Biodiv Sci ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (11): 23272. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2023272
• Technology and Methodology • Previous Articles Next Articles
Xiaohu Shen1,2,*(), Xiangyu Zhu1, Hongfei Shi2, Chuanzhi Wang3
* E-mail: Xiaohu Shen, Xiangyu Zhu, Hongfei Shi, Chuanzhi Wang. Research progress of birdsong recognition algorithms based on machine learning[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2023, 31(11): 23272.
Fig. 1 Development history of birdsong recognition algorithms. DTW, Dynamic time warping; SVM, Support vector machine; CNN, Convolutional neural networks; DNN, Deep neural network.
文献方法 Literature | 所属类别 Category | 输入 Input | 基础网络 Basic network | 优点 Advantage | 缺点 Disadvantage | 特定问题 Specific issue | ||||||||||||
颜鑫和李应, | 概率模型 Probabilistic model | 抗噪幂归一化倒谱系数 Anti-noise power normalized cepstral coefficients (APNCC) | SVM | 两阶段去噪得到更好的抗噪信息表征 Two-stage denoising for better anti-noise information representation | 滤除部分前景信息, 在纯净条件下识别率下降 Causing a decrease in recognition rate under pure conditions | 环境中的非平稳噪声 Non-stationary noise | ||||||||||||
Joly et al, | 概率模型 Probabilistic model | 梅尔倒谱系数 Mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) | KNN | 采用语义过滤方案过滤了非相关信息 Using semantic filtering to filter out irrelevant information | 弱监督学习容易导致标签噪声 Weak supervised learning can easily lead to label noise | ? | ||||||||||||
Lasseck, | 概率模型 Probabilistic model | 低级描述符 Low-level descriptors (LLDs) | DT | 借助特征关注区域降低了模板匹配时间, 提升了泛用性 By utilizing feature focus areas, template matching time is reduced and universality is improved | 特征选择的过程较为复杂 The process of feature selection is relatively complex | ? | ||||||||||||
杨春勇等, | 概率模型 Probabilistic model | 局部二值模式、方向梯度直方图 Local binary pattern (LBP), histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) | KNN | 鸣声能量谱图边缘特征能较好拟合鸟声信息 The edge features of sound energy spectrum are well fitted with bird sound information | HOG特征维度大, 不利于大规模计算 The large dimensionality of HOG features is not conducive to large-scale computing | ? | ||||||||||||
韩鹏飞和陈晓, | 概率模型 Probabilistic model | 梅尔倒谱系数、翻转梅尔倒谱系数 Mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC), Inverted Mel frequency cepstral coefficient (IMFCC) | GA-SVM | 利用IMFCC表征稀疏的高频部分信息 Using IMFCC to represent sparse high-frequency information | 特征权重具有随机性 The feature weights have randomness | ? | ||||||||||||
Kaewtip et al, | 模板匹配 Template matching | 时频图 Spectrogram | SVM | 利用DTW和高能时频区域获得噪声鲁棒模板 Using DTW and high-energy time-frequency regions to obtain noise-robust templates | 噪声能量导致高能区域被覆盖, 其算法性能会产生退化 Noise energy causes high-energy areas to be covered, resulting in degradation of algorithm performance | 有限训练数据 Limited training data | ||||||||||||
孙斌等, | 模板匹配 Template matching | 最优核时频分布 Adaptive optimal kernel (AOK) | ? | 时频模板特征数据量小可降低匹配计算量 The small amount of feature data in time-frequency templates can reduce the amount of matching computation | 灰度共生法提取特征计算量较大, 算法复杂性高 The gray level co-occurrence method requires a large amount of computation for feature extraction and has high algorithm complexity | ? | ||||||||||||
Gupta et al, | 时间序列 Timing analysis | 时频图 Spectrogram | CNN-LSTM CNN-GRU CNN-LMU | LMU单元使用差异化正交化记忆机制, 提升长时依赖能力并减少了模型参数 The LMU unit uses a differentiated orthogonalization memory mechanism to enhance long-term dependency and reduce model parameters | ? | 大规模鸟类预测 Large scale bird species prediction | ||||||||||||
Qiao et al, | 时间序列 Timing analysis | 时频图 Spectrogram | BiRNN-BiRNN | 无监督序列到序列模型来学习更高层表示, 从而有效获得上下文信息 Unsupervised sequence to sequence model for learning higher-level representations and effectively obtaining effective contextual information | 缺乏合理的缺失值处理机制 Lack of a mechanism for handling missing values | ? | ||||||||||||
Carvalho & Gomes, | 时间序列 Timing analysis | 梅尔倒谱系数、梅尔时 频图 MFCC, Mel spectrogram | LSTM、GRU、CRNN等 | CNN-GRU降低了计算复杂度, 更易收敛 CNN-GRU reduces computational complexity and makes convergence easier | 仍然不能完全解决梯度消失问题 Still unable to completely solve the problem of gradient disappearance | ? | ||||||||||||
文献方法 Literature | 所属类别 Category | 输入 Input | 基础网络 Basic network | 优点 Advantage | 缺点 Disadvantage | 特定问题 Specific issue | ||||||||||||
Lasseck, 2019 | 迁移学习 Transfer learning | 时频图 Spectrogram | Inception ResNet | 采用不同数据增强技术提升了精度与模型泛用性 Utilizing different data augmentation techniques to improve accuracy and model universality | 训练时间长 Learning for more time | 多标签分类问题 Multi- label classification issues | ||||||||||||
Ntalampiras, 2018 | 迁移学习 Transfer learning | 梅尔倒谱系数 MFCC | HMM | 通过音乐分类概率密度分布来获取鸟声分类知识 Obtaining knowledge of bird sound classification through probability density distribution of music classification | 非平稳噪声会导致知识迁移效果差 Non stationary noise leads to poor knowledge transfer performance | 非深度框架的迁移学习 Transfer learning in traditional machine learning frameworks | ||||||||||||
LeBien et al, | 迁移学习 Transfer learning | 时频图 Spectrogram | ResNet50 | 通过假阳性检测训练来整合每个类的相关缺失信息 Integrate relevant missing information for each class by false positive detection training | ? | 跨物种知识迁移 Cross species knowledge transfer | ||||||||||||
谢将剑等, | 数据融合 Data-fusion | 短时傅里叶变换、Mel倒谱变换、线调频小波变换 Short-time Fourier transform (STFT), Mel frequency cepstral transform (MFCT), Chirplet transform (CT) | VGG | 特征加权确保在特征融合下不增加特征维度 Feature weighting ensures that feature dimensions are not added during feature fusion | 未考虑不同语图条件下的模型结构 Model structure without considering different spectrograms | ? | ||||||||||||
Xie et al, 2019 | 数据融合 Data-fusion | 梅尔时频图、谐波谱图、瞬态响应谱图 Mel-spectrogram, Harmonic-component, Percussive- component | VGG | 三种谱图表征了鸟声中的不同成分, 同时分别训练避免不同特征分量间的干扰 Three spectrograms represent different components of birdsong, while training separately to avoid interference between different feature components | 训练效率较低 Low training efficiency | ? | ||||||||||||
Salamon et al, | 数据融合 Data-fusion | 时频图 Spectrogram | SKM、CNN | 充分挖掘了模型对不同特征预测的互补特性 Fully mining the complementary characteristics of the model for predicting different features | 易产生决策结果偏差 Easy to generate deviation in decision results | ? | ||||||||||||
Bold et al, 2019 | 数据融合 Data-fusion | 鸟类图像、时频图 Bird images, spectrograms | CaffeNet | 双流多模态CNN在后期的融合策略使鸟类原始图像成为鸟声识别的有效补充 The dual-stream multimodal CNN fusion strategy in the later stage makes the bird images an effective supplement to bird sound recognition | 融合后数据特征维度过高易导致实时性差、系统性能降低 High dimensionality of fused data features can lead to poor real-time performance and reduced system performance | ? | ||||||||||||
Xie et al, | 数据融合 Data-fusion | MFCC融合特征图 MFCC fusion feature map | DenseNet 121 | 模型空间复杂度较低 Low model space complexity | 训练过度消耗内存, 不适合大规模训练 Excessive memory consumption during training, not suitable for large-scale training | |||||||||||||
Conde et al, | 集成学习 Ensemble learning | 时频图 Spectrogram | ResNeSt-50 EfficientNet DenseNet 121 | 使用多标签来提升鸟类种类的预测概率 Using multi- lables to improve the prediction probability of bird species | 模型堆叠泛用性不高 Low universality of model stacking | 弱监督鸟声分类问题 Weak supervised birdsong classification problem | ||||||||||||
文献方法 Literature | 所属类别 Category | 输入 Input | 基础网络 Basic network | 优点 Advantage | 缺点 Disadvantage | 特定问题 Specific issue | ||||||||||||
Morgan & Braasch, | 度量学习 Metric learning | 时频图 Spectrogram | VGG16 | 分层网络在无标记数据条件下实现显著的性能提升 Layered networks achieve significant performance improvement under unlabeled data conditions | 过多依赖数据假设 Excessive reliance on data assumptions | 开放数据集 Open dataset | ||||||||||||
Acconcjai-oco & Ntalampir-as, | 度量学习 Metric learning | 时频图 Spectrogram | SNN | 同时对未知鸟类与已知鸟类之间的相似性和差异性进行度量 Simultaneously measuring the similarity and difference between unknown and known birds | 训练中对未标记数据的验证增加了算法复杂性 The validation of unlabeled data during training increases algorithm complexity | 开放数据集Open dataset | ||||||||||||
吴科毅等, | 无监督聚类 Unsupervised clustering | 时频图 Spectrogram | VAE | 过零率与能量的辅助判定, 可避免特征提取过程中产生的漏检 Assisted determination of zero crossing rate and energy to avoid missed detections during feature extraction process | 需要推断聚类数量 Need to infer the number of clusters | 多物种鸟鸣混叠音节Mixed syllables of bird songs from multiple species | ||||||||||||
Kahl et al, | 传统深度学习 radition -al deep learning | 时频图 Spectrogram | ResNet-157 | 多标签分类与混合训练提高了识别任务的整体性能 Multi label classification and mixed training improve the overall performance of recognition tasks | 对训练和推理计算能力要求较高 High requirements for training and reasoning and computing abilities | ? |
Table 1 Comparison of typical machine learning based birdsong recognition methods
文献方法 Literature | 所属类别 Category | 输入 Input | 基础网络 Basic network | 优点 Advantage | 缺点 Disadvantage | 特定问题 Specific issue | ||||||||||||
颜鑫和李应, | 概率模型 Probabilistic model | 抗噪幂归一化倒谱系数 Anti-noise power normalized cepstral coefficients (APNCC) | SVM | 两阶段去噪得到更好的抗噪信息表征 Two-stage denoising for better anti-noise information representation | 滤除部分前景信息, 在纯净条件下识别率下降 Causing a decrease in recognition rate under pure conditions | 环境中的非平稳噪声 Non-stationary noise | ||||||||||||
Joly et al, | 概率模型 Probabilistic model | 梅尔倒谱系数 Mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) | KNN | 采用语义过滤方案过滤了非相关信息 Using semantic filtering to filter out irrelevant information | 弱监督学习容易导致标签噪声 Weak supervised learning can easily lead to label noise | ? | ||||||||||||
Lasseck, | 概率模型 Probabilistic model | 低级描述符 Low-level descriptors (LLDs) | DT | 借助特征关注区域降低了模板匹配时间, 提升了泛用性 By utilizing feature focus areas, template matching time is reduced and universality is improved | 特征选择的过程较为复杂 The process of feature selection is relatively complex | ? | ||||||||||||
杨春勇等, | 概率模型 Probabilistic model | 局部二值模式、方向梯度直方图 Local binary pattern (LBP), histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) | KNN | 鸣声能量谱图边缘特征能较好拟合鸟声信息 The edge features of sound energy spectrum are well fitted with bird sound information | HOG特征维度大, 不利于大规模计算 The large dimensionality of HOG features is not conducive to large-scale computing | ? | ||||||||||||
韩鹏飞和陈晓, | 概率模型 Probabilistic model | 梅尔倒谱系数、翻转梅尔倒谱系数 Mel frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC), Inverted Mel frequency cepstral coefficient (IMFCC) | GA-SVM | 利用IMFCC表征稀疏的高频部分信息 Using IMFCC to represent sparse high-frequency information | 特征权重具有随机性 The feature weights have randomness | ? | ||||||||||||
Kaewtip et al, | 模板匹配 Template matching | 时频图 Spectrogram | SVM | 利用DTW和高能时频区域获得噪声鲁棒模板 Using DTW and high-energy time-frequency regions to obtain noise-robust templates | 噪声能量导致高能区域被覆盖, 其算法性能会产生退化 Noise energy causes high-energy areas to be covered, resulting in degradation of algorithm performance | 有限训练数据 Limited training data | ||||||||||||
孙斌等, | 模板匹配 Template matching | 最优核时频分布 Adaptive optimal kernel (AOK) | ? | 时频模板特征数据量小可降低匹配计算量 The small amount of feature data in time-frequency templates can reduce the amount of matching computation | 灰度共生法提取特征计算量较大, 算法复杂性高 The gray level co-occurrence method requires a large amount of computation for feature extraction and has high algorithm complexity | ? | ||||||||||||
Gupta et al, | 时间序列 Timing analysis | 时频图 Spectrogram | CNN-LSTM CNN-GRU CNN-LMU | LMU单元使用差异化正交化记忆机制, 提升长时依赖能力并减少了模型参数 The LMU unit uses a differentiated orthogonalization memory mechanism to enhance long-term dependency and reduce model parameters | ? | 大规模鸟类预测 Large scale bird species prediction | ||||||||||||
Qiao et al, | 时间序列 Timing analysis | 时频图 Spectrogram | BiRNN-BiRNN | 无监督序列到序列模型来学习更高层表示, 从而有效获得上下文信息 Unsupervised sequence to sequence model for learning higher-level representations and effectively obtaining effective contextual information | 缺乏合理的缺失值处理机制 Lack of a mechanism for handling missing values | ? | ||||||||||||
Carvalho & Gomes, | 时间序列 Timing analysis | 梅尔倒谱系数、梅尔时 频图 MFCC, Mel spectrogram | LSTM、GRU、CRNN等 | CNN-GRU降低了计算复杂度, 更易收敛 CNN-GRU reduces computational complexity and makes convergence easier | 仍然不能完全解决梯度消失问题 Still unable to completely solve the problem of gradient disappearance | ? | ||||||||||||
文献方法 Literature | 所属类别 Category | 输入 Input | 基础网络 Basic network | 优点 Advantage | 缺点 Disadvantage | 特定问题 Specific issue | ||||||||||||
Lasseck, 2019 | 迁移学习 Transfer learning | 时频图 Spectrogram | Inception ResNet | 采用不同数据增强技术提升了精度与模型泛用性 Utilizing different data augmentation techniques to improve accuracy and model universality | 训练时间长 Learning for more time | 多标签分类问题 Multi- label classification issues | ||||||||||||
Ntalampiras, 2018 | 迁移学习 Transfer learning | 梅尔倒谱系数 MFCC | HMM | 通过音乐分类概率密度分布来获取鸟声分类知识 Obtaining knowledge of bird sound classification through probability density distribution of music classification | 非平稳噪声会导致知识迁移效果差 Non stationary noise leads to poor knowledge transfer performance | 非深度框架的迁移学习 Transfer learning in traditional machine learning frameworks | ||||||||||||
LeBien et al, | 迁移学习 Transfer learning | 时频图 Spectrogram | ResNet50 | 通过假阳性检测训练来整合每个类的相关缺失信息 Integrate relevant missing information for each class by false positive detection training | ? | 跨物种知识迁移 Cross species knowledge transfer | ||||||||||||
谢将剑等, | 数据融合 Data-fusion | 短时傅里叶变换、Mel倒谱变换、线调频小波变换 Short-time Fourier transform (STFT), Mel frequency cepstral transform (MFCT), Chirplet transform (CT) | VGG | 特征加权确保在特征融合下不增加特征维度 Feature weighting ensures that feature dimensions are not added during feature fusion | 未考虑不同语图条件下的模型结构 Model structure without considering different spectrograms | ? | ||||||||||||
Xie et al, 2019 | 数据融合 Data-fusion | 梅尔时频图、谐波谱图、瞬态响应谱图 Mel-spectrogram, Harmonic-component, Percussive- component | VGG | 三种谱图表征了鸟声中的不同成分, 同时分别训练避免不同特征分量间的干扰 Three spectrograms represent different components of birdsong, while training separately to avoid interference between different feature components | 训练效率较低 Low training efficiency | ? | ||||||||||||
Salamon et al, | 数据融合 Data-fusion | 时频图 Spectrogram | SKM、CNN | 充分挖掘了模型对不同特征预测的互补特性 Fully mining the complementary characteristics of the model for predicting different features | 易产生决策结果偏差 Easy to generate deviation in decision results | ? | ||||||||||||
Bold et al, 2019 | 数据融合 Data-fusion | 鸟类图像、时频图 Bird images, spectrograms | CaffeNet | 双流多模态CNN在后期的融合策略使鸟类原始图像成为鸟声识别的有效补充 The dual-stream multimodal CNN fusion strategy in the later stage makes the bird images an effective supplement to bird sound recognition | 融合后数据特征维度过高易导致实时性差、系统性能降低 High dimensionality of fused data features can lead to poor real-time performance and reduced system performance | ? | ||||||||||||
Xie et al, | 数据融合 Data-fusion | MFCC融合特征图 MFCC fusion feature map | DenseNet 121 | 模型空间复杂度较低 Low model space complexity | 训练过度消耗内存, 不适合大规模训练 Excessive memory consumption during training, not suitable for large-scale training | |||||||||||||
Conde et al, | 集成学习 Ensemble learning | 时频图 Spectrogram | ResNeSt-50 EfficientNet DenseNet 121 | 使用多标签来提升鸟类种类的预测概率 Using multi- lables to improve the prediction probability of bird species | 模型堆叠泛用性不高 Low universality of model stacking | 弱监督鸟声分类问题 Weak supervised birdsong classification problem | ||||||||||||
文献方法 Literature | 所属类别 Category | 输入 Input | 基础网络 Basic network | 优点 Advantage | 缺点 Disadvantage | 特定问题 Specific issue | ||||||||||||
Morgan & Braasch, | 度量学习 Metric learning | 时频图 Spectrogram | VGG16 | 分层网络在无标记数据条件下实现显著的性能提升 Layered networks achieve significant performance improvement under unlabeled data conditions | 过多依赖数据假设 Excessive reliance on data assumptions | 开放数据集 Open dataset | ||||||||||||
Acconcjai-oco & Ntalampir-as, | 度量学习 Metric learning | 时频图 Spectrogram | SNN | 同时对未知鸟类与已知鸟类之间的相似性和差异性进行度量 Simultaneously measuring the similarity and difference between unknown and known birds | 训练中对未标记数据的验证增加了算法复杂性 The validation of unlabeled data during training increases algorithm complexity | 开放数据集Open dataset | ||||||||||||
吴科毅等, | 无监督聚类 Unsupervised clustering | 时频图 Spectrogram | VAE | 过零率与能量的辅助判定, 可避免特征提取过程中产生的漏检 Assisted determination of zero crossing rate and energy to avoid missed detections during feature extraction process | 需要推断聚类数量 Need to infer the number of clusters | 多物种鸟鸣混叠音节Mixed syllables of bird songs from multiple species | ||||||||||||
Kahl et al, | 传统深度学习 radition -al deep learning | 时频图 Spectrogram | ResNet-157 | 多标签分类与混合训练提高了识别任务的整体性能 Multi label classification and mixed training improve the overall performance of recognition tasks | 对训练和推理计算能力要求较高 High requirements for training and reasoning and computing abilities | ? |
方法文献 Literature | 数据增强 Augmentation | 评价标准 Evaluation criteria | 实验结果 Test result (%) | 鸟类种数 Number of bird species | 测试数据集 Test dataset |
韩雪等, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 95.31 | 11 | Macaulay library |
颜鑫和李应, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 94.12 | 34 | Freesound |
Joly et al, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 36.5 | 501 | Xeno-canto |
Zabidi et al, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 94.08 | 10 | Xeno-canto |
吴科毅等, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 89.6 | 10 | 白云山数据集 Baiyunshan dataset |
Kahl et al, | 是 Yes | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 79.1 | 84 | Xeno-canto |
Ntalampiras, 2018 | 是 Yes | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 92.5 | 10 | Xeno-canto |
Lasseck, 2019 | 是 Yes | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 35.6 | 659 | Xeno-canto |
Carvalho & Gomes, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 44.3 | 91 | 自建库 Self-building database |
LeBien et al, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 89.3 | 24 | Elyunk National Forest |
Xie et al, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 96.9 | 10 | Xeno-canto |
孙斌等, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 96.0 | 40 | 自建库 Self-building database |
Salamon et al, | 是 Yes | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 96.0 | 43 | CLO-43DS |
Xie et al, 2019 | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 86.3 | 43 | CLO-43DS |
谢将剑等, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 89.4 | 35 | ICML4B |
Morgan & Braasch, | 否 No | 准确率 Accuracy | 92.4 | 12 | 自建库 Self-building database |
Acconcjaioco & Ntalampiras, | 否 No | 准确率 Accuracy | 97.4 | 6 | Xeno-canto |
Table 2 Comparison of experimental results of birdsong recognition algorithms
方法文献 Literature | 数据增强 Augmentation | 评价标准 Evaluation criteria | 实验结果 Test result (%) | 鸟类种数 Number of bird species | 测试数据集 Test dataset |
韩雪等, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 95.31 | 11 | Macaulay library |
颜鑫和李应, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 94.12 | 34 | Freesound |
Joly et al, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 36.5 | 501 | Xeno-canto |
Zabidi et al, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 94.08 | 10 | Xeno-canto |
吴科毅等, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 89.6 | 10 | 白云山数据集 Baiyunshan dataset |
Kahl et al, | 是 Yes | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 79.1 | 84 | Xeno-canto |
Ntalampiras, 2018 | 是 Yes | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 92.5 | 10 | Xeno-canto |
Lasseck, 2019 | 是 Yes | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 35.6 | 659 | Xeno-canto |
Carvalho & Gomes, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 44.3 | 91 | 自建库 Self-building database |
LeBien et al, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 89.3 | 24 | Elyunk National Forest |
Xie et al, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 96.9 | 10 | Xeno-canto |
孙斌等, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 96.0 | 40 | 自建库 Self-building database |
Salamon et al, | 是 Yes | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 96.0 | 43 | CLO-43DS |
Xie et al, 2019 | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 86.3 | 43 | CLO-43DS |
谢将剑等, | 否 No | 识别平均精度 c-mAP | 89.4 | 35 | ICML4B |
Morgan & Braasch, | 否 No | 准确率 Accuracy | 92.4 | 12 | 自建库 Self-building database |
Acconcjaioco & Ntalampiras, | 否 No | 准确率 Accuracy | 97.4 | 6 | Xeno-canto |
挑战赛 Challenge | 排名 Rank | 采用模型 Network adopted | 评估得分 Scores | 物种数 No. of species | 相关文献 Related literature | 多标签 Multi-label | 备注 Comments |
BirdCLEF2023 | 1 | NFNet/ConvNeXt/ ConvNeXtV2 | c-mAP: 0.7639 | 264 | - | 是 Yes | 集成学习 Ensemble learning |
2 | EfficientNetV2/ ResNet-34/ EfficientNet-B0/ EfficientNet-B3 | c-mAP: 0.7637 | - | 集成学习 Ensemble learning | |||
3 | EfficientNet-B0/ EfficientNetV2 | c-mAP: 0.7631 | - | 集成学习 Ensemble learning | |||
BirdCLEF2022 | 1 | EfficientNet-B3/ NFNet | macro F1: 0.8527 | 113 | - | 是 Yes | 集成学习 Ensemble learning |
2 | ReNeXt50/ EfficientNet-B0/ EfficientNetV2/ NFNet | macro F1: 0.8438 | - | 集成学习 Ensemble learning | |||
BirdCLEF2021 | 1 | ResNeSt | micro averaged F1: 0.6932 | 397 | - | 是 Yes | - |
2 | ResNet-34/ EfficientNetV2 | micro averaged F1: 0.6893 | - | 集成学习 Ensemble learning | |||
3 | ResNet-50/ EfficientNet-B2~B7 | micro averaged F1: 0.6891 | - | 集成学习 Ensemble learning | |||
10 | ResNeSt-50 EfficientNet DenseNet121 | micro averaged F1: 0.6738 | Conde et al, | 集成学习 Ensemble learning | |||
BirdCLEF2020 | 1 | 由NAS定义 Built by NAS | c-mAP: 0.128 | 960 | Voelker et al, 2019 | 是 Yes | - |
2 | Xception | c-mAP: 0.042 | Bai et al, | - | |||
3 | Alexnet | c-mAP: 0.063 | Muhling et al, | - | |||
BirdCLEF2019 | 1 | ResNet/ Inception | c-mAP: 0.356 | 659 | Lasseck, 2019 | 是 Yes | - |
2 | ResNet/ Inception | c-mAP: 0.160 | Koh et al, 2019 | - | |||
3 | Inception-v3 | c-mAP: 0.054 | Bai et al, 2019 | - |
Table 3 Comparison of the results of BirdCLEF in the past five years
挑战赛 Challenge | 排名 Rank | 采用模型 Network adopted | 评估得分 Scores | 物种数 No. of species | 相关文献 Related literature | 多标签 Multi-label | 备注 Comments |
BirdCLEF2023 | 1 | NFNet/ConvNeXt/ ConvNeXtV2 | c-mAP: 0.7639 | 264 | - | 是 Yes | 集成学习 Ensemble learning |
2 | EfficientNetV2/ ResNet-34/ EfficientNet-B0/ EfficientNet-B3 | c-mAP: 0.7637 | - | 集成学习 Ensemble learning | |||
3 | EfficientNet-B0/ EfficientNetV2 | c-mAP: 0.7631 | - | 集成学习 Ensemble learning | |||
BirdCLEF2022 | 1 | EfficientNet-B3/ NFNet | macro F1: 0.8527 | 113 | - | 是 Yes | 集成学习 Ensemble learning |
2 | ReNeXt50/ EfficientNet-B0/ EfficientNetV2/ NFNet | macro F1: 0.8438 | - | 集成学习 Ensemble learning | |||
BirdCLEF2021 | 1 | ResNeSt | micro averaged F1: 0.6932 | 397 | - | 是 Yes | - |
2 | ResNet-34/ EfficientNetV2 | micro averaged F1: 0.6893 | - | 集成学习 Ensemble learning | |||
3 | ResNet-50/ EfficientNet-B2~B7 | micro averaged F1: 0.6891 | - | 集成学习 Ensemble learning | |||
10 | ResNeSt-50 EfficientNet DenseNet121 | micro averaged F1: 0.6738 | Conde et al, | 集成学习 Ensemble learning | |||
BirdCLEF2020 | 1 | 由NAS定义 Built by NAS | c-mAP: 0.128 | 960 | Voelker et al, 2019 | 是 Yes | - |
2 | Xception | c-mAP: 0.042 | Bai et al, | - | |||
3 | Alexnet | c-mAP: 0.063 | Muhling et al, | - | |||
BirdCLEF2019 | 1 | ResNet/ Inception | c-mAP: 0.356 | 659 | Lasseck, 2019 | 是 Yes | - |
2 | ResNet/ Inception | c-mAP: 0.160 | Koh et al, 2019 | - | |||
3 | Inception-v3 | c-mAP: 0.054 | Bai et al, 2019 | - |
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