Biodiv Sci ›› 2008, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4): 339-345.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1003.2008.07399

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Genetic structure of Jinhua pig and genetic differentiation of Jinhua pig and Taihu pig breeds based on microsatellite DNA markers

Xiaofeng Zhao1, Junhong Wu1, Ningying Xu1,*(), Xiaoxiang Hu2, Ning Li2   

  1. 1 College of Animal Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029
    2 State Key Laboratory for Agrobiotechnology, China Agriculture University, Beijing 100094
  • Received:2008-01-09 Accepted:2008-05-27 Online:2008-07-20 Published:2008-07-20
  • Contact: Ningying Xu


The genotypes of Jinhua (lines I, II, and III), Shengxianhua, and four Taihu pigs (Jiaxing Black, Middle Meishan, Small Meishan, Erhualian) were investigated using 65 microsatellite DNA markers through fluorescence PCR. Our objectives were to investigate the genetic structure within Jinhua pigs as well as genetic differentiation of Jinhua pigs from the other five breeds. We found a large range of genetic variation in Jinhua pigs. LineIhad the highest average number of effective alleles (Ne = 3.5), followed by LineII (Ne = 2.8), and Line III (Ne = 2.5). The average polymorphism information content (PIC) in each line was above 0.5, with an average observed heterozygosity of 0.381, 0.399, and 0.442, in lines I, II, and III, respectively. Furthermore, a decreasing number of microsatellite loci that deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found in lines I, III, and II, respectively. Inbreeding has occurred to some extent in each of the Jinhua lines. Analyses showed that differentiation between Jinhua lines III and II was relatively small (FST= 0.1883). However, greater differentiation was found between lineIand lines II and III (FST-value 0.3663 and 0.3619, respectively). Moreover, the genetic relationship between Jinhua pigs and Taihu pigs were close. The Taihu pig breed with the smallest differentiation from Jinhua pigs was Middle Meishan, but a high degree of genetic differentiation existed in Shengxianhua pig and each Jinhua line. In conclusion, Jinhua pig has a unique evolution process in terms of the origin and domestication history, which is different from other Zhejiang native breeds.

Key words: Jinhua pig, microsatellite, polymorphism information content, heterozygosity, genetic differentiation