生物多样性 ›› 2016, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (3): 341-350. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2015260
所属专题: 生物入侵
Qianqian Yang, Suwen Liu, Weidong Ru, Guangfu Liu, Xiaoping Yu*()
Yu Xiaoping
外来入侵福寿螺对我国农业生产和水生生态系统平衡等造成严重危害。2010年, 种类鉴定研究首次揭示我国外来入侵福寿螺包括Pomacea canaliculata和P. maculata两个种, 而浙江省仅见P. canaliculata一种报道。P. canaliculata和P. maculata种间形态近似, 且受环境、食物源等因素影响, 同种内外壳形态特征多样, 因而基于形态特征进行种类的准确鉴定极为困难。本研究在采集浙江省7个区县的福寿螺样本的基础上, 利用DNA条形码技术扩增了101个不同个体的COI序列, 并从BOLD数据库下载了“P. canaliculata种团”的5个近缘种的55条COI序列用于分析, 其中包括P. lineata, P. dolioides和P. paludosa所有已发表序列, 以及P. canaliculata和P. maculata的南美洲样品的序列等。序列相似度比对、DNA条形码间隙和系统发育树等分析表明, COI序列可以实现近缘福寿螺的有效鉴别。待测的浙江省福寿螺样品中, 杭州江干区检测到P. canaliculata和P. maculata两种, 而舟山普陀区、绍兴上虞区和新昌县、温州瓯海区及杭州西湖区仅检测到P. canaliculata, 表明P. canaliculata在浙江省具有更广的分布范围。P. canaliculata和P. maculata分别形成4种和2种单倍型, 各区县样点分别包含1-3种单倍型, 浙江省各发生地呈现较低的遗传多样性。依据系统发育关系推测, 浙江省分布的P. canaliculata和P. maculata分别可能来源于阿根廷和巴西。
杨倩倩, 刘苏汶, 茹炜岽, 刘光富, 俞晓平 (2016) 基于DNA条形码技术对浙江省外来入侵福寿螺进行分子鉴定. 生物多样性, 24, 341-350. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2015260.
Qianqian Yang, Suwen Liu, Weidong Ru, Guangfu Liu, Xiaoping Yu (2016) Molecular identification of invasive golden apple snails in Zhejiang Province based on DNA barcoding. Biodiversity Science, 24, 341-350. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2015260.
编号 Code | 采集地点 Locality | 采集环境 Habitat | 采集时间 Time | 数量 No. | GenBank注册号 GenBank accession no. |
ZSPT | 舟山普陀区 Putuo, Zhoushan | 河道 River | 2014年8月 August, 2014 | 31 | KP310330, KP310417, KP310432-KP310435, KP310349- KP310365, KR020946, KR020947, KR020958-KR020961, KR020977, KR020978 |
SXXC | 绍兴新昌县 Xinchang, Shaoxing | 稻田 Paddy field | 2014年10月 October, 2014 | 10 | KR020982, KR020997, KR021015-KR021020, KP310438, KR106989 |
SXSY | 绍兴上虞区 Shangyu, Shaoxing | 稻田 Paddy field | 2015年7月 July, 2015 | 7 | KT693024-KT693030 |
WZOH | 温州瓯海区 Ouhai, Wenzhou | 稻田 Paddy field | 2014年10月 October, 2014 | 13 | KR020970-KR020973, KR020979, KR020981, KR020993, KR021007-KR021010, KR021013, KT692988 |
NBYY | 宁波余姚市 Yuyao, Ningbo | 稻田 Paddy field | 2014年8月 August, 2014 | 5 | KT852725, KT852726, KT852740-KT852742 |
HZXH | 杭州西湖区 Xihu, Hangzhou | 荷塘 Lotus pond | 2015年6月 June, 2015 | 15 | KT693009-KT693023 |
HZACA | 杭州江干区 Jianggan, Hangzhou | 荷塘 Lotus pond | 2015年6月 June, 2015 | 20 | KT692989-KT693008 |
表1 浙江省福寿螺样品采集及COI序列信息表
Table 1 Collection and COI sequence information of apple snail samples from Zhejiang
编号 Code | 采集地点 Locality | 采集环境 Habitat | 采集时间 Time | 数量 No. | GenBank注册号 GenBank accession no. |
ZSPT | 舟山普陀区 Putuo, Zhoushan | 河道 River | 2014年8月 August, 2014 | 31 | KP310330, KP310417, KP310432-KP310435, KP310349- KP310365, KR020946, KR020947, KR020958-KR020961, KR020977, KR020978 |
SXXC | 绍兴新昌县 Xinchang, Shaoxing | 稻田 Paddy field | 2014年10月 October, 2014 | 10 | KR020982, KR020997, KR021015-KR021020, KP310438, KR106989 |
SXSY | 绍兴上虞区 Shangyu, Shaoxing | 稻田 Paddy field | 2015年7月 July, 2015 | 7 | KT693024-KT693030 |
WZOH | 温州瓯海区 Ouhai, Wenzhou | 稻田 Paddy field | 2014年10月 October, 2014 | 13 | KR020970-KR020973, KR020979, KR020981, KR020993, KR021007-KR021010, KR021013, KT692988 |
NBYY | 宁波余姚市 Yuyao, Ningbo | 稻田 Paddy field | 2014年8月 August, 2014 | 5 | KT852725, KT852726, KT852740-KT852742 |
HZXH | 杭州西湖区 Xihu, Hangzhou | 荷塘 Lotus pond | 2015年6月 June, 2015 | 15 | KT693009-KT693023 |
HZACA | 杭州江干区 Jianggan, Hangzhou | 荷塘 Lotus pond | 2015年6月 June, 2015 | 20 | KT692989-KT693008 |
编号 Code | Hap1 | Hap2 | Hap3 | Hap4 | Hap5 | Hap6 |
ZSPT | 7 | 24 | ||||
SXXC | 1 | 9 | ||||
SXSY | 1 | 6 | ||||
WZOH | 9 | 2 | 2 | |||
NBYY | 5 | |||||
HZXH | 6 | 9 | ||||
HZACA | 14 | 5 | 1 | |||
合计 Total | 43 | 2 | 35 | 15 | 5 | 1 |
表2 福寿螺各单倍型的分布数量
Table 2 Distribution of different haplotypes of two apple snail species
编号 Code | Hap1 | Hap2 | Hap3 | Hap4 | Hap5 | Hap6 |
ZSPT | 7 | 24 | ||||
SXXC | 1 | 9 | ||||
SXSY | 1 | 6 | ||||
WZOH | 9 | 2 | 2 | |||
NBYY | 5 | |||||
HZXH | 6 | 9 | ||||
HZACA | 14 | 5 | 1 | |||
合计 Total | 43 | 2 | 35 | 15 | 5 | 1 |
Hap1 | Hap2 | Hap3 | Hap4 | Hap5 | Hap6 | |
Hap1 | 27 | 28 | 28 | 60 | 61 | |
Hap2 | 0.051 | 12 | 1 | 59 | 60 | |
Hap3 | 0.053 | 0.020 | 13 | 57 | 58 | |
Hap4 | 0.053 | 0.002 | 0.022 | 58 | 59 | |
Hap5 | 0.121 | 0.120 | 0.116 | 0.118 | 13 | |
Hap6 | 0.123 | 0.122 | 0.118 | 0.120 | 0.005 |
表3 两种福寿螺P. canaliculata和P. maculata各单倍型间的K2P遗传距离(下三角)及碱基差异数(上三角)
Table 3 K2P genetic distances (below diagonal) and number of nucleotide divergence (above diagonal) among haplotypes of P. canaliculata and P. maculata
Hap1 | Hap2 | Hap3 | Hap4 | Hap5 | Hap6 | |
Hap1 | 27 | 28 | 28 | 60 | 61 | |
Hap2 | 0.051 | 12 | 1 | 59 | 60 | |
Hap3 | 0.053 | 0.020 | 13 | 57 | 58 | |
Hap4 | 0.053 | 0.002 | 0.022 | 58 | 59 | |
Hap5 | 0.121 | 0.120 | 0.116 | 0.118 | 13 | |
Hap6 | 0.123 | 0.122 | 0.118 | 0.120 | 0.005 |
查询序列 Query sequences | BOLD比对种 BOLD species | GenBank序列号 GenBank accession no. | 相似度 Similarity (%) |
Hap1 | P. canaliculata | EF514984 | 100 |
EF513983 | 100 | ||
EF514980 | 100 | ||
Hap2 | P. canaliculata | FJ946822 | 100 |
AB433759 | 100 | ||
AB433765 | 100 | ||
Hap3 | P. canaliculata | AB433771 | 100 |
FJ946824 | 100 | ||
FJ946825 | 99.84 | ||
Hap4 | P. canaliculata | EU528578 | 100 |
AB433762 | 100 | ||
AB433770 | 99.85 | ||
Hap5 | P. maculata* | GU236486 | 100 |
GU236487 | 100 | ||
GU236488 | 100 | ||
Hap6 | P. maculata* | EF514986 | 99.43 |
EU528502 | 99.43 | ||
AB433781 | 99.43 |
表4 自测单倍型序列在BOLD中的比对相似度及鉴定结果
Table 4 Similarity of haplotypes blasted in BOLD and the identification results
查询序列 Query sequences | BOLD比对种 BOLD species | GenBank序列号 GenBank accession no. | 相似度 Similarity (%) |
Hap1 | P. canaliculata | EF514984 | 100 |
EF513983 | 100 | ||
EF514980 | 100 | ||
Hap2 | P. canaliculata | FJ946822 | 100 |
AB433759 | 100 | ||
AB433765 | 100 | ||
Hap3 | P. canaliculata | AB433771 | 100 |
FJ946824 | 100 | ||
FJ946825 | 99.84 | ||
Hap4 | P. canaliculata | EU528578 | 100 |
AB433762 | 100 | ||
AB433770 | 99.85 | ||
Hap5 | P. maculata* | GU236486 | 100 |
GU236487 | 100 | ||
GU236488 | 100 | ||
Hap6 | P. maculata* | EF514986 | 99.43 |
EU528502 | 99.43 | ||
AB433781 | 99.43 |
图1 基于ABGD算法计算的DNA条形码间隙及序列分组方案。COI序列两两比对的K2P距离分布的距离直方图(A)、距离排序分布图(B)以及基于先验种内差异的分区结果(C)。
Fig. 1 DNA barcoding gap and partition strategy through ABGD algorithm. Distributions of K2P distances between each pair of COI sequences, histogram of distance (A), ranked distance (B), and number of partitions obtained for each prior intraspecific divergence (C).
图2 基于福寿螺COI条形码序列的NJ系统发育树(仅显示置信值>60%的序列)
Fig. 2 A neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree based on COI barcode sequences of apple snails. Bootstrap values >60% were showed.
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