生物多样性 ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (9): 1245-1255. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021028
栗冬梅1,*(), 杨卫红2, 李庆多1, 韩茜2, 宋秀平1, 潘虹2, 冯云2,*(
Dongmei Li1,*(), Weihong Yang2, Qingduo Li1, Xi Han2, Xiuping Song1, Hong Pan2, Yun Feng2,*(
Dongmei Li,Yun Feng
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蝙蝠是很多病原微生物的自然宿主, 全球多项研究表明蝙蝠是巴尔通体(Bartonella species)的主要宿主。为了解滇西南地区蝙蝠中巴尔通体的流行特征, 我们于2015-2017年间在云南省4个地区应用网捕法捕获蝙蝠3种305只。经种类鉴定后采集肝脾组织, 提取核酸, 通过TaqMan实时荧光定量PCR方法检测巴尔通体的tmRNA基因ssrA, 并进行测序鉴定和系统发育分析。结果发现172只蝙蝠检出该基因, 总感染率为56.4%; 其中临沧、西双版纳、保山和瑞丽4个采样点的蝙蝠感染率分别为50.0% (22/44)、61.7% (29/47)、62.1% (18/29)和55.7% (103/185)。中菊头蝠(Rhinolophus affinis)、小菊头蝠(R. blythi)和棕果蝠(Rousettus leschenaultii)的感染率分别为50.0% (22/44)、62.1% (18/29)和56.9% (132/232), 差异没有统计学意义(χ2 = 1.135, P = 0.567), 表明巴尔通体在云南当地的蝙蝠种群中高度流行。定量PCR扩增产物2次扩增后测序获得37个巴尔通体ssrA序列, 属于10个系统发育分支, 其中1个为伊丽莎白巴尔通体(B. elizabethae)、特利波契巴尔通体(B. tribocorum)和克拉斯诺夫巴尔通体(B. krasnovii)的近缘种。其余序列与已知巴尔通体距离较远, 与亚洲、欧洲和美洲等其他地域来源于蝙蝠的巴尔通体近缘。遗传多样性分析显示, ssrA基因的核苷酸多样性指数(π)为0.11381 ± 0.00928, 基因型多样性指数(Hd)为0.985 ± 0.010, 形成29个基因型(单倍型), 说明云南蝙蝠巴尔通体具有丰富的遗传多样性。通过对本研究标本与全球相关序列的系统发育网络重建, 分析全球蝙蝠巴尔通体的地理和宿主分布特征, 可以看出巴尔通体与蝙蝠之间存在显著的宿主特异性关联。因此可初步确定蝙蝠-巴尔通体具有协同进化特征, 同时受到地理隔离的影响。
栗冬梅, 杨卫红, 李庆多, 韩茜, 宋秀平, 潘虹, 冯云 (2021) 巴尔通体在滇西南蝙蝠中高度流行并具有丰富的遗传变异特征. 生物多样性, 29, 1245-1255. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021028.
Dongmei Li, Weihong Yang, Qingduo Li, Xi Han, Xiuping Song, Hong Pan, Yun Feng (2021) High prevalence and genetic variation of Bartonella species inhabiting the bats in southwestern Yunnan. Biodiversity Science, 29, 1245-1255. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2021028.
蝙蝠种类 Species of bats | 感染率(阳性数/检测数) Infection rate (positive/detected) | 合计 Total | |||
临沧市 Lincang City | 西双版纳州 Xishuangbanna Prefecture | 保山市 Baoshan City | 德宏州 Dehong Prefecture | ||
中菊头蝠 Rhinolophus affinis | 50.0% (22/44) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 50.0% (22/44) |
小菊头蝠 Rhinolophus blythi | 0 | 0 | 62.1% (18/29) | 0 | 62.1% (18/29) |
棕果蝠 Rousettus leschenaultii | 0 | 61.7% (29/47) | 0 | 55.7% (103/185) | 56.9% (132/232) |
合计 Total | 50.0% (22/44) | 61.7% (29/47) | 62.1% (18/29) | 55.7% (103/185) | 56.4% (172/305) |
表1 不同种类和地理来源的蝙蝠感染巴尔通体的情况
Table 1 Number of species and geographical origins of the bats infected with Bartonella spp.
蝙蝠种类 Species of bats | 感染率(阳性数/检测数) Infection rate (positive/detected) | 合计 Total | |||
临沧市 Lincang City | 西双版纳州 Xishuangbanna Prefecture | 保山市 Baoshan City | 德宏州 Dehong Prefecture | ||
中菊头蝠 Rhinolophus affinis | 50.0% (22/44) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 50.0% (22/44) |
小菊头蝠 Rhinolophus blythi | 0 | 0 | 62.1% (18/29) | 0 | 62.1% (18/29) |
棕果蝠 Rousettus leschenaultii | 0 | 61.7% (29/47) | 0 | 55.7% (103/185) | 56.9% (132/232) |
合计 Total | 50.0% (22/44) | 61.7% (29/47) | 62.1% (18/29) | 55.7% (103/185) | 56.4% (172/305) |
图1 基于蝙蝠标本及巴尔通体参考菌株的ssrA序列构建的贝叶斯系统发育树。蝙蝠种类在系统树中内圈, 以红、蓝和棕色线段表示; 本研究中蝙蝠序列名称用红色字体标识, 同附录3中的标本名称。图中心BSLY、LCZK、BNML和DHRL分别代表保山市隆阳区潞江镇、临沧市镇康县南伞乡、西双版纳州勐腊县瑶区乡和德宏州瑞丽市畹町镇; 图中心Ⅰ-X代表本研究中蝙蝠ssrA序列所在的进化分支; Brucella melitensis CP044985和Rhizobuim sp. NXC24 CP024311为外群。
Fig. 1 Phylogenetic tree highlighting the position of ssrA sequences of Bartonella from bats relative to reference species of Bartonella spp. The bat species in the inner circle of the phylogenetic tree, represented by red, blue, and brown lines; bat sequence names in this study are marked with red font, the same as specimen no. in Appendix 2. BSLY, Lujiang Town, Longyang district, Baoshan City; LCZK, Nansan Town, Zhenkang County, Lincang City; BNML, Yaoqu Town, Mengla County, Xishuangbanna Prefecture; DHRL, Wanding Town, Ruili City, Dehong Prefecture; I-X in the center represent the phylogroups of ssrA sequence from bats in this study, while Brucella melitensis CP044985 and Rhizobuim sp. NXC24 CP024311 are outgroups.
图2 基于本研究蝙蝠标本中巴尔通体ssrA序列构建的中介连接网络图。图中圆饼和其中数字分别代表基因型和个体数量, 直径与个体数量成正比。
Fig. 2 Median-joining network of ssrA genotypes for Bartonella spp. from bat specimens in this study. Genotypes are denoted as pies, in which the numbers are number of individuals, with a size proportional to genotypic frequency.
图3 基于蝙蝠标本和GenBank中巴尔通体ssrA序列构建的邻接网系统发育网络图。网络图中有152个巴尔通体ssrA序列, 其中本研究序列37个, GenBank数据库下载序列115个。 图A和B分别为依据蝙蝠宿主的地理来源和其分类绘制的网络图。
Fig. 3 Phylogenetic network diagram generated from ssrA sequences of Bartonella spp. from bat specimens in this study and GenBank using NeighborNet algorithm. There are 152 ssrA sequences of Bartonella spp. in the network diagram, including 37 sequences in this study and 115 sequences downloaded from the GenBank database. A and B are the networks of bat-borne Bartonella from the globe according to the geographic distributions and the host taxonomy associations.
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