astragalus propinquus, Angelica sinensis, and Codonopsis pilosula. | 2,171-2,354 m | 适中 Moderate |
科名 Family | 属数Genus | 种数Species | 个体数Individual | 多样性指数 Diversity index | 优势度指数Dominance index (D) | 均匀度指数Evenness index (J) | 物种丰富度指数Species richness index (R) | ||
属级 Genera H′(G) | 种级 Species H′(S) | 属、种级 Genera and species H′(GS) | |||||||
凤蝶科 Papilionidae | 1 | 4 | 19 | 0.0000 | 1.0938 | 1.0938 | 0.5263 | 0.7890 | 1.0189 |
绢蝶科 Parnassiidae | 1 | 1 | 39 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 |
粉蝶科 Pieridae | 7 | 21 | 1,146 | 1.5720 | 2.4708 | 4.0428 | 0.1483 | 0.8116 | 2.8393 |
眼蝶科 Satyridae | 16 | 23 | 3,093 | 1.7215 | 1.8094 | 3.5309 | 0.4413 | 0.5771 | 2.7373 |
蛱蝶科 Nymphalidae | 19 | 33 | 904 | 2.1170 | 2.4108 | 4.5278 | 0.3717 | 0.6895 | 4.7012 |
灰蝶科 Lycaenidae | 19 | 30 | 415 | 2.1953 | 2.5394 | 4.7347 | 0.2337 | 0.7466 | 4.8107 |
弄蝶科 Hesperiidae | 5 | 7 | 102 | 0.7054 | 1.2761 | 1.9815 | 0.8137 | 0.6558 | 1.2973 |
喙蝶科 Libytheidae | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 |
表2 兴隆山国家级自然保护区蝶类的多样性
Table2 Diversity of butterfly in the Xinglong Mountains National Nature Reserve
科名 Family | 属数Genus | 种数Species | 个体数Individual | 多样性指数 Diversity index | 优势度指数Dominance index (D) | 均匀度指数Evenness index (J) | 物种丰富度指数Species richness index (R) | ||
属级 Genera H′(G) | 种级 Species H′(S) | 属、种级 Genera and species H′(GS) | |||||||
凤蝶科 Papilionidae | 1 | 4 | 19 | 0.0000 | 1.0938 | 1.0938 | 0.5263 | 0.7890 | 1.0189 |
绢蝶科 Parnassiidae | 1 | 1 | 39 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 |
粉蝶科 Pieridae | 7 | 21 | 1,146 | 1.5720 | 2.4708 | 4.0428 | 0.1483 | 0.8116 | 2.8393 |
眼蝶科 Satyridae | 16 | 23 | 3,093 | 1.7215 | 1.8094 | 3.5309 | 0.4413 | 0.5771 | 2.7373 |
蛱蝶科 Nymphalidae | 19 | 33 | 904 | 2.1170 | 2.4108 | 4.5278 | 0.3717 | 0.6895 | 4.7012 |
灰蝶科 Lycaenidae | 19 | 30 | 415 | 2.1953 | 2.5394 | 4.7347 | 0.2337 | 0.7466 | 4.8107 |
弄蝶科 Hesperiidae | 5 | 7 | 102 | 0.7054 | 1.2761 | 1.9815 | 0.8137 | 0.6558 | 1.2973 |
喙蝶科 Libytheidae | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 |
样线 Line | 科数 Family | 属数 Genus | 种数Species | 个体数Individual | 多样性指数 Diversity index | 优势度指数 Dominance index (D) | 均匀度指数 Evenness index (J) | 物种丰富度指数 Species richness index (R) | |||
科级Family H′(F) | 属级 Genera H′(G) | 种级 Species H′(S) | 总多样性 Total H′(FGS) | ||||||||
样线I Line I | 7 | 50 | 70 | 1,777 | 1.2047 | 2.7716 | 3.0379 | 7.0142 | 0.2735 | 0.7151 | 9.2213 |
样线II Line II | 4 | 29 | 35 | 346 | 1.0911 | 2.5062 | 2.6507 | 6.2480 | 0.3237 | 0.7456 | 5.8155 |
样线III Line III | 8 | 49 | 67 | 898 | 1.3225 | 2.8624 | 3.0531 | 7.2380 | 0.2205 | 0.7261 | 9.7056 |
样线IV Line IV | 7 | 51 | 75 | 1,432 | 1.0342 | 2.7721 | 2.9751 | 6.7814 | 0.2647 | 0.6891 | 10.1833 |
样线V Line V | 4 | 29 | 38 | 406 | 1.2865 | 2.7218 | 2.9964 | 6.4522 | 0.1207 | 0.8237 | 6.1601 |
样线VI Line VI | 6 | 41 | 55 | 860 | 1.3217 | 2.8347 | 3.0064 | 7.1628 | 0.1814 | 0.7502 | 7.9918 |
表3 兴隆山国家级自然保护区不同样线蝴蝶群落的多样性指数
Table 3 Diversity index of butterfly community in different lines in the Xinglong Mountains National Nature Reserve
样线 Line | 科数 Family | 属数 Genus | 种数Species | 个体数Individual | 多样性指数 Diversity index | 优势度指数 Dominance index (D) | 均匀度指数 Evenness index (J) | 物种丰富度指数 Species richness index (R) | |||
科级Family H′(F) | 属级 Genera H′(G) | 种级 Species H′(S) | 总多样性 Total H′(FGS) | ||||||||
样线I Line I | 7 | 50 | 70 | 1,777 | 1.2047 | 2.7716 | 3.0379 | 7.0142 | 0.2735 | 0.7151 | 9.2213 |
样线II Line II | 4 | 29 | 35 | 346 | 1.0911 | 2.5062 | 2.6507 | 6.2480 | 0.3237 | 0.7456 | 5.8155 |
样线III Line III | 8 | 49 | 67 | 898 | 1.3225 | 2.8624 | 3.0531 | 7.2380 | 0.2205 | 0.7261 | 9.7056 |
样线IV Line IV | 7 | 51 | 75 | 1,432 | 1.0342 | 2.7721 | 2.9751 | 6.7814 | 0.2647 | 0.6891 | 10.1833 |
样线V Line V | 4 | 29 | 38 | 406 | 1.2865 | 2.7218 | 2.9964 | 6.4522 | 0.1207 | 0.8237 | 6.1601 |
样线VI Line VI | 6 | 41 | 55 | 860 | 1.3217 | 2.8347 | 3.0064 | 7.1628 | 0.1814 | 0.7502 | 7.9918 |
蝶类个体数范围中位数的log3N对数级 Log3N level of median number range of butterfly individuals | 蝶类个体数范围(log3N对数级所对应的个体数范围) Butterfly individual number range (individual number range corresponding to log3N level) | 蝶类个体数范围的中位数 Median number range of butterfly individuals | 各对数级所对应的实际蝶类种数 The actual number of butterfly species corresponding to each logarithm level | 各对数级所对应的理论蝶类种数 The number of theoretical butterfly species corresponding to each corresponding level |
0 | 1 | 1 | 25 | 15.8188 |
1 | 2-4 | 3 | 17 | 25.5643 |
2 | 5-13 | 9 | 30 | 30.0000 |
3 | 14-40 | 27 | 23 | 25.5643 |
4 | 41-121 | 81 | 15 | 15.8188 |
5 | 122-364 | 243 | 7 | 7.1078 |
6 | 365-1,093 | 729 | 2 | 2.3191 |
7 | 1,094-3,280 | 2,187 | 1 | 0.5495 |
表4 兴隆山国家级自然保护区蝶类群落种-多度分布
Table 4 The species-abundance distribution of butterflies in the Xinglong Mountains National Nature Reserve
蝶类个体数范围中位数的log3N对数级 Log3N level of median number range of butterfly individuals | 蝶类个体数范围(log3N对数级所对应的个体数范围) Butterfly individual number range (individual number range corresponding to log3N level) | 蝶类个体数范围的中位数 Median number range of butterfly individuals | 各对数级所对应的实际蝶类种数 The actual number of butterfly species corresponding to each logarithm level | 各对数级所对应的理论蝶类种数 The number of theoretical butterfly species corresponding to each corresponding level |
0 | 1 | 1 | 25 | 15.8188 |
1 | 2-4 | 3 | 17 | 25.5643 |
2 | 5-13 | 9 | 30 | 30.0000 |
3 | 14-40 | 27 | 23 | 25.5643 |
4 | 41-121 | 81 | 15 | 15.8188 |
5 | 122-364 | 243 | 7 | 7.1078 |
6 | 365-1,093 | 729 | 2 | 2.3191 |
7 | 1,094-3,280 | 2,187 | 1 | 0.5495 |
样线 Line | Ⅰ | II | III | IV | V | VI |
I | 26 | 45 | 48 | 31 | 44 | |
II | 0.3291 | 27 | 28 | 15 | 25 | |
III | 0.4891 | 0.3600 | 50 | 28 | 43 | |
IV | 0.4948 | 0.3415 | 0.5434 | 27 | 42 | |
V | 0.4026 | 0.2586 | 0.3636 | 0.3140 | 26 | |
VI | 0.5432 | 0.3846 | 0.5443 | 0.4773 | 0.3881 |
表5 不同样线共有蝴蝶种数(对角线上)及相似性系数(对角线下)
Table 5 Common butterfly species in different lines (above the diagonal) and similarity coefficient (below the diagonal)
样线 Line | Ⅰ | II | III | IV | V | VI |
I | 26 | 45 | 48 | 31 | 44 | |
II | 0.3291 | 27 | 28 | 15 | 25 | |
III | 0.4891 | 0.3600 | 50 | 28 | 43 | |
IV | 0.4948 | 0.3415 | 0.5434 | 27 | 42 | |
V | 0.4026 | 0.2586 | 0.3636 | 0.3140 | 26 | |
VI | 0.5432 | 0.3846 | 0.5443 | 0.4773 | 0.3881 |
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