Biodiv Sci ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (7): 779-786. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2019405
• Original Papers: Plant Diversity • Previous Articles Next Articles
Feng Zhang, Jiahua Zheng, Mengli Zhao*(), Daling Chen, Yang Yang, Jirong Qiao, Tianqi Zhao
Mengli Zhao
Feng Zhang, Jiahua Zheng, Mengli Zhao, Daling Chen, Yang Yang, Jirong Qiao, Tianqi Zhao. Effects of mowing intensity on temporal stability of aboveground biomass in the Stipa grandis steppe[J]. Biodiv Sci, 2020, 28(7): 779-786.
Fig. 1 Aboveground biomass ratio of dominant species (A) and functional groups (B) to total aboveground biomass under different mowing intensity. CK, Control, enclosure and not mowing; LM, Light mowing; MM, Moderate mowing; HM, Heavy mowing. Different letters indicate significant difference; NS, Not significant.
Fig. 2 Temporal stability of community (A), functional groups (B-F), and dominant species (G-J) aboveground biomass under different mowing intensity (n = 9). CK, Control, enclosure and not mowing; LM, Light mowing; MM, Moderate mowing; HM, Heavy mowing; NS, Not significant.
Fig. 3 Asynchrony (A), community resistance (B), mean temporal stability of species (C), and species richness (D) under different mowing intensity. CK, Control, enclosure and not mowing; LM, Light mowing; MM, Moderate mowing; HM, Heavy mowing. Different letters indicate significant difference (n = 9); NS: Not significant.
Fig. 4 Relationships of community temporal stability with asynchrony (A), community resistance (B), species mean temporal stability (C), and species richness (D) (n = 36)
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